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Search results

  1. sorites

    d20 Variant Combat System - Learn how to kill goblins all over again!

    Hmm... Good point. And I appreciate it. :) You bring good food for thought. Thanks.
  2. sorites

    d20 Variant Combat System - Learn how to kill goblins all over again!

    You probably wouldn't. However, as a caster, you might not have a good weapon skill, and some weapons like bows won't have a Parry rating; so Parry AC won't be available to all characters all of the time. In part, it's a way of differentiating melee characters from others. It makes it so they...
  3. sorites

    d20 Variant Combat System - Learn how to kill goblins all over again!

    The idea is that some weapons are better than others for defense, but they're still only as good as the wielder. So if you have two fighters wielding longswords and one has a Martial Weapons skill of 2 and the other a skill of 9, the one with the 9 will be better at parrying. So the Parry rating...
  4. sorites

    d20 Variant Combat System - Learn how to kill goblins all over again!

    I've been working on my own RPG (d20 variant) for a while now, and I'd like to share my thoughts on an alternate approach to combat and damage. I know that in d20 hit points are an abstraction and are good at what they do, but I wanted to see what it would be like to ditch hp and try something...
  5. sorites

    Who wants to make a character? d20 point-buy variant here

    I've been meaning to ask, is your game published somewhere? I also wanted to tell you, you've been a big help chatting about this stuff. It's nice to have a sounding board. Thanks. :) Maybe I could msg you when I have a new draft, see if your interested in giving me comments?
  6. sorites

    Who wants to make a character? d20 point-buy variant here

    I've been futzing around with the rules this afternoon, and I'm not sure I want to base levels off of XP as strange as that might sound. Your idea about the Improved tree is interesting. I'll have to think about it. Our discussion about skills and skill caps has got me thinking about Attack...
  7. sorites

    Who wants to make a character? d20 point-buy variant here

    Good point. I don't want players to be hoarding their XP and not spending it. Each time they level up, they should be improving their characters at least a little bit. Saving might be necessary, but it should not need to happen more than once before the wanted upgrade becomes affordable. Yeah...
  8. sorites

    Who wants to make a character? d20 point-buy variant here

    I'm glad you liked it. As for Meditation, I have this idea of handling spellcasting, summoning, and the use of certain feats through a Fatigue system. Once you hit your max Fatigue, you need to rest to recuperate. Meditation allows a character to recover more efficiently than someone without it...
  9. sorites

    Who wants to make a character? d20 point-buy variant here

    Looks good! It looks like you were going for an evil-ish monk type character? Can I ask, what did you think of the process? How about the completed character? I know it's kind of hard to imagine without having more details, but do you think he'd be fun to play? The only thing I noticed about...
  10. sorites

    Who wants to make a character? d20 point-buy variant here

    This is a character creation system I've been working on for a while. It's for a d20 variant that I'm writing in my spare time. I thought I'd share what I have and see what people think. I'd love it if you'd try making a character to see how you feel about it. Here's the link...
  11. sorites

    Designed my own game - Looking for feedback

    Thanks for the responses. I took a look at your Wiki, garrowolf. Very nice. It's always nice to meet someone who shares your drive for creating the perfect game. :) I hear what you're saying about XP, and your thoughts have been echoed by a couple others I've shown my game to. I'll have to...
  12. sorites

    Designed my own game - Looking for feedback

    I've been working on designing my own RPG for a while now. It's not done but I'm trying to get feedback on it. You can check it out here (PDF): https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BxTTMBBx6B3sMTI5OTRmZjMtNDNhMC00Y2YxLWI5ZWYtNzRhNjM3NzE3N2E4&hl=en The goal of...
  13. sorites

    Epic Final Battle!

    Thanks for all the responses! We played last night, and in typical fashion, the party decided to do *half* of the adventure as planned, and then went off on a tangent for the second half. They broke into the prison by way of etherealness (only parts of the prison are protected by forbiddance...
  14. sorites

    10 FREE Promo Codes for d20 Rules iPhone/iPad

    EFHXHT6XY6EH has been taken. Thank you.
  15. sorites

    Epic Final Battle!

    The party could end up facing one of their arch-enemies tonight. Actually, it is a very important lieutenant of the arch-enemy. Anyway, she's a bad ass. What suggestions or ideas do you have to make this battle memorable and awesome? --- Background: Forgotten Realms Scyllua Darkhope...
  16. sorites

    Shar (Forgotten Realms) - Dark rituals that give powerz to PCs (Pls help)

    I just wanted to followup on my post from earlier to let you know what happened. The player (cleric of shar) was really wanting to offer something cool and flavorful, so we decided against +1 bonuses. Instead, we made the following deal: * Each PC who entered into the ritual could choose one...
  17. sorites

    Shar (Forgotten Realms) - Dark rituals that give powerz to PCs (Pls help)

    IMC, the PCs like to keep things secret from one another. The entire campaign has been punctuated by little investigations here and there into the other players. One of the players is a Cleric of Shar (level 13 now), and he has kept his deity a secret from the other players since the...
  18. sorites

    Need help bringing a dragon cohort into the game

    As the title says, I am looking for advice on how to deal with my player's dragon cohort. The campaign is set in Zhentil Keep, a city under martial law. The PCs are worried about being seen with one another, much less with a young black dragon. I want a way of introducing this dragon cohort into...
  19. sorites

    Shar (Forgotten Realms) - Help me find this flower refenence plz!

    You, sir, are the man. You nailed it. That's exactly what I had in my head. Thank you for proving that I am not a complete raving lunatic. You even gave me the page numbers. Bonus XP to you. It turns out the flower is not associated with Shar after all, but with a Sharran assassin known as the...
  20. sorites

    Big Climatic Battle -- Fizzles due to save or die...

    Thanks for all your replies. I'm definitely going to have the organization respond in some fashion -- this will not go unnoticed, and the party definitely knows that. Really, it was mainly that this particular NPC baddie was important to the one character's backstory (the first of three on a hit...