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Metahuman College, Issue Two: Paths Converge


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Cloud wishes Rose well and leaves the gardener to her work. She then seeks out a nice patch of grass upon which she can lay back and gaze up at the clouds for a while...clearing her mind and communing with nature.

(She has no particular plans before her testing.)

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Dark Nemesis

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Dr. Garcia was sitting at a small desk in the corner when James stormed into the med lab. He smiled when James arrived, got to his feet and approached so that they were not shouting across the room at each other. “Ah, Mr. Dunbar.” He paused, and glanced down at James’ balled fists. “There is nothing wrong. I simply had a few questions regarding Amelia’s care. Would you be averse to the idea of specialists being brought in to assist us in reversing your sister’s condition?”


As she approached, each of the students greeted her in their own way. Julie waves, Alexandra approached and gave Hoshiko a hug, Jake stood back and looked at her in an appraising manner. Ken greeted her in Japanese, “Hoshiko, konnichiwa!”

“I sure am! This is, like, the opportunity of a lifetime!” Alexandra replied brightly as she finally released her from the hug. Julie nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, I guess I am, too,” Jake added. “How ‘bout you?”


The bright sunshine, the cool breeze, the sound of Rose’s soft humming in the distance, this is a perfect way to spend the afternoon. She takes her time, clearing her mind and listening to the sounds of nature all around her.

She meditated for a few minutes, before realizing that a shadow had fallen over her. A short, pudgy man in a white lab coat stood over her. “Miss Rice?”

Dark Nemesis

First Post
In the practice rooms...


She seated herself, cleared her mind and opened herself to the forces of the universe. At first, she feels as if nothing is happening, though presently, she was aware of a strong pulling sensation. The green planet rushes toward her, though she feels little discomfort as she enters the atmosphere. The details of the planet’s surface became clearer and clearer, until she passed through the thick canopy of leaves that shielded the ground from view. At last, she hovered two feet above the ground, in an area that could only be described as a “rainforest”. Trees whose trunks were three times the thickness of a human male grew close together. A heavy moss grew on the ground, and large, purple flowers hung from vines.


“Hit ‘im hard and fast, boy. And stay low to the ground, just like we discussed in practice,” Coach Dawson replied, before retreating a few steps back to the sidelines.

As Marcus stepped into the ring, everything seemed to be in regulation, though he was missing his headgear and mouth guard. Looking around, he found them sitting upon a folded towel on the mat about two feet away from him.

Nearby, his opponent, Jason, offered Marcus a quick grin. “C’mon, quite dragging your feet already!”


“Well, the plan was to make it up this rock before the storm started,” Nate replied with a vexed look up at the clouds. “But that plan’s shot to hell. Whaddya say we see how far we get before the clouds open up? We’ll call it a time trial!”


First Post
James Dunbar, HP 5/5

Dark Nemesis said:

Dr. Garcia was sitting at a small desk in the corner when James stormed into the med lab. He smiled when James arrived, got to his feet and approached so that they were not shouting across the room at each other. “Ah, Mr. Dunbar.” He paused, and glanced down at James’ balled fists. “There is nothing wrong. I simply had a few questions regarding Amelia’s care. Would you be averse to the idea of specialists being brought in to assist us in reversing your sister’s condition?”

James's eyes narrowed, and his fists unclenched, though he still seemed very tense. In a guarded tone, he asked "What...kind of specialists? Before, no-one knew...do you know what's wrong with her? Why she doesn't wake up?" 'And why do you know when everyone else had no idea? Careful, James...there may be somethin going on here.'


I aim to misbehave
Marcus Stevens (Proton) Hps: 5/5


Marcus leaned over the ring circle (not stepping out) to grab at his head gear and mouth guard. If he needed to, he slid the towel closer so he could grab them.

Jason said:
Nearby, his opponent, Jason, offered Marcus a quick grin. “C’mon, quite dragging your feet already!”

"Just giving you some time to reflect, Jas, time to reflect," Marcus said smiling. All thoughts of a test had faded from his head, he was going to win this match and help his school . . . his team. Marcus quickly put on the headgear and mouthguard with practiced ease.


First Post
Rinea unfolds her feet from under her, and goes on a bit of a ‘nature hike’, admiring the beauty and tranquility, while fully expecting the scene to be interrupted at any moment by rabid giant miniature space hamsters or alien killer mutant zombies or some such. After all, it is unlikely that the curious earthlings want to gauge her reaction to tranquil alien flora and fauna, otherwise their popular culture wouldn't be so full of sex and violence.


First Post
Hoshiko tenses and clenches her fists reflexively at the far too familiar greeting by Alexandra. Once let go, she realizes she'd been holding her breath the entire time.

"I would not afford medical university at home so I will try to make the best of it," she says. "Some things were not what I expect at school."


First Post
Dark Nemesis said:
She meditated for a few minutes, before realizing that a shadow had fallen over her. A short, pudgy man in a white lab coat stood over her. “Miss Rice?”

Cloud blinks a couple times in surprise and then stands.

"Yeah, that's me," she says. "What can I do for you?"


Rogue Warrior
Jonn Birkey (Rumble)

“Well, the plan was to make it up this rock before the storm started,” Nate replied with a vexed look up at the clouds. “But that plan’s shot to hell. Whaddya say we see how far we get before the clouds open up? We’ll call it a time trial!”

Jonn took in his surroundings, once more. This was truly beautiful country. His gaze moved to the sky and he saw the closing thunderclouds Nate warned of. He smiled as he moved towards his buddy.

"Time trial sounds perfect to me, pal. Let's get started!"

Dark Nemesis

First Post

Dr Garcia paused, taking a deep breath. It is clear that he was choosing his words carefully, to avoid setting James off. “No, James, I do not know for certain what is wrong with her. However, I have a few leads, and I would like to pursue them, with your permission. The specialists that I had in mind are experts in mystical and spiritual matters. They might be able to shed some light onto what is causing her ailment, as there is nothing physically wrong with her.”


“Same here,” Jake replied with a laugh. “Hey, I hear they have a hangar here! Whaddya think they’ve got stored there?”

“Who knows? Maybe an alien spaceship, or something,” Ken added with a grin. He held out his hand, and the image of a flying saucer appeared just above it. “What do you think, Hoshiko?”


“Dr. Garcia wanted to see you,” the pudgy man replied, as he absentmindedly mopped his brow with a handkerchief. “About the girl in the infirmary. Do you have a moment to meet with him and one of her family members?”

Voidrunner's Codex

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