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Search results

  1. D

    Fighting Styles: Which option to choose?

    I don't really like the OA or Dragon 303 styles. There are too many feat requirements, and the benifit is free. I feel it also removes a certain amount of the role playing aspect. Also there is such a long wait to get them. I liked the Fighting Styles/Legandary froms in Quint Monk. There are...
  2. D

    Looking for a good story time thread! your recomendations please...

    You did your jobs too well. I didn't want to get addicted to 37.5 different story threads! Thanks all! -D
  3. D

    Basic battle tactics

    Pick up a copy of The Art of War by Sun Tzu. I have one that includes 3 different translations so you get a good feel for what he was really trying to say. The Book of 5 rings is also good. This is your theory. Others have already posted good specifics. Here is how I set up a battle co-dming a...
  4. D

    Looking for a good story time thread! your recomendations please...

    It is a little intimidating to start, not knowing what each campaign is about and all that other nonsense. Basically I'm looking for a tread to start from the begining and that features a well played monk. Shameless plugs accepted and expected. -D
  5. D

    Your DnD Weapon?

    My 4 D-cell Mag-light and my .45 Springfield 1911... er you meant D&D.... Quater Staff or bare hands!
  6. D

    Lawful != Law-Abiding?

    double post
  7. D

    Lawful != Law-Abiding?

    arcady: If you were from the south you'd say Abe Lincoln was LE! :)
  8. D

    Advice on how to play Lawful Good not Lawful Stupid needed

    Herein lies the problem. Lets you have a choice between following the law and doing good. What would the LG person do? (Lets say for the sake of argument that the law is not evil or bad, but neutral in regards to good and evil). ? -D
  9. D

    Advice on how to play Lawful Good not Lawful Stupid needed

    Which is more important Lawful or Good? Personally I see the GOOD as more important than LAW. Am I right? wrong? on drugs? -d
  10. D

    Nursery rhymes and riddles.....

    I'm running a solo game for my wife who doesn't know a thing about D&D monsters. Total newbie. I want to drop hints about different monsters or abilities, without being obvious. I'm looking for something like nursery rhymes kids might know that would provide a little info, and maybe even some...
  11. D

    Advice on how to play Lawful Good not Lawful Stupid needed

    I'm playing a LG character in an upcoming campaign. I usually play CG. Anyway what are some ways that you would play LG without being LS. No he is not a Pali-boring. But a monk. I also thought it would be a good topic and maybe revive some intrest in LG characters. Any examples of dos and...
  12. D

    scent hound, sight hound, herd dog, ratter..

    I just hate to see a toy breed stronger than any full grown adult. And there is a huge differance between a muscular small dog and a toy breed. -D
  13. D

    scent hound, sight hound, herd dog, ratter..

    I'd lower the STR score for the small toy breeds an 8 is too high. It should be a 4 or so. -D
  14. D

    Do people who play non-D&D RPGs generally also play D&D?

    I think a starwars fan who likes it that much would love the RPG book. Before E1 came out I was a huge fan as well. I didn't play rpgs for years but I would still buy Battle Tech and SW rpg books for the art, and extra info about the settings. I would have loved it. -D
  15. D

    Dragon's Revisited [Come on in folks]

    Just a minor comments. Since Liquide invited some non artists to post a view. This is just a general comment. Some of the dragons look too big to fly. The muscles are very large and the dragons wings look too small to lift them. (Not that this is real life :) ). I think if the dragons looked...
  16. D

    core class search

    Some DM's son't let you swap out class skills. -d
  17. D

    The TPK curse

    I would not have put them up against such powerfull undead at that level. Some zombies or orcs or somthing. Even ore so if they just wanted to bash heads. Not that you did anything wrong but the point of the game is to have fun. The paralysis ability is what killed them. Nearly any other low...
  18. D

    What is the cultural signifigance of Masks in China and martial arts?

    I see them in some art and some movies what is the cultural significance of these? What were they used for, who used them etc.? Any info would be helpful. -D
  19. D

    Bigoted alignments?

    Alignment sucks don't use it. :) Take a look at some modern day people. NOTE: The following is not an attack agains Christians just some of my observations. If there are any Christians on this board this is NOT directed at you. You've proved to have an open mind. I come from a fundamental...
  20. D

    Magicless group?

    I think it could be fun. You just have to tailor the encounters a bit. I'd make it maybe a bit easier to get healing potions to keep the game rolling, and have a couple characters put points into the HEAL skill, even if it is a cc skill. Don't force them to rely on a NPC caster, or hiring a...