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Like Father, Like Son: Kid Charlemagne's Story Hour , PT III


First Post
I would have to say that Gavin seems more powerful. His feats (especially Power Attack and Cleave) allow him to deal out some serious damage. One of the upcoming fights has him Power attacking, boom, Cleave, boom and then second attack. Nasty.

Outside of combat he doesn't seem all that different. As a fighter he doesn't have a very wide range of skills He no longer wears plate mail because it doesn't give him as high an AC as just breastplate because of his Dex bonus. Most of his horse-related skills/feats haven't come into play yet. Gavin is still the Big, Dumb, (well not that big or dumb) Unpleasant, (8 Cha!) Heavy, None-too-quiet, Straight-Up Fighter. Strangely, he is also the only party member who uses a shield. Everyone else is either a spellcaster, too sneaky, or uses two weapons.

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Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Matchstick said:
I've forgotten your schedule, was there no game this past weekend?

There was; we ordinarily play every other Sunday, but we played two in a row to start with. I will have an update hopefully tomorrow (Thursday) or Friday.

Sir Brennen

Matchstick said:
Brennan that's a nice sketch, is that your character?
It's actually a picture of Borimir from the Lord of the Rings movie, run through a couple of Photoshop filters to give it that "sketch" look. And yes, when I saw LotR, I said "Hey! That's Brennen!"
So what do you guys think about your 3E characters? More or less powerful?
My characters got to show of their new feats this last game, which was a lot of fun. We had a couple of what were probably average fights, and saw Spring Attacks, Tumbles, Cleaves, Sneak Attacks and Critical hits galore. The massive damage that can be dealt out from some of these attacks does cause me some concern ... mostly for when I'm going to be on the receiving end of such a clobbering.

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Update coming tomorrow morning!

See Brennen deal 53 points of damage with two consecutive swings!

See Gavin get schooled on 3rd Edition Sneak Attack damage!

See the party turn a near death scenario into a cake walk in one round!
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Hey guys!

Just got caught up on the "new" 3e story... Great writing job as usual KC! Looks like the group is adapting well to the new system. Plus, as usual, a compelling plot line with some memorable villains.

Keep it up!

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Ulfang, June 1st, AE 420

The party watches the golden-eyed man fly off in hawk form, and debates what to do next. They decide to check out the lighthouse, thinking that there may be access to the tunnels behind the caved-in area beneath the prison camp. They also want to speak with dead with one of their assailants but Jovah can’t do that until tomorrow.

They ride up to the lighthouse, and head up to the door. Jalea is checking the door for traps when an elderly fellow opens a small window in the door.

“Can I help you?” he asks, skeptically.

Brennen nudges Jalea in the ribs to tell him to stop checking for traps.

“Hi!” says Jovah. “We’re tourists, and we were hoping to get a tour of the lighthouse!”

That last bit was a suggestion spell. The elderly man’s expression changes from suspicious to cheerful, and he welcomes the party into the lighthouse. He begins going into a long, detailed explanation of why the lighthouse was built here, how it works, and so on.

“This is wonderful,” he says. “I haven’t given a tour since before the Siege! I’d forgotten how much I enjoy them.”

As he leads the group up to the beacon, Jalea, Aris, and Reana stay behind to check out the basement, and see if there is access to anything beneath the lighthouse. They search, but find nothing.

Upstairs, Gavin, Jovah, Corwin, and Brennen are quizzing the old lighthouse keeper. It turns out he has had some contact with Lord Kentfield, and that they did have some discussion about coves suitable for large ships to drop anchor; Kentfield presumably was concerned about the potential for invasion from the sea. He also tells the party that there are plenty of caves along the cliff wall, some quite unstable and dangerous. He hasn’t seen Kentfield since the prison camp closed down about two years ago.

After leaving the keeper, the party rides further on to the closest of the coves he mentioned. There is no path leading down, so Jalea, Brennen, and Reana climb down the cliff wall. The find two caves, and Brennen notices that the tide is going out.

“Both of these caves will be covered by the tide when it comes back in,” he says. “We have a few hours, but we have to keep that in mind.”

Brennen has some shipboard experience, so he knows a little about tides and such.

They go into the cave that is closest to the prison camp, and follow it back. It goes quite a ways, and eventually rises up to such an extent that Brennen is confident that it will remain above water even at high tide.

“Let’s go get the others,” Reana says.

The full party assembles in the cave after a careful descent of the cliff wall, and moves further into the cave complex. Eventually, it leads to a spot where there is another cave-in. This one also looks to be man-made. Brennen clears out some of the rubble, and Corwin sends his toad familiar to pick his way through and see how far back it goes. It appears to only go about 20 feet, and the party decides that they can spend a few hours digging it out. This they do, with only a minor mishap as Brennen and Gavin cause a minor secondary cave-in on their own heads. After about four hours, they have the cave-in cleared, and they climb through to the clear passage beyond.

“Just remember,” Jovah says. “Anything living in between two cave-ins is probably not alive.”

They explore into the uncovered passages, and soon find an area with worked stone. They are beset almost immediately by undead creatures; wights, they believe. They make quick work of the threat and take a look at what they have found.

There are three chambers in the cave complex: two appear to be living quarters, abandoned for some time. The other looks temple like, with carvings and a large statue. However, the statue has been demolished, its identifying features broken off and pulverised. The wall carvings are also smashed. They find a patch of clean stone in front of the statue, bordered by a darkish brown stain all around it.

“This is blood,” Reana says. “I bet there was an altar here, and they took it with them.”

Aris looks at Corwin. “Convinced yet?”

“I have to admit this doesn’t look very good for Lord Kentfield,” Corwin replies.

“Okay,” Jovah says. “What now? The tide has come in, and we’re stuck here till morning unless we fold up to the top of the cliff.”

“I don’t want to leave my horse up there all night!” Gavin says.

They fold up to the top of the cliff and camp up there. The next morning they go back to the prison camp and get one of the dead rogues, and cast speak with dead on him.

Jovah asks the questions.

Q: Who is the golden-eyed man you were here with?
A: He is the man who hired Tuck to have you all killed.

Q: Who is Tuck?
A: He’s a lieutenant with the Assassin’s Guild.

Q: What does Tuck look like?
A: Big half-orc, with a scar, carries a scimitar.

Q: Where do we find Tuck?
A: You can probably find him at the Dark Serpent Inn.

Jalea fills in one gap. “The Dark Serpent Inn is a big Thieves’ Guild hangout,” he says.

“So what do we do?” Corwin asks.

“I say we go nab Tuck,” Jovah says. “Dead or alive, I can interrogate him either way.”


Go toad familiar!

I like Gavin not wanting to leave his horse, nice depth there.

I wonder why I didn't see this until today...

Na matter, I'm looking forward to the next part (I'm assuming the 50+ points damage etc. wasn't the wights fight)!

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Matchstick said:
Go toad familiar!

I like Gavin not wanting to leave his horse, nice depth there.

I wonder why I didn't see this until today...

Na matter, I'm looking forward to the next part (I'm assuming the 50+ points damage etc. wasn't the wights fight)!

Nope, that's coming up next! Probably Tuesday, I'd imagine.

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Ulfang, June 2nd, AE 420

“Here’s a question,” Aris says. “When would Kentfield’s Pazuzu ceremonies take place? What do you think, Corwin?”

Corwin found a book amongst his collection with some discussion of various demon cults and their practices. It has proved quite valuable to the party over the past few days. That’s what happens when you roll a natural 20 on your Knowledge: Arcana skill check…

“Typically on nights of the full and new moons, and also on the winter and summer solstices,” Corwin replies.

“There’s a full moon tonight,” Reana says.

The party decides that Corwin will scry on Lord Kentfield at the moment of the moon’s apex, figuring that to be the likeliest time for a ceremony. Then Jovah will dimensionally fold the party to the location described by Corwin. It’s risky, but they hope to jump into the middle of things and cause a ruckus.

First, though, they need to go back to town and pick up Corwin’s mirror at the Gold Dragon Inn, since he needs it in order to cast the scry spell. They go to town and pick up the mirror. No one appears to be following them, and they safely make it back outside of city walls.

About an hour before the moon reaches its highest point that evening, Corwin begins his casting. After an hour, he begins describing what he sees.

Kentfield is in an open, horse-drawn carriage. He is accompanied by a bodyguard in full plate armor, another in banded mail, carrying a loaded crossbow, and a female guard wearing breastplate armor. Sitting next to the rider is the rapier-wielding, foppish bodyguard who the party met just after the Griffon fight. They ride through the streets of Ulfang until they are outside a stone building in a run-down section of town. They get out of the carriage, with the guards at their most alert, and the carriage leaves. They enter the courtyard of the building, and go into a small tavern called the “Gregarious Gargoyle.” The bar appears empty, with just a barmaid cleaning glasses in the darkened room.

Something catches Kentfield’s eye just after he enters, and he turns towards the direction of the scrying sensor. He begins casting a spell, and Corwin hurriedly drops his scry.

“He saw it,” he says.

“I was hoping he’d be in the middle of a ceremony, dammit,” Sir Brennen says. “What now?”

After some deliberation, they decide to jump into the courtyard of the building and enter the bar normally. Gavin preps for a fight, putting on the samurai-mask he received from the Emperor of Ralt Gaither, and tying a headband with continual flame cast on it around his forehead.

“How do I look?” he asks Jovah.

“Like your head is on fire,” Jovah replies.

“Cool,” Gavin responds. “That’s the look I’m going for.”

They fold to just outside the Gregarious Gargoyle. The tavern is below street level, and they clamber down a flight of stairs to the door. Aris enters first, followed by Jovah. The place is dark, lit only by one lantern behind the bar. The barmaid looks up from cleaning glasses.

“We’re closed,” she says. “Come back tomorrow.”

“Uh, just one quick drink?” Aris says.

“Sorry,” she responds. “I’ve closed everything up.”

“We have gold,” Jovah says. “We’ll pay well for just one drink…” A suggestion from the gnome seems to change her mind.

“Oh, well, alright then,” she says, pulling out a couple of bottles of wine and a handful of glasses. The party starts entering the room, one by one. Brennen pulls up a seat by the bar, and starts making small talk.

Then Gavin walks in.

He’s still got the continual flame headband on, so the room gets very bright all of a sudden. Brennen and Jovah turn around, and now that the tavern is well-lit, they see that the place is not so empty as it seemed.

Just a few feet from Brennen, lost in shadow, sits the foppish bodyguard, hand resting on his rapier’s hilt.

In one corner sits a man in leather armor, with a longbow strung and set on the table in front of him. He twirls an arrow in his fingers like a drummer in a band.

In the other far corner sits another man in leather armor, with a lute in his hands and a shortsword unsheathed on the bench nearby. He looks quizzically at Gavin, and begins strumming a tune on his instrument.

Between those two sits a half-orc matching the description of Tuck, the assassin’s guild lieutenant. He holds a bow in his hands.

Near the stair leading down from the entrance sits the female bodyguard Corwin saw in his scry.

Jovah looks at the barmaid.

“You better get out of here!”

Brennen grins a big grin.

“So, where’s Kentfield?”

Aris look at the half-orc. “Hey, is that Tuck?”

And the battle is joined. To Jovah’s immense surprise, the barmaid leaps over the bar, transforming in mid-leap into the golden-eyed man, and drawing a rapier. The foppish man strikes at Brennen, injuring him mildly. Tuck flips over the table in front of him, using it for cover, and fires an arrow at Aris.

Jovah barrel-rolls over the bar, and looks in the room behind the bar. It’s a kitchen, empty, with a door leading out the back.

The archer at the corner table draws his bow back and unleashes two shots into Gavin, who is reacting slowly today. The two arrows bite deep into his flesh, dealing out massive wounds

The archer had +5d6 sneak attack, and the arrows were frost arrows. Gavin took 48 points from 2 shots.

Gavin makes his way towards Tuck, but can’t get a swing in yet. Reana, Aris and Brennen are dealing the golden-eyed man, who whirls into action, striking at each of the people near him! However, the display of fencing prowess is for naught, as he misses everyone.

Whirlwind attack works better if you can roll over a 5…. Grrr… :(

Jovah has a flash of inspiration, and peeks out over the bar at the chaos and bloodshed happening.

“Tuck! The golden-eyed man is trying to kill me! I need you and your men to kill him!”

Suddenly the tables are turned, as the assailants all turn from the party to the golden-eyed man.

“Uh oh,” the rapier-wielding shapechanger mutters.

Jovah had been hiding how he had been suggesting things to people up to this point. You might remember the Ring of Humanoid Control from the last campaign. Gavin never got the thing to work, because it was actually a ring of HUMAN control. Aris misidentified it. Jovah figured out its powers in the meantime. One of its abilities is basically a mass charm, and ALL of the assassins failed their saves.

Now things are much different, and the golden-eyed man starts taking some serious hits, including a critical hit from Brennen. Gavin decides not to deal with Tuck, and turns to the bard still strumming on his lute. He raises his sword and swings down hard on his head, drawing much blood. The bard slips under the table, and changes tunes. A mist springs up around the tavern, obscuring almost everyone’s vision. Tuck slips out of the bar in the confusion. Gavin brings his sword down on the bard again, and the music stops.

The golden-eyed man tries to use this opportunity to make his getaway but Brennen criticals him again, and he drops into the mist. Reana is taking no chances, and drops the female bodyguard. The foppish bodyguard cries out, and moves to grab her and escape, but both Brennen and Reana block his path.

“Tuck! Take your friends to the constabulary and turn yourselves in!” Jovah yells. They seem less inclined to follow this advice then the previous, however.

The foppish bodyguard looks from Brennen to Reana.

“Just let us go, and we’ll forget this ever happened,” he says. “We don’t want none o’ you.”

“Why were you trying to kill us?” Brennen asks accusingly.

“I’m just doing my job!” he replies.

“And what’ll stop you from coming back and attacking us again?” the Sword of Kelanen asks.

“I’ll get a new job,” is the reply.

Reana puts the point of her blade at the female bodyguards neck.

“Where is Kentfield?” she asks.

“There’s a trapdoor in the room behind the bar,” he answers, moving Reana’s sword with the tip of his own rapier.

“He’s down there somewhere.”

“Alright. You can go.” Reana lowers her sword and the foppish man leaves, female bodyguard over his shoulder.

The mist is subsiding as Corwin pulls the golden-eyed man out of the mist.

“Wait a minute, what the hell is this?!” he says in alarm.

Where the golden eyed man was is now a tentacled creature with golden eyes. It looks like a tri-tentacled reptilian beach ball with a cruel beak like a bird. The clothes and rapier of the golden-eyed man are still there, and they stuff them into the party’s bag of holding. As they do this, the silence is disturbed by the sounds of Gavin smashing the bard’s lute into little pieces against a stone pillar. He stops when he sees the party staring at him.

“Uh, sorry,” he says sheepishly, holding the mangled neck of the instrument.

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