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Lost City of Gaxmoor - The Borderlands Campaign


First Post
A Momentous Two Days - Part 1

Early in the morning, the companions gathered to discuss matters before meeting Margrave Kanor. Leo revealed that he had recieved a sending from Clarendon on behalf of Archduke Ulfius Bloodhammer. Ulfius' opinion was that the Scornic League was doomed to defeat at the hands of the Mongali if they did not take the offer of absoption into the Overkingdom. Zalindra the Devastator (Overkind Tarkane's consort) was to be present at the meeting to make the offer formally.

The group discussed the realities of the situation. It seemed to Xiang that the sheer numbers and battle hardiness of the Mongali would overwhelm the League's forces - even if the Makyans joined in the defence. The terrain suited the Mongali, and according the Ulfius the Thrinians had lost to them. Xiang had heard tales of the Thrinian warriors during his time at Mount Fire, and considered them far better warriors than the somewhat untested League forces.

Despite many misgivings on the part of several members of the group, it was eventually decided that Kanor should be informed of all this, and that the group would mention that should he take the news to Zalindra he would likely gain personal power himself. This ought to be enough to swing him in the right direction.

Kanor proved to be agreeable to the idea. He quickly saw the chance for personal advancement, and his sharp political mind also realised that if Gaxmoor was a part of the Overkingdom then Ulfius and Clarendon would be free to help with a certain Cambion that was a major drain on his resources. It was decided that Fjorent (who had been doing most of the talking), Xiang and Ramu should carry the message of the Margrave's support to Zalindra, whilst Kanor and some of the others talked to other Southern League delegates to inform them of what was going on.

Arriving at Zalindra's quarters, the three were shown in by an elven or half-elven woman dressed in bright armour. Zalindra herself was sat, and after introductions and explanations she confirmed officially that should Kanor lead the vote towards the dissolution of the Scornic League and its intergration into the Overkingdom then he'd gain a large amount of favour with Tarkane.

The conference itself would show this to be entirely true.

The conference hall was a large building, with the main Hall itself shaped with rows of low steps leading back, something similar to an ampitheatre. Mayor Maxilio was seated at a large desk at the centre of the room. The Northern League delegates were seated on the north side of the room, the southern to the south and the central league (mostly merchant types rather than the northern warriors and the southern nobles) were sat between them. Zalindra was next to the southern delegates, and Lord Kardus the Albine warlord was sat next to the Northern delegates. The group were all there as observers, none of them had the power to vote, but they could all speak up if the wanted. Sadly Sigurd, the one member of the group with the most diplomatic experience and political clout, was unable to attend.

Before the meeting settled down, Fjorent took a moment to speak with Kardus about the Mongali situation. When she returned, she said that he seemed deeply pessimistic about his chances of getting the League to join his forces and defend his country.

This was the first item to be discussed. Maxilio opened up the floor to all who would speak on the matter, and Kardus made his case, drawing on his men's experience fighting the Mongali and the many tricks and strategems they already had. Xiang noted he made no mention of the newer composite bows that the Mongali had acquired, and personally wondered if the man actually knew about them. If not, in Xiang's brutal military mind at least, he deserved to lead his men to defeat.

Once Kardus had finished, he sat. Maxilio asked if anyone else wanted to speak, and then invited the vote to be taken. There were no votes for Kardus' proposal, and once it became clear that no one supported him he left angrily with his retinue.

The second motion was Zalindra's offer. She spoke eloquently and calmly, in contrast to Kardus' bluster, and laid out the plans that Tarkane had for the area. Maxilio spoke against her, and then opened up the discussion. Kanor was the first to catch his eye, and spoke for her. He reminded the Council of the lack of any major victory by any race over the Mongali in recorded history, and also mentioned the Makyan forces that he had acquired. Several other Southern delegates added their voices to his side.

Lord Alidarn from the Northern side spoke up, mentioning the historical ties between the northern cities of what was currently the League and Imarr, the capital city of the Overkingdom. He also mentioned that the Northern cities were unlikely to be able to spare many men, since the fight agains the Chaos forces continued. Alidarn clearly though Tarkane's troops were the best bet. Xiang also spoke, telling the assembled delegates that the League's forces were ill-equipped to deal with the sheer numbers that the Mongali would bring.

After some more delegates spoke against Zalindra, mostly from the Central (democratic) regions, the matter was put to vote. Out of the sixty voters, a narrow victory was gained.

By the following morning, the Scornic League would be a part of the Overkingdom.

Xiang caught Fjorent smiling to herself. He knew that this was what she wanted, and that her influence over Kanor was growing. Xiang trusted Fjorent, and saw an opportunity himself to gain power.

Just as the next part of the meeting was about to begin, it was thrown into chaos. With incredible precision, a cloud of choking gas appeared in the Northern section, with a deadly rain of ice-cold shards fell in the Southern!

To be continued soon...

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First Post
Player note - yes, this is the same Overking Tarkane that the group tried to kill off earlier in the campaign. Although none of the survivors of that mission are still with the group, since Leo decided not to participate.


Nice Matt, take 150XP for that. The vote to join the Overkingdom was fairly decisive I thought, 36 to 24.

I think it was Duke Persenex who spoke for the North in favour of joining the Overkingdom, not Alidarn. Rem Margrave Kanor had spoken to him before the Council, while Fjorent & Xiang spoke to Zalindra.

You left out the choosing of war-leader bit, AIR Persenex spoke in favour of Alidarn, Kanor of himself, but both agreed that it was more important to choose a negotiating committee to discuss terms of incorporation with Tarkane, and it looked like the committee would comprise Duke Persenex (north), Margrave Kanor (south) and Mayor Maxilio Vebaris (central).


First Post
S'mon - in all honesty the stuff that happened at the council got kind of overshadowed by the following events of the second half of the session. But thanks for recording what actually happened for prosterity. :)

Part 2 - Attack on the Council

Reacting swiftly, Leo grabbed Kanor, Xiang and Ramu and teleported to the Church of Carthea, pulling them all out of harms way. Xiang moved back outside after receiving a fly spell and began to look for the assailants. Leo, using his see invisibility told him that there were figures floating above the Council hall, casting further spells inside it. Xiang took off, flying at full speed towards where Leo said they were, but before he could get there they faded into full visibility, drew closer together and disappeared. In the seconds that he could see them Xiang recognised them as Mongali.

Xiang quickly moved around the council building, noting that Tarquin and the others had also emerged. Around the front of the building he found Zalindra and Maxilio, arguing over defensive measures. Maxilio was shouting that it would have taken a wish to get through the defences he had put in place. Xiang landed next to them and explained what he had seen, explained where Kanor and the other surviving Southern delegates were, and moved on again.

Flying further round the building to the North side, he found a tight defensive formation of knights protecting Alidarn and Duke Persenex amongst others. Again, Xiang explained the events he had seen. Persenex wanted to move to Kanor immediately and regain control of the situation. Xiang led them around, avoiding Maxilio for a moment.

Kanor and Persenex quickly established that the decision to join to the Overkingdom should still stand, despite the loss of life, and seemed prepared to make sure it happened at all costs. Quickly moving to Maxilio's position, they told him that the three of them should take responsibility for the League's assimilation. Zalindra was pleased to see decisive leadership, and the four of them moved off to arrange matters.

The group gathered close by in case of further attacks. After a few minutes, it seemed that the Mongali had fled, their attack finished. Fjorent excused herself and went, with Raven, to see Kardus before he left Scornel. When she returned, she spoke to Kanor, telling him that Kardus was willing to speak with him. However, Margrave Kanor couldn't see anything to talk about. As Kardus was an Albine, any movement of his people into the lands of the Overkingdom would be punished, as Tarkane was well known for his hatred of all Albines.

Raven seemed slightly subdued when he returned. Xiang pressed him a little, and it emerged that the Dwarf had been greatly moved by Kardus acceptance of his own death. Raven had offered his own axe when the Mongali attack came, certain that his own death would also follow. Xiang could understand this - what little he had heard of the ways of the Dwarves indicated that they valued honour and loyalty above all else. Still, Xiang felt that throwing your life away fighting a battle that could not be won was a foolish idea. He was careful to keep this thought to himself.

Leo had also been quick off the mark. He used a sending spell to contact Ulfius and Clarendon, asking help with Herecules. The return came back immediately - "We would be glad to help. Ulfis always enjoys hunting."

Clarendon reported that he would teleport in later that day, and hopefully the attack could happen tomorrow. When they arrived, Xiang took Ulfius aside and asked him if he wanted to go drinking. The huge figure of Ulfius, wearing the Harmonic Armour that Xiang had coveted himself, nodded swiftly at the suggestion. Leo suggested that he and Clarendon compare spell lists and so on overnight.

Xiang and Ulfius went to a couple of more reputable taverns, speaking mostly of battles fought, enemies slain. After an hour or so, Xiang turned the conversation to details of the Cambions lair, allies, powers and tactics. Ulfius paid close attention, seeking any weaknesses that Herecules had. As the night wore on, Xiang felt a certain amount of kinship. Both men were capable fighters, both relied on magical support and augmentation, but most importantly, both used extremely powerful magical weapons. The Black Spear was not yet as powerful as the Bloodhammer that Ulfius held in both hands, but as Xiang was becoming more familiar with it he felt that the Spear could eventually surpass the Hammer. If it were not a pointless battle, he could almost feel himself wanting to test himself in battle against Ulfius.

Before retiring to their seperate quarters, Xiang toasted Archduke Ulfius.

"I raise this glass to you for three reasons. One, because I feel that you and I are destined to be brothers-in-arms in this coming war with the Mongali. Two, because I sense a willingness in you that is the same as mine - to do what is necessary to defeat the forces allied against us, regardless of the cost. And three, because tomorrow I get to see your reputation in action! To battle, to glory, and to death! All three come to us in time, but shall keep the final one from us as best we can!"

Coming soon...the assault on the Frost Giant Lair! And Death all around!


First Post
Part 3 - The Assault

After much discussion, many spells and some careful advice ("We DO NOT STOP for anything short of Herecules coming out of the wall at us again"), the group was ready.

Xiang could almost feel the enhancements that had been laid across him. Leo, Fjorent and Clarendon between them had cast haste, fly, stoneskin and barkskin on him, improving his capacity to fight immensely.

Leo muttered under his breath, reached out, and in a fraction of a second Xiang, Leo, Ulfius, Tarquin and Raven had arrived outside the large doors that lead to the Frost Giants Lair. Leo cast teleport summons, the spell devised by Dovistar of the White Way, and Clarendon, Ramu and Fjorent appeared. Without worrying about anything else, the plan was put into action!

Ulfius stepped up and swung the Bloodhammer against the doors, cracking them open in a few short blows. Xiang was off his feet almost at the same time, charging into the room at the first Frost Giant he saw. The Giant managed to catch him as he came in, but Xiang's spear took him in the arm. A second giant joined the fight as the party charged as one, Leo moving forward a little slower to cast wall of force on one opening, behind which more Frost Giants could be seen gathering. Nothing short of a disintegrate would topple that wall, according to Leo. Xiang, Raven and Ulfius made short work of the two giants on sentry duty, were healed by Tarquin, and swiftly moved on. Leo paused to add a wall of stone to the other side, making sure that the giants would take too long to get through to make a difference.

Xiang buzzed with combat fever, moving swiftly up to another door as Ulfius smashed it down. Raven and Ramu moved up next to him, but Xiang had got ahead of himself, racing further inside to where Herecules had counterattacked so devestatingly before. Behind him he heard the shouts of Orcs and the female Frost giant as they battled the rest of the party, although within seconds all was quiet again. Ulfius and the rest pushed on, catching up with him.

Finally, the door that they had only glimpsed lay before them, behind which lay the Jarl's Throne room and hopefully Herecules. Ulfius strode boldy up to it, Xiang beside him and smashed it to pieces. Xiang felt as though everything had stopped for a second as he saw the wooden and iron door fall away, revealing the room beyond...

...maybe nine frost giants, and the Jarl, what might be that Ogre Magi ally lurking at the back, several orcs...there he is!...

Other members of the party reacted quickest, with Leo reading a scroll that failed and Tarquin casting a spell that didn't. Herecules was covered in a shimmering blue energy field, preventing him from using his powers to escape.

However, Herecules stood by the door, smiling, waiting, gloating already over what he thought was yet another victory, and as the door fell away he struck at Ulfius with his blade, slicing into him despite the protective spells, the Frost Giants attacking too, stepping neatly around each other...but Ulfius stood defiant, blocking, dodging, taking the hits without a word...then he struck back.

The first blow Ulfius struck on Herecules nearly ended the fight there and then. Xiang had never seen anything like it, the Cambion almost knocked off his feet as the Bloodhammer exploded against his chest. Moving almost too fast to see, Ulfius struck again...and again...and again...and just as Herecules' smile was returning, confident that Ulfius had left himself open the Archduke spun, Bloodhammer extended in two hands. Xiang saw every detail of the Hammer as it crashed into the Cambion's skull, breaking it, saw every detail as Herecules fell backwards, eyes growing dull, and heard the triumphant battlecry of Ulfius as his target was killed.

Xiang exulted. Revenge and victory! he thought to himself. But the fight was not yet over.

The Frost Giants, led by their Jarl, clearly recognised Ulfius and his weapon, and in a series of powerful blows wounded him severely. Finally the Jarl himself stepped up and cut through the Harmonic Armour that Ulfius wore...and there were two dead bodies on the ground instead of one. Not even the incredibly strength granted to Ulfius by the armour could save him.

Xiang gritted his teeth, moved the Spear into the defensive stance taught to him so long ago and stepped forward into the room, supported by Raven and Ramu. Tight up behind him came Tarquin, ready to dispense healing, and Fjorent and Leo stayed in the tunnel, supporting with spells and power.

The battle was joined, as Xiang noted that by limiting his attacks he could keep himself almost safe from harm. A chain lightning fizzed over his head, as a flame strike struck the Jarl. Spinning the Spear in his hands, Xiang took another step forward, staring up at the huge figure in front of him.

"Your soul is mine!" cried Xiang, and struck hard upwards, catching the Jarl in the lower stomach. He could feel the giant's soul being sucked into the weapon and utterly destroyed, and once again the balance was in favour of the attackers. Battle was joined, but despite a cone of cold from the Ogre Magi that was mostly absorbed by the magical protections of the party and an attempt to charm Xiang, the orcs and giants were struck down without further loss.

In the seconds after the party was victorious no one spoke. Archduke Ulfius and Herecules lay on the floor amongst the other bodies.

Raven stepped forward and slashed down, cutting the Cambion's head from it's shoulders, further preventing any attempt to bring him back to life.

Leo spoke up. "By my calculations, we have about a minute before those other giants come down that corridor towards us. Do not relax."

Next time - who knows? That's the end of the session!


First Post
Scornel Conferance

Truly these are interesting times in what I now know to be the Borderlands. The sensible solution would be to return home but to do so would be to leave my friends to their fate. Besides a letter from father thanking me for the gifts I sent reveals that things remain quiet in Arypt, the Pharaoh is still reluctant to move against the Settians despite the advice of the order. So it seems my presence remains more useful here.
The conference at which I was to represent my nation, much to my amazement, was most enlightening. A friend of Leo’s spoke to him magically to say the only way the Borderlands and their allies, the Scornic League could win the forthcoming war was to accept rulership by and help from a man called Tarkane who holds the title Overking. It seems that Margrave Kanor is a regional governor of an independent region and the Overking is the Northern Pharaoh. Leo said his friend spoke the truth and we must convince Kanor of this.
When told that he must accept the Overking’s rule or lose the war Kanor seemed reluctant saying that the Overking would strip him of much of his power. It sounded to me as though Kanor was more prepared to sacrifice his people than his title and I told him so. Kanor turned red and glared at me. I felt Leo tug at my sleeve and followed him out into the gardens. ‘You should not say such things’ said Leo. ‘Why?’ I said. ‘Because it is not political’ he responded. I did not know what he meant but took his advice anyway. I walked back into Kanor’s rooms just in time to be sent with Fjorent the Witch and Xiang the Warrior to see the Overking’s representative, a woman called Zalindra. We were to find out what the Overking would offer in return for becoming prt of the Overkingdom.
Zalindra was very pleasant to us and offered us some very good wine, I took a small amount but did not notice the others drink. Zalindra said the exact terms of incorporation would be negotiated later but to tell Kanor that the Overking looked well upon those who were supportive of him. We returned to Kanor with this news and he seemed very pleased. I heard him mutter the word Archduke to himself.
Just then the bells rang and we were called into the conference hall. I was seated with Kanor and the Southern delegates on one side of a semi-circle. The Northern delegates were opposite us with Zalindra and some others between us. The conference was presided over by the mayor of Scornel who sat opposite Zalindra and the central delegates.
The first speaker was a man called Lord Kardus, apparently his lands are the last surviving part of an old empire conquered by the Overking. Kardus (the land is named after him) would be the first land attacked by the Mongali when they invade the Scornic League. He asked for help stopping them in his land but this was turned down; his opponents, Kanor among them, argued that his land being open plains was advantageous territory for the horse barbarians and therefore undefendable. Having been left to his fate Kardus left the chamber but his dignified speech and bravery in the face of certain death had swayed some including the dwarf Raven who vowed to stand with him against the Mongali.
The next proposal, by Zalindra, was that the League should become part of the Overkingdom in return for military aid among other things. Kanor spoke in favour of this but many other delegates were not convinced they used the same words Kanor had earlier in the day about the Overking taking over their lands. Xiang spoke out in favour of Tarkane and then I took the opportunity to stand and say that Tarkane offered freedom, all be it possibly very slightly constrained compared to what they had now but the Mongali offered only slavery and death. Several people seemed pleased by my words and Zalindra smiled at me. Kanor was very happy, he applauded, and then standing said ‘The Aryptian speaks the truth’. This surprised me, not because Kanor realised I spoke the truth; I always do, to speak falsehoods requires the tongue of Set, but because this was exactly the same truth that had upset Kanor earlier!
I asked Leo about this later and he said it was politics. These 'politics' seem to be endemic among the ruling classes of the north. I know there are people who engage in politics at the Pharaoh’s court but they do not profit from it. In Arypt the eye of Horus sees all, for never again must the kin slayer be allowed to usurp the Father.
The League members then voted by a small majority to accept the Overking’s proposal.
The third proposal was Margrave Kanor’s. It had originally been to choose a war leader for the League, however when he came to stand Kanor said that in view of the previous proposal this one should be changed to vote on who will represent the League in negotiations with the Overking. Kanor had barely started making his suggestions, which included the Hobgoblin Gyskk when large chunks of ice started falling from the ceiling above us, I managed to avoid them but many of the Southern delegates were not so lucky. Simultaneously a cloud of yellowish gas started forming among the Northern delegates causing them to start choking. Before I could react I felt someone grab me and found myself in a temple. Leo had teleported me along with Xiang, Kanor and himself to the temple of Carthia.
We had hardly arrived when Xiang pointed to the hall where the conference had been, flying above the dome were five figures. Xiang shouted to Leo for some flying magic and shot off in pursuit. I also asked but Leo only had one copy of the spell so I collected together the panicking priestesses of Carthia and drawing my scimitar stood guard over them in case our enemies should penetrate the temple.
Shortly the rest of the group arrived at the temple. Raven had re-entered the ice and gas filled hall to rescue a delegate, what a brave man he is. Xiang returned and said that the figures that he recognised as Mongali had teleported away as he approached. It was clear that with many delegates dead the conference had to be abandoned and we accompanied Kanor as he met with the survivors to find out what had happened.

Last edited:


Leo's Account:


Leo had just finished memorising his quota of spells for that day. It had to be a careful choice. Today was the day of the Congress. Momentous events were going to be discussed. It was necessary for him to have a choice of magic that was suitable for the event. Mainly divination magic. As he was contemplating his choice, he heard a loud rapping on his door. Opening it, he found Tarquin on the other side.

“Leo, take your amulet off. Someone is trying to get in touch with you.”

Leo complied and suddenly he received the first Sending. It was not from Dovistar as he expected but rather from the archmage Clarendon, magist to Archduke Ulfius. Leo went to his bed and sat down. More and more information was relayed to him. He absorbed it, concentrating hard, making sure he would not forget anything. This was too important. Finally, after several minutes, it stopped. He then turned to Tarquin and said:

“Could you get everyone here please? We have to talk immediately.”

Soon everyone arrived. Xiang, Fjorent, Ramu and Raven. Cailin could not be found and Sigurd was unavailable as he was conducting policy as the King of Trafalgis. No matter.
Leo turned to the others and said:

“I have just received a great deal of information from Ulfius via Clarendon. He paints a very bleak picture. He has personal experience of fighting the Mongali when he was helping to defend the Settler’s Country in the North. Ulfius says that we are likely to lose this war for several reasons. The Mongali are some of the best soldiers in the world. The fact that we outnumber them is irrelevant as their troops are vastly superior to ours. The League is hopelessly unprepared for this war and it will be trying to fight on two fronts with the North still trying to eradicate the forces of chaos. It is also inexperienced in fighting the Mongali. Finally, if the unlikely happens and the League does win, it will be so weakened that anyone could walk in and take over. Ulfius’s advice is to accept Tarkane’s offer. Use his army while swearing fealty to him. I have thought about this and much as it pains me, I have to agree with him. After getting the information from Ulfius, the best course of action to make sure that the cities in the League survive would be to accept the Overking’s offer.”

After that, there were many questions. Everyone wanted to know about something but finally, after listening to the information again and again, everyone agreed that Tarkane’s offer was the least worst alternative. A decision was made to go and see Kanor immediately. He was in his quarters, getting ready for the Congress. Everyone entered.

Leo gave him the gist of what everyone discussed. Kanor was understandably reluctant to accept what he heard. Tempers flared a little between Kanor and Ramu until the Aryptian was taken into the garden to cool off. Then Kanor began to understand various facts that were being given to him by the group. More importantly he was not able to answer several key military questions posed mainly by Xiang. It began to dawn on Kanor just how unprepared the League was. The war was a few months away, maybe a year and they had not even chosen a war leader yet. He began to see the problems. He made a decision. Fjorent, Xiang and Ramu would go and see Zalindra, try to sound her out about Tarkane’s intentions for the League. Kanor with Raven, Leo and Tarquin would go to see what other members of the League thought about Tarkane’s proposal. Especially those members not directly tied to the city of Scorn’el.

Leo later learned that the meeting with Zalindra went pretty much as expected. She was a canny operator. She gave little away. She was pleased to hear that Kanor would support Tarkane’s proposal. She also made a reference to certain “fugitives” who were supposed to be in Gaxmoor. Kanor and the others met with Duke Persenex of Vantouche, an elderly, balding but still formidable warrior. He made his priorities quite clear. The chaos forces in the North. The Mongali were an inconvenience for the Southern cities but unfortunately it would be impossible for the Northern cities to send much support South lest Chaos took advantage of this. Leo winced mentally and he could see Kanor was beginning to grasp the magnitude of the task for both the League and its future War leader. If something as fundamental as a North South divide had to be negotiated well then….

Kanor was quiet. Leo suspected that he kept hearing things he didn’t like today. Tarkane’s offer, lack of cohesion in the League, the arrogance of the city of Scorn’el, Mongali military might, lack of wizard support and he still had the massive worry of the cambion Heracules and his possible winter invasion.

Then it was time for the Congress. Delegates gathered in a semi-circular chamber. Maxilio Vebaris, mayor of Scorn’el was chairman. Just before the proceeding started Leo was startled to see Fjorent approach Kardus and hold a brief conversation with him but then the meeting started. Kardus was first to speak. He made an impassioned plea for an alliance, putting himself forward as a potential war leader, stating his willingness to fight and his experience in warring with the Mongali. Unfortunately, his pleas fell on deaf ears. Kardus was on the front line. Leo thought that Kardus was a victim of political expediency. After he had finished, a vote was taken on his proposal. The reception was lukewarm to put it mildly. Kardus gathered his staff and proudly walked out of the hall. Leo had a feeling that this could be the last time he saw this man. He had stated his intention to fight to the death. If the meeting went as Leo expected then the League would become part of the Overkingdom. Kardus was an Albine. Tarkane’s feelings about Albines were well known. He liked burning them. As Kardus left the Hall, Leo caught a glimpse of Raven as the dwarf hurried out of the side door.

Zalindra then got up and made a competent, no-nonsense speech outlining Tarkane’s proposal. She made a striking figure but possibly due to Scorn’el’s underlying hostility to the Overking, she also did not make a strong impression on the delegates. Duke Persenax stood up to introduce Lord Calawan, a polished aristocratic diplomat who made a strong case for making Alidarn war leader. Finally Kanor stood up and he made a lengthy, considered speech outlining the massive problems facing the league and stating a case to support Tarkane’s proposal. He was supported by Xiang and Ramu; Duke Persenex also stood up to claim that the suggestion that the League would only survive under Tarkane’s overlordship was good. Leo thought that the old warrior realised for all his comments previously, without the South the North’s chances diminished rapidly. Leo glanced at Zalindra and saw a slight smug smile on her lips.

A vote was taken. The decision was narrow but the League voted to accept Tarkane’s proposal for better or for worse. Leo sighed. He was going to have to think hard about this. This affected him personally. Time for that later.

Kanor then stood up. He explained that originally he was going to put himself forward as a candidate to become the warlord, but since this did not seem relevant at the moment he suggested they choose a negotiating committee. Persenex stood up and proposed himself as a member for the Northern cities. Kanor suggested himself as the representative for the Borderlands and the obvious choice for Scorn’el was the mayor, Maxilio Vebaris.

As the final details for the committee were being decided upon, a thick green cloud appeared in the group of northern representative while at the same time, a sorcerous hail of snow an ice hit Kanor and the group. Pandemonium erupted. Leo first tried to find the perpetrators but he couldn’t. Then he grabbed Xiang, Ramu and Kanor and transported himself to their quarters in the Temple of Carthea. Raven had voluntarily stayed behind, trusting to the power of his weapon. There was no sign of Fjorent but the witch had shown plenty of ability in taking care of herself and he had pretty good knowledge of Tarquin’s abilities. He still needed to find the people responsible and finally he did. It had been difficult as the hostile group was invisible and streams of people were erupting from the exits of the Hall. Five figures hovered over the roof of the building; at least two of the figures were casting spells at the crowds below. Leo saw these looked like Mongali. He shouted this to the others and Xiang immediately demanded flying ability if Leo could give it to him. Leo had one spell, which he cast on Xiang. Ramu also demanded the spell but there was only one available. Xiang flew up but as he was approaching, the figures all got together and disappeared. Kanor and the others emerged from the Temple. Tarquin was a little hurt but nothing serious. Xiang found them and told them that both Zalindra and Maxilio were just around the bend. They were having a conversation about security issues. Zalindra was showing a little of that temper for which she was infamous.

Kanor approached the group together with the northern representatives who had also survived. Several conversations ensued. The important point was that the vote to join the Overkingdom had been passed before the attack.

While these conversations were happening Leo was thinking. He was confused about the attack. According to reports, the Hall had been warded against these kinds of spells. While it was possible to break through the wards, the magic needed was of a very powerful nature. Was the purpose of it to sow terror or was it to show Scorn’el that the Mongali hakomen could strike in the heart of their city whenever they wanted. Maybe it was both. While there were casualties inside Leo thought that all the major players were still here. Some of the aristocracy had died. That was unfortunate but aristocracy could be replaced. That was one of their major talents. Making sure that their power and estates remained in their families. Someone like Alidarn, now that was different. He would be very difficult to replace. Yet these kinds of spells used were unlikely to kill powerful individuals. He speculated that the Mongali wanted to disrupt the voting. Killing voting delegates would certainly do that. Maybe due to the distance they had mistimed their attack. He couldn’t discount the human factor. He was also glad in a way that the magic he saw was of a nature familiar to him. All the spells he saw being used he knew either in theory or practice. He also knew ways to counter them.

Lost in his thoughts he wasn’t paying attention to the conversation. He was later told that Kanor and Persenex decided that the decision to join the Overkingdom should stand. Maxilio agreed more reluctantly reflecting the city’s feeling towards Tarkane. Zalindra would go to Tarkane with the decision and negotiations would start as soon as possible. Fjorent and Raven went to see Kardus before he left and then came back with the offer that Kardus was willing to talk to Kanor. Kanor however felt that they had little to talk about. Leo feared that warlord was doomed. That left the matter of what had been described as Kanor’s “little local difficulty” namely the cambion Heracules and the Frost Giants. Now that the League was allied to the Overkingdom there was no reason why Ulfius and Clarendon couldn’t help in this matter. A Sending was quickly made to Clarendon and both these powerful individuals agreed to meet the group later that day.

Ulfius and Clarendon arrived and were quickly brought up to date. Ulfius was wearing his new armour and was as bluff as ever. The Bloodhammer gleamed dully over his shoulder. He didn’t quite say that he met cambions every day but the intimation was there. He was told of the group’s previous experiences with the cambion, and the plan of the complex as they knew it. The known powers of the Frost Giant Jarl, the presence of an ogre magi, the amount of giants there could be inside and the possible presence of the Red Dragon which had destroyed the Fort at Dendridi. Xiang then invited Ulfius to go drinking when they would no doubt share war stories. Leo retired with Clarendon to discuss the magical powers of the inhabitants of the complex and what spells they should take to maximise the abilities of the group. They talked deep into the night getting to know each other a little. Leo had always been in awe of Clarendon after hearing some of the deeds the archmage had performed but he now found him to be a very pleasant companion. He hoped Xiang was having as good a time with Ulfius.

The next day preparations were made. The plan was to teleport on to the ledge in front of the main gate to the caves. Then the group would rapidly sweep towards the main hall of the Jarl moving as fast as possible. As soon as the cambion was spotted the main priority was to cast a spell on him which would stop him from going ethereal. Some of the major fighters of the group would also be made to fly as that was another of the cambion’s powers. Fjorent would be able to protect some of the group against the cold power of the ogre magi who would no doubt be lurking, waiting to use his cone to its best effect. Sprinkling some diamond dust on most of warriors of the group, Leo could make their skin as hard as stone, so that weapons would do much less damage to them than normal. Clarendon could make everyone faster. Leo also cast various other effects on himself.

Finally, Fjorent drew the group aside and explained to them that she had had a vision, in which she saw the group facing the cambion and a Red Dragon. The group was casting cold spells on the dragon but these were literally bouncing off it and rebounding on to the group causing massive damage. She said that it could be one possible future.

So, the group was ready. Leo cast his spell and he and four others appeared on the ledge. A moment later, having cast a spell learned from Dovistar, the other three members of the group appeared. Leo noticed Clarendon widen his eyes. The White Way did have some secrets, even from the archmage. Ulfius strode up to the massive gates and promptly smashed them with the Bloodhammer. They splintered, leaving them barely hanging on their hinges. As the group swept forward, Leo mused that it would be good to get one of those hammers for Xiang. Most useful in certain circumstances. As a spare for the Spear of course. He couldn’t see Xiang giving up his spear even for that hammer.

The entrance hall was no different except that this time there were two frost giants standing guard. Stealth was not the object of this mission while speed was. The warriors sped forward, engaging the giants. They made short work of them while Leo blocked one of the two exits, which led to another large room. He could see other giants rushing forward to his wall of force. He then put another wall in front of the force knowing they would need as much time as possible to deal with the opposite side of the complex. The warriors had by that stage dealt with the two guards and moved into the dining room. There they were confronted by a group of orcs. At this point, the orcs were hindrances more than anything else and lasted only a few seconds. Xiang then moved forward through the narrow cave passage. He was quickly followed by Fjorent in the shape of a bat when a door opened and a female giantess strode forward. Prudently Fjorent flew back and the giantess was engaged. Again she lasted only a few seconds. The party regrouped and made their way down the twisting passage. Leo shivered as he remembered that this was where the cambion had ambushed them last time resulting in so many deaths. Nothing like that happened this time. The group quickly moved forward and Ulfius smashed the makeshift gates to the Jarl’s chamber.

The smashed doors revealed a semicircle of giants including the Jarl, several of his guards and Heracules. They were ready for Ulfius. Leo winced when he saw the Archduke taking hits. Even though he was impervious to some damage, Ulfius was still being wounded though not seriously. Leo though had other concerns. He took out a scroll given to him by Clarendon and cast it. A beam left his hand but it hit a rock instead of its intended target. Leo cursed and hoped that Tarquin would have more luck. Tarquin, rose up from the ground and took careful aim. A beam again left his hand and this time struck the cambion enveloping him in a green light. The group knew what that meant. The cambion could not now escape ethereally for quite some time. Then Fjorent cast her fire spell, knowing how vulnerable frost giants were to that element. Suddenly there was a blast of freezing cold. The ogre magi had struck. Fortunately, Fjorent had protected several individuals and herself from this effect and Raven’s axe was also able to help some people resist the cold. Then it was Ulfius’s turn. Blindingly fast, he struck the cambion four times with the hammer. The fourth blow collapsed Heracules in a bloody mess. He was finally dead. Ulfius was in trouble however. The Jarl and his guards saw Ulfius’s power and they concentrated all their attacks on him. Possibly due to his lack of armour, most of the giants, including the Jarl struck him, several more than once. By the end of their attacks, Ulfius lay twitching on the floor.

The group saw their opportunity. Fjorent cast her fire spell again while Leo cast a powerful lightning bolt at the Jarl, which also branched out to hurt his guards, the ogre magi and the last of Heracules’s fanatical orc bodyguard which had moved forward to engage the warriors. Xiang moved in, adopting a peculiar defensive position with his spear. Due to his movements, many of the attacks of the giants either missed him completely or hit the spear instead. Leo was about to cast his lightning again but he found he had company. The ogre magi had flown through the battle and was virtually beside him. That was a nuisance. Another annoying peculiarity of the creature was that while it had been hurt by the lightning, Leo could see its wounds literally healing before his eyes. It rushed him, screaming: ”Now you die” but somehow missed with its sword. Leo stepped back and three beams of fire sprang from his hand. They struck the creature and smoke rose from its torso. These wounds certainly did not look as if they were going to close in front of Leo’s eyes. The ogre magi slumped to the ground. In the meantime, in the main hallway Leo could see that Xiang had run the Jarl through. The Spear seemed to gleam and sing at having slain such a powerful opponent. Then the other guards were being mopped up. Ramu and Raven were working well together with the dwarf charging the giants who were having difficulty hitting him due to his small size. Finally the conflict in this room was over. Fjorent, now in human shape, strode forward and decapitated Heracules.

Leo however warned the others that his wall spell was almost finished and that the stone wall spell would only hold the giants for a few minutes so they needed to get ready for more battle.

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