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IC Game [Pathfinder] Diabolical Plots


Din, Path to the Woods

The elf moves steadily along the edge of the path, skirting the rest of the party, before gracefully lifting himself up into the lower branches of an overhanging tree. Toadkiller lopes along near the dwarf vanguard, sniffling along the ground heedless of any mud.

"I reckon," the Green Man's voice is louder, rigid, "I will rest here a spell while we wait for yon dwarf to get himself into trouble."

By now the slender druid is leaning easily against the trunk of the tree, his spear held loosely in his hands, his cloak fluttering in the slight breeze.

"I live in the woods around Lake Banna, I know why I am interested in whatever may have attacked Tolbin, an acquaintance of mine -- I do not kin most of you, I know not what you are doing here, nor why."

The flash of a smile.

"But, while we wait for perhaps a fight, I would..."

I took 10 on a Climb check -- you can do that in Pathfinder, right? ;)

I'm enjoying the game as well, some parts have been a little unclear, and Din is definitely off put by some of these strange characters but hopefully through some roleplaying things will make more sense and the group will have a more believable reason to stick together![/sblock]

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Colvin eyes the curious demon possessed girl. "When whatever stalks us now is nipping at your arse and it's this 'over compensating' bow that saves said arse, you'll be thankful."

"These woods are unnaturaly quite, wouldn't you agree?" He asks as he looks to Din.

"And even though I think we are being watched, even now, by whatever creature lurks in the dark corners of this place I think it is a bad idea to simply trudge through it without care. Now as far as tempting them with corn..." He stops for a moment and shakes his head. "Unless these harpies or whatever they be are like farm pigs and like corn it would be waste of our time."

[sblock=OOC]Soory I've been afk. The heavy rains have created some work around the yard and when I had times ENW has been really slow for me.[/sblock]


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Lanalia spins around and continues to walk beside Oraia, backwards now. She holds her hand up like a child in school. "Note: The flappy bird things did go after dwarves, end note."

The girl holds up her own longbow to the ranger and giggles conspiratorially. With a wink to him she turns back to face forward.


First Post
After shrugging out of the immediate vicinity of the creepy crazy girl, with a subtle grimace of mild distaste, Oraia listens to the wizard's words, and attempting to check her vanquishy impulses, she decides to pause and ask a few questions. "Perhaps I let my thirst for justice get the best of me. What do you think is going on, good...Sp-wizard?"


First Post
[sblock=Fir]As you march resolutely down the path you hear two cultured voices discussing something. You can't make out what they're saying, but you estimate that they're not far down the trail from you.[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
{{ Two!? Out in dae woods eh?}} Fir thinks to himself. {{Et's see what dae be up to.}}

The dwarf knowing there is no way he can sneak up on them relaxes out of his guarded position and starts walking down the path as if he were out trying to get somewhere.

He perks up his ears to catch a bit of conversation if possible. When he sees them he hails them by lifting his axe in greeting and bellow, "HAIL! And well met!"

OOC: Perception +1, no longer in total defense, also hoping the others heard him shouting.

[sblock=Mini stats]
Initiative:+1 ...Perception: +1
AC: 20 (19 flat-footed, 11 Touch)
HP: 17 ...Current: 17
CMB: +3 (+5 overrun, +5 bull rush) CMD: 15 Fort: +5 Reflex: +1 Will: +2
SQ: darkvision 60' +2 save vs spells, poisons, and spell-like abilities, +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. Giants
SA: +1 to hit orcs and goblinoids,

Current Weapon in Hand: dwarven waraxe and shield

Conditions: none

trail rations - 4 days
pitons - 4
potion: cure light[/sblock]
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"I don't know what is happening, but I suspect that we are being played for fools and that this is some sort of trap," Talys said to the cleric. The thumb on his right hand continued to idly play with the gold ring on his middle finger. He took a deep breath and looked around. It is far too quiet out here and it's damned convenient for the overgrown fool back in that dunghole town to be sending out a group of strangers out here. Who would notice if we were gone? Who would care? Whatever we do now, I think more caution is called for than has been displayed up to this point." He looked sidelong at the very odd changeling.


First Post
Lanalia bobs her head to some unknown song in her head as she walks down the path. The armored girl had left her so she was currently leading the pack. Now being a leader, it was her duty to check up on the progress of the others. With a leisurely movement she peers back over her shoulder at where she expected a group of following over-armed fighters. With no one near, she grinds to a halt.

Of course the girl had heard the elf's complaint and saw him in the tree when she had turned around. Being an elf and all, she thought little of it. Now at this time she noticed the problem. The rest of the group were back a ways, not following her or the dwarf. Her eye twitching with slight annoyance, she spun and charged the tree with the elf, putting her bow up as she went. She made short time climbing up to the elf and sitting on his branch.

"Oy, as I understand you are something of a landmark around here for no particular reason. At least none that anyone seems to know. Care to explain why you are really here besides a tale of doing your good duty? Were that the case you would be much more willing to do something and the fat-man would have treated you a bit nicer. But! There is no reason to discuss that here and now, as we are all here and we all seem to have some kind of interest in what is happening on this misty night. Now," Lanalia wraps her arms around the trunk of the tree and carefully slides down like a spooked cat. "I said that I liked the turtle's plan, so I am going along with it. As Sparkles says, something isn't right around here, so I believe that guy," she throws a thumb over her back toward the dwarf that is now out of sight, "Is depending on us to watch his back. So please, off the high horse and help the ones trying to help your 'precious' town."

With a scathing glare to the others, especially to Oraia, she spins and pulls her bow and arrow out again. With haste she makes for the distance she should have already been at.

Just as the dwarf returns to the edges of her vision, she hears Fir cry out to some unknown party. Not the signal she was waiting for, Lanalia changes tactics and moves silently forward until she reaches a following distance of twenty feet and sets up her bow and waits.


Din, Edge of Perium

The green man simply regards Lanalia passively, well, at least the black fold of his hood does, and simply watches as the changeling scampers away with her question to the elf unanswered. Toadkiller takes the opportunity to pile himself against the base of the tree, dozing, drooling.

Din turns his gaze along the path, waiting for some sign from the dwarf.

Let me clarify where everyone is...

FIR - - - LAN - - - DIN + REST

Is that about right? Fir taking vanguard along the path, Lanalia now sneaking up behind, and the rest of the group back at the edge of the village where Din has hopped into the low branches of a tree.

Perception +7 to be alerted to Fir's shouts...[/sblock]


First Post
A voice rings out through the forest following Fir's shouted greeting, "Hail, mortal! I won't say well met, as I should like to know what you are doing skulking about this wood at such a late hour. That goes for your friends trailing you, especially as you have the taint of the evil we seek hanging about you. In particular the girl who thinks she is sneaky but won't stop running her mouth."

Following this, another voice carries over the distance in a strange language, his tone suggesting a complaint.[sblock=Celestial]"What are we doing talking to them? They have the odor of evil, so should we not purge them to be safe? My blade thirsts for the blood of evil."[/sblock][sblock=Fir]You see a pair of men who look almost like elves, but not quite with their silver hair and glowing eyes, step into your view. The one speaking has a smile on his face, though it doesn't reach his eyes. The quiet one has a dour look as though he just took a large bite of something sour. He looks over at his compatriot after sizing you up and loudly says something in a language you don't recognize.[/sblock][sblock=GM]I was assuming everyone to have slowly advanced along the path behind Fir, with Din moving through the trees. Should be easy enough to not worry about checks considering your character and the thickness of the forest. In any case, that order is correct. Fir in the lead, Lanalia between him and the rest of the party. I'm going to say the group is around 40 feet behind Fir with Lanalia halfway between, 20 feet either direction. The party can quite easily hear Fir in the stillness of the night.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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