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Land of Syrael OOC


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One has to re-meditate but pnly pay for the difference. Kinda goes hand-in-hand with the whole resting/reflecting when leveling concept.

Updated Helcar in the RG with a new character sheet. Please review the new changes and tell me what you think.

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Ok, here's a couple of questions. Do you want me to color the font in the dialouge in my posts? Also, I'm continuing with storyline even tho I havent gotten a post from Lot. Sorry, man! I understand how spotty it can bwe trying to get to a comp on weekends.

*edit Another couple thoughts: this being my first DM pbp spree, Constructive critisim is welcome indeed! (no, you won't have a tree fall on you or lighting hit you IC.... the first couple times, at least. :D) I've been looking around and tring to improve my dm style (ive looked at alot of Rhuns threads, nice work going there! Let me know if you ever have an open slot!), but I'm always open to improvement. Cerberus, for example, is still having growing pains converting from the RP fourm-type to the larger-spectrum PbP system.

One thing I would like to do is have everyone that uses a messenger to post here saying so. I currently only use MSN, but for the good of the party I might use the hell-spawn known as yahoo/aim..... :p

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Yeah Rhun I am sorry as soon as I asked that question my server crashed for the night ( I hate this bleeding thing)

I was going to talk OOC shop but it was just a time waster until a table top game started (which it ended up not doing)

As for the map its no big rush I have just found knowing the lay of the land to be better for players and DM's alike because of the ability to plan where were going and the like (as for right now were going to save the elves, which is evidently an area one of us already knew so we know where were going...hopefully. :D

Yahoo ID sidran7e_dm

I am not sure but I think that yahoo can send messages via IM to Windows Live (MSN) in the contact adds area.

Also for any that are interested I am slowly converting the posts in the IC to a Story Hour format and storing them on the site for future reads. Any and all comments on the site are welcome (www.freewebs.com/sidran7e/)
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Y'know, it occurs to me that level 8 is a very dangerous time for druids - for the first time, they can be in a preferred animal form 24 hours a day. I wonder, how many choose that route and go feral?



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Al the Absentminded said:
Y'know, it occurs to me that level 8 is a very dangerous time for druids - for the first time, they can be in a preferred animal form 24 hours a day. I wonder, how many choose that route and go feral?


I have never heard of it in a game but in fiction it is the main risk of shapeshifting into an animal form.

Examples of that in fiction

Wizard of Earthsea, By Ursula K. Leguin
The Mystic Rider, Sharon Shinn
Riddlemaster of Hed, Patricia Mckillup
The Belgariad series by David Eddings
to name a few

Though you already seem to spend a lot of time in the wolf form anyway.

The Way I think that Druids should work is that they spend as much time as they want in a said form with the risk of loosing themselves being the only reason why they limit the time in that form. Its less able to be quantified in a game but makes more character building and background interests and things.

For the Site (searching for a think tank process here)


Seems as though the way you put it that they are less of a society of elves is good, and all but it seems from that description that they are either a mixture of wood or wild elves, feral elves, and the like.

I was wondering because my character is a half-high elf (the standard half-elf): I was thinking that mixed into the culture of the other elves is the older high elves that are called the Forlorn or something, and among their limited numbers the old ways of Elven Society, and hero worship and all that still exist, only very little heard about and the like.

Half Elves: That once a half elf is born the blood is true meaning that the son of a half elf by a human would be a half elf, and the son of a half elf and an elf would be a half elf. Also that there is less likely to be a child from a half elf (meaning less vitality among the race of half elves)

Gnomes any thoughts on them would be appreciated

Halflings (those that do exist), Are hidden and withdrawn from human society prefering to live their lives in the groves of the elves or with the dwarves, or in tucked away valleys or what not where humans have easily forgotten their existance (opens it up for me in case Iandon dies and I want to start over as a new character, a Halfling will probably be my next choice) I realise this is a borrow from Lord of the Rings but it explains the random halfling floating around the world.

Dwarves: While already pretty much covered in the other posts on this subject any other remarks about them, their culture variant height ratios etc. (Do they live deep underground or in the mountains, or elsewhere, Is their a Moriah like area of the world crawling with the surviving members of the clan that fought in the war somewhere in the deepest reaches of the mountains)

Half Orcs (do they exist and how do they live and what do others think of them)

Any non standard races: (I.E humanoid but not monster races)
I love the race from Arcana Evolved called the Alabast which are humankind from another world that cannot breed with humans... maybe a splinter race of humans from Outside.
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Another thing for the site is religion

I realise that the official dnd gods are the general rule here but I wanted to bring up the subject to see if we could agree on more world specific gods...

I already created a name for a half-elven demigod Oon Wolfbow, a hearth god which Iandon worships as a kind of house deity, and as a personal ancestor (though it is something I see a lot of other half elves claiming as their ancestor). I did not add any rules about him as I am not a Cleric or in any way effected by the choice of deities. Out of a quirk of character I have never liked leaving well enough alone in this regard, I have always wanted WS deities.

So any ideas about the matter would be helpful
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Priest_Sidran said:
Yeah Rhun I am sorry as soon as I asked that question my server crashed for the night ( I hate this bleeding thing)

I was going to talk OOC shop but it was just a time waster until a table top game started (which it ended up not doing)

As for the map its no big rush I have just found knowing the lay of the land to be better for players and DM's alike because of the ability to plan where were going and the like (as for right now were going to save the elves, which is evidently an area one of us already knew so we know where were going...hopefully. :D

Yahoo ID sidran7e_dm

I am not sure but I think that yahoo can send messages via IM to Windows Live (MSN) in the contact adds area.

Also for any that are interested I am slowly converting the posts in the IC to a Story Hour format and storing them on the site for future reads. Any and all comments on the site are welcome (www.freewebs.com/sidran7e/)

Hmm . . . I like that picture of Luhal. But, here's maybe a better entry:

The Druids of Syrael rarely care to strive for the throne, and Luhal is no exception. However, after seeing the disruption caused in less than a year of wide-spread Heroing, he has come to the conclusion that the land of Syrael needs a Hero every bit as much as the people do. Impatient with the breakdown of social order, brought about by the shortcomings of the Creed of the Wise Ones, he is the first of the Druids to decide to interfere in the current struggle. For now, his teachers lament his overly aggressive behavior, worried that he has lost sight of the Great Balance of the Green.

Ever independant at heart and always something of a lone wolf, Luhal left his parents' care years ago and has since stayed far away from them. His father, Arvol Belerman, a notable warrior and mercenary captain in his day, long ago bought a position in the genteel Royal Court. Arvol is proud, authoritarian, and overbearing, but competent enough to defend his position against all comers. Having soaked up the attitudes of the Court, Arvol feels that Seluhalan is wasting his life galavanting about in the woods, especially now when there are deeds to do, glory to win, and a Kingship to seek. (No matter what Treeish nonsense Seluhalan fills his head with, he has six siblings of age, and priests are rare enough that a healer companion would be a potent advantage.) His mother, Nenimewo Ard'Isso, left behind the barbarian lifestyle of the elves when she went to stay with her human relatives. A kind mother and a fierce protector, she is constantly wrapped up in schemes to advance their position at court.

Only Randmar Fairwynn knows of Luhal's family troubles, as he helped the frustrated boy flee and find joy in the Wood, Water, and Stone of the living land.

Luhal rarely uses three words when two will do. Wary and perhaps even paranoid around strangers, he is fiercely loyal to allies and friends. He is working on becoming a skilled craftsmen of wondrous items, and has already created a number of useful objects which he has in his possesion.


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Aye, let me see here. As for religion, what is a AS deity? My initial thought is "lets not go making up gods, K priest sidran? I am of the opinion that the standard core DnD planar scape and panteon of gods should be plenty." I am, however, open to proposals and other ideas.
As for races, here are some thoughts:

[sblock=elves]The elves have two seperate society distinctions: the Wanderers and the Hearthmen. The wanderers are the scouts, druids, rangers and generally the people that venture away from their homeland forest cities. The hearthmen, as they are called, guardians of the tree cities where the women and children live. Elven children are rare and treasured, and insulting one will earn you a black eye or worse. Im creating a custom PrC called Warrior of the Trees or something like that, an elite forest archer class with abilities like tree-climb, improved track, and ally of the trees(where the character can ask the trees to help him attack his enemies). More on that later. [/sblock]

[sblock=gnomes and halfings] These races are very rare in Syrael, and are mostly confined to one mountain/foothill society in the far eastern shores (roughly opposite the direction of the Swotear Hills, which were created when the Syral split from the larger continent long ago. The odd halfling and gnome could be found out of their homes, but it would be a rare occurance that provoked much curiosity and curiousity. [/sblock]

[sblock=half orcs] Such monsters are usually abhorred in the culture that prides itself on superior progeny, and are usually killed on birth. It would take an interesting storyline to support a character such as this, but I suppose the baby could be dropped off in a forest and treated as a forest monster or some such. *shrugs*[/sblock]

I have a couple other questions: Does the group want me to wait for everyones posting before I continue? Or should I post after 5 or so have? What are your thoughts? (Rhun especially)

Also, when it comes to spot checks, I will usually automatically do one as soon as you enter a new area. Something I often do is allow my PC's to choose a preference when it comes to search/spotting, i.e.
the rogue only is drawn to gold in a room, at the cost of his attention to other things. It would be represented as a +2 sit bonus to spotting gold, and a minus 2 to spotting anything else. This is following the rule where the more specific you are, the easier it is to find something within that range. Any thought/ideas on this concept?

[sblock=bloodweaver]ahh, and ive just noticed this Half Shaft feat; Cerberus and I had more a nice little discussion on the merits of choosing a reach weapon as your signature weapon. This half shaft feat makes it much more plausible. Hmm.. I might have to track down the PHB2 to see what other goodies lie in wait for me. :p[/sblock]
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penance said:
I have a couple other questions: Does the group want me to wait for everyones posting before I continue? Or should I post after 5 or so have? What are your thoughts? (Rhun especially)

Personally, I'm not in the habit of waiting for everyone to post. During the week, I usually give my players 24-hours to post, and if I haven't seen anything then I move the game along. This is because the very nature of PBP is already so slow. Obviously on the weekends, I am much more lenient (usually because I post so infrequently on the weekends).

penance said:
Also, when it comes to spot checks, I will usually automatically do one as soon as you enter a new area. Something I often do is allow my PC's to choose a preference when it comes to search/spotting, i.e.
the rogue only is drawn to gold in a room, at the cost of his attention to other things. It would be represented as a +2 sit bonus to spotting gold, and a minus 2 to spotting anything else. This is following the rule where the more specific you are, the easier it is to find something within that range. Any thought/ideas on this concept?

I think having you take care of spot and listen checks and such makes sense, and will save a lot of headache in the longrun. Most PBP DM's make all of the rolls for their players, since it does tend to speed things up.

I don't have a problem with your idea of preference when it comes to spot checks. Anything that helps to flesh out a character and differentiate him from others of his type is a good thing, in my book. What types of preferences are you thinking about having?

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