• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. S

    Pirates of the Mezzovian Main -- UPDATED May 12th

    This is great Reading this almost better than playing the game. <not quite> That Eladkot is a sick fellow. And the whole Fulcrum thing with Amber is a great tie back to our previous game. Keep up the good work, Hobo. P.S. The teenager got home alright, if late, and I had to play the Parent.
  2. S

    Three year hiatis

    I've just recently returned from a three year hiatis with my group. I attended law school and took th bar (still awaiting results). I'd like to thank the folks I played with before school and who saved me a seat at the game table while I was gone. While I missed most of their AoW campaign, I am...
  3. S

    Characters coming and going (your opinion)

    Having recently been the departing and returning player (dude, law school is Faaar to long), I'm not sure how the story decided the fate of my character. If your guy plans on rejoining your group at some later point, I'd go with the evil twin/doppelganger--magic mirror story since your player...
  4. S

    Pirates of the Mezzovian Main -- UPDATED May 12th

    Update already Hobo, you're on the second page already. Time to update and tell us all about that eye scooping and slave sacrifice. Alright -- I just want to read about what my character did. Stockdale
  5. S

    So what is your favorite module, ever?

    This has got to be broken down into old/new school: Old School: S3 Barrier Peaks U1 Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh (and still plays good today with my kids) New School: Gorgaland's Gauntlet (some Dungeon CD) The Burning Plague (Wizard's freebee)
  6. S

    Have you given your kids fantasy names?

    We got all crazy and named our boys --- Sam and Pete. Uriah was a name in the mix, but that was biblical. I wouldn't strap a kid with a name that would subject them to the brutality of the school yard or that may impact a later professional career. (Hi, this is my banker, Bilbo Smith). Stockdale
  7. S

    Improved Familiar, et al. Feat

    Negotiate with our GM. I have been successful with this approach. It seems illogical that a 1st level spellcaster has muffy the toad and a 12th level wizard, still, has Muffy the Toad. This realisticlly aught to scale as well as a matter of grace. For example, a new driver starts out with a...
  8. S

    Quintessential but obscure 80s movies...?

    Suburbia (1984) and throw another vote for Near Dark. Flims I couldn't get through high school without. stockdale
  9. S

    D&D with a twist

    What a great game this was/is! I don't know who'd want to play in a game like this! ;) As fun as it sounds, it was a lot of fun to play. The use of insanity and the conversion of real to subdual damage through armor made otherwise less effective characters (and I don't think there were any...
  10. S

    Anyone read Robert Adams Horseclans books?

    JD - I read them many years back and recall that the books were entertaining. I mean their not Joyce or anything but their pretty good. If nothing else the cover at was good - Ken Kelly - I think - did covers for the Stones, Man-O-War Kiss, a few Andre' Norton books. Overall, as I recall, a...
  11. S

    DARK•HERITAGE -- 16 installments to date, updated April 20th

    I don't know about that . Roshambo needs to rest and recouperate as does Broj's gunslinger. Konrad is getting a little tired of playing nursemaid to the two of you.
  12. S

    Can you help me find some special dice?

    Broj - I understand you asked re: d10, but I have a d6 hit location die you can use in a pinch.
  13. S

    Detroit ENworld Gameday - June 11th

    Wow - a new location with a cover charge. A change of venue is a good idea and considering the rumors regarding continue use at Pandemonium, $2 is pretty reasonable. Unfortunately, I will not be able to get out there either to run or play. I hope you all have fun and look forward to hearing...
  14. S

    Do you let your young one watch horror movies?

    This is such a touchy subject, I can't help but post. I am in the process of raising three little horror movie junkies - ages 12, 5 and 3. With respect to my littlest two - a good Vincent Price or Godzilla is about as graphic as it gets (well Jurrasic gets tossed in too), but there is a too...
  15. S

    How to become a lich?

    Check out Goodman Games' Complete Guide to Liches. It provides a lich Prc and details two 5th level (as I recall) spells that are integral to the process of becoming a lich. BTW, this PrC provides an interesting alternative to the llich progression template promulgated on WOTC website in the...
  16. S

    Gaming and Friendship (for DM's)

    Like Teflon Billy, I agree with AlishO's (sp) comment. Gaming in my group is a social activity. About 50% of it is spent gaming, the rest is spent BSing. Life's too short to sepnd with people you dont like.
  17. S

    What d20 books do you find invaluable?

    FFG makes the books I use most aside from the core books. * Spells & Spellcraft (FFG) - hands down the most used book non-core book I own. I've used the familiar rules, construct rules, spells, This is just a great book. * Sorcery & Steam (FFG) - yep, its got a broken spine. Cool classes...
  18. S

    Ring Of Freedom of Movement?

    The ring of freedom of movement (or whatever its called) was in the 3E DMG. Only DMG I currently own and I just looked at it recently.
  19. S

    Metamagic Feat to Make Single Target into Burst

    I seem to recall having read something like recent inone of the freely available netbooks - Netbook of Feats or Gryphon's 3ed Feats. try those. Sorry I don't have a link for you.
  20. S

    What's the best you've ever gotten for your buck in gaming products?

    Aside from the core books, which always get used, and ignoring the pre-3x stuff, which saw years of use, my most used stuff is ... 1. Dungeon mag (amazing cost to value ratio) 2. Spells & Spellcraft (I paid full price for this, but use almost every session) 3. School of Evocation (I paid $5 for...