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Constables of the 14th Ward Part 3


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Brae sets down his beer and looks around at the stunned faces of his companions. As a newcomer to the Alpha's, he didn't know Jonas all that well. But he had seemed like the nice enough sort of guy. "What was that all about?" he asks the others, hoping they have some insight into this newest development.

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Ederaul Mamier

Brae sets down his beer and looks around at the stunned faces of his companions. As a newcomer to the Alpha's, he didn't know Jonas all that well. But he had seemed like the nice enough sort of guy. "What was that all about?" he asks the others, hoping they have some insight into this newest development.

Raul takes a drink and replies to Brae, "Jonas joined the squad just before Thea and I did. His father is a member of the Shiv, and Jonas was our insider. Jonas must has personal issues related to them. We'll probably see him again when the time is right. He knows he can call on us anytime for help." Raul bites into his sausage and chews slowly. "A prayer to Meda for Jonas won't hurt."


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Thea gave a long, considering look towards the door, as if Jonas was still standing there. She had set her glass down, and now she pushed her plate away- even with food as tasty as this, her appetite had suddenly deserted her. "When we get back from the mill, maybe we can put out a few inquiries, see if we can help him somehow- even if it is 'unofficially'. I assume we're going to wait until tomorrow before we go back out there- maybe I can ask around town a bit tonight. On the squad or not, he is still a friend."


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Darius shakes his head. "I bet something happened with Iggy. Probably a bad move on our part, failing to report as a group." He looks consideringly at the meal in front of him. "Ah well, we can face the music after we finish eating."

When everybody's done eating and mentally prepared, Darius drags everybody over to report to Iggy, and to find out what the hell is going on in the 14th ward.

ooc: Darius is taking Jonas' departure in stride because he believes Jonas will be back.


The Alphas as a Unit....

Darius drags the Squad to the Magistrate's Office, sans Jonas, of course. He starts to literally drag SoulFetter, but the Urgant's prodigious size quickly dispels that notion from the doughty warrior's mind.

When the Squad enters, Elke is seated at her desk despite the late hour. Her hands are folded in front of her on the desk, and she looks like she's waiting for something or someone. When you enter, she perks up instantly and picks up a piece of paper that had been lying in front of her.

"Ah! You're back! I don't suppose Jonas is with you, is he? I didn't think he would be...such a pity. Anyway, Magistrate Ironshirt told me to tell you that he expects you all to report here tomorrow, but, he said," and here she reads from the paper in fron of her, "Ahem!! 'In recognition of your outstanding work on the current case, I am giving you a half-day's vacation with pay. Report tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. sharp.' " Elke winks at Darius, surreptitiously, she thinks.
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You file out of the office not sure what to make of the strange happenings at the Magistrates office. Returning to the Polished Staff to ponder it over another round seems like a good idea. Meanwhile behind Ignatius Ironshirt's closed door...

[sblock=Tau and Braz]You are summoned by a whole squad of regular Constables to the office of the Magistrate. When you arrive you find the dwarf in a particularly agitated state. "I've just gotten a very disturbing note from the Temple of Meda. It seems that one of my Bronze badges has been killed and Resurrected today. To top it off, another has resigned and a third has been called away to some mysterious business at the LCA." He paces nervously behind his desk. "Now both of you have been considered for for a position on the squad for some time and now we have the openings. The squad seem to think they are on to something big with Orcs and weapon smugglers. I want you to join them formally here tomorrow at 1:00 pm sharp. In the meantime I'll have one of my Bravos help you locate the squad at their favorite watering hole and get you up to speed on what they've found." He fingers a bronze badge he's been holding and then drops it onto his desk next to a truncheon before reaching into a drawer and pulling out a pair of badges and truncheons for you. "Elke will take your measurements down and have uniform tunic delivered here in the morning. Welcome to the squad, now if you'll excuse me, I have some reports to get to." He opens door and tells Elke, "Get these new lads some uniforms." Seeing a big hobgoblin passing he adds, "G-Wayne, see if you can find the Alphas and introduce them to the new recruits here." With that he leaves you in the hands of the Hobgoblin and slams his door hardly having had a chance to get in a word. After giving Elke a little information and signing a few papers; G-Wayne leads you onto the streets, "You boys are gonna like workin' with the Alphas. Friendly bunch of guys. I'm gonna tell you a little secret. Ole Special Squad tradition. The squad is obligated to buy you a fine meal and all you can drink on joining the squad. Been doin' it for years. Now their feelin's be hurt you don't drink up, know what I mean? And don't be shy about the good stuff. They take their hospitality serious. They been out in the field a few days and I'm sure they are in need of a little festivity." After a fairly short walk you come to a local tavern popular with Constables known as the Polished Staff. Inside the rotund halfling woman behind the bar examines you curiously as you pass into a back room. D-Wayne Continues, "This is the Special Squad room where we all come to relax. You should make yourselves at home." He pauses at the entrance.[/sblock]

D-Wayne one of the Hobgoblin Bravo's arrives at the door of the special squad room at the Polished Staff with a dwarf and a, something else, that might or might not be a human. "Hey, Alphas, Iggy sent you some fresh meat. Seems you haven't been up to the task and he thought you needed some more help." With a laugh he turns and heads for the front room.

OOC: How about descriptions all around?


First Post
Brae shakes his head and takes a large quaff of ale. "Wow, only a couple days with you Alphas, and the entire face of the team has already changed." He nods greeting to the newcomers. "Welcome, I am Braevil Talisker, cleric of Meda." Braevil is an athletic man in full plate armor, the Golden Cup of Meda prominently displayed upon his (rather worn) tabbard. He has a shaggy mane of dark blonde hair and wears a full beard on his ruggedly handsome face. Most notable, though, are his piercing sky blue eyes and warm smile. "You may call me Brae."

[sblock=Pic Credit, or rather lack thereof]
I didn't draw the pic, I found it on the internet somewhere, and then modified it a bit to fit Brae. I'd love to give credit to the artist, but for the life of me I can no longer find that information! So, apologies to whoever that is. :D
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In walks a man with glowing symbols floating above his head, an Illumian of course. The man has very bright red hair that is unkempt and skin that looks entirely too pale to be healthy. His clear blue eyes have a spark of intelligence that is plain to see but he moves slowly.
Tau looks around curiously at everyone in the room, lazily sliding his gaze from one to the next. "Meda," he says absentmindedly. "Yes, I believe the Magistrate is upset about a note from the temple of Meda. Apparantly someone made use of their life insurance policy. He was not happy." Tau then focuses on Brae and speaks, "Hello Brae, my name is Tauvalek of the Dusksprocket cabal. Everyone can call me Tau if you wish." Tau glides over to a nearby seat and sits down. "The man who escorted us here stated that you would all pay for our first meal here, but I believe that to be some kind of initiation ritual common to groups such as this."
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for Kerlan:[sblock=Kerlan fyi]Tau is an ILLUMIAN, not an illuman. Sorry, hope you don't mind?[/sblock]


An older dwarf walks in with Tau. He is thinner in the shoulders than Iggy, but had lareg strong hands. His red hair is receeding and streaked with gray, as is the long beard tucked into his belt. He surveys the Constables with a practiced eye. He wears simple workman's clothes.

"Brazinak Kzaniskan, Braz for short." he says as he heads to the bar for a tall stout.

Drink in hand Braz looks over Brae "You boys always walk around like a tin plate banging in the wind there riling up the populace?"
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