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[CoCd20] Flintlock & Tomahawk

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Int. - Militia Offices of the City of Boston - Same

In response to Pitcairne's question, the Captain nods. "You're more than welcome to talk to the lad that did the drawings. Bright young man, hobbyist really — how could he be anything else living that far away from civilization? His name is Adam Webster; I can have a man bring you to him after you're done here. You are, of course, welcome to take anything I've shown you here both to see Master Webster and to the impact site."

He turns to Somerset. "Good questions, all of them. The Nipmucks and the Agawam are the main tribes out there, and, yes, they are hostile. Deerfield, Brookfield, and Northfield are the major villages and towns in that area, with Northampton, Hadley, and Springfield off to the south. Most of our people out there have left — they don't have adequate preparation to fight the Indians — but you can probably restock supplies in Hadley or Northampton if you need to. I wouldn't trust any of the Indians, but the colonists out there are probably trustworthy, if a bit stubborn." He grins.[sblock]I'm pushing along the research phase of this segment in this s-block, if you have any follow-up questions for Webster or each other, feel free to take care of them in your next post, as well as react to any questions you might have based on the information following this paragraph.

The main rumor that the two militia men assigned to you have heard is that the village of New Warrenton, a short distance from the site Pitcairne's to inspect, hasn't evacuated. For some reason, the villagers won't leave. They've also heard snippets of talk about Indians scalping and piking defeated foes all through the River Valley.

Your talk with young Webster is fairly fruitful, and he points out a few things in the star charts, such as his own atypical notations and marks, that are very helpful to you later in the night [+2 on Research checks dealing with his star charts].

Unfortunately, your research reveals less than you hoped. Between the boy's charts and your own books and writings, you are able to distinguish a strange pattern of meteor showers surrounding Orion, a pattern that grows more distinguished on his charts made later in the evening — they almost look as if they were about to grasp the three stars in the hunter's famous belt. Based on what you were able to gather, the attacks on the village grew proportionally to the distinctness of the showers — that is, as the showers were more visible, the attacks were more vicious — but you can't seem to puzzle out more than that. You'll have to visit the site and see what's there.
[/sblock]Ext. - Abcott Family Farm - outside Dedham - Same

Your searches prove successful, although not in the way that you had hoped. Along the tree line, your son picks up the tracks of a man, barefoot, which lead to a small camp. The fire had been hastily put out, and the innards of a few rabbits are strewn along the ground, along with a good number bones that had been literally sucked dry, as if by a wolf. You don't find a track leading away, however.

In the house, you find something more promising, though — a small, dull silver rock attached to a cured leather strap. On the face of it is a three-pronged symbol, each prong curling in towards the center. It feels wrong to hold, and even wronger to look at [1 point of Sanity Loss].[sblock]The whole of this takes the rest of the day. If there's anyone you want to talk to overnight, let me know, and we can add that conversation into the next post, if not, we'll push into the next morning...when the Capawack scout will arrive at the farm, but first —[/sblock]Ext. - a short while away from the Abcott Family Farm - outside Dedham - the next morning

You approach the Abcott family farm via your normal routes, only to casually discover a set of odd tracks heading west from there. It seems that there was at least one very large man, a beast of some sort, and a small child, all walking. Their pace was steady, although at intervals you can see a mess of footprints and a smudge in the path, only for the regular tracks to be picked up again shortly thereafter. If you were to guess, you would guess that the littlest walker was trying to get away in these instances, but couldn't. As you follow it back towards the farm, you discover a small camp from the day before. The fire had been hastily put out, and the innards of a few rabbits are strewn along the ground, along with a good number bones that had been literally sucked dry, as if by a wolf. The camp is extremely close to the Abcott farm.

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First Post
"Thank you Mr. Winthrop, I shall borrow these papers and look them over in more detail tonight." He takes the starmaps and puts them into his satchel and turns to Somerset.

"Mr. Somerset, it appears we will be investigating this together. With the rampaging savages, it may be a deucedly dangerous business. I'm afraid I will not be of much assistance in the martial department, although I may have some old dueling pistols and my fathers cutlass about... In any event I am convinced we must see if we can find the cause of this madness that seems to have striken the people. Although the Indians have always been savage, their most recent activities border on the insane."

"Mr. Winthrop, I'd like to visit Mr. Webster at your convenience. If we can make it to his home today that would be excellent. You mentioned an 'impact site'... do you have specific knowledge of an actual meteorite strike?"

[sblock]Assuming we can get to Mr. Webster's residence, Archibald will engage him in small talk to try to ascertain his level of knowledge about astronomy and similar matters, including his educational background and any reference materials he may have. He'll also try to get more specific time and location of his observations. He'll also ask him if he has any knowledge of a meteorite strike and if so, where.[/sblock]


First Post
Quincy walks home from the camp with his hand on his son’s shoulder, a blank look on his face. Unless he knows of someone other than the scout who knows of savage Indian tribesmen (whom he is now sure are the guilty parties), he knows of few who he could talk to without a complete scouring of the lands for Injun blood. Knowing that other redskins would be his best chance of finding his daughter, he rejects the idea at this point, and the profoundly distraught barrister returns hole in the darkness and consoles his loving wife. The family eats a dreadfully quiet meal together.

At the close of day, with the last lantern burning, a drink warmed Quincy Abcott loses his discretion, and in a slightly slurred voice, asks his wife, “You know, they were in the house. They left their damn charm here. Bastards.” The couple cry themselves to sleep.

(OOC- I'm not making assumptions about what sort of contacts or resources are available in a settlement of this scale. If I'm missing the obvious, gimme the ol' sblock nudge!)


Tisaquantum takes a few moments to circle the area around the camp, carefully inspecting the ground for additional clues, taking note of the tell-tale notch that he recognizes on one footprint. Abcott has been here, he thinks.

Packing one of the dry rabbit bones in his pouch, Tisa runs back towards the Abcott farm. When he arrives, he finds the Abcotts just starting the day, the scent of pork and biscuts rising from the kitchen. Standing at the edge of the woods while he catches his breath, the scout squats down and watches the main building for a long moment, looking for signs of a disturbance.

Abcott looks up from the table to see the Capawack standing silently outside the window, his face a neutral mask. Tisa ignores the slight flash of panic and anger that crosses the barrister's face and waits for him to come outside.

"Greetings, Quincy Abcott. The camp nearby... I know not what has happened here."


First Post
Master Pitcairne, if I may suggest, I will accompany you to Mister Webster's residence while James and Thomas arrange horses, pack animals, and rations for our journey. This way we might set off at soonest convenience. I would suggest setting out with at least seven days rations, as the journey may take that long in hostile country.

[sblock]I have again taken the liberty to name our NPCs - OK?[/sblock]

[sblock]William is route planning and thinking logistics. William will try to through conversations and the Webster interview plan a solid route to the sites needing visiting, along with identifying and planning an escape to a nearby (unabandonded) settlement (such as New Warrenton and Northampton). William will inquire as to possible guides available along the way...possibly in Dedham? ;) [/sblock]

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
WargamerX said:
I have again taken the liberty to name our NPCs - OK?
No beef.[/sblock]Int. - Militia Offices of the City of Boston - Same

"Well, I have the word of some of the refugees, and Master Webster corroborates their stories. None of them would go near enough to actually inspect the area, as they feared attacks by the Nipmucks or Agawam, but, yes, I do have reason to believe that some sort of celestial body has found its way to God's own earth. As for Master Webster, I can have James and Thomas direct you to his residence." He turns to Somerset. "Any supplies you need can be found at the stores. Take this writ," he hands you some paper, "and you should find the men there most agreeable. If there's nothing further, godspeed to both of you, and Long Live the King."

Ext. - the Residence of Master Adam Webster in Boston - Same

A short walk brings the two of you to a humble house on Summer Street, only a short walk from the common on the one end and a stone's throw from the wharfs and docks of Boston Harbor on the other. A young woman, pretty in a chaste way answers the door. Upon explaining your business, she brings you in to see her brother, Master Webster.

Int. - the Residence of Master Adam Webster in Boston - Same

Master Webster is a sick young man, pale and bespectacled, constantly coughing into a handkerchief. He smiles warmly at the two of you and invites you to be seated. He pours some port out for the two of you and takes a third glass for himself. "Out towards New Warrenton? That's dangerous country, gentlemen. You are aware of the Indian problems out there, I trust?" He smiles drolly and coughs again. Blood stains the cloth.

"The most direct path out to New Warrenton and the Connecticut River Valley is not very well-maintained, either. You could travel down to Springfield and then up river, but that would take you a day or two out of your way, surely. The quickest way out is to cross through Dedham, and then bear due west-northwest, through Medfield and Marlborough and out to Hatfield. Due north from there, about five miles south of New Warrenton and on the banks of the Connecticut River is where you'll find the place where I suspect there is a meteorite crash."

He pauses at Pitcairne's questioning, coughs lightly and continues. "I am, of course, not as well educated as yourself, Mr. Pitcairne, but I had the fortune to study abroad at Cambridge for one semester, where I learned what I know of astronomy. Unfortunately, my health," he clears his throat, "did not permit me to stay long, and I was sent with my sister to my aunt's house here in the colonies. I have no reference materials save what I was able to store in here." Webster grins and taps the side of his head with his forefinger. "The charts that you have there are indeed my work, and I took most of them fairly late in the evening, well after the sun had set. I can't promise that each night had the same chart drawn at the same time, but it was as near as I could make it."

Webster is racked by a fit of coughing and as he swallows it down with a sip of port, he resumes speaking. "Before I ask you to leave, I will hope that you will not find it forward of me to offer you a suggestion, gentlemen. I don't know what has happened out in the River Valley, and I could be slightly addled — given my health, I can never feel one hundred percent sure of my own well-being, mind or body, which leads me to following or insisting upon some of my more impertinent impulses. Nevertheless, I would speak freely and urge both of you to the utmost caution. Even a layman such as yourself, Master Somerset, can surely see that these star charts prove the bard in every way — there is more to heaven and earth than is dreamt of in our philosophy. Anything further I can help you with?"[sblock]Somerset: Various conversations later in the evening lead you to believe that you'll be best able to find a scout/guide to the area in Dedham, especially if you choose it as a departure point. Various praying Indians from nearby Natick and points south have lent their services to the colonists, either for pragmatic or ideological reasons.[/sblock]Ext. - Abcott Family Farm, outside Dedham - the same morning

Just as Tisaquantum reaches the farm and greets Quincy, a horse comes thundering down the road. On the horse, Ebezekiel Corey waves his arms, "Ho! Abcott!" When he reaches the two of you, he hops off his horse. A slight man with scarecrow limbs and a beakish nose, excitement makes him look decidedly foolish, yet he is, more or less, a good person. "They've found an Indian heading west — he couldn't explain where he was going, but got extremely nervous when they mentioned a little girl. He tried to run. He's in the stocks at Dedham town as we speak. They're going to —" He notices the Capawack scout and swallows his words.[sblock]OOC: My apologies for the brevity of this end of the post; there was a lot of exposition in the first segment. But I think the next scenes should make up for this. I hope. Please feel free to interact with each other if you feel it appropriate and you're waiting for me to post an update. I want to move things along and get into the heart of the adventure, but I don't want y'all to feel that you're being stifled.[/sblock]
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First Post
Master Pitcairne, if you are ammenable, might I suggest that we make haste to Dedham. If these events which I truely do not comprehend, seem to be increasing in severity, then the urgency of our mission seems clear. I have been led to believe that we may find a releable Indian scout in Dedham, and perhaps additional reenforcements and information, before pressing ahead into the wilderness?


First Post
Archibald listens gravely to the sick man's words. "Mr. Webster, please forgive our intrusion, and thank you much for your information. Perhaps in happier times we will have a chance to discuss or mutual interests in the wonders of the heavens." He turns to Mr. Somerset.

"I shall follow your recommendation in these martial matters, Mr. Somerset. I too feel the urgency of our mission, though I confess that at this point I am not sure what I will be able to do to help. Nevertheless, if we were to investigate it and perhaps make an accurate report to the proper authorities, we may be able to improve the current situation in this locale. Lead on, my friend!"


First Post
“Tisa!” shouts Abcott, “I was worried that you were on a trek.” The barrister is about to explain his trompings in the woods and plead for the scout’s help when Ebezekiel Corey comes barreling down the road.

“They’re going to….” he repeats in a whisper, shaking his head, the horror of a lost lead running through his head. “Not before I hear this man’s story.” He says, his face darkening. “Any news of my girl?” he asks Ezekiel, his face pleading once more.

Abcott mounts his horse once more, “I have a favor to ask you, Tisa. My daughter has been taken, and I need your help. Will you come with me to Dedham town?” With or without the Indian, Abcott will briefly stop back at the farmstead to tell his wife the news, and will take Tisaquantum to Dedham on the back of his horse, if he has none.


"You and yours have always been kind to me, Abcott. I will serve you in this." He nods his head once with vigour. He stands still while Abcott rushes inside, returning Corey's nervous stare with a flat, emotionless glare.

Voidrunner's Codex

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