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[D&D 4e] IG's "The Witchlight Strand"


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Pier steps in a small hole as the party rushes forward to the attack. Cursing, he untangles himself from his cloak and staff and runs to catch up. He takes a quick look across the battlefield and gestures with the tip of his dagger toward a cluster of orcs. The ground erupts in flames among them.


Move: B7
Minor: Draw dagger.

Standard action: Scorching Burst
Target: H1
Attack rolls v B, D3, D5 (1d20+5=16, 1d20+5=8, 1d20+5=10)
Damage (1d6+5=9)

Scorching Burst +5 (INT) v Reflex 1d6 + 5 (INT) damage
Standard Action Area Burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Arcane, Fire, Implement


[sblock=quick stats]
Pier Glasser- Human Male Wizard 1
Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 14
AC: 16, Fort: 12, Reflex: 17, Will: 14 -- Speed: 6
Resist 5 Poison
HP: 20/20, Bloodied: 10, Surge Value: 5, Surges left: 6/6
Initiative: +2
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used

Magic Missile Autohit, 7 damage (basic ranged attack)
Dagger +3, 1d4 (basic melee attack)

Prepared Daily Spells:
Acid Arrow

Encounter Spells:
Ray of Enfeeblement


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(OOC - IG I need an update on what is left in front of me, as it seems that the casters might have cleared out quite a few of Vatan's choices of targets. I assume that the bombardier is still available (favored choice) but what effect would the "rough terrain have on Vatan as he moves through it to get to him.)


GM: Indeed, "B" and "T" are the only enemies left alive after the casters have had their controller vs. minion fun. It'll take 4 squares of movement for Vatan to reach the bombardier in their current positions.


First Post
"That be yer last bomb ye tossed, ye pox ridden cowardly cur!!" Vatan screams as he runs through the tangled growth between him and the only orc still moving in front of him, arms wide. Upon reaching the Orc, Vatan brings both sword and handaxe together, hoping to catch the orc with both.

Move: move to F6

Free Action: Mark B
Standard Action: Reaping Strike vs B
Attack = 1d20+7 = 14
Damage = 1d8+5 = 11 (1 if attack misses)

Roll Lookup (miss-rolled the damage. Should have been d8)

Re-roll of damage Roll Lookup
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First Post
Weel Naxel, human artificer

"No, no, no, this--no. The walls are very, very unhappy about all this noise and hurt!"

It's unclear where he came from, but a short, thick young man with wild eyes is stooping near the dead orc with Druthruss' arrow in the back of its head. The young man's hair is in wild disarray, his beard unevenly trimmed. His armor is nothing more than ragged bits of random leather sewn and jointed haphazardly, covered with odd gouges that look vaguely like runes, though they don't appear to have any sort of pattern. He carries a rough-hewn javelin striped with garish colors and a short, thick tree branch decorated with leaves and scraps of paper with more scrawlings, tied on with bits of twine. In all, he looks rather like he climbed straight out of a trash heap.

"We're very busy fighting, Skitgami, what do you need?" he mutters, holding the tree branch to his ear. He smiles, then touches the tip of the rod to the pool of gore under the orc's corpse "Oh, yes! Yes, you should taste it so you can bite harder!"

"Now, you!" He points the rod toward the bombing orc. "You keep making things go boom, and they're all gonna blame me and that's not right. Skitgami doesn't like it, either, do you?"

As if in response, the branch lets loose an arc of electricity at the orc, though the creature manages to dodge it.

[sblock=actions]Standard: Static Shock

At-Will • Arcane, Implement, Lightning
Standard Action Melee or Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier (+4) lightning damage. The
next attack the target makes before the end of your
next turn takes a penalty to the damage roll equal your
Constitution modifier (+3).

Attack: 1d20+6 (+4 int, +1 versatile expertise, +1 magic implement)
Damage: 1d8+5 (+4 int, +1 magic implement)[/sblock]
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GM: Waiting on [MENTION=40793]Redrobes[/MENTION] to finish out the round. I start another week full of 12 hours days tomorrow, so it might be Wednesday or so before I update again. This goes for my TLB game too, since most of you here are there too... pass the word, please. ;)


First Post
Druthruss takes a pot shot at B but fails to hit the mark.

OOC: He is staying still (ducking behind door) to get some cover and reloads for free.


First Post
OOC: Will try to update tomorrow. Should have plenty of time, considering we're practically snowed in. In Texas... :/

[sblock=OOC]....and just how much snow does "snowed in" refer to in Texas? We just recieved about a foot yesterday and it is business as usual here in Quebec....... :D . Of course Toronto is all a-panic over a few inches.....but that IS Toronto.....

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