• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Irysangel

    [OT] Anyone here a/was a car salesmen?

    If you want to try sales.... I suggest you check out www.paychex.com I work for Paychex (on operations, of course). It's a great company, the sales team is commission based ( for the most part) but they all absolutely love what they do. And it's a product you won't feel dirty shmoozing to...
  2. Irysangel

    MMII in DFW????

    Did you check Lone Star comics and games? They have a location in Irving, 2 in Arlington (I think, still) and I forget where the rest are. I think even some of the local Game Stops (and B&N) carry D&D stuff. I know I saw gaming guides at the B&N in Las Colinas just yesterday, though I didn't...
  3. Irysangel

    RPG purchases you know you'll never use

    I might be the only person in creation that has.... The Elfquest RPG put out by Chaosium! And sadly, nobody ever wanted to play wif me.....
  4. Irysangel

    Pick a charity!

    Why think huge? Why not some of the smaller charities that probably don't get as much donation money as the Salvation Army or Red Cross? http://www.toysfortots.org/ http://www.kiddskids.com/ Just a thought.
  5. Irysangel

    Merged WotC setting search winners/losers thread

    Hey, is it just me.... Or are there quite a few suggestions about a 'dream' type campaign? It's an area I never thought of looking into before. Kinda like Nightmare on Elm Street meets Mazes and Monsters.... Cool!
  6. Irysangel

    My problem with Monte Cook...

    In my job, I handle the payroll of several different corporations (some very large, some small). The majority of CEO's and such take a paycut, skip taking a check at all, etc, before letting someone go. It's easier to cut the flow of cash into your own pocket for a few weeks while money is...
  7. Irysangel

    Merged WotC setting search winners/losers thread

    Hey I feel *exactly* the same way. I'm kinda relieved I didn't win, because I've been tossing and turning my submission (which was my original novel synopsis) because now I see so many different things I'd do with it. It's gotten me all fired up and rarin' to go on my novel again, and my story...
  8. Irysangel

    Contests suck! That means YOU WotC (Just kidding, please pick me)

    Well, not really. :) Just incredibly annoyed at the moment that another day has passed with hearing nothing. ;) I swear I don't know why it bothers me so much. I *know* that I wasn't picked. We probably won't even know WHO was picked. Nor will we receive a real honest to goodness rejection...
  9. Irysangel

    Who am I?

    Me Not that anyone cares. Girl. Gamer. 25. D&D, M:TG, EQ, LARP, DM, Avid Reader (Fantasy,Sci Fi & Comics).Writer. Career--Accounting/Payroll/Human Resources Long Hair. Short Temper. Giggly. Boyfriend & Cat. Cleric! Name is a conglomeration of my EQ character's first & last name.
  10. Irysangel

    WotC Settings Search update

    Shameless bump Who's thinking they won't actually post results today? ;) I know I am!
  11. Irysangel

    Mood music & FR

    Depends on if you want singing or not... If you want singing, I'd recommend anything by Loreena McKennit or Clannad, maybe even Enya's Celts album. No singing, go for the LotR soundtrack, the Last of the Mohicans soundtrack, Dances with Wolves, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, Conan, Gladiator...
  12. Irysangel


    So what time zone is it in Portland right now? ;) Ten bucks says they post something on the WoTC webpage at 5 minutes until 5 pm. And then run out the door for the long weekend. ;) Hopefully the outrage will have died down by the time Tuesday rolls around. ;) Seriously, has anyone heard...
  13. Irysangel

    LARP Video

    I think that's Amtgard. I'd know cause I played for several years. As for if you should play or not.....ask yourself the following quiz: 1. Do I mind people using drugs around me? 2. Drinking? 3. Do I really mind casual sex and a general state of debauchery? 4. Am I able to stand up to a...
  14. Irysangel

    Rennaisance Faires

    Is it made of polyester? If so, you paid too much.
  15. Irysangel

    Game Shops in Rochester NY?

    Woot! Going to Rochester in about a month's time for job training (hello, Paychex!) and definitely plan on stopping at the game stores. Last time I was in Rochester I even stopped at that mall in Henrietta and didn't see the gaming store. Maybe it won't be so bad after all! ;)
  16. Irysangel

    Read #4750 last night

    Question of the Day! Since we're obsessing as the end of August draws nigh.... To quote the Wizards.com webpage: "...we will be notifying by the end of August those people who will be asked to go on to the second round of proposals." Now, does this mean that they are only notifying those...
  17. Irysangel

    Read #4750 last night

    But if you think about it.... Exploring ruins of old crumbling cities and finding lost treasure is one of the staples of D&D. I think that's why there are so many 'post-apocalyptic' flavored worlds out there, and why I think there's room for more. After all, I would find it very dull if my DM...
  18. Irysangel

    [OT] Egypt book suggestions

    Don't know about fighting styles... But look up Pauline Gedge, as she does a slew of fiction books based on Egypt. It honestly depends on which kingdom you are searching for. Old Kingdom? Middle? New? Hyksos Invasion? Post-Rome?
  19. Irysangel

    re: post you picture

    Foam weapons aren't so original. Tons of LARPs use them. :) I used to be very big into Amtgard for several years, and had an entire arsenal made out of Funnoodle.
  20. Irysangel

    re: post you picture

    I hate these yet always feel curiously compelled to share. So here I am. Oopsie. Edit. Working now.