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CB's Shackled City OOC [Closed]


First Post
In my notes, the very last thing that I wrote was that we made it back down the elevator shaft and began searching the Malachite Hold and found a little boy, who said his name was Gryffon Malek and is 9 yrs. old, and that his parents are the book binders, so we took him back up.

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Do you have a date on that? I looked in my notes and couldn't find that event. I do remember it happening, I just don't remember when. I have things ordered in my notes according to days, so if you're able to tell me which day and month, that would help me narrow down my search.

I see that everyone has their character sheets posted in the rogue's gallery. I'll give everything in there a look over today with an eye for whether I think the ability score points and equipment is too disparate between Meenah and the others. After that, we can start once I get an in-character (IC) thread thrown up in the Playing the Game forum area.

Eydis, thanks for day/month stamp on finding the kid. I'll look for that later today, too.

Dice rolling for this game...for my online games, I normally like to do all the rolling myself by hand and just post the results along with descriptive text for the group. This game is a little different than most, though. For starters, I know three of you in person. I'll open it up to group consensus. How do you all want to handle dice rolling here? A list of options includes: the DM rolls everything by hand and posts results along with descriptive text to match the die roll, the players roll by hand and post results, the players use an online dice roller (invisiblecastle.com or some such similar thing) and post results for themselves. If someone has another option they want to suggest, I'm open to that too.

I can tell you all straight up that while invisible castle is a nice tool, I've got enough on my plate that I know I won't care to be bothered with having to click through to another website to roll dice when I can simply roll by hand with the set of dice right here in front of me. So, for me at least, any dice rolling that I do will be done by hand. I mostly tend not to fudge die rolls and when I do, I don't ever remember a time when I fudged that wasn't in the players' favor. A lot of times, players seem to like for the DM to handle die rolls as it saves them time and they can simply sit back and enjoy the game as it unfolds. Not sure how you all want to go with regard to this issue, though, so let me know, please.

Right-o. Had a look at character sheets. Li Shenron, please tack on another two points anywhere you like to your ability score. You can add the +2 in one shot to one score or break it up into +1 to two scores.

Equipment is wildly out of whack pretty much across the board. I see that I have been fairly Monty Haul with the existing characters (you guys have a lot of loot), and that the wealth distribution isn't necessarily spread out in terms of gp value or even in terms of numbers of items per character. I remember from our last months of tabletime that this was never an issue so I don't want to make it one here, either. Everyone seemed pretty content with what they had and didn't begrudge anyone else their stuff. What I would prefer to do then, is just let things lie as is and continue to hand out treasure during play under the assumption that over time things will even out.

As with anything else about the game, though, please don't let problems fester. If something is bugging you, please speak up. The door's always open, either here in the OOC, via e-mail or (for the three of you whom I can see daily) in person.

Eureka! Found the tidbit I was missing. It was never missing, it was just written on the back of a page in my notebook and since the page before it hadn't been filled up with notes yet, I didn't think to do the obvious thing and turn the page. :heh:

Anyway, current time is Third Steckday, month of Illot.
9 am -- Party feather falls down excavated elevator shaft from Jzadirune to the Malachite Hold. Finds Gryffon Malek, 9-year-old human boy, and his pet dire rat (Squeaksies). Aaron polymorphs into an ogre mage so that he can fly everyone back up the elevator shaft. Gryffon, who was one of the children missing and has been gone 66 days, is reunited with his family at the family bookbindery (Mal de Eel Bookbindery) on Magma Avenue in Cauldron. Gryffon was the last survivor found in the Malachite Hold.

Li Shenron, you're probably at a loss for undestanding some of the campaign's homebrew weirdness. Over the next day or two, I will edit in information on the setting into the original post in this thread. Calendar, pantheon, a bit of history maybe, that kind of thing.

Probably the best way to get this party started is to just start playing, so I think I'll just go start up our IC thread. Li Shenron, when or if you come across something unfamiliar, please pipe up.

I've edited in some information on the setting and a map of Cauldron into the first post. The history for the setting that I have typed up is for the setting's major isle, not for The Continent where this campaign is taking place. I will begin working on a *brief* history for The Continent, paying particular attention to the region and duchy where Cauldron sits.

The basic jist for Cauldron is that it's a small city in one of the duchies in the nation of Navarre. The crown in Navarre is currently vacant, leaving the duchies and their accompanying nobles in competition with one another. To date, this really has not come into play at all in the campaign proper.

CanadienneBacon said:
Dice rolling for this game...for my online games, I normally like to do all the rolling myself by hand and just post the results along with descriptive text for the group. This game is a little different than most, though. For starters, I know three of you in person. I'll open it up to group consensus. How do you all want to handle dice rolling here? A list of options includes: the DM rolls everything by hand and posts results along with descriptive text to match the die roll, the players roll by hand and post results, the players use an online dice roller (invisiblecastle.com or some such similar thing) and post results for themselves. If someone has another option they want to suggest, I'm open to that too.

I personally like to roll my own dice because then at least I feel like I am doing something. Otherwise I feel like I am just reading a book and have no real control over any of it. Anyway, for me the dice rolling is 50% of the fun so I would vote for rolling ur own so to speak.

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