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Lost City of Gaxmoor - The Borderlands Campaign


First Post
OK, enough with the clowning around. Story hour. :)

Actually, this is sort of long, so I'm going to split it into two posts.

Death in Arkand

“Margrave Kanor of Gaxmoor sends us! Lower the bridge and let us in!”

Fjorent snakes up to the rim of the pocket to look out. Captain Xiang’s thumb, wrapped around the Black Spear, and the horse’s twitching ear block half her field of vision. Craning to one side, she can just make out her old dwarven friend Raven sitting his saddle a little ahead, head tilted back to peer up to the top of the castle wall above the drawbridge. Several helmets and upper halves of faces can be seen there. Three dozen or more guards are spread out along the battlements and the towers with the ballistae, as Fjorent has seen on an overflight earlier this morning. Clearly, Arkand Castle is ready for a siege.

The holy dwarf warrior takes a long breath, expanding his black-armoured figure to its full breadth. “I am Raven, of Stormhammer Clan!” he shouts in reply to the reluctant guard’s enquiry.

Helmets are wagged and shaken. The bridge doesn’t move an inch. Then at the top of the wall a gauntleted hand appears and points – at her?! Impossible, surely …

“Captain Xiang? Is that you?” the man calls. “Your pardon, sir, we didn’t see you there for a moment.”

Xiang’s horse snorts as he guides it forward beside Raven’s. “We are an envoy from Margrave Kanor of Gaxmoor,” he calls. “To commiserate on the death of Margrave Arngrim’s father.”

Only half a lie, that. Margrave Varnior’s death does concern Gaxmoor’s ruler – if merely because his old ally, Varnior’s widow Eloise, has been arrested by her stepson Arngrim for murdering Varnior. It is to free Eloise, and to kill Arngrim and his sidekick Hrethel that Captain Xiang has brought them here: Fjorent of Beskarn; her old friends Cailin the Huntress and Raven, holy warrior from Cirith Ardrad; and a tall southern desert paladin named Ramu Khem, who wears no armour.

At Xiang’s call, helms wag some more at the top of the wall, then start nodding; and with a screech of chains on iron, the drawbridge moves. The party is met at the gate by a sergeant nervously requiring them to surrender their weapons, which are brought into the South Tower and locked away. Cailin blinks slowly and looks the other way. Fjorent knows from experience that locks tend to fall away almost unbidden under Cailin’s nimble fingers.

Xiang (with Fjorent coiled safely in his pocket) is then escorted up the stairs to the West Tower for an audience with the new Margrave, while the others are invited into the kitchens for refreshments.

Fjorent’s scales twitch and ripple at the dankness of the room – the lingering mists of drink and too much iron hang in the air. There are two heavily armoured men with Margrave Margrave, a small dark man who wears too much fat for his years. He languidly waves for Captain Xiang to sit.

Xiang sits; courteously expresses Margrave Kanor’s condolences; commiserates with Arngrim on the horrors of injustice and the and the cruel necessity to see that justice be done. All diplomat, to hear Xiang now, his tongue all velvet.

Hard to believe this is the battle terror who wields the Black Spear; the man who on a night off duty holds more drink than Cailin at her worst did (thankfully, long past); the enemy important enough to Warmaster Kung to have his sorceress send demonic wire assassins after him … Fjorent throws an instinctive coil of disgust at the too-fresh memory of the abomination – at which instantly all outside light is blotted out as a concealing palm falls flat across the pocket and viper-witch.


“It’s a ball,” Raven, on point on the road to Dulleaberg, the first stage of their journey to Arkand, calls out with a shrug. “A ball of wire. It’s rolling towards us.”

More shrugs all around – which turn to worry in instants as the ball approaches and sends out tentacles of razor-wire, throwing Raven up in the air and dropping him in a clatter of dwarf and armour, then grabbing Xiang and proceeding to tear him to shreds. Cailin’s arrows pass through it harmlessly, as do the pummelling fists of an earth elemental, hurriedly summoned; the Black Spear is ineffective and a flame strike from Fjorent makes the thing glow and actually look --- faster?

Raven, none the worse for his fall, pushes his helm straight and declares the horrid creature evil.

“Beast of Chaos!” shouts Ramu nearly at the same time and with a similar mixture of triumph and distaste. Between the two of them they dispatch the creature, which spews out a mummified head (split in two by Ramu’s scimitar) and promptly smokes away into nothingness.

“What unnaturalness was that?”

“It was after me,” Xiang says, and explains about his enmity with Mount Fire, from where he took the Black Spear about a year ago.

A man to learn from, surely, it occurs to Fjorent as they ride on towards Dulleaberg. It’s an ancient saying in Beskarn:
Show me his enemies and I’ll show you what man he is.


In the chamber at Arkand Castle, another enemy, Margrave Arngrim graciously extends an invitation to Xiang (as graciously accepted) to witness the murder trial coming up this very afternoon. Arngrim claims a priest will be present to monitor whether truth is spoken. More pleasantries are exchanged, more poisoned half-lies are smiled at one another; Arngrim grants Captain Xiang’s request to see his old acquaintance, Captain Jethis (hoped by Xiang to be an ally to his cause); and clothes and iron-clad feet shuffle. The audience is at an end.

For now Xiang can do little more than exchange greetings with Captain Jethis in the armoury (another dank unhealthy place practically crawling with steel and iron) – Jethis looks pale and is clearly reluctant to talk in the presence of Constable Hrethel, Xiang’s escort.


A late lunch follows, during which Fjorent finds her pocket hiding-place suddenly invaded by groping fingers. She lets herself be picked up – to be dangled in front of lots of eyes with the whites growing huge around them and mouths trembling and falling open.

“Completely harmless,” Xiang assures everyone as he drops her on the table, in the voice of a cavalryman talking to restive horses.

Bones crunch satisfyingly in huge writhing coils – Actually, better not. Especially not now. Instead, she pours herself along the table and disappears underneath the sloping sides of a soup bowl.

“Tsk, Mongali, “ she hears one of the servants mutter. “Trust them to keep slimy snakes in their pockets, tsk. Did you see that?”

[To be continued]

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First Post
As soon as plausible the group retires to its guest quarters in the South Tower to discuss tactics. A night attack is settled upon as the most likely course. Cailin hears shoes creaking outside the door and motions a warning; instants later Constable Hrethel knocks and bids them come into the courtyard for the trial.

Which, for a trial, does not take long at all. A man wearing the silver mask of a priest of Ksarul, God of Hidden Knowledge, is already waiting as the group (Fjorent once more concealed in Xiang’s pocket) takes their seats. Margrave Arngrim and Constable Hrethel arrive. A moment, then a beautiful blonde woman, hands tied, is brought along the battlements and down the stairs from the North Tower and sat in a chair in front of the audience.
Eloise confirms her name and denies the murder (to which the silver-masked priest first nods, then shakes his head). A serving girl is brought and amid much sobbing claims that she saw Eloise pour poison into her husband’s ear so he died.
Arngrim himself pronounces the sentence on his hated stepmother: death by beheading at dawn. Eloise is marched away after a rather desperate look in Captain Xiang’s direction.

Another meeting between Captains Xiang and Jethis brings better results than the first, after Jethis manages to get rid of the guard escorting Xiang for a few minutes. Jethis declares he believes Eloise innocent; pales visibly at being told the real reason why Xiang (currently all old campaigner and comrade officer) is here; but lets himself be talked into promising that he will keep the crossbowmen from shooting at the party if fighting breaks out.

Almost, nothing happens. Back in the group’s quarters, Raven now asserts that for him the Ksarul priest’s presence at the trial has changed everything. He will not cooperate in a deed of assassination. He and the other paladin lapse into a shouted dispute about law and righteousness, with Cailin, who knows what bonehead their old dwarven friend can be, looking on in despair. Soon Xiang and Fjorent, tired of arguing in circles, withdraw to the corner farthest from the door to plot.

Xiang’s plan is for Fjorent to sneak into Arngrim’s chamber and kill him, preferably in his sleep, then leave through a window and fly back to Gaxmoor. Xiang will try to get to Constable Hrethel and kill him – if he can get at his Spear that is. He’s hoping that Fjorent can cause some sort of distraction with magic that will allow the group to retrieve their weapons from the locked room.


So, as Xiang steps outside and starts a discussion with the guards to let him check on the group’s weapons and is soon joined by Raven, Fjorent snakes out and around them and slithers away along the battlement towards the West Tower unseen.

The two guards outside Arngrim’s door talk in low voices, oblivious of the string of muscle and scales and death that which passes through the shadows right between their boots and disappears underneath the door; as oblivious in their way as Arngrim and his Constable Hrethel in theirs, slumped at the Margrave’s desk and busy drinking to get drunker.

Fjorent glides around the corners of the room and into the half-glassy forest of dust under the bed, which makes the world turn misty grey; rather like a crossing from the Pale into the True actually – Later, that, she promises herself. A good trip into the True when this is done. After. She draws up into a tight coil to permit her upper body to sway and undulate in the intricate movements of the summoning.

The men at the desk are too webbed in drink to notice anything until the summoned creature of earth and rock bursts through the floor slabs of the room – then both shriek, a chair scatters, a sword screeches in protest as it is wrenched from its scabbard in drunken haste. Already the viper-witch is deep into her second spell, a bristling wall of thorns that springs up to cover one wall, blocking both exits. Not a moment too early: already guards are trying to open one of the doors from the outside.

The two trapped men are shouting (and judging by the movement of Hrethel’s heavily-armoured feet are now slashing at the earth elemental, which stands uncommanded and dumb). Answering calls can be heard outside as the alarm is passed. Fjorent hisses a curse and turns back into her own shape to yell a rock-grinding command to kill the two men. The elemental turns to obey, but now the witch is betrayed.

Hrethel’s feet turn and point towards the bed, and instants later his blade scrapes down her collarbone, drawing blood. Fjorent’s next spell is choked and fizzles in an accidentally inhaled floating ball of dust – Curse those sloppy servants!

Captain Xiang and Raven the paladin can now be heard in the tumult outside, declaring that the Margrave appears to be under attack, demanding their weapons so they can help. Axes are eating into the blocked door from the outside.

Fjorent’s earth elemental slams into Arngrim twice, there is the wet crunch of skull smashed against wall, and the creature turns to Hrethel just as a second one appears. Hrethel now falls to his knees begging to be spared, and is also swiftly dropped by the elemental. Fjorent slits his throat with her sickle to make sure, glances across to Arngrim who sprawls in his corner without his brains, and opens a shutter.

The wood of the door splinters and gives just as Fjorent is turning into a bat. Dismayed cries of “Witchcraft!” sound as the guards find sight and passage barred by the wall of thorns beyond the door, then the wind catches her leathery wings and whirls her out of the alcoholic stench of the room, away into the night.


Witchcraft …
A female prisoner …
I saw her pour poison into his ear …
Her enemy murdered by spells …
Witchcraft …

It is not for nothing that Fjorent has made it a point to learn about men’s superstitions – yet she is halfway across the fields from the castle to the road to Dulleaberg and Gaxmoor before the realisation strikes her. Unless Xiang and the others can stop prevent them, the castle men are going to kill Eloise for this. Annoyed, the witch goes into a backward loop and speeds back towards the looming silhouette of Arkand Castle against the night sky.


As the bat-witch hurries around and past the West Tower, Xiang’s shouts carry through the open window from Arngrim’s room. It sounds as if he is fighting the earth elementals now.

A few wing-beats later, Fjorent reaches the arrow slits in the North Tower. This is where the prison is. Only just like the window slits leading to Arngrim’s room, these are tightly shuttered from the inside. Curse that sloppy thinking. Through the door?

Cautiously the witch rises on the night air to peer over the battlements. There’s no way she can fit underneath the door in bat shape, and she has no more forms left until the new dawn. Also, men are milling on the battlements. Not a chance between Sky and Earth to pass through there unseen. There is a heated discussion going on about action to take, about the prisoner and witchcraft. Indeed.

Fjorent’s friends are among the soldiers. To her relief, they have their weapons back.

Just then Captain Kerek starts forward towards the prison door announcing that he will see ‘the witch’ executed right away.

“Try that and I shall strike you down where you stand, man!” Captain Xiang thunders, emerging unscratched from Arngrim’s room through the wall of thorns, Spear in hand. There is a hush. The real witch, fluttering just above the battlements, takes a moment to block access to the prison door with a second wall of thorns, then dives for the window slit praying to Earth and Sky and the Three Sisters that she will have time …

… For a wood shape, first.
The shutter sags and swings inward on a single hinge. Inside, a guard has brought Eloise, her hands still tied, out of her cell and is pressing his sword to her throat. Very fortunately, he is too busy staring nervously at the door to have noticed the window shutter dangling loose. Next time, just make a hole, stupid witch.

… And a baleful polymorph, second.

“Guard! Execute the witch!” Captain Kerek calls above the din outside, just as Eloise stumbles free and the guard-rabbit hops away into a corner. Outside, Raven’s voice rises as he works to dispel the wall of thorns.

“Who are you?” Eloise asks, looking straight at the bat, who is impressed.


There is little more to tell. Margravine Eloise is freed from prison. Cailin proudly unearths a letter in Arngrim’s desk that states that “This man will be suitable for the job, to discover what it is desirable to discover.” The letter is unsigned but bears the seal of a noble house allied to Imarr. The silver mask is taken off its wearer, who turns out to be a young freckled lad of few words, and possibly fewer thoughts in his head. Captain Kerek finally sees his error and is pardoned, but dismissed, together with those of the castle guards Eloise no longer trusts. The group stays on for several days to ensure that the transition in power is smooth and then makes its way back to Gaxmoor.


First Post
Here's what S'mon explained about the seal on the letter:

It was the seal of Duchess-Mother Freydis of Netloran. The Duchy
of Netlorani lies east of Dulleaberg, it's the westernmost province of
the Overkingdom.

Just in case we run into her again. :)


StalkingBlue said:
Here's what S'mon explained about the seal on the letter:

It was the seal of Duchess-Mother Freydis of Netloran. The Duchy
of Netlorani lies east of Dulleaberg, it's the westernmost province of
the Overkingdom.

Just in case we run into her again. :)

Great account, Kerstin - and nice not to have a gap in the Story Hour. BTW I think it was Captain Kerrik who was shadowing Xiang eg in his meeting with Captain Jethis, not Constable Hrethel.


First Post
A Simple Trip To The Country

"Captain Xiang, please come in." Margrave Kanor looked ill at ease and a little dishevelled. He'd taken news of his sister Saphie's death at the hands of Heracules and the Frost Giants badly, but there was a sense of renewed purpose about him today.

"I've recieved news that Margrave Varnior had died. However, I have also recieved news that his son Arngrim has been declared Margrave in his place, and accused Eloise, his step-mother, of his murder. You remember Eloise, you travelled with her for some time."

Xiang nodded quietly. This was politics. Clearly his promotion to Captain of Gaxmoor was not merely ceremonial. Kanor was beginning to involve in him the miriad plots of the Scornic League. An interesting thing, for a warrior, but not unlike learning a new battlefield. You scouted out the terrain, saw the places where you'd prefer to fight, and engaged the enemy at those places. Scout - plan - execute.

"Of course Eloise must be innocent, I've been hearing reports of Arngrims wastrel ways and poor judgements for some time. I'm sending you and whoever you wish to take to the Castle to free Eloise and eliminate Arngrim and Constable Hrethel, his closest advisor. Do whatever it takes."

"Indeed, my Lord. As you command. Do you have any news on people I can take with me? What with Heracules, I find myself a little short of friends at the moment." Xiang smiled without a trace of humour.

"Tarquin is busy in the Temple, Leo has locked himself in his rooms at the Tower of the White Way and is apparently muttering something about disintegrating anyone that disturbs him...however, your Aryptian friend Ramu Khem would no doubt be useful on such a mission."

Xiang grimaced. He'd hoped that Leo and Tarquin - men he owed his life to and trusted implicitly - would be able to come along. However, Ramu Khem was a useful ally. "Anyone else?"

"A group of three adventurers have arrived in Gaxmoor." Kanor quickly consulted some notes. "A Dwarven Paladin weilding what he claims is a Holy Avenger, by name of Raven. The Dwarf, not the Holy Avenger, that is. A female Witch named Fjorent, and a...capable young woman named Cailin, who is apparently a former member of Tarkane's army, albeit in a very minor role."

"They sound like just the sort of people that could help. A Witch Woman, eh? And a former Army woman? A curious mix."

* * * *

The five riders set out from Gaxmoor later that day. Xiang had cast his warriors eye over them, and quickly formed some opinions, based also on the conversation. Raven seemed more than capable, a grimly determind Dwarf clad all in Black Full Plate, and holding an Axe that almost papably resonated with the Black Spear. Xiang had been forced to hold the Spear in his off hand to keep it away from the other weapon.

Fjorent had looked him straight in the eye and declared she was a Witch, with powers of shapeshifting and elemental destruction. Xiang had heard of such, indeed such a woman had joined the initial ill-fated attack on the Frost Giants. This one seemed tougher, somehow.

Cailin had also not come as a surprise. She turned out to be somewhat small and nondescript, and Xiang read in her movements a preference for sudden strikes from the shadows rather than a straight up fight. So - not a threat when he could see her, but someone to keep an eye on.

They rode, departing early afternoon, intending to go North via Dulleaburg. However, a short hour from Gaxmoor there was a nasty incident. Rolling down the road towards them was a ball of what seemed like wire - wire that could move and strike at exposed flesh! Xiang charged it with the Spear, only to find he had nothing to hit, and at the same time Cailin's arrows whistled through it and Fjorent's flame strike did nothing.

Fortunately, Raven and Ramu Khem were able to do much more. Their weapons, forged of cold iron and bearing powerful enchantments versus chaos and evil, quickly slashed through the creature. Finally, even as a summoned earth elemental joined the fray, the creature was destroyed, Ramu striking the final blow.

Xiang thanked his companions. It had become clear during the fight that the creature was seeking to kill him first and foremost. It was clearly an abomination sent by the forces of Warmaster Kung to retrieve the Black Spear. Xiang explained the situation, and warned them to be vigilant for future attacks at any time.

As midnight fell, they rested and resumed the next day.

* * * *

The next day saw the Castle bearing into view as the afternoon reached it's midpoint. From a safe distance, Fjorent offered to do a flypast as a quick scout to establish whatever she could.

First step - scout.

Xiang let her go and waited patiently for her return. She reported back safely, saying that the drawbridge was up, the moat filled and guards and siege engines were on the walls.

"It is as we might have expected," said Xiang. "Arngrim knows that taking power like this might spring reprisals from Eloise's allies, and guards against it. Before we approach any further, what magical powers can you summon should this disintegrate into a straight fight?"

After some discussion about the heights of the walls and so forth, it was established that the largest Earth Elementals that Fjorent could summon were likely to be able to take the castle apart, quite literally. In addition, they could lift Xiang and the others onto the battlements. Xiang grinned to himself. He strongly hoped not to have to attack openly, but it was nice to know that should it come to it, the magical power was on his side.

A day later they returned...

* * * *

Riding around to the other side of the town seemed like a good plan at the time. The group wanted to try and go into the city on a scouting/searching effort to find out more information. However, the gates were locked. Even two Christos Priests were barred entry.

After some discussion and shouting at the guards, Xiang and the others rode back up the road and camped out at a local farmers. Cailin went in and found out that all the important people were in the castle, and that the town was completely incommunicado. No one in, no one out.

The group got up early the next day and decided to go staight into the castle, claiming that Margrave Kanor had sent them to celebrate Arngrims's succession and commiserate him on the death of his father.

* * * *

Before they reached the Castle, Xiang and Fjorent hatched a plan. The Witch wildshaped into a Tiny Snake, hiding in Xiang's pocket. Now they had a secret to protect, but a powerful ally that would remain unknown.

A brief conversation with the gate guards granted them entry once they recognised Xiang. Raven looked somewhat interested to note that his words, though better phrased, did not quite have the impact of Captain Xiang's presence.

Once inside, the Black Spear and the other weapons of the group were removed. Xiang found it hard to let go, hearing a voice on the edge of his mind urging slaughter, but instead allowed his hand to relax away from the grip of the weapon. Everyone mentally noted the location of the stored weapons.

Xiang was taken to see the new Margrave as the others made their way to the food hall for some lunch. After a short conversation of pleasantries that neither man meant, both being aware of the reputation of the other, Xiang joined the rest of his group. At the same time, and feeling somewhat confident with the effect his reputation was having on all around him, he pulled Fjorent from his pocket and made sure she ate as well. Smiling to himself, Xiang reflected that he would only gain legend from this...the weilder of the Black Spear that has a snake for a pet...

Later that afternoon was the "trial" of Eloise. A Priest of Ksarul was present, apparently detecting the lies she would no doubt speak. He wore a silver mask, completely hiding his face. In short order, the trial took place. It was clear to the group that Eloise was here to be found guilty, as the Priest declared her words a lie or truth as needed. Arngrim sentenced her to death the following morning for murder; the method was to be beheading. Any plans the group were to hatch would have to be tonight.

Xiang went to speak with Captain Jethis. He was in command of the light crossbowmen at the Battle of Jerrikig, and Xiang had heard good things of him. After getting rid of the guard that had escorted him across the castle, Xiang and Jethis spoke quickly and quietly. Jethis was shocked to hear of Xiang's mission, but considered it just, and agreed to attempt to keep his crossbowmen out of any fighting that might erupt. In return, Xiang gave his word that he would try and keep the casualties to a bare minimum - hopefully just Hrethel and Arngrim!

In the evening, Fjorent and Xiang got moving, taking action while Raven, Ramu and Cailin were arguing over the rights and wrongs of the situation. Fjorent slipped out the door, wriggling underneath it to head for the Margrave's room. Xaing's plan was to wait for her distraction, and then go for his weapon and attempt to take out Hrethel, and then free Eloise.

The plan went somewhat better than expected, all told.

A few moments after Fjorent left, Xiang opened the door to the 'guest quarters' and spoke to the guard, asking to check up on the Spear before retiring to sleep. As the conversation proceeded, Xiang and the guard both heard a roar from the Margrave's quarters and the sounds of combat! Xiang immediately brushed past the guard and started to head down the stairs, shouting "The Margrave is under attack! Guards, rally!" and motioning his companions to follow.

Cailin and Ramu simply dropped off the walls down the door hiding the weapons. Cailin picked the lock and headed inside as Raven and Xiang caught up. The fighting continued as the guards tried to break the door down.

Unlocking a second door, Cailin passed out weapons to all those that needed them. Both Xiang and Raven looked much happier with their weapons in hand, the Black Spear once again fitting snugly into Xiang's grip.

Racing back up the stairs, Xiang saw the outer door had been destroyed, revealing a wall of thorns. Xiang new that this was Fjorent's work, but forced himself through it, getting scratched in the process. On the far side he found a single Earth Elemental and the dead bodies of Hrethel and Arngrim! It seemed that they had been together when Fjorent attacked. Xiang smiled grimly, batted aside an ineffectual strike from the elemental and destroyed it with a couple of swings of the Spear. "The Margrave is dead!" he shouted, and plunged back through the wall of thorns.

Outside, the other Captain, and now joint-highest ranking officer was Captain Kerek. He had command of the many pikemen that now thronged around the place. Xiang approached him, along with the others, as he began to shout for Eloise's immediate death. Just as guards began to run to her prison, a second wall of thorns sprung up in front of the doors. With a glance, Raven began trying to dispel it, without immediate success. Xiang knew that delaying tactics were needed for Fjorent to engineer a disappearance or a rescue and he stepped forwards and began arguing that since Eloise was now the rightful ruler of the Castle, she should be freed - anything to keep Kerek talking.

Ramu Khem circuled around the battlements, intent on keeping an eye of the Ksarul priest that had emerged from his quarters.

As Raven finally dispelled the wall of thorns, Kerek stepped forward to unlock the door and go inside to kill Eloise. As the door opened, both he and Xiang saw Eloise free, standing next to Fjorent. Kerek's mouth fell open in shock, but he went to draw his sword.

The Black Spear was suddenly between him and his target. Kerek looked round at Xiang. "Go to kill her and I shall strike you down where you stand. That is the rightful ruler of this Castle, freed by my forces. I do not want to kill you, but if you do not step down now I shall do so. Make your choice."

Kerek gulped, and dropped his sword.

* * * *

By the morning Eloise was formally recognised as Margravine, Kerek and some of his guards had been exiled, and Jethis promoted to Chief of Security. Fjorent used her tree stride spell to return to Gaxmoor and speak with Margrave Kanor as Xiang agreed, along with the others, to wait a few days until Eloise's position was made safe.


First Post
A Little Matter of a Wager

Captain Xiang and Fjorint of Beskarn are summoned to Margrave Kanor's chambers. Once there they find him talking with a strikingly tall, black-bearded man with piercing green eyes, clad in travel-stained blue robes. He has a golden sickle at his belt, the two guardsmen nearby eyeing it a bit suspiciously.

As Xiang & Fjorint enter, Kanor turns to them.

"Welcome Lady Fjorint, Captain Xiang. This is Alp Ciernan, a druid of the Thuali woods tribe. He has requested our assistance against a goblin clan that has overrun their lands in the eastern BergruckenWald, southwest of Gaxmoor..."

Alp Ciernan has his gaze fixed on Fjorint. He bows deeply to her, ignoring Xiang.

"Milady. I am honoured to finally meet you."
Xiang looked the newcomer over. He seemed to be exactly as Margrave Kanor said - a woodsman. To Xiang's eye, sizing him up for fighting potential, he looked weak. But then, thought Xiang, Leo looks weak until he starts casting spells...

Alp Ciernan explained that he was there to ask the Margrave for assistance in clearing out a large number of goblins from the southwest of Gaxmoor. Apparently, his tribe had lived in the area, but about ten years ago they were forced to leave by a massive goblin, bugbear and ogre invasion. They'd been forced further south, and were finally running out of room. To that end, Alp offered to lead a small band of heroes round and attack the goblins from the south - hoping to catch them off guard. A sucess here would open a faster trade route from Gaxmoor to the south, aiding the Margrave considerably.

Politics again, thought Xiang. First the killing of Arngrim, now a mission to kill goblins in order to open up a trade route...

It seemed that Alp Ciernan's people were willing to become subjects of Kanor if they could retake their homeland, and that Ciernan himself was a capable guide. With his help and Fjorent's abilities, not to mention the sheer killing power of Xiang and others, the goblins should be eliminated.

Alp also mentioned something about a prophecy or vision or somesuch that indicated Fjorent was going to be leading the way in the battle...Xiang didn't consider that too important in this case.

Within a short time, the others were assembled. It became clear that Ramu Khem had gone exploring for a few days, eager to see the local sights, but some good news did arrive. Not only had Leo agreed to come out of his rooms and join the group, but Sigurd had returned from the North as part of a diplomatic mission from Trafalgis. At the mention of a goblin killing mission instead of sitting around with the other politicians, his eyes lit up. "Of course!" he boomed. "It'll be like the old days!"

Xiang gets an idea. "Sigurd, would you care for a small wager on number of creatures killed? Raven, you too?"

Leo rolled his eyes. "You three are asking for trouble, you know that. Wagers..."

Sigurd and Raven swiftly accepted the wager.

* * * *

The group took phatom steeds to the edge of the southern forest, taking a little over half a day, then slept overnight. Guards were set, Xiang and Sigurd taking a turn between them and exchanging war stories, but nothing occoured.

The next day dawned, and Raven the Paladin summoned his warhorse and rode behind the rest of the group to keep up. About half way through the day, Cailin reported a low mound ahead with an entrance. With a moment's thought, Raven reported a strong evil aura.

"The Black Hounds!" exclaimed Alp Ciernan. "They have been a long time foe of all creatures in this area. We should try and kill them, they are dangerous."

Leo sent his everpresent prying eyes into the small burrow, seeking information, and within a short time he'd established that there were at least four hounds at the end of a tunnel. However, nearly everyone was too tall to fit inside. After a short experiment with a summoned earth elemental trying to lure the creatures out, Alp explained that they were unlikely to appear during the daylight hours.

"You couldn't have told us that ten minutes ago?" muttered Xiang after his breath.

It was eventually decided to send Raven in alone, but augmented with spells. A haste, barkskin and invisible Dwarf soon stumped down the corridor, axe in hand. Fjorent followed in bat form.

Xiang waited at the entrance.

"One!" came the call from the Dwarf. "Two!"

Then an unearthly howling issued as the remaining creatures fought back. Two members of the group, Tarquin and Cailin fled with a supernatural fear instilled in them. Xiang gave chase, shouting for Alp to follow so that he could lead them back to the burrow when the effect wore off.

By the time he returned, he found that Raven had reemerged with some coins and a set of bracers, announced that between his axe and Fjorent's flame strike the beasts were all dead. The bracers were magical, but the party had no time to identify them now.

Reaching the edge of the forest, they camped again, towards the end of the day. Tomorrow they would make their way back north and attack the goblins.

That night at around midnight, Xiang spotted a strange creature standing at the edge of the clearing. It was much paler than the Black Hounds, and a little larger, but it made no move to attack. As soon as Sigurd went to wake the others, it turned and moved off into the trees, quickly disappearing from sight. Alp explained that it was probably a Moon Hound, protectors of the land and friend to humans.

Xiang felt faintly annoyed that it had left, he'd had a feeling it was trying to communicate something...no matter.

* * * *

A bright sunny autumnal day greeted the group the next day as they prepared to go north. It was decided to stay off the path and move through the underbrush. It would slow everyone down, but would be likely to give the group a good chance to spot enemies before they were spotted. Cailin took point.

About halfway through the morning, after a couple of hours of travel, Cailin spotted foes. Two bugbear guards in front of a mound. She snuck back to the rest of the group, reported, then went forwards again.

Xiang listened patiently. At the sound of a bow shot, followed by a roar from the bugbear that had been injured, he ran forwards with the rest. The large mound had a clearing outside it, and as the group ran forwards bugbears began to come from inside.

Fjorent was ready for this, and sealed off one entrance with a wall of thorns. Xiang went to the other entrance as Cailin shot down the first bugbear guard, Sigurd and Raven running past him to engage the emerging bugbears. One managed to evade them and go for Leo, injuring him, but was swiftly dropped by a combination of a scorching ray and other damage.

Xiang stood by the other entrance, Spear dancing in his hands as goblins ran towards him. Some got past him into an entangle spell that Alp cast, but mostly they died and died and died. Even one that tried to hide and shoot him with a bow was no match - Xiang spotted him and ran him through. The other bugbears were also swiftly killed by Raven and Sigurd, even the one that had struck Leo.

Alp was briefly in trouble as two goblins got past the entangle to strike at him, but a volley of magic missiles from Leo soon solved his problem.

The first outpost was down, and the group had barely broken sweat. Xiang, Sigurd, Raven and Cailin moved inside, intent on looting the rest. They found many goblin and bugbear children along with some females of the species, but left them alone.

Xiang was moving quickly along the tunnel, looking for a chieftains room when a sword struck at him, narrowly missing. A bugbear faded in from an invisible state...Xiang struck him twice, the first an awesome blow that would have dropped most creatures in a second. The bugbear chief died, his soul eaten by the Black Spear.

A swift search located more coins and a potion, but nothing more. The surviving goblins and bugbear young were told to leave, southwards, and never return - an offer they were glad to accept.

* * * *

Around midday, the ever useful Cailin reports a small set of huts ahead, with a couple of bugbears, a warg and a goblin standing guard over a ford. As one, the group simply charges forwards, with Cailin taking a pot shot at the bugbears.

The response is slightly overwhelming. As the bugbears blow their horns and shoot back, the goblin and the warg counter charge the heroes, doing a little damage. Then the huts open and several more bugbears emerge...and some goblins...and some more wargs.

"This is more like it!" thinks Xiang to himself.

Battle is swiftly joined, but with Leo supplying a fireball right into the middle of the oncoming enemies, it's fairly short. Fjorent flame strikes the two archers, who then move in to help their friends kill Sigurd, but between his relentless sword strokes and Cailin's mobility and precision strikes (tumble and sneak attack - the rogue's friend), and with Raven and Xiang wreaking havoc amongst the rest, it's short and sweet.

More looting, a little more treasure. Cailin is healed, having been bitten by a warg and then somewhat unfortunately being caught by the fireball - Leo apologises - and the group decides to pause for lunch.

Xiang tells Sigurd and Raven that on number of kills, he's ahead so far, but he does recognise that the foes Sigurd has killed have probably been tougher. Raven is third, but not by much. And the goblin caves are yet to come.

* * * *

After a little more travel, seeing several trails that lead off to one side, and an encounter with a poison trap that hurts Cailin before Tarquin removes the effects, Alp Ciernan tells everyone that the caves are up ahead.

A little questioning reveals that he's prepared to guess where the goblin king is and lead the group in.

Moving quickly in, Cailin spots the guards and lets fly with several arrows, dropping two. The other two run, blowing their horns and goblins start to gather at the entrances to the five caves.

The group doesn't hesitate, running swiftly in the nearest cave entrance with Alp giving directions. Arrows fly from the other caves, one striking Raven, then they're in. Tunnels go past in a blur, a large room full of goblin children, more arrows that all miss, then a large pair of iron bound double doors.

Without a pause, Leo steps up and taps his ring of earth elemental command agains the doors, and the wood melts away before him to reveal a large room. The throne of the Goblin King stands against one wall, but it's the three goblin archers in front of Leo that are holding his attention!

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Three arrows puncture his skin, drawing heavy blood. The group rushes through the door, and are met by a heavy counter charge from yet more goblins and the kings personal bodyguard - ogresses weilding mauls who begin frothing at the mouth and strike hard against Xiang, Sigurd and Raven!

Fjorent flies in in bat form, throwing a wall of thorns against one wall and trapping nearly half the common goblins. One brave goblin runs to the far walls and tries to open the door there as the fighters start to cleave through their opponents.

"Protect the King! Protect the King!" goes the cry.

"Yes, yes! Protect me!" whimpers the King in reply.

Dazzling sword and axe play from Sigurd and Raven down three of the ogresses, but Xiang does slightly less well, only killing one, The other two attacking him strike hard, and Xiang knows he's going to need some healing. Fortunately, the party works well as Raven and Sigurd move across to help him, leaving room for Tarquin to administer a heal to Xiang in the middle of the fight. Xiang spares a second to thank him before returning to the fight.

Showing incredible bravery again, Cailin tumbles through the fight and takes a shot at the King himself, standing clear. In response, the fat old goblin draws a nasty looking shortsword and charges her. His weapon glows with enchantment, biting deep into her and spreading a little numbing cold into her.

The battle is effectively over though, because Fjorent has just called up three summoned large earth elementals who are helping to finish off the remaining goblins. Sigurd steps up and hacks off the Goblin Kings head with little effort.

"Takes a King to kill a King!" he says with some satisfaction.

The goblin archers die soon after, and the mission is a success. One goblin runs off down a far corridor, but the alert was already raised. The King is dead, but there would no doubt be a new King in short order. The group reviews it's health and decided to wreak as much havok as they can before leaving.

* * * *

[That's all for that session - another Story Hour update in two weeks when we've gamed again!]


Leo's account

Leo's account

The Mad Ogresses.

Leo was sitting at this desk muttering.
“Fireballs, fireballs, everyone wants to learn fireballs.”
He had just finished an involved lesson in the theory and use of magic with some of the more advanced students in the tower. As he had looked at them, he could almost hear their thoughts.
“Yes, the theory of magic is very nice but when are you going to teach us to cast fireballs”.
A rap at the door interrupted his thoughts.
“Come,” he called and a young messenger entered and handed him a now familiar note with Kanor’s seal. He was wanted at the palace.

As usual he called at the Temple of Urnus Gregaria where he collected Tarquin the priest and they both made their way to the Palace. They were ushered in without delay. The Palace servants were very familiar with them by now. In Kanor’s audience hall Leo saw Xiang, Sigurd and four strangers. A tall, bearded man wearing a blue cloak, a slight lady in nondescript clothes, a dwarven warrior dressed in black armour with a large axe and another lady dressed in neutral colours but with a shield bearing a human skull. All four looked intimidating.

“Leo,” Xiang called out as soon as he saw him. “ I want to introduce you to some new colleagues.” He took to mage to a corner and spoke quietly.
“That is Raven”, he said pointing at the dwarf. “He is a virtuous warrior and knight. The lady with the skull shield, Fjorint, is a forest witch like Rhianne and the other lady is Cailin, a scout.”

“Forest witch” Leo thought. That meant a shapeshifter with other powers. The other two descriptions were self explanatory.

Leo looked enquiringly at the last stranger. “I don’t know him”, whispered Xiang.

At this point Kanor entered. “Ah, Leo, you are finally here. I hope you have made your introductions to the others. The gentleman in blue is Alp Ciernan, a druid from the Thuali Woods. He has come here to ask us for help in removing a tribe of goblins from the wood and restore it to his tribe. The goblins have a motley collection of allies including bugbears and ogres. Captain Xiang, it would be very helpful to all of us if you and your colleagues helped Alp Ciernan at this time.”

Captain Xiang? Leo wasn’t sure where this captaincy came from but he would ask Xiang in time. At this moment it wasn’t important. Clearing out the Thuali Woods was. First it would potentially create a safer, faster trade route to the South but more importantly there was a possibility that Heracules the cambion may try to persuade the goblins to launch an attack on Gaxmoor from the Southwest at the same time as he attacked from the Doskan Heights. That would be very bad. So time was of the essence.

The group left to make their own preparations. Leo and Tarquin introduced themselves to the strangers. Leo was pleased to hear Cailin describe herself as being ”familiar with traps”. That was going to be particularly useful. He spent a little time talking with Sigurd about his new kingdom. Then Alp Ciernan was questioned more closely and two things became apparent. Alp himself was not particularly powerful but he was very familiar with the area and therefore would make a very good guide. He was also informative, telling the group about a Goblin King, a variety of bugbear chieftains, more sneaky goblins and hulking ogres. He believed he would be able to lead them on a trail to a valley, which was faced by a group of hills dotted with cave entrances. These were the living quarters of the tribe. Alp was also confident he would be able to lead them straight to the Hall of the Goblin King. Finally he mentioned about the Nighthounds, gigantic dog-like beasts who hunted men at night.

The next day, Leo conjured his Phantom Steeds for everyone. This was greeted with delight by Raven, who was a skilled rider and had not an experienced the intoxicating speed of these beasts. The group set off, riding down the trail, briefly stopping to speak to some farmers selling chickens. By the end of the day they were on the edge of the woods. Night came and the group set up camp. Watches were set but little happened. About midnight, Leo was woken briefly by the rain and as he turned around in his shelter he saw Sigurd swinging his sword energetically with no apparent reason. Then he turned around and went back to sleep.

In the morning the group set out on foot, led by Alp and Cailin. Raven was able to summon Binky his charger. Leo tried to reconcile the name Binky with the half-ton of snorting horse-flesh in front of him. He gave up and cast his Prying Eyes. As the group moved in the woods, Cailin motioned for the group to stop and briefly moved off. Then she came back and informed the group that she had come across a small, foul smelling dark hole. As the group moved closer to investigate it, Alp said he thought this could be the lair of the nighthounds and Raven hissed that he could feel evil from it. Leo sent an eye in there and when it came back it showed him a central corridor with several branches and an end cave with four dog like shapes in it which attacked it. Some attempts were made to draw the hounds out but they were unsuccessful. As Raven was the only one who could fight in the hole, he was supported by some magic and went in there to deal with the beasts. Fjorint changed shape into a bat and followed him. There were sounds of battle from inside and suddenly a hideous howling was heard. Several members of the group found it too horrible to stand and they had to run away. Leo steeled himself against the sound and he heard further sounds of battle and a bright flash from inside. After a little time, there was silence and then Raven emerged and the bat flew out. Raven called out that the evil had been dealt with. The others sheepishly rejoined the group and a search was made of the lair. A little money was found together with a set of bronze bracers.

The group then continued on the path and made camp from the night. This again was uneventful with the exception that everyone was awakened briefly to look at another strange dog, this one pure white who looked at the group carefully but did not approach them once it saw they were all awake. Sigurd said that until then it had been approaching. Alp then chimed in, saying he believed it was a moondog, a benevolent supernatural creature which watched over the land.

The group set out and as before, Cailin motioned the group to stop and shortly came back to report seeing a mound with several bugbears outside it. There is little ceremony; the group moves in with the warriors at the front. Fortunately the enemy is startled and slow and so the warriors from the group are able to reach them quickly. General melee ensues but the bugbears are no match for the hardened warriors. There are two entrances into the mound and the enemy alerted, pour out of both. A moment later, Fjorint seals one of them with a barrier of brambles and thorns. Groups of goblins join in the fray. The battle is short and sharp and the outcome is never in doubt. The mound is searched and non-combatants are sent on their way with warnings never to return. The journey on the path is resumed.

Some time later, Cailin again motions for the group to stop while she goes ahead to investigate. She comes back to relate that the trees part to show a small collection of dilapidated hovels next to a river. There are two bugbears next to a point on the river, possibly a ford. Again the group hold a quick discussion and the decision is made that offence is the best option. Moving quietly up to a point, the group rushes in, headed by the warriors. The bugbears realise they are under attack and sound the alarm but by this stage the group already is very close to the village. As the enemy come pouring out of the buildings and group together to repulse the invaders, Leo saw an opportunity and cast a fireball in the middle of their number (he smiled wryly to himself as he thought about he irony of the situation, considering his lesson two days ago). This was effective and thinned out enemy numbers as well as hurting the more powerful ones. In the back he noticed another fire spell affecting two bugbears at the back. General melee followed, with the warriors being surprised by the power of the bugbears that seemed to be some elite guard. Be that as it may, the warriors soon dispatched the whole group. After searching, some loot was found but not a great deal.

The group then started on the main trail. It was criss crossed by several other trails that were obviously heavily used by a variety of creatures including ogres and bugbears. The journey to the valley was uneventful with one exception. Cailin stopped the group and started investigating one section of ground ahead. Suddenly she stiffened, paled and jerkily headed back to the group, saying that she had been poisoned. Tarquin quickly took her boot off and examined her foot, which had a small puncture mark. He tried to suck the poison out but suddenly Cailin stiffened and was unable to move. Fortunately Tarquin had a prayer which was able to bring her back to her normal self.

The group then moved forward into the valley. They were hoping that Alp was going to be able to guide them straight to the main hall of the cave system. Moving into the valley, Cailin reported a quartet of goblins outside that cave entrance posted as guards. The group moved up as far as they could and then Cailin moved in and shot two of them. Unfortunately the other two set off the alarm. The group wasted little time and led by Alp, they sped into the cave mouth. They passed numerous cave entrances, punctuated by goblin screams of women and children and a few warriors. These were ignored and Alp led them to a pair of large wooden doors bound with metal and obviously barred on the other side. Moving quickly, Leo used an effect of his ring and suddenly only the metal binding was left in a gap made in the doors. Unfortunately, Leo was shot full of arrows as soon as the hole appeared.

Cursing, he made way for the warriors who were clamouring to enter. As more of the group entered, they saw a large cavern full of goblins, a harem of naked goblin women and several demented female ogres also wearing very little. Suddenly, a wall of brambles and thorns appeared, effectively sealing off half the goblins on one side of the cave. Battle was joined with the others. The mad ogresses rushed forward, engaging the warriors. The harem set up a steady shriek. The king bellowed instructions to everyone and more goblin archers and warriors made ready to enter the fray. Archers shot at Leo and scratched him. Goblin warriors flailed at Fjorint who was in the shape of a bat at the moment. Cailin tumbled through the battle although this seemed costly to her as Leo saw her being hit at least twice until she was able to take a shot at the Goblin King. This infuriated him and he rushed towards her. He also struck her but this put him in reach of Sigurd who promptly cut him down. By this stage there were only a couple of the mad ogresses left and they were quickly dispatched although Xiang was screaming for healing. Then three large earth elementals appeared and they mopped up the remains of the enemy. A few fled through another pair of double doors at the back of the throne room.

The group searched the throne room, healed and made ready to go deeper into the complex so as it create as much mayhem and disruption as possible.


First Post
Things Happen Quickly When You're Not Expecting Them

Tarquin recieves a sending, asking Sigurd to remove his amulet of protection from detection so that he can talk to Kanor. Sigurd is then teleported out by Dovistar's teleport summons spell. After only a few moments, Sigurd is teleported back in, along with Ramu Khem. Greetings are exchanged all round, but Sigurd's tale of what just happened is interrupted as a group of Ogres charge down one tunnel, and warg riders appear at the door that the party entered!

Xiang is charged by the largest of the Ogres, who deals him a tremendous blow with a large maul. Xiang is rocked back on his heels by the force of the impact, his black armour almost crumpling under the impact, but he steels himself and raises the Spear to retaliate. Fjorent is caught at the door, attempting to move a little way away to cast a flamestrike. The flames roar down as Xiang strikes back at the Ogre chief, dealing huge damage. As the flames clear from around the Ogres, Raven arrives, his holy avenger gleaming in the light as he smites evil. The Ogre chieftain, despite his strength and power, is slain outright. Sigurd has moved up, sword slicing into ogres. However, even as Tarquin moves over to help the wounded, the ogres counterattack and Fjorent lies crumpled beneath their blows. Tarquin checks - dead.

On the other side, things are going somewhat better. Between rapid scimitar work by Ramu, arrows from Cailin and a circle of death from Leo, the wargs and their riders are quickly dying. Cailin is briefly tripped, but some more scimitar work, a magic missile and some fancy footwork by Cailin herself ends the problem.

Then - a further set of arrivals. Goblins pour in through the door behind the wargs, whilst more come down the tunnel towards Raven even as he strikes down the remaining ogres. But the mighty wizard Leo is not only smart, but cunning. He selects the perfect spell - black tentacles. All the goblins manage only a single shot with their bows, scratching Sigurd and Raven before the tentacles grapple them and squeeze the life out of them. The final warg is slowly crushed as well. As quickly as they arrived, the goblins leave, and beyond the wall of thorns the sound of retreat is heard as well. The battle is well and truly won now, with the ogre chieftain slain, the goblin kind dead and the majority of the goblin warriors fallen.

The cost of the fight is Fjorent's dead body. Tarquin kneels over her and begins to pray...for a full minute the strain is visible on his face as he channels the power of his God. It seems for a moment as though Fjorent is not willing to return, but then she does. Sitting up weakly, she turns and thanks Tarquin. He smiles, and casts heal, restoring her to almost full strength.

Regrouping and setting a marching order, the group quickly discovers a locked door. Cailin has it open in a trice, to reveal a well decorated room containing three goblin concubines, and a human woman. One goblin has a small knife to the human's throat. Sigurd steps forward, clutching his sword.

"Leave the woman, depart now, and we will let you live!"

The goblins flee in terror. Sigurd allows himself a small smile of satisfaction. Sometimes it's nice to be intimidating. The woman speaks to him in the language of Ancient Gaxmoor, which fortunately he'd learnt from his cohort Larius.

"I am Lady Claudia of Gaxmoor. Thank you for rescuing me."

Further questioning, the group using Tarquin and Sigurd as translators, brings the information that she was captured when Heracules' forces took Gaxmoor. Once it was freed, she was taken to these caves and traded by the cambion's forces. She'd been used as a concubine and pit gladiator, slaying a hobgoblin in single combat, but was more than pleased to discover Larius was still alive. In fact, in turned out that there may be a very close relationship between the two of them, something that none of the group was aware of. Sigurd promised to keep her safe and lead her out.

The party asked Alp Ciernan and Lady Claudia if they had any further ideas about what to do, which locations to strike next. It was determined that moving swiftly on would be best, and in short order the group found themselves outside an intimidating steel door. A sudden sound made Ramu look round, and he reacted quickly to chase off a small group of goblins, killing three.

The door was investigated, and found to lead to a cunning trap room. As one, the group shrugged, glad that they hadn't fallen into it.

Another sending arrived. Margrave Kanor wanted everyone back as quickly as possible. Between Leo and Tarquin, everyone was clear to teleport...bar one. Alp Ciernan solved the problem by asking the group to accompany him to his sacred grove. The cave system was quickly left behind, and after a short amount of travel, the sacred grove was in view. Alp moved in, and seemed overjoyed to see a large white boar. Embracing it, he turned and said "Thank you for everything. I will be safe now." Smiling at the reunion between a Druid and his animal companion, the group teleported back to Gaxmoor.

* * * *

Margrave Kanor was waiting for them. He quickly laid out the news.

"General Ghyssk has arrived with his slave caravan. It seems that Carrisqui Town is still not fufilling it's obligations, and in fortuitous timing, Ghyssk has been elected to the Town Council. It seems he wants to take over - accepting me as his Lord, of course - and bring Carrisqui properly into the Scornic League. In addition to this, he believes that if they had somewhere to settle, 400 hobgoblins would desert Heraclues forces and come over to us. Now, this may not be a particularly big loss to Heracules forces - after all he has nearly 50 Frost Giants - but it would reinforce our own forces considerably. The key point is that he wants you, particularly Sigurd and Xiang, to help him oust the current council. Will you do it?"

A short discussion followed, weighing up the pros and cons. By the groups reckoning, the reinforcements (although untrustworthy) could help the Gaxmoor forces quite considerably. Sigurd brought up the notion that the hobgoblins could be asked to desert on the field of battle, but it seemed that giving them a place to fight for was a better idea. Checking to see if Raven was happy with the morals of this plan, the group agreed to help Ghyssk take over, but only on the basis that no blood was to be spilt if it could be helped.

Ghyssk was brought into the room, looking slightly nervously at Xiang and Sigurd. He repeated what he wanted, again promised that 400 hobgoblins would be the prize, as it were, and when the group signalled their acceptance he looked more than a touch relieved.

However, Xiang and Sigurd both reminded him (subtly holding weapons at the time) that if any betrayal should happen on his part he'd feel the wrong end of vengeance.

Ghyskk smiled, spread his hands and shrugged, as if to say "Who? Me?"

* * * *

Whilst Leo conjured phantom steeds for everyone, Cailin did a little bit of shopping in Gaxmoor one the behalf of other people, and a little appraising. The share of treasure from the goblins turned out to be nearly 3000gp each, and enough diamonds for Tarquin to cast two further raise dead spells, should they be needed. Raven also comissioned a cloak of charisma +2, and Ramu took the bracers of armour +4 that were found in the Night Hounds warren.

Riding with wizardrous speed to Carrisqui, everyone arrived by nightfall. The move appeared to have taken the Council by surprise, as Ghyssk summoned them and briskly informed them of Margrave Kanor's decision. As the guards moved forwards to try and club him down, Sigurd stepped up and brought the full power of his reputation and leadership to bear, informing the Council members and the guards that the Margrave's decision was final, that Ghyssk had promised no harm to anyone involved in the Council, and that if the Council wanted bloodshed they would have to start it. Grumbling, the Council members left for their own forms.

It took a moment for anyone to realise that Leo had gone with them.

* * * *

When he returned, he informed the group that the Council had met up and discussed the possibility of starting a riot. A large group of people had already formed outside. Sigurd and Xiang stepped outside, quickly.

Once again, Sigurd's talent for diplomacy was greatly useful. He managed to answer the questions of the people, offer his personal assurances that no harm would come to any of them, and that this was all under the orders of Margrave Kanor. Xiang added that Kanor had offered incentives to anyone that wanted to move north to Gaxmoor, as that city was still looking for settlers. There seemed to be some agreement that this might be a good idea, not only amongst the people, but amongst the guards too.

No further trouble occoured, and when, three days later 400 troops arrived from Dulleaburg to help Ghyssk keep order, the group teleported back to Gaxmoor. A major meeting of the heads of the Scornic League was imminent, and Kanor had asked everyone to go with him to Scornel and attend. Fjorent and Leo transported the group onwards, and soon everyone arrived at Scornel.

A much bigger city than Gaxmoor, Scorn'el had a mediterranean feel. Much warmer than the hill city of Gaxmoor, Scorn'el looked down on a large lake. It was busy for the time of year, with delegations coming from several cities to try and sort out what the League intended to do about the threat of the Mongali attack that was expected next year.

The group arrived at the temple of Carthea, and were greeted by the High Priestess of Carthea in Scorn'el, Aquila Velura. Feeling safe for the first time in many days, Xiang left the others and wandered down towards the lake, looking for a good lunch. Margrave Kanor went to speak with Maxilio Vebaris, the Mayor. The rest of the group looked around the place, Cailin and Ramu witnessing the arrival of the great warlord Kardus with his retinue of knights, whom many thought had a good choice of leading the fight against the Mongali.

That night, everyone was invited to dine with the Mayor. Fine food and drink followed, along with a discussion about the situation facing the Scornic League. Maxilio reckoned that Kanor didn't stand much chance of being elected war leader, commenting that it seemed that most of the major aristocrats had put themselves forward for the role. He also brought the news that Zalindra the Devastator, consort of Overking Tarkane, was in Scorn'el. Quite what her intentions were, no one was sure.

The discussion was wide ranging, but friendly. Sigurd talked about the possibility of bringing Trafalgis troops down from the North to help the League against the Mongali, but both he and Kanor warned that any troops from Dulleaburg and Gaxmoor might not make it if Heracules and his Frost Giants suceed in their attack, expected in the next few months. The fate of the whole region could be decided in the next six months or so, and Xiang felt that the actions of the people gathered around him would be critically important in deciding that fate...

Next time: The meeting of the Margraves and Margravines, lots of talking, and possibly a fight? We can only hope...
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