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  1. S

    One System To Rule Them All!

    Torg I voted for GURPS, but I would like to mention tri-Stat dx is a generic system. Also, Torg while not marketed as a generic system, is in all actuality, a multi-genre system, so I think it would qualify. Counting Torg, it would be a tie between Torg and GURPS for me. I also think M&M...
  2. S

    How long have you been a DM?

    Been GMing 27+ years, give or take a little. Used to cross Picket lines to buy my D&D stuff. Bought Traveller when it first came out in the little black box. We used to use some rules out of Chainmail for combats. I remember when the DM's Guide was new.... George
  3. S

    Ending of a D&D Campaign

    Thanks, yes, I found it very satisfactory as an old-timer GM to actually complete a long running campaign and have a story actually wrap-up. I didn't hurt to tell the players that these characters could come back ina future campaign, or may appear in "guest spots" for future games of mine. The...
  4. S

    Ending of a D&D Campaign

    I just wanted to say I ran the last session of my 5 (or maybe 6?) year running D&D Campaign. We played the 8 modules by Wizards that srted with Sunless Citadel and ended with Bastion of Broken Souls. Two of the PC's that started in the campaign at first level actually made it to the end! I...
  5. S

    GURPS-Share your thoughts

    Ghostbusters Okay, to be honest, I only ran and played (and still have my copy of) the first edition of the Ghostbusters game, though I'm pretty sure this is an early rendition of D6. Not a game I'd want to do a campaign in, but it was great fun for light one-shots. George
  6. S

    GURPS-Share your thoughts

    Been there, done that ;) I wish I still had my sets. I thought those were fun games! George
  7. S

    GURPS-Share your thoughts

    Or that perhaps the GM was playing the Ogres as BIG DUMB BRUTES. This means that they would not be using any kind of tactic, no matter how "common sense" we might think it is. In the games that I run, Intelligence is an important factor in determining what tactics I use. If the Int of the...
  8. S

    GURPS-Share your thoughts

    At least Torg wasn't/isn't D6....blah. Though the Ghostbusters incarnation of D6 was rather fun to play and GM.... Like the gentlemen said before, teh game is just the toolkit, and each GM really needs to use the toolkit that lets him best tell the story. George
  9. S

    GURPS-Share your thoughts

    Here here! You want quick....try Torg on for size ;) George
  10. S

    AEG downsizing

    Shame This is a shame. I worked with AEG very briefly in a consulting role on the Militaries books and my experience with them at the time was a very positive one, though I will admit my contact was only with the Spycraft People. While I love Spycraft 2.0, I was a bit put off by the fact that...
  11. S

    What set of OGC rules do you favor most?

    Spycraft Spycraft...
  12. S

    How do you like to get XP?

    This is how I do it. Our group just finished the "story path" modules that began with Sunless Citadel, and while I began by using the "by the book" method, I quickly found that the characters were not advancing as they shoudl for the adventures and that sometimes they would advance in "fits and...
  13. S


    No Guns???? On the guns issue, you are exactly right...and wrong at the same time. The original intent of the author was to not have REAL guns. The problem is, the buying public DEMANDED them (they had the same reaction as you!), so a second book was born. The intent was never to force...
  14. S


    HARP is not Rolemaster "HARP is not Rolemaster". True. However, all of the mechanics of HARP are evolutions of Rolemaster mechanics, with some being virtually identical. You could almost say it was Rolemaster lite though I wouldn't go that far and HARP does stand on its own. George
  15. S

    How many PC deaths do you see per session?

    We average 1 death every two adventures, though right now we're just about to finish off the third adventure in a row without any PC death (knock on wood). :cool:
  16. S

    How long did it take your PCs in *real* time to complete the Sunless Citadel advent

    Company of the Unicorn I started running the 8 module "series" when it first came out. We play every other week, about 4 hours a session, and our games are fairly regular, but factoring some cancelled games we get in around 20 - 22 games a year. We are now on Lord of the Iron Fortress, and...
  17. S

    Do you roll for a Monster's HP?

    It depends on the circumstances. When I'm preparing in advance I ALWAYS either roll hit points or assign a value (if I'm going for a spcific monster strength). I usually prepare random encounters in advance, and for those, I also always roll the hit points, the idea being the monsters could...
  18. S

    What kind of room do you want to game in?

    I voted basement, but actually, I just finished remodelling my attic into a gaming room December! I put two of those 30" by 8' conferrence tables side by side for a good 5x8 gaming table and surrounded it with 9 high backed leather office manager chairs. Behind the DM seat I put two 3' wide by...
  19. S

    Counter Pack 4: Eldritch Horrors & Occult Investigators

    And that I do not have a problem with. In fact, the entire discussion has had me re-look at my evaluation. I still stand by it, but it never hurts to take a second or third, or even fourth look. Like I always tell my daughter, "Don't just have an opinion, know why you have an opinion."...
  20. S

    Counter Pack 4: Eldritch Horrors & Occult Investigators

    You're exactly right. The problem is the consumer (such as myself) only sees the final price. He looks at that and says, "gee, I paid 8 cents for this counter and had to cut it out myself but if I buy from this other company, I pay 3 cents for a counter, and they have it cut for me." However...