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[IC] Toranthar - Chapter I: Dark Harvest (Full)


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Krik crouches down almost instantly. Once the flash fades, he emits a low growl, reaching instinctively for his blades.

OOC: I will be on vacation until approx. Dec 30th. It is unlikely that I will have internet access, unfortunately.

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At the first flash, Mask instinctively shields her face with her cloak. Even so the falling of the 'sun' presses against her eyelids. At the final crash she risks a peek, first down, then up.

"It fell... Why would it... Belleros, we should get down to the bottom! Quickly!"

With a wave of her hand she casts a spell of illumination, and starts to descend the cavern towards where the sunglobe hit and shattered.


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Heskrash turns to the side as the light begins to flash, but he is too late. The image of the only sun he's ever known falling is burned into his sight, and for a moment he can see nothing else.

Zlatan, what is happening? The dragonborn shouts in confusion.


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Many on the plinth stir to action at Mask's cry. They don't understand her words, but the meaning is clear enough and they leap to action, fanning out below.

Back on the plinth...

Zlatan stares silently out across the cavern, his body is rigid, his eyes unblinking, his frozen face lit from below. He takes a shuddering gasp and collapses onto the plinth, a foot long shard of glowing stone protruding from his chest. Light from the stone dagger pulses like a beating heart. He blinks, tears falling down his cheeks. "Hesk...?"

OOC: Sadly, Tallarn(Mathew_Freeman)/Zlatan has withdrawn from the game, Zlatan will become an NPC.

Redclaw, does Heskrash stay on the plinth with Zlatan or try to keep up with the rescue efforts? His blindness will persist for two 'rounds' of the skill challenge (I suggest he not attempt any Perception checks while Blinded :) ) where a round is an attempt by each PC for a success in the challenge.

There are three areas to search:
1. The biggest cluster of broken Sunstone (massive glowing chunks) in the center of the cavern
2. A great loop of chain that fell across an irrigation canal
3. A few outlying clusters of larger Sunstone shards near one of the plinths that wasn't in use today

Which area or areas would you like to search for survivors and how would you like to proceed? If you need more info, ask away in the OOC thread.
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Ugh, that looks bad! comments Belleros looking at the scene when the terrible noise and light have subsided. I guess I'll go look among those pretty shiny chunks of that light-y stuff and see if I can find someone to help...



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Without Zlatan's guiding hand, Heskrash stays still, unwilling to risk falling due to stumbling around blind. He turns his head, hoping for sounds that will help him determine what is going on. Zlatan?


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"I'll check by the chain," Mask volunteers, swerving that way as a detour on her way down to the cavern bottom. Her reasons for doing so are twofold. Of course she means to check to see if anyone got caught under it...but she also wants to see if she can find the end of it...the point at which it broke. It might offer clues as to what happened to cause this catastrophe.

Perception: 4
Roll Lookup


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Krik glances around briefly, surveying the chaos, and immediately heads for the larger plinth, since nobody seems to be looking there yet. Better make sure there are none trapped there, he thinks.

Perception 12. If Krik finds anyone, he will attempt to move stones and begin hauling them out (Athetics 14)


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The afterimage of the flaring Sunstone hangs over everyone's eyes as they scramble for the cavern floor in search of any who might be wounded. Most crews split up as they descend hoping to cover more ground. Their shouts and the cries of the injured echo around the cavern.

Three of the dwarven crew members trail behind you as you scramble up and down across the cavern floor weaving through patches of thorny rockfruit bushes. The low, twining limbs are heavy with fruit, no one had collected here yet.

As you draw nearer, your hair stands on end, like in dry-cold weather... or near powerful magical fields. A deep, thrumming vibration resonates through the air and the stone of the floor. It hums in your bones and tickles after a fashion. It is painful to look directly at the light, but you can make out some silhouettes moving against the bright backdrop. Squinting, you can see a figure that appears to be trying to pull another figure up from the ground.

OOC: This is a Hazard. The area around this largest cluster of Sunstone fragments drains Healing Surges (it's exhausting to work in the heat). Staying in the area long enough to make a Skill Check will cause you to burn a Healing Surge (so to speak) unless you make Endurance check against 15 to endure the heat.
Make your first Endurance check at +2 because your keen senses alerted you to the temperature changes and allowed you to steel yourself. Then make your Primary Skill check.

This area of the cavern is a mixture of smoothed, natural stone and hewn block constructions. It is hub of the irrigation system - locks, canals, and some emplacements for mechanical devices and other equipment that regulate the flow of water. Canals radiate away in a few directions.

The chain is a massive affair, heavy and stout, rather like the dwarves. It has been flung clear of the SunStone's impact and is draped, if anything so heavy can be said to drape, across a canal near a resevoir.

Unburdened by the emotional and world-changing impact of Naedur's sun falling from the 'sky,' the why of the crash is of more interest. Neither end of the chain is visible, it seems piled on itself, bent back away from you. You can't quite see. Links of the chain have shattered the stone of the cavern floor in places and - you notice too late - the stoneworks of a floodgate mechanism on the canal. As you watch, the floodgate cracks and shifts, it will fail any moment.

Downstream from the floodgate, a dwarf and a human carry another human between them across a low, flat bridge that spans the canal.
You need to act quickly - but what to do?

OOC: This is a Trap/Hazard. The water will sweep the people off the bridge if it reaches them (which will change the nature of the rescue effort thereafter). If you need more info to determine a course of action just ask.

You lope to the remote plinth where clusters of shards radiate light and heat. Two of the dragonborn from your work crew followed you. The smaller shards flicker and pulse. Against the light you see a form and movement. A strange, low movement. It's hard to make out against the light.

An inarticulate roar of fear or pain or... who knows... comes from the direction of the movement.
The musky smell that you'd caught whiffs of earlier is stronger now. It fills you with a vague alarm...

OOC: One Nature and one Perception check please.

The Zlatan blinks and squints, squeezing more bright-spawned tears into his beard. He turns his head to the side and sees Heskrash's odd, blind movements. "Here, I'm--" he grunts in pain, "I'm here. The... the Sunstone."

The other two dwarves are on the plinth as well, the ones who'd been addressing Zlatan. "Gods' breath..." They don't sound like they're moving.

OOC: You're pretty sure you know which way the ramps (and drops) off the plinth are and that Zlatan is a clear and safe shot ahead of you. The other voice came from nearby, but further.


Quick modification to how I'm handling the challenge (so, nerdytenor, Krik's failing Athletics check is a freebie!). Each area you're searching for survivors has a different sort of challenge inherent in it. I'll be handling each differently and asking for different checks as we go. I'll let you know when it's a Skill Challenge check.

Skill Challenge: Dark Harvest - Part II (6 success before 3 failures)
Difficulty Moderate (DC 15)
Primary Skills: Endurance, Athletics, Heal, other(explain your rationale)
Secondary Skills(for +/-2 to Primary checks): Perception, other(explain your rationale)
0 Successes
0 Failures
Map with tabs for each PC. It's called 'Combat Map,' it should really be called 'Tactical Map.'


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Krik's scaly nostrils begin flaring as he approaches the plinth with his comrades. "Gods, do you smell that?" As the stench becomes stronger, Krik's face takes on a new aspect. "Be on your guard," he says, moving slowly and peering cautiously about.

OOC: Nature 22, Perception 23. Booya!

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