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pogre's story hour Zandyrium -episode 66- (5/10/2006) A short update.


Boethricus Din Woad. Now there is a name to inspire fear, if not terror. Sounds like a BBEG of some sort. ;)

Cool update Pogre. Does the group learn more of the axe in future updates? Or is it an instrument of evil that they "done good gettin' rid of"?

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BardStephenFox said:
Cool update Pogre.
BardStephenFox said:
Does the group learn more of the axe in future updates? Or is it an instrument of evil that they "done good gettin' rid of"?

Oh, of course! :D

Why, yes I do know that could be interpreted two ways...


I hope you can forgive me for a few less pictures in the next couple of updates. It mostly is an investigation that takes place in the city and does not lend itself to miniature scenes as readily as the dungeon delving episodes.

Episode 10

During the dark early hours the adventurers made their way to the Temple of Gravitas Morte. The paupers’ burial carts were lined along the street near the temple’s rear area. Only one of the carts had a horse with tack. The driver of the court came out shortly; drinking a hot cup of broth, he explained that only one cart was now needed to cover the city. Justinius asked the driver a number of questions as they worked their way through the narrow streets of Zandyrium’s slums concerning the lack of paupers.

The man rubbed his chin and puffed on his pipe, “You know father, it occurs to me I had a conversation with a fella’ a few days ago that might be of interest. He told me the recently resanctified Temple to Kala’s priestess was taking a number of homeless and poor into their place. The fella’ said he went to the temple hoping for a bit of work and a bite to eat. The mood at the first meal told him something was amiss though, something sinister he could not put his finger on – he left the temple that night.”

“Is there a chance we could speak to this soul?” Heinrich asked.

“Usually, yes, but come to think of it, I have not seen him since we last spoke.”

“Hmmm,” Justinius replied.

“Have you seen this priestess of Kala?” Mercutio asked.

“A few times, although not of late, she used to hang out by the docks, where the real hard-luck cases were about.”

Deciding they had enough information to at least proceed with their investigation the group retired to the Barrel. Once at the tavern, and with a repast of game hen, brown mushrooms, and white bread resting in their stomachs, they discussed their next move. Justinius, Heinrich, and Wassabe decided they would move on to the Temple of Ventus, the deity of trade winds, which was located in the dock districts.

Mercutio struck upon another, more covert plan. He would take on the role of a beggar and stay in the alleys near the Temple of Kala. Once the temple invited him in he would investigate the situation from the inside. He would communicate with the group via messages conducted by his sand sprite. As a Saracen-touched sorcerer once per day Mercutio could summon a wee Sand Sprite to do his bidding for a short period of time. He summoned the sprite and showed him to the bar keep and instructed the man he would be receiving messages from it for the next few days. He promised the man 5 silvers for every message he delivered to his friends.

“Who’s paying that 5 silvers?” Thoren demanded.

“Here’s 10 gp – that’s enough for 20 messages,” Mercutio threw a small purse down onto the table. Thoren smiled and picked up the gold.


Early the next morning Heinrich rose from bed early and walked to the Library of Virtua. An old friend allowed him into the stacks containing the Imperial and city histories and many other mundane records.

Heinrich learned that the Temple of Kala had been closed a couple of years earlier due to a controversy. The records were quiet on the exact nature of the controversy, but given that Kala was a chaotic goddess of love, beauty, and lust, Heinrich thought he had a pretty good idea. An Ecumenical Guild meeting’s report from the previous year revealed the Empress Annalise Hestalt had championed rededicating the temple. The Empress also demanded the spa and bathhouse attached to the temple be re-opened as well. The Emperor apparently agreed, for an order to find a new head Priestess for the Cult of Kala was issued from the meeting.

A suitable candidate was found in the intervening months from the Thraegian Coast and the temple was re-dedicated with great fanfare. Heinrich also gathered from the records that the priestess was being paid a stipend directly from the Empress. Which was a most unusual arrangement. Heinrich returned to the Barrel to try and catch Mercutio before he left and share what he had learned. The Empress’s involvement in the temple concerned him more than a little.

Heinrich reached the Barrel in time to share a late breakfast of poached quail eggs, oat muffins, and morning beer with Mercutio. As they compared notes Justinius approached and grabbing a muffin stuffed it in his mouth while discussing his plans for the day. The three shared a pot of hot apple tea and then departed ways.


Justinius met a leading cleric in the cult of Ventus and after exchanging some sharp retorts about each other’s temples the cleric admitted to not really caring about the homeless people around the dock area. The cleric of Ventus made it very clear that the temples main object was making cash and helping travelers along the way. He did finally suggest that Justinius go down on the docks and speak to one of the lay ministers who offer portents to merchant ships.

Quizzing a lay priest on the docks made it immediately clear that some money was necessary to further the conversation. Justinius forked over 5 gp and learned that a priestess had been coming down to the docks and taking the homeless into her temple. The priestess visited less often, now that there were fewer homeless, but he did see her a couple of days ago. During that visit she had two large men-at-arms in tow and they were looking around some damaged warehouses at the far end of the docks.

Justinius considered the conversation with the lay priest carefully. It was clear there was something amiss with this priestess of Kala. He also feared he might need some added muscle. He returned to the Barrel and had a lunch of boiled ham and roasted carrots with Wassabe, Thoren, and Ginny. Grabbing a sampling of sweet meats for the road, the four headed back to the docks.


Mercutio’s disguise was quite good and he thought himself the exemplary beggar. He had already managed 7 coppers and it was not yet late afternoon. The sorcerer renewed a pair of cantrips to help with his disguise and continued to wait in his role as bait. A group of three people approached his position and Mercutio quickly realized they were from the Temple of Kala. She was a lovely woman dressed in simple garbs was flanked by two burly bodyguards. As she leaned down to Mercutio he realized just how truly attractive the woman was.

“What is your story fair citizen?” she asked.

Mercutio spun her a sad tale of lost caravans and broken dreams. As he finished, he noticed she was casting a spell. Mercutio held his breath, he was hoping to not have to fight his way out. Much to the sorcerer’s relief it was merely a healing spell. Mercutio allowed one of his own disguise cantrips to drop to give the appearance of becoming more healthful and robust.

“I am Elan Kanto,” the priestess began. “I am the head priestess at the Temple to Kala and I would like to give you a new start. Would you like a chance to get cleaned up and to eat some food in exchange for a bit of honest work?”

“Very much,” Mercutio readily agreed.

The priestess smiled brightly and bid Mercutio to follow her. The two bodyguards trailed behind making Mercutio a bit nervous. They arrived at the bath house and the Priestess Kanto introduced Mercutio to one of the Bath House servants.

“Take good care of our desert man,” the priestess instructed the servant and smiled at Mercutio. “I will be back to check on you in a while.” She departed, leaving Mercutio in the care of the servant.

Mercutio removed his clothing and stacked it carefully nearby. He concealed a few small items in the dressing room. As he emerged from the dressing room he found the servant waiting for him. A young attractive lad, the boy had the countenance of a beaten dog, and walked with poor posture too.

“What is your name?” Mercutio asked with as much cheer as he could muster.

“Speaking is forbidden,” the servant replied.

“Well, now that you have broken that rule – what is your name friend?” Mercutio again asked.

The boy smiled and responded, “Why are you here?”

“Presumably, to take a bath. Now that I answered your question, what of mine?” Mercutio answered.

“I am Dagy,” the boy answered. “The bath is here.”

The bath house had a series of stone pools and was full of steam. Pipes of all sorts crisscrossed the room’s ceiling and decorative tiles, no doubt imported from the Thraegian Coast decorated the room. Mercutio eased himself into a small pool of steaming water and began rubbing the filth off of his skin. Dagy sat watching Mercutio intently.

“You should leave,” Dagy said abruptly.

The boy’s comment caught Mercutio off guard, “Really? Why?”

“This is a bad place. Many…” Dagy’s conversation was cut short by the appearance of one of the priestess’s burly bodyguards.

“Welcome,” Mercutio said with a smile. “Please join me good sir.”

The bodyguard eyed Dagy suspiciously and said, “I’m sorry to cut your bath short, but Priestess Kanto has requested that you attend dinner.”

“Excellent!” Mercutio exclaimed clapping his hands together. The echo from the clap reverberated through the bathhouse. “Allow me to just retrieve my clothes and,..”

“You will wear this,” the bodyguard threw down a simple gray tunic and a pair of sandals.

“I would prefer my own garb,” Mercutio replied.

“Your clothes have been burned. These clothes are a symbol of your new life,” the guard now smiled. It was a sinister grin, with several broken teeth revealed by his parted lips.

Mercutio obediently put on the tunic and sandals and followed the bodyguard. “Will you be joining us for dinner?” he asked.

“There is no talking at dinner,” the guard replied brusquely.

Mercutio was thinking of how he would reach the items he secreted at the bathhouse when they emerged in the chapel. A number of people were seated at the tables all wearing gray tunics. The room was absolutely silent. Mercutio took his appointed seat and ate in silence with the others. He tried to whisper to some others cloe by, but all ignored him. He could sense the tension and fear and the air. People seemed terrified of Priestess Kanto.

When dinner was finished Mercutio managed to steal away to the bathhouse. He scrawled a quick message detailing what he had found. He summoned his sand sprite which grabbed his message and flew off towards the Barrel.


Justinius and the others made their ways to the dock that afternoon. Desiring information about the warehouses they went to the harbormaster and inquired about buying some property. The harbormaster told them that all leases and purchases must be approved through the Merchants’ Guild. They also learned that the Pulanti family owned the abandoned warehouses where they had heard the Priestess of Kala was hanging about. Further questioning revealed that the Pulantis owned numerous interests in the city, but seemed very unconcerned about maintaining these profitable ventures. The Pulantis seemed to be making money in spite of themselves. Nonetheless, the family had rejected offers from two other very respectable trading families for the warehouses. It was very clear the harbormaster was disgusted with this lack of business acumen on the part of the Pulanti merchant house.

Departing the harbormaster the four adventurers discussed how they might go about exploring these mysterious warehouses.


Mercutio slept on a plain cot in a dormitory with a number of other men. Despite repeated attempts, he could not compel any of these men to speak to him. The following morning Mercutio was assigned a mopping duty with another man in a gray tunic. Following some prodding from the charismatic spell caster the man revealed that he too was fearful of the priestess. He recounted how 7 or 8 men disappeared shortly after he had arrived around the time of the new moon. He also said he had tried to leave late one night, but was not permitted to by two large men-at-arms standing guard of the temple. The priestess had flown into a rage and labeled him as ungrateful. A little later another one of the homeless people did escape. The priestess sent her men-at-arms looking for him, but he seemed to escape. Mercutio deduced that this must have been the man the driver of the death cart had spoken to.

Mercutio began to consider how all of these pieces of the puzzle came together. His thoughts were interrupted by the appearances of one of the guards.

“The priestess would like to see you now,” he ordered.

“Of course,” Mercutio replied and gently handed his mop over.

To be continued…


Perhaps both?

I am intrigued by the mystery. Did the players enjoy it as well? I have never felt that I could run a mystery very effectively so any thoughts you want to share would be greatly appreciated. :)


BardStephenFox said:
I am intrigued by the mystery. Did the players enjoy it as well? I have never felt that I could run a mystery very effectively so any thoughts you want to share would be greatly appreciated. :)

I use a flow chart of sorts for this kind of adventure. I'll try to sketch out my ideas after I post the remainder of the story this week.

Thanks for reading!
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Old One

First Post

Methinks Mssr. Mercutio is in trouble...

Great update, Pogre! Just curious, how much time a week/month do you spend building your props? I assume it is somewhat seasonal...more work in the summer, little in the fall...but I was just wondering.

~ Oldie

PS - Sorry I never contacted you back about gaming on my trip to Rock Island Arsenal. I ended up picking up a second speaking engagement in the evening that precluded any gaming goodness <insert sigh>. Maybe next time!


Episode 11

Mercutio made the long walk down the temple’s hall to the Priestess’s outer-office. The lovely Priestess was waiting for Mercutio, sitting demurely on a half sofa, “Welcome my desert friend. Please come sit with me.”

Mercutio sat down without saying a word.

“Are you Saracen-touched?” the Priestess asked.

Mercutio’s mind began racing madly, Did she see the sprite? What tipped her off? “Saracen-touched?” it was a desperate bluff and Mercutio knew it.

“Come now,” Priestess Kanto smiled, “We found these things in your personal effects.” The Priestess spread a number of items out on the table. “These look like tools of a Saracen-touched sorcerer to me.”

The fight/flight instinct was running mad through Mercutio’s veins. His mind went through various battle contingencies. He grasped for another bluff instead, “Priestess, you must understand, these trinkets are part of the desert superstitions I brought with me. They are nothing more than reminders of my old life. You impart far too much import on them.”

Priestess Kanto sat back still smiling. She paused and finally broke the uncomfortable silence, “Of course, my dear desert man. Thank you for setting my mind at ease. Please take your leave.”

Mercutio fought down the urge to celebrate, She bought it! he thought to himself. He walked back to the temple where he had been mopping earlier. He knew he could not keep up the ruse forever and he considered an escape plan. His thoughts were interrupted by loud talking down the hall. Priestess Kanto was arguing with three other men, her face was tense, and it was clear she was upset. The conversation with the three other clergy members continued, but Mercutio dared not approach for fear of arousing further suspicions on himself.

A man in a brown cloak approached the arguing parties and quickly took orders from one of the male clergy. The brown-cloaked man scurried away towards Mercutio’s position. As the man tried to jog through Mercutio’s mopped area Mercutio tripped him with his mop handle. “Oh, I am so sorry sir,” Mercutio apologized.

“’Tis alright,” the man replied. “I am not a sir anyhow, I’m a bondsmen to Master Chaise.”

“A priest with a slave?” Mercutio asked. He was genuinely surprised.

“Second only to Priestess Kanto,” the slave replied with a hint of pride. “Now, if you will excuse me.” The man scurried off again.

The heated conference at the end of the hall broke up and the priestess began to walk away. Mercutio summoned his familiar toad, Mr. Wartby.

“I want you to follow that woman and report back to me what she says,” Mercutio ordered.

“Why?” Mr Wartby croaked.

“I have not the time or inclination to debate this. Please follow that woman,” Mercutio demanded.

“A good sorcerer does not put his familiar at such risk,” Mr. Wartby complained.

“Well, yes, chalk it up to being stuck with a nasty Saracen-touched desert rat,” Mercutio stated with a trace of exasperation.

“I shall,” the toad replied and he began hopping down the hall. Mercutio watched as Mr. Wartby snapped up a lazy cricket on his way and lost sight of him as he turned down a corridor following Priestess Kanto.


The Barrel was full of activity as Morguhn and Githraldul returned to the group. Morguhn had been pursuing his dream of becoming a wizard and his appearance had radically changed.

Joining the University of Logiki under Master Fama, the young dwarf had already mastered the rudiments of spell casting. Githraldul had returned from an extended hunt that tested his tracking skills to the limit. The pair listened intently as the rest of the group filled them in on what was happening. Justinius read Mercutio’s message aloud and although it sounded dangerous, the sorcerer had specifically stated not to worry at this point.

“We should just break into one of those Pulanti warehouses,” Ginny suggested.

“I’m not hearing this,” Heinrich stated.

“Githraldul, Wassabe, you guys come with me,” Ginny ordered.


The dark docks had only a few drunk sailors and the occasional vigil patrolling them. Ginny, Githraldul, and Wassabe eased their way down to the area holding the Pulanti warehouses. Ginny quickly picked the simple lock on the outside door and all three adventurers moved into the building. The warehouse was empty.

“Maybe we should try one of the other warehouses,” Ginny suggested.

“Hold on, allow me a moment,” Githraldul said. “These tracks lead straight into the back wall here.” The elf ranger was pointing to a solid back wall.

Ginny moved over to examine the back wall.

She quickly removed a pair of loose planks. Githraldul followed the tracks out of the warehouse where they led to a very narrow alleyway between the building and the city wall. He followed the trail a short distance down the alley and suddenly stopped, “There’s a secret door here.”

“In the city wall?” Wassabe asked incredulously.

“Yes,” Githraldul answered and he outlined the seams of the door. “The tracks lead into here.”

“Let’s go,” Wassabe said.

“No, we should go get the others,” Ginny countered.

“Why?” Wassabe asked.

“We may need the muscle or the clerics,” Ginny argued.

“Look, I can grab a couple of pans and bang them together and that will be less noise than they will make,” Wassabe sneered.

“What do you think Githraldul?” Ginny asked.

“Let’s get the others,” the ranger voted.

“Fine, but remember, ‘too many sailors cut the catch!’” Wassabe pouted.

“What does that mean?” Githraldul whispered to Ginny.

“Who knows?” she answered. “Back to the Barrel.”


“You were right to come back and get us,” Justinius said. “Thoren and I will return with you while Heinrich remains here in case Mercutio sends us a message. Morguhn, what would you like to do?”

“Hmmm,” Morguhn combed his hand through his beard, “Go skulking about the docks or wait here by the fire and drink ale – is this supposed to be a hard choice?”

“Fine, you will stay as well. We best get started off again,” Justinius suggested.

The five adventurers returned to the docks and found that the secret door opened up into the interior of the city wall. The trail continued down the interior wall’s tunnel to a grate in the floor.

The grate led down to a narrow passage that emptied into a major sewer line. Githraldul lost the trail in the sewer. Repeated attempts to regain the trail failed and the group eventually had to give up and return to the tavern.


Meanwhile, back at the temple to Kala Mercutio was busy implementing his escape plan. As the paupers retired to their common room, Mercutio quickly cast shocking grasp on Mr. Wartby. When the lamps had been dimmed for about an hour Mercutio whispered to his familiar, “Go touch that guard.”

“I hate this spell,” Mr. Wartby complained.

“Just do it,” Mercutio ordered.

“Amphibians and electricity do not go together,” the toad croaked. He hopped down from the simple cot and began hopping towards the guard. Shortly thereafter Mercutio heard the satisfying crackle of electricity and the smell of burnt flesh. He burst out of bed and ran over to scoop up Mr. Wartby. Mr Wartby looked a little dazed but managed to croak out, “I so hate that spell.”

The guard was stone cold dead and the other paupers were waking from their slumber. Mercutio grabbed a small tool and stood on it announcing, “Those of you who wish to escape can follow me to freedom!”

“Will you protect us from the priestess?” one of the men asked.

“There are no guarantees in life. I will do my best, but understand this my friends, inaction is a choice on an occasion like this,” Mercutio answered.

“What in Hades does that mean?” the man asked.

“I’ll try my best,” Mercutio answered.

Most of the two dozen paupers follow Mercutio out of the temple. “Scatter my friends and meet me at the Priestess’s Barrel tavern in the morning. I promise 3 gold to any mane who shows in the morn.”

Mercutio returned to the Barrel to find Morguhn and Heinrich waiting for him. Mercutio filled them in on the happenings at the temple, while they discussed the other adventurers’ current mission. They all agreed that the priestess would surely make her move that evening and they headed back to stake out the temple. Seeing nothing unusual they returned to the Barrel to find the rest of the group waiting for them.


“Considering what you have shared with us,” Justinius began, “I think she has to make her move tonight.”

“She almost certainly will try to move them through that warehouse,” Ginny suggested.

“I say we cut ‘em as they pop out of that grate,” Wassbe said.

“That’s a fine idea,” Githraldul agreed. “Let’s go.”

The party set off for the warehouse.


Ginny cursed under her breath. There were a couple of guards in front of the warehouse.

The rogue silently moved back to the group of adventurers, “There are a pair of guards posted.”

“Damn,” Mercutio cursed.

“My sentiments exactly,” Ginny said.

“Do you think she’s here already?” Githraldul asked.

“No way,” Wassabe answered. “We practically came straight here.”

“Fine, but we still need to get into that warehouse,” Heinrich said.

“Leave it to me,” Mercutio said and walked towards the warehouse.

“What is he doing?” Wassabe whispered loudly.

Mercutio cast sleep and both men slumped down to the ground. He rushed up and bladed both men’s throats. The rest of the group followed closely behind. Thoren threw his shoulder into the warehouse door, which burst open.

The warehouse was not empty. The Priestess Kanto, another cleric, six guards, and the remainder of the paupers huddled in the back. “Well, this is a surprise,” the Priestess said. Acting quickly the Priestess cast Bull strength and ordered her minions to attack.

To be continued…


Episode 12

The adventurers were ambushed by the Priestess Kanto and her minions, where they had hoped to ambush them!

Heinrich realized that the priestess was the main threat and cast silence on a pebble near her foot. Thoren swung his massive sword wildly, slaying two of the Priestess’s guards instantly. The priestess’s other cleric had seen enough and turned tail and ran away out the back of the building.

The Priestess tried to send another spell into the fray, but discovering she could not utter a sound she too fled. Her poor minions continued to battle, unaware that their leadership had left the melee. Justinius casted Hold on one of the guards, while two more fell. The last guard dropped his sword and surrendered. Githraldul dashed off with Ginny to pursue the enemy clerics, but they were too late. They had gotten away.


Ginny secured the knots on the prisoners and reassured the remaining paupers that they would be cared for and secure. Justinius and Heinrich decide to report the episode to their temples to get advice from their superiors. Justinius’s superior, Granachus, immediately suggested that he should report the incident to Heinrich and his temple.

“Heinrich is already on his way to report the events to his primarch,” Justinius responded.

“We should go offer our support,” Granachus responded. He stood up and grabbed an over cape and threw it over his shoulders. Together the two headed off for the Temple to Siegphorus.


Heinrich tried to explain again, for the fourth time, to Bishop Polariate, why he had not contacted the vigils during this entire episode.

“There was not time,” Heinrich said.

“And how did you know she would be coming through the warehouse?” the Bishop asked.

“My companions had been there earlier after spotting her loitering about the area,” Heinrich said.

“Oh, and they own the warehouse?” Polariate already knew the answer to this question.

“No, they broke into the warehouse to investigate,” Heinrich admitted.

“But, they had permission?”

“No, Bishop they did not.”

“But, they had a warrant or other authorization?”


“Just to be clear Heinrich – Your friend, Mercutio, imitated a pauper to be taken into the temple. Through this fraud he suspected the paupers were being taken away as slaves. So your friends trailed the priestess and started breaking into private property to investigate. Finding a secret passageway, they and you decided the best course of action would be to ambush the priestess instead of alerting the authorities. She is waiting for you instead and she manages to escape.”

“There was not time to contact the vigils,” Heinrich sighed he was coming around to the fifth time for this explanation.

“There was not time, because you allowed the end to justify the means,” the Bishop replied.

“That was never my intent. I did not approve of my friends breaking into the warehouse.”

“You were happy to reap the rewards.”

“I conceded that point,” Heinrich bowed his head. “I have come to you for advice.”

“Heinrich, what you have done is for the greater good, but I want you to fully understand the thin ice you are on.”

“I do.”

The conversation was interrupted by one of the temple guards, “My lord bishop, there are two clerics of Gravitas Morte seeking your audience. I tried to send them away, but they are most insistent.”

“No, no, it is fine. Send them in please.”

The guard bowed and left the room. A short time later Granachas and Justinius entered the chamber.

Granachas bowed to the bishop, “Lord Bishop Polariate, I am Granachas priest of Gravitas Morte and this is Father Justinius.”

“Please, no bowing Father Granachas,” the Bishop smiled. “I assume you are here to discuss the situation young Heinrich has told me about?”

“Er, yes, Bishop,” Granachas admitted. “He has acted on my behalf, and although they were overly enthusiastic, it was my idea.”

“A valuable service,” Prolariate replied tapping his fingers on his chin. “Why did you not go to the vigils about this problem?”

“Once the temple to Kala was intimated in the situation I thought independent verification and inspection was in order. Hurling accusations at a temple sponsored by the Empress would fail to impress anyone and might even hurt my temple in the end.”

“Very practical,” Bishop Prolariate admitted. “Still there are many vigils who may be trusted. We shall all go to one now.”


Meanwhile, at the warehouse the paupers were growing restless and were not convinced in the least that the authorities would believe them. Mercutio, who naturally distrusted authority as well was inclined to agree with them. To the surprise of the other he announced to the paupers that they were free to go. He gave each of them two gold crowns and promised them three more if they showed up at the barrel the following morning. The relieved paupers thanked the sorcerer and made their way out.

“I’m not paying them,” Thoren grumbled.

A couple of hours later six imperial guards came to the warehouse.

“We require the prisoners you are holding and all of the witnesses,” the Imperial Captain demanded.

“We really were expecting vigils*” Ginny stated.

“The prisoners and the witnesses please,” the captain demanded ignoring Ginny’s question.

“You are welcome to the prisoners, but we have let the witnesses go,” Mercutio admitted. “They are meeting us tomorrow.”

“Meeting you where?” the Captain growled.

“At the Priestess’s Barrel,” Thoren answered.

“Do not leave the city for the next couple of days,” the Captain ordered.

“You do not want to ask us what happened?” Mercutio asked incredulously.

“You will be at the Barrel, correct?” the Captain asked.
“Yes,” Ginny answered.

“Then, that is all we need,” the Captain stated. The Imperial Guard took up the prisoners and left.

“There is a rotten fish here,” Ginny thought aloud.

“A royal rotten fish,” Mercutio agreed.


“It is a cover up for the Empress I tell you,” Mercutio said. The clinks of mugs and plates echoed through the mealtime at the Barrel.

“You may be right,” Justinius said.

“Let us not jump to conclusions,” Heinrich warned. “There are a multitude of possible explanations without implicating the Empress herself.”

“She’s involved,” Ginny pronounced the judgment so matter-of-factly that it took Heinrich aback.

Two days had passed and no one had contacted the group. Heinrich had asked at his temple if he should go inquire about the matter, but Bishop Prolariate had advised against it. Even Heinrich had to admit it appeared the whole matter was being handled discreetly at least to avoid any possible embarrassment for the Empress.

Heinrich and Justinius began working at their respective temples while the others in the group took the opportunity to do some training. When two weeks had passed everyone in the group was convinced the Temple of Kala matter was over and they decided to head back to the caves in the pass. Heinrich received permission from the Bishop to leave and the adventurers set off.


Wassabe looked forward to reaching the lumber camp where the group would undoubtedly camp for the night. The lumberjacks were his kind of people and he loved how they joined in on his teasing of Ginny. As the camp came into view in the late afternoon it was immediately clear something was wrong.

The woodsmen’s shacks were ransacked and the remains of some of the lumberjacks were scattered about the camp. A crow was busily picking at the entrails of a man who had apparently been pulled apart. Githraldul inspected the scene of the battle while Justinius performed last rites for the men.

“I found a trail,” Githraldul announced.

“What is it?” Ginny asked.

“Something big, very big,” the ranger answered.

To be continued…

*vigils are the town guard. The Imperial Guard are the Emperor’s personal bodyguard and usually are not involved in law and order affairs.
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Interesting. The whole thing kind of gets swept up under the carpet. As a player, that would make me nervous as all get out. Did I just end up making an enemy that I really didn't want? Or was the issue truly handled discreetly and it's finished?

Yeah, time to get out of town and hope all is well. :D

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