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Search results

  1. U

    "What do you get when you cross the Tarrasque with a flumph?? "

    Sorry, no punch line. ;) Instead, I will answer that question and others in a thread inspired by Blackdirge and BOZ, among others. I recently purchased Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary and I love it. The very first template in the book, the Amalgam Creature, gave me the idea. Simply put...
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    I don't want to break any laws.....

    I have an idea for a homebrew thread that utilizes templates from various companies' monster books, but I don't know what I'm allowed to post....whether or not any of it would be proprietary, etc..... I don't want to step on anyone's toes. Specifically, I'd like to use the Amalgam template...
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    My Guilty Pleasure: DEATHLANDS/OUTLANDERS series by James Axler

    I realize they're not going to win any Pulitzers, but I have nearly every book in each series, and am working my way through them. To me, they're escapist post-apocalyptic fun. There are over 60 books in the DEATHLANDS series, and over 30 in the spinoff OUTLANDERS series. Does anyone else...
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    After a long hiatus....

    I've finally returned to gaming after an involuntary absence of nearly 2 years. Occasionally I would crack open my books, but life would always get in the way (namely marriage and a new baby). I'm back DMing a mid-level run with coworkers on a biweekly basis, and I'm not sure whether I want to...
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    1001 Things on my d20 Holiday Wish List

    Dear Santa/Yahweh/Allah/Shiva/Cthulhu, etc..... I have been a very good gamer this year. I have loved my dice and reqularly clean them with a soft chamois I have strictly adhered to my alignment I have only argued with my DM when he was obviously wrong I have created many kewl taglines for my...
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    Monster-By-Poll #3

    Come one! Come all! The latest Creature Catalog Monster Concept Poll is up! Click HERE to vote. It only takes about 10 seconds, so what are you waiting for?? This time we've all tossed out ideas for an 8-10 HD Chaotic Neutral Aberration. For detailed descriptions of each concept, click...
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    Monster By Poll #3

    A great tradition in Monster Creation continues over on the Creature Catalog forum. We're just beginning to take suggestions for Monster #3 and we need 3 more ideas to round out the slate of ten to vote on. If you have no clue what Monsters By Poll is, click HERE to learn more. Check out...
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    Alcohol and D&D

    Have you ever downed a few too many while gaming and regretted it the next day? Let's hear some incidents where you may have had a lapse of gaming judgment due to a few too many mugs of dwarven spirits.
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    There once was an Orc with a Pie....

    I posted this on another thread....and, after seeing Teflon Billy's Haiku Contest, I was inspired to start a similar thread for D&D Limericks ( sans prizes...sorry :( ). Here's my submission. There once was a Demon named Orcus whose minions would never call him "Your Dorkness". He was known...
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    [Rant] The D&D Serial Killer Connection?

    This evening I made the mistake of watching the self-proclaimed experts on CNN. Connie Chung was discussing the Sniper killings on the East Coast with a "Violent Crime Profiler". When asked what characteristics the sniper would have, the profiler stated that, among other things (such as being...
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    HELP! Good miniature sites??

    I've never been that much into minis....usually just use cardboard counters, but I finally decided to give my players a present in the next month or so by getting each of them one. My local game store is pretty small, and I live out in the barren wasteland of SW Arizona, so I'll need to buy...
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    Bizarre D&D Translations

    Okay, It looks like I got a pretty decent response to my thread about Translated Core Rule Books. It sort of morphed into a thread about bizarre literal translations of names of character classes and monsters. .....which I found very amusing :D So, all you international gamers out there...
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    Thoughts on ELH, Epic Monsters, etc...

    I finally bought the ELH a couple of days ago (that $39.95 price tag was the only thing that held me back so long) and I have a few thoughts: IMHO, they should update the Tarrasque and make it an Epic Level Monster. It has always had the reputation as being one of the toughest, if not the...
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    [OT-Rant] What is UP with Talon Comics??

    A couple of months ago, on the advice of a number of people who frequent these boards, I ordered some Dungeon back issues from Talon Comics. I have yet to receive them. I realize his wife was sick, and that's understandable, but he contacted me over a month ago, apologized for the delay and...
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    Core Books in other languages??

    This may be a dumb question. Not that I need them, but I was wondering if WoTC had published the Core Books in any language besides English. If so, what languages?? And where can they be purchased?? I heard that the Kalamar Setting was just published in German....have any other d20...
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    Monster Form Template Doc??

    I seem to remember seeing this somewhere a while back but I can't seem to find it any more. To be specific, I'm looking for the RTF document that had the headings and subheadings with which to create a monster (I thought it was on the Creature Collection site. I hope I'm being clear... What...
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    D&D Synonyms

    Ok, this may be a weird request.... I'm getting really tired of using the same terms for naming locales and rulers in my campaign. My imagination has run dry. I also want to be a tad original when creating my submissions to Dungeon and various d20 companies. What other words are there for...
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    Setting Search Ponderings

    I need my Setting Search fix.... Over the past few weeks, I wondered about the chances of various contest outcomes: The number of quality submissions is so high that they ask 20+ people to submit a 10-pager On a similar vein, the 10 page submissions are so good that they ask 5-7 people to...
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    Converted Campaign settings I'd like to see...

    This is utterly wishful, but I've been thinking about what novels/series I'd like to see as a d20 campaign setting, namely.... Brian Lumley's Necroscope series (especially the Vampire World) China Mieville's Perdido Street Station and The Scar Neil Gaiman's Small Gods Thieves' World The Anita...
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    d20 Modern Setting ideas

    If someone (such as yours truly) has an idea for a killer d20 Modern setting (when it finally comes out), how would that individual find anyone to submit a product proposal? Or, maybe the better question would be, whom should that person contact?