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Search results

  1. Moon-Lancer

    First appearance of studded leather armor

    did the first version of D&D contain studded leather armor? Did studded leather armor appear in any game before that? Thanks for the help.
  2. Moon-Lancer

    Messina a fantasy webcomic

    Hello. I am currently working on a fantasy webcomic. While it wont have such obvious references to d&d such as order of the stick, it will have them. I will be posting some of my favorite pages here. Hopefully some you crazy enworlders will become readers here is a link to the web comic Messina
  3. Moon-Lancer

    Are all elements balanced with eachother?

    In regards to wizards is it balanced to allow their spells to be any type the player wants as long as its picked when the character learns the spell? My problem is the 4e is a bleak list of spells for someone who wants to specialize (unless its ice) Are the ice feats balance to allow it to...
  4. Moon-Lancer

    Questions about the GSL

    I have a few questions for the Rouse and the Wizards team 1: It says in the SRD that the terms outlined cannot be redefined. Lets say I come up with a new race and I publish a book with that race. Later the srd gets an update, and the race that i published by coincidence gets put into the...
  5. Moon-Lancer

    knowledge Checks Broken?

    I was wondering if someone could explain to me knowledge checks. On page 180, on the table that says Level of Knowledge, It says Paragon tier +10 and Epic tier +15. Does this mean the dc for all checks go up by +10? if thats the case is it not more likely that one will have a harder time...
  6. Moon-Lancer

    Paragon Path Powers+Class Powers?

    Do Paragon Paths give you extra powers that add to your total usable powers per a day, or do they give access to powers you can replace with the powers you already have?
  7. Moon-Lancer

    Basic ranged attack icon?

    so i noticed that the ranged attack icon with the circle around it, was missing, so I went and took the circle from the melee version and added it to the bow. the image may not be perfect the first time. Let me know if anything more can be done.
  8. Moon-Lancer

    Versatile Weapons and Power Attack

    do versatile weapons count as two handed weapons for power attack and other feats? The raw seems to indicate no, but my intuition and instincts or maybe just my desire says they should.
  9. Moon-Lancer

    Balanceing Cohorts in 4e

    Now I know 4e wont have cohorts, or at least i'm pretty sure it wont. But I was wondering, How would you go about making them balanced in 4e allowing them to have hero classes while still keeping in tune with the economy of actions? What if the cohort was a monster that was a mount? would it be...
  10. Moon-Lancer

    Druid Archer help

    So after next game our group will have finished red hand and I will be a player again, YAY!!!!. I was thinking of being a druid archer who uses the unearthed arcana Variant that gives up wildshape, Armor and Shields for Monk armor and speed, and favored enemy like a ranger along with track...
  11. Moon-Lancer

    Bo9s General Questions -title changed-

    I am trying to understand prerqs for Maneuvers in bo9s. It seems to be that one can get strike of perfect clarity at level 9 with a warblade. Am I wrong? What am I missing? This seems very strong for A level 9 Character. I have seen the comparisons of high level barbarians and warblades, and i...
  12. Moon-Lancer

    D&D 4E Druids and Eberron 4e

    So i was thinking, Druids have a pretty strong role in Eberron when not doing city campaigns. I wonder if A: Druids make the player handbook cut B: Druids do not make the phb cut and instead are introduced in Eberron C: Eberron as a setting will change if druids are not in the phb and then...
  13. Moon-Lancer

    Red Hand of Doom: help for a dm?

    Im making this thread so i may ask questions of those who have already experienced hand of doom. If their is a better thread to ask such questions, please point it out. my question is in the spoiler I have read alot of this book over, and one thing i don't understand (or i missed) is how do...
  14. Moon-Lancer

    my what a dashing entrance.

    my what a dashing entrance. not quite what I expected. wotc website seems to have crashed.
  15. Moon-Lancer

    get animel companion as a feat?

    I vaguely remember a feat that let you get a animel companion like a ranger. Does anyone know about this feat or were it would be?
  16. Moon-Lancer

    Egyptian cat minitures... LOST.

    So I diden't know quite the place to ask this question, so here it goes. I while back i was browsing the internet for some minis to use in d&d and i came across these really awesome anthropomorphic cat miniatures. They had a very nice Egyptian feel to them. So i book marked the page. ...
  17. Moon-Lancer

    whirlwind attack: one roll or multiple rolls

    When making a whirlwind attack, does one role the a single attack that applies to all targets, or does one get multiple attacks, but a single attack for each target.
  18. Moon-Lancer

    Is thier a feat to get an animal companion?

    I remember a feat that lets you get a animal companion like a ranger. Does anyone else remember this feat or did I imagine it?
  19. Moon-Lancer

    Tome of battle Poll

    Yup, you know what to do.
  20. Moon-Lancer

    spell casting and prestage classes

    Ok, this is really embarrassing, but i had not thought of it until now, or maybe its just late. If I take 5 levels of wizard and then 10 levels of a prc, what happens when i go back into wizard? Does my casting progress as if I were a 15th level caster, or does it progress as if it were 5th...