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Like Father, Like Son: Kid Charlemagne's Story Hour , PT III


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I just wanted to point out that Jovah is not a "good-2-shoes" kind of cleric.

The local police can handle bad people.

But true Evil needs to be dealt with by heroes- like the party. Sometimes drastic measure must be taken to defeat Evil.

Sometimes that requires bending a few laws.

A sort of "The end justifies most of the means."

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Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Ulfang, June 1st, AE 420

The next day the party rides out to the prison camp. On the way, Corwin and Aris both notice a slight shimmer in the air that seems to follow them; they both recognize it as the visual sensor from a scrying spell.

“Great,” Jovah groans. There’s not much they can do about it; they can only keep relatively quiet and hope that those watching can’t figure out where they are going.

The sensor lasts a few minutes and thens winks out of view. The party continues riding, and arrives an hour or so later at the gates of the camp.

This camp was used at the end of the Siege of Ulfang, when Elros Ekozius (then an “Archduke” under the rebel Kings) besieged the town in hopes of subjugating it along with the rest of Ambardor. Many prisoners were taken when the Siege was broken in the year 416, and they were kept here until a peace treaty was worked out and they could be exchanged for prisoners that Ghithor had taken in the war. Jalea learned that portions of the camp that were supposed to be full of prisoners were in fact empty; perhaps hundreds of POW’s are (unofficially) unaccounted for. Lord Arlen Kentfield was the warden of the camp, and Jalea believes him to be responsible. Discrepancies were “fudged” in the paperwork; although the number of missing in action soldiers during the Siege seems high, there is no hard evidence of the missing soldiers.

Now, the camp is deserted. Its twenty or so long barracks are surrounded by a fifteen foot tall stone wall, topped with spear tips. In the center of the camp there is another wall that surrounds another half-dozen barracks, and the warden’s offices. Beyond that is a sheer fifty foot cliff, dropping to the savage coastline of the Retic Sea. A ways off to the west stands a lighthouse, apparently in use. Aris sends his hawk there to watch things from above.

The gates hang open, swinging back and forth in the high winnds that whip off the Sea. Brennen rides down the length of the barracks, checking to see if there is any evidence of life or activity. He remembers being ambushed by wights at the abandoned keep where they recovered the Egg from the Sahuagin, months before, and doesn’t want to get caught again by such things.

There is nothing to be seen, however, and the groups moves further in. Eventually, they tie up their horses and check out the main structure, the former prison headquarters. It’s a two story wooden building, and Jalea knows there is a secret passageway in the basement. They check out the above ground floors, finding nothing, and then head down to the basement.

Before going below ground, Reana casts alarm to ward the area. If anything larger than a rat enters the building, she’ll be aware of it.

The basement contains more cells, abandoned and empty. Manacles hang unlocked, chains rust on the floor. Jalea walks down to the end of one of the corridors, and locates the secret door that he was once taken through, maybe three years before. It opens up, revealing a long, narrow passage sloping downwards. They file through, one by one, and decend slowly until they reach a small chamber containing a spiral stair going further down.

Jalea looks around the chamber, and points out a circular hole in the floor.

“There was an altar over that. Blood-stained and everything. When I saw that, that’s when I made my break. I never went any further than this.”

They prepare to go down the spiral stair, but as Gavin steps down, Reana stops him.

“The alarm went off!” she says.

“So there’s some one up there?” Brennen asks.

“Well, it could just be a wild dog or something…” Reana admits.

“Let’s go forward and see what we find,” Brennen says.

They go down the stair, and find a passage way heading directly west. After thirty feet or so, however, it ends at a cave-in. Brennen inspects it to see if it can be cleared.

“It’s pretty massive,” he says. “Also, it looks to me like it was done intentionally.”

“We’ll have to go back,” Jovah says.

They return to the secret door area, and get ready to see what set off the alarm. Reana stops them again just after they open the door.

“I hear something upstairs,” she says. “Someone walking around…”

She summons a wolf, and sends it up the stairs to the first floor. Muffled curses, and the sounds of bowfire can be heard, then silence again.

“Ambush,” Corwin says. He casts improved invisibility on himself, and moves up to the stairs. The others starts casting spells, too, and get ready to bust their way out. Aris makes himself invisible and follows Corwin up the stairs. As the get up to the first floor they see that there are pairs of archers at the end of each of the four hallways leading to the stairs. Corwin moves to a post sheltered from all but one pair, and Aris moves towards the pair that block the exit from the building.

“Tag, you’re it,” he says to one, hitting it with a vampiric touch as he becomes visible. He draws his flameblade and engages them.

Corwin is startled by arrow coming dangerously close to his head. He looks up and realizes that another archer is on the stair to the second floor, and must have heard him creaking on the floorboards and estimated his position. He magic missiles the archer, and moves over about ten feet to throw him further off.

The others start rushing up the stairs. Brennen and Jovah rush up to the second floor and take down the archer injured by Corwin’s magic missile. Reana runs up and engages another pair of archers, cutting them to ribbons. Jalea stops at the first floor landing, and begins exchanging bowfire with yet another pair, and Gavin moves to engage the last pair.

The pair of archers fighting Aris, pull back onto the front porch of the building, and get ready to flank him if he comes further out. Aris repsonds with a burning hands spell, and notices how deftly they avoid its full effects.

“Theives’ Guild,” he thinks to himself.

It’s about then that Aris sees the golden-eyed man. Where he came from, he’s not sure, but he steps into view, and casts a spell. Suddenly, slimy, black tentacles are covering the inside of the building, grasping and trying to crush anything they can grab. One grabs Aris; another grabs Jalea; and another bounces off Corwin’s shield spell. Jalea manages to wiggle out of his tentacle, but Aris is trapped, helpless to act as the two rogues and the golden-eyed man rush off to the side.

Corwin steps up, and casts dispel magic and successfully gets rid of the tentacles before they can do any real harm. Aris steps forward onto the porch and lets the fleeing rogue and his wizardly ally have it with a fireball.

The rogue drops in a heap, but the golden-eyed man seems entirely unaffected. He turns and casts a spell back at Aris, and suddenly everything is moving in slow motion for Aris and Corwin.

Jalea is following fleeing rogues jumping through windows on the first floor, and the pair that Gavin charged decided discretion was the better part of valor as well. Gavin pokes his head out the window his two rogues lept out of, and sees the golden-eyed man.

“Aha!” he thinks. “I’ve got him dead to rights!”

He leaps through the window and rushes to engage him. The golden-eyed man steps back and summons a Dire Ape to keep Gavin occupied. Jovah is up on the roof of the first floor, and Brennen is running up from the porch to engage the golden-eyed man.

Corwin dispels the ape; Aris shoots the golden-eyed man with magic missiles, and again they have no effect! Reana makes her way into the fight and lands a heavy blow on the enemy, followed by another even better shot by Gavin.

Reana and Gavin criticalled the guy on consecutive shots!

The golden-eyed man decides he’s seen as much as he needs to and begins changing shape! A flurry of desperate blows from Gavin, Reana, and Brennen injure him, but don’t stop his shifting. Corwin manages to get a melf’s acid arrow through his spell resistance, but he finishes his transformation into a small golden hawk (that looks quite familiar to Aris’, um, familiar) and flies off towards Ulfang like a bullet.
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Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Hmmm.. testing why this latest installment isn't being recognized by the board as new, and therefore placed towards the top of the page...

Aha, that's more like it.
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First Post
Actually Jovah dispelled the Ape. Corwin was still slowly coming around the corner.

This is also the scene where I thought Brennen could Dispel the tentacles - so I had Jovah continue up the stairs.
3E Brennen no longer has access to 3rd level spells- doh!

Luckily, Corwin, the new guy can.


LOL! The peace-bonding thing is great! Poor Brennan, I can just see him hopping around yanking on his sword and cursing a blue streak!


Sounds to me like those mages need to find some spells to help them deal with enemy scrying.

Good use of alarm, that could have been a VERY nasty ambush. Oh, and good use of a summoned monster as well, to test the ambush.

I'm missing something on the golden eyed man, I just know it. That's a giveaway for something, maybe he's a Tiefling? But he has magic resistence or something. He's got to be pretty tough, though I bet those two criticals put a surprising hurt on him. No wonder he started to get the heck out of dodge after that! He must have some good hit point totals.

I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that doesn't know what he is, how embarassing!

Brennan are you still playing Aris?

Thanks for answering my question about the Story Hour changing things. I was really curious, never having had the opportunity to find out for myself.


Sir Brennen

Matchstick said:
LOL! The peace-bonding thing is great! Poor Brennan, I can just see him hopping around yanking on his sword and cursing a blue streak!
On top of that, that's swords for Brennen, as he normally carries three longswords. By the time I was done untieing the first one, the fight was over.
Sounds to me like those mages need to find some spells to help them deal with enemy scrying.
Yep. ;)
I'm missing something on the golden eyed man, I just know it. that's a giveaway for something, maybe he's a Tiefling? But he has magic resistence or something.
If Kid C. just slapped the Fiendish template on a regular guy, that would give him hit dice x 2 SR. We figure he's got at least a 24 SR, meaning Aris, with his 5 levels of Wizard, needs to roll a 19 or 20 to get a spell through! :eek:
I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that doesn't know what he is, how embarassing!
So far, you've got as many clues as we do... Although someone suggested he might be a half-fiend.
"But he's not big enough," said Jovah.
"He started out as a halfling," was Aris' reply. :p
Brennan are you still playing Aris?
Yes. One detail Kid C. left out, was the one rogue who still survived Aris' fireball. Dang rougish Evasion. He started to run away, and got 150 feet before Aris nailed him with Magic Missiles (at his maximum range.)

Picture one PO'd elf saying "Dodge this!" :D

Brennen has yet to find the opportunity to really cut loose with his swords in the 3E game. Looks like he, Gavin and Reanna have to be the ones to deal with Mr. Spell Resistance, though.
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Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Sir Brennen said:
On top of that, that's swords for Brennen, as he normally carries three longswords. By the time I was done untieing the first one, the fight was over.

The reason Brennen carries three swords is because he has a depressing tendency to toss at least one away per fight. That shouldn't happen much with the rules we're using for fumbles in 3e, though.

He has been known to throw his swords at fleeing enemies, with marginal results. I foresee Brennen taking the "Throw Anything" feat at some point.

Sir Brennen

Kid Charlemagne said:
He has been known to throw his swords at fleeing enemies, with marginal results. I foresee Brennen taking the "Throw Anything" feat at some point.
Hmm, Kid C. obviously forgot about the time Brennen stopped a fleeing bandit by throwing a greatsword javelin-style through the bandit's horse. (It was a desperate act on Brennen's part, with massive penalties, but he actually managed to score a critical hit!) Brennen still carries a greatsword strapped to his own horse at all times, just in case. :D

Other than that, the only time Brennen has thrown his sword at an enemy is when the sword happened to fly in that direction during a fumble. ;)

Otherwise, missle weapons are considered un-swordsmanlike by Swords of Kelanen when attacking an opponent (a horse is not an opponent - it's a transportation method), so don't expect to see too much of that kind of thing from Brennen.


First Post
I would also like to add that Gavin (and I) used Power Attack for the very first time on that Dire Ape. Nifty trick, that. Still, I'm glad Jovah dispelled it because Gavin wan't looking forward to being torn limb from limb

I hope the gorilla wasn't a thematic touch. Gavin had enough trouble with Drow spiders, I don't think he would like hordes of golden-eyed demon monkeys. Say, that sounds like a good idea for a WB show....
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Brennan that's a nice sketch, is that your character?

So what do you guys think about your 3E characters? More or less powerful?

I'm definately voting Outsider or part Outsider on that guy.

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