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Search results

  1. commando cody

    Todd Lockwood has chosen the WINNER! And finished the drawing!!

    congrats to missy krail....... i know i will be waiting to see todd lockwoods version of her, and i know that the drawing will be hung in a place of honor in the Stromqusim hall of heroes...... at a girl krail i knew you would pull it off........
  2. commando cody

    Heathen Oracle needs another Painter

    i wouldnt mind doing some work for them, but sadly i am booked up thru the end of august and possiblily longer than that. is this a paying gig? .... anyway please check out my website...... www.thomasfloyd.com ...... thanks
  3. commando cody

    Pulpy Pulperson and the Poly Update

    yep, from what i have seen so far on lists and emails, most people that like the pulp heroes game as sticking to it..... i believe tim hartin of the best pulp heroes site around .... http://www.paratime.ca/d20/pulp/ ..... is sticking to the old version, so at least there is some support for it...
  4. commando cody

    Todd Lockwood chooses his 10 Favorite Characters...and requests a Poll!

    go krail go......you go girl, would love to see mr. lockwood draw you......
  5. commando cody

    Barsoom d20 --- something is not right here

    JPL - thanks, i would have liked doing the art for a john carter / mars game......and again thanks for visiting my site and looking around....... i am going to attend the Dum-Dum (burroughs convention in louisville ky) over the weekend of labor day this year , so i will bring up the...
  6. commando cody

    Barsoom d20 --- something is not right here

    burroughs game I have heard of this game, and thought all the things everyone is thinking...... then one day as i was reading mail on the burroughs email list i am on this guy posts for playtesters........ i tried to volunteer, so i could see what the game was like for my group of gamers i am...
  7. commando cody

    [Pulp Heroes] Thrilling Adventures Update

    tim, as always great stuff and keep those updates coming our way.......... thanks
  8. commando cody

    [CoC Prop?] A Page from a Cthulhu Tome

    that is ace, tim tim where did you get that recording of at the moutains of madness....... you just made my day by being able to listen to it..........
  9. commando cody

    poison gas rules suggestions?

    more gasssssssss scott and krail.......thanks alot for all the great suggestions........i am working on a set of standards for gases........and will check out the supplement -*Veritas, Vigilantia, Necessitas* , as a matter of fact i started reading the Deeds not Words rules last night, having...
  10. commando cody

    poison gas rules suggestions?

    actually in all forms of gas........ my game is a pulp/serial 1930's type.......right now some of the party is trapped in a lost world adventure and the others are returning to chicago , but i am interested in rules for all kinds of gas......from volcanic to the gas pens of the 40's, and from...
  11. commando cody

    poison gas rules suggestions?

    thanks for the heads up........had thought about using it as regular posion or a sleep spell.......just thought maybe someone had actually thought about gases with all the superhero, pulp, modern types of game around........
  12. commando cody

    poison gas rules suggestions?

    I havent checked d20 modern yet, but i am trying to run a pulp/serial kind of adventure and need some good poison - sleep - knockout gas type rules......that work .........
  13. commando cody

    (Mongoose) Licences and RPGs

    no no.....please no.....not waterworld...... eeegods no..........i typed....." Riverworld" my the powers save us if it is waterworld, which has no connection to anything that i know of , at least in this dimension..... ha
  14. commando cody

    (Mongoose) Licences and RPGs

    tenuous link......phillip farmer? who has written some tarzan things and an opar series......... maybe......thinking and dont know about the tv series thing mentioned in other posts......but sci fi channel is making a movie of......... "Riverworld"............ so that would be my next...
  15. commando cody

    (Mongoose) Licences and RPGs

    well if it is an anal link between the unknown game and barsoom........ i might have to guess " Pellucidar"......... do i get the prize.........
  16. commando cody

    Let's see your self portrait.

    PA..........well you can hate for whatever reason you like........i do appreciate the compliment, but i prefer to think of other artists qualities as 'different' not really better or worse..........i see people all the time getting work that i dont quite think are the style or quality i would...
  17. commando cody

    revamped illustration website

    many thanks many thanks to you for visiting my site and checking out the works there..... well malessa it depends on the painting vs. time thing........i started and completed a painting this weekend for one of my sons for christmas......spent about 30 hours on it all i guess from sketch to...
  18. commando cody

    Let's see your self portrait.

    thanks Guillaume........that is what i tell people too........especially when they want art too fast or wonder how long it took to paint something.......... takes years, to learn, i say..........ha the masked pencil is an old character of mine........and the painting was done at a clinic that...
  19. commando cody

    Let's see your self portrait.

    might as well let people know how i appear too....... dont hate me because i am old.....ha http://www.thomasfloyd.com/painting2.html
  20. commando cody

    revamped illustration website

    also reply here if you like about any of the art........thanks again