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  1. T

    "Second Son of a Second Son" - An Aquerra Story Hour (*finally* Updated 04/19)

    Neither I nor TK wanted to duel, but once TK believed his name would be mud if he didn't accept, he felt he had no choice, if for no other reason than to avoid the scorn of his father.
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    "Second Son of a Second Son" - An Aquerra Story Hour (*finally* Updated 04/19)

    That was actually awesome. The player uses a deep, brook-no-argument voice that is pretty loud to start with and this came out like a real bellow that silenced the rest of the table. Alas, it had no impact on Laarus. Fist-to-face negotiations had to take care of that. ;)
  3. T

    Historical-based 4e games

    If I may speak for another poster for a moment, I think he or she is saying that most attacks done by these classes in most fights (unless there are a lot of Warlords in the party or a high incidence of opportunity attacks) have a magical effect in adition to the attack, thus making them more...
  4. T

    Embarrasingly-- I'm not sure I grasp 1[W]+Str

    1[w] means roll the damage for the weapon, no modifiers. 4[w] means roll the weapon damage 4 times, and add it together, no other bonus.
  5. T

    Spellbook questions

    I re-read this and wanted to comment specifically on this. In your scenario you are absolutely right. However, I can make plenty of other scenarios where the wizard has an equal shot due to the specfic circumstances the PCs are in. Perhaps the wizard is more screwed but I doubt the...
  6. T

    Spellbook questions

    I think you can argue it either way. Does it say in the rules, the wizard cannot re-write his spells in a new book if he loses the old. If it doesn't say that, then in your example above, the wizard would spend 5 more gold than the fighter for a new spellbook and then spend a couple more days...
  7. T

    Spellbook questions

    I am going to stick to my comparison of spellbook to fighter or paladin armor. In these examples, the classes have more power flexability than the wizard, but I think they have almost no chance of fulfilling their intended role of defender until they replace their lost armor with something...
  8. T

    Spellbook questions

    Unfair in what context? If they have their spells lost forever, that is really harsh. I would think once they bought a new book, they could then over time scribe their spells and rituals from memory (or for more "realism" with the help of another wizard, arcane library, etc.). In the case of...
  9. T

    D&D 4E 4e's Inorganic Loot System: Yay or Nay?

    This is an observation rather than useful to anyone. ;) My D&D groups going back to late 2e (prior to this the games I played in had more magic), that I have enjoyed have all been quite low magic. I even ran a Forgotten Realms game that was pretty low-magic (obviously it stopped being the...
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    How well does ENWorld represent gamers at large?

    All in my game group are registered expect one player. A lot of them joined to comment on the Story Hour being done for the games we play in.
  11. T

    Help Finding Two-Hander Damage Bonus

    Ha! Thanks for the clarification.
  12. T

    Help Finding Two-Hander Damage Bonus

    I saw that but thought it said "does extra damage" rather than "adds +1 to damage" or something more sprecfic. I might have missed it though. I will check when I get home. Thanks.
  13. T

    Help Finding Two-Hander Damage Bonus

    Fear? How do you mean? Are there 2-handed powers under fighters that damage opponents with fear/intimidate or whatever? I saw that mentioned somewhere, looked at the skill descriptions and was confused. As we are starting the one-off at 1st level I have not gotten past 2nd level utilities and such.
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    Help Finding Two-Hander Damage Bonus

    Hello- I am going to be running a 4e one-off for my game group (we are in the 8th year, 2nd campaign of our longest consecutive play in a home-brew world 20 years old) and I have been having a lot of fun converting old characters from this gameworld into the new system. The issue I am having...
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    "Second Son of a Second Son" - An Aquerra Story Hour (*finally* Updated 04/19)

    We need to waterboard our goblins for now on. I might chip a nail.
  16. T

    2nd slot - The Festival of Dreams - Sat (7-11 pm) - CANCELED

    I am one of the frogs friends and I would love to try this out. Edit: Are we making our own characters before hand?
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    "Second Son of a Second Son" - An Aquerra Story Hour (*finally* Updated 04/19)

    I completely love this stuff as I keep saying. I would feel bad if all our acting is deflating the hack and slash fun factor. No I wouldn't. Great fun!
  18. T

    "Second Son of a Second Son" - An Aquerra Story Hour (*finally* Updated 04/19)

    That was a ridiculous waste of time. For those dying to know everything about the characters, Telie wanted to inform Markosk that he is going to ignore him when he is being an a-hole, but that Markos should, in turn, let Telie know when he is insulting Markos since Telie had not been able to...
  19. T

    "Second Son of a Second Son" - An Aquerra Story Hour (*finally* Updated 04/19)

    I just caught up on Bleys' musings. I think his inner voice fits perfectly. I think the inner voice is different in the outer only in that when Bleys thinks there is context and explanation. When he speaks, there are no wasted words and sometimes not enough of them to convey why he says the...
  20. T

    "Second Son of a Second Son" - Bleys' Journal

    When's the next one? Great stuff.