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S3: The Scythe of Seto (Bront Judging)[Completed]

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If Beamer can still see the white, or can see it with a 20 foot move, he moves and casts glitterdust on the wight. "This should help you catch the monster!"

Edit: Beamer will not go running after the wight as he would quickly be left behind.

Wight must save or be blinded (DC 15) and is lit up for 6 rounds.


First Post
Rae ArdGaoth said:
Yes, but it shouldn't matter, as Razh moves at 30' even with medium encumbrance and wearing medium armor.

srd said:
Fast Movement (Ex): A barbarian’s land speed is faster than the norm for his race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the barbarian’s speed because of any load carried or armor worn.

So his speed becomes 30, but a medium load or medium armor would reduce it back to 20, wouldn't it?

Round 3
The wight has fled 60 feet into the forrest (rough terrain) in round 2. Beamer kills the shadow in round 3. the Wight runs another 60 feet. Razh then tears into the forest after it.

Round 4
Beamer hits the wight with glitterdust, blinding it. Razh then catches it and destroys it.

[combat over]

Rae ArdGaoth

[sblock=Rules Stuff: ]
Manzanita said:
So his speed becomes 30, but a medium load or medium armor would reduce it back to 20, wouldn't it?
OOC: Not for a dwarf!
SRD said:
A dwarf’s base land speed is 20 feet. However, dwarves can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.
Unless Razh is wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load, he moves at 30'.[/sblock]

Rasereit's axe cleaves the wight, and he stands over the fallen body panting with exertion. His anger leaves him slowly, and he is left with great exhaustion. The dwarf wipes his axe blade clean on the ground and then slides it into his belt loop before stooping to the ground and heaving the horrid thing onto his shoulders. He carries it back to the camp and deposits it on the ground with the others.

"Alrigh', who wants t'tell me what that was all about?"


"Uncle Angarn always said... inside every good person... there's a monster waiting to come out... which must be kept at bay." Ogrin sits down, the strength of his limbs all but gone. "I always thought 'e was speakin' fig'ratevly"


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The rest of the night passes uneventfully. In the morning the party finds itself much as it did the day before, although Ogrin & Razh feel the lingering effects of the shadow's touch, and the group seems to have inherited a loaded wagon & several horses.

If they keep traveling, they will soon reach the second large city in Vastermarch (the name of which escapes me at the moment.)

OOC: I'll post XPs here soon. Ogrin should go up a level & we'll have a party entirely composed of 6th level PCs. A rarity, and I'm looking forward to it!

Rae ArdGaoth

Before the night is up, Rasereit does the dirty task of stripping the bodies of everything: clothes, weapons, rings, everything. He does his best to clean them of blood and folds them neatly to put inside each person's packs. The valuables he keeps, probably planning to pawn them in the next city, unless someone of greater moral scruples objects strongly. He does his best to remember the names of each individual and their intended final destination, so that some of their belongings and remains can be passed on in the next city.

He also says a few words for the dead in the Dog's name, "Nah that ye're truly free, follow that great Mutt 'ome, ye hear?" He sighs and shakes his head, "'Tis sick, that's what it is. Body snatchin', innocent simple folk like that, sick. If that's what this weapon causes, Ah'm glad Ah came along t'ensure that it's destroyed."

On the trail, Rasereit laments the deaths of the wagoners, but he recovers pretty quickly. "Ah seen a lot o' death in me short life s'far. These were bad, but not the worst Ah seen. At least 'twas quick."

About the time to stop for lunch, Rasereit points out a large, misshapen boulder in the trees. He leans down to Ogrin and says, "Oi, mate, say... Does 'at rock look a bit like a dwarven babe t'ye? Aye, Ah'd say it bears a strikin' resemblance t'an ugly li'l dwarven brat..." Indeed, the boulder does resemble a squat, fat baby.

Rasereit takes leave of the party during lunch, "Gotta look into somethin' me second pa tol' meh 'bout." He comes back an hour later with a grin on his face and a handful of lumps of some kind of dark metal in his hand. "Adamantine, righ' where 'e said it'd be! Jus' waitin' for someone who knew where t'look! Looks t'be enough for more'n a couple o' arrow'eads, eh? Ah'll bet Ah can peddle this off in a city for three hundred gold pieces, easy."

To Ogrin he whispers, "An' this is jus' what Ah could loose with me axehead, there's a good chunk o' the stuff in there, an' what's more, me pa told me there'a 'uge deposits buried away in the mountains. In the clanhold, they kept records o' the veins, an' wit' those books in our 'ands, we're 'alfway t'never endin' riches, mate." He winks as he tosses a lump of adamantine in the air and catches it. The dwarf seems to have all but forgotten the horrible events of last night.

[sblock=OOC: ]Spending 1 DM credit on Razh for 300 gold, and hopefully setting up some background for Wik's adventure.[/sblock]


First Post
With a bit of a shiver, Beamer says, "Since it was only those we met, I wonder if the scythe awakened something already inside them. Or perhaps even drew them here, disguised as normal travelers, but really monsters all along." Turning his gaze far away toward the horizon, he continues, "The forces of evil are drawn to it. It wants to be found. I'm glad we've got such brave mates to stand against it. Are you guys alright? You don't look so good. Eusebius, you should take a look at them."

When Raseriet comes back with the adamantine, Beamer appears impressed. "You have a sharp eye, Raz."

Sorry, just watched Lord of the Rings a couple of days ago. :eek:
If we're still NPCing Eusebius, I'd suggest he prepares the following spells, and casts the lesser restorations on Rasereit and Ogrin.
Level 0: Resistance x4
Level 1: Bless x2
Shield of Faith
Protection From Evil (Good domain spell)
Level 2: Lesser Restoration x2
Aid (Good domain spell)

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