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Festival of Halina (Orsal Judging)


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OOC [sblock] I'm all up for interaction but seems Elise has run out of things to do, till later when she takes anouther crack at getting a deal on that chess set:D ,

Though this seems a good time to mention I'm going out of town for a week, and I don't know how much(if at all) I'm going to be posting so while I'm gone for this time...

I, LogicsFate, being of sound body and not too fractured mind, hearby give DM Bront the right to move and act for my character, Elise, like his pawn. This including fighting, role-playing and festival activities. This does not relenquish buying power unless directly related to the afore mentioned activities. Lasting untill 8 days from this posts time mark.

I, hearby loan these rights to Rystil Arden, to a lesser effect. Lasting untill 8 days from this posts time mark.

Any abusal of these right will be met with harsh whining and moaning apon my return from where ever I'm currently going


P.S. I'll be watching you....[/sblock]

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The man with the probe
OOC: [sblock]Lasair, How bout that aloe massage? ;)

Thanks for letting me know LF. I'll try to not get you killed. :)[/sblock]

El Jefe

First Post
Bront said:
"You go enjoy the festival, and I'll make sure I save a place for you and your friends at the head table ok? I won't keep him forever, just till the feast, which should start between 5 and 6. We'll ring the event bell ok?"
"Why, that will be fine", Oirhandir replied with a smile, relieved that Hellen hadn't demanded his attentions as well. "I'll have to tell the others that they'll be expected at head table", he thought to himself as he turned to return to Ingus's camp.

OOC Poll for everyone:
(OOC Oirhandir's response: )
[sblock]Let's look at this from the character's perspective, first. As far as "work that has to get done", Oirhandir's priorities include:

1) Notifying all of "Fang's Other Friends" that they'll be expected at the head table tonight, some time after 5 or so, or whenever the event bell rings.
2) Making it back to Ingus's camp by nightfall every night so as to keep those 10 crowns a night coming.
3) Checking at least once a day to see if his new armor is ready. Whenever it is, he'll start trying to sell his old (studded leather) armor.
4) Until #3 above is complete, Oirhandir is "exploring". He's never been to a large gathering like this one, so he just wants to wander around and see everything there is to see. If that can be done in 15 minutes, fine, if it will take 4 or 5 weeks, that's equally fine...Oirhandir has no problem with coming back again each year until he's seen and done everything.
5) Regarding mingling with townsfolk and his misinterpretation of Hellen's actions, Oirhandir isn't quite so eager to find a partner as say, maybe Sunny is. Not that he has a problem with anything along those lines that is likely to happen at the festival; like most elves, he's pretty open-minded about such things. However, like most elves, he is also used to such things moving at a pace about 200-300 times slower than they are probably happening, which is why he was so taken aback with the Fang-Hellen thing.
6) Regarding #5 above, another factor is that he hasn't really found anyone who is "his type" so far, and that includes Lasair and Elise. Not that he doesn't enjoy their company a great deal, but he would be more attacted to someone like Katherine DeSylvia, one of Kahuna Burger's characters that he met and adventured briefly with. And, not to put too fine a point on it, Oirhandir is the sort of guy who would actually think he stood a chance with a nymph, should he actually meet one (about the only sort of common fey that he hasn't met, actually). Hey, why not? He speaks the language, has a reasonably high charisma, and he's an elf. Nymphs dig elves, right? ;)
7) Also regarding #5 above, should he be put on a spot, his motto might be "When in Covington, do as the Covingtonians do". Really. (Insert punch line here.)
8) As DM, you probably don't need me to remind you of this, but Oirhandir is aware that Sunny had a "romantic interlude" the day before. He doesn't know who his partner was. To Oirhandir, Daphnie is just "the mayor's cute human daughter who tossed a sheaf of wheat onto Fang", nothing else. He doesn't know who Sunny, Troi, Elise or Lasair have been hanging around with during the day, and didn't notice any of the aforementioned persons being present when he and Fang watched the dance at the Freefolk camp.

I think that should set the stage. That covers what's in Oirhandir's head right now, and what his reactions likely would be to more of the same.

As you can see, I'm starting to run out of in-character "open air" stuff to do. Basically, Oirhandir will wander around as time permits. If you throw interesting things to do at him, I can interact with that. If you don't, well, Oirhandir will attempt to make himself useful to Ingus, Ingus's hirelings, and the rest of the party, and will just kick back and enjoy himself as time permits. If the character literally runs out of things to do, he'll pull out the chimes and start performing, maybe hooking up with another bard. It'll be a fast week, from your perspective. :cool:

Oh, and for the record, Oirhandir would pay 3 whole crowns just to watch an aloe massage. :) [/sblock]

Rystil Arden

First Post

Well Lasair would have let him watch for free--or maybe join in, but now that he said she's not his type, never mind :p)
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El Jefe

First Post
OoC: Well, you understand, he would be observing purely for reseach purposes. Can't know too much about the customs of other peoples, you know. ;)

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