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pogre's story hour Zandyrium -episode 66- (5/10/2006) A short update.


Old One said:
Is it whoever played the barbarian in Wulf/Dinkledog's game? Brain cells are failing, since I can't recall the PC name...too much Smithyck's over the weekend. Or is it the Peck/Paladin's player?
~ OO

Hah - he would cringe at that suggestion!

Here's a quote from him in the storyhour -
"Bought me a Heward's Handy Haversack." Wulf patted the new bag over his shoulder. "Nifty little bastard."

Bala Saka spoke grimly and nodded towards the next room where Shorty's corpse lay at rest. "You shoulda bought a Heward's Handy Bodybag."

Thanks for stopping in OO!

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Heavy Hitter

First Post
Thoren is human fighter level 11 and barbarian 1. He died and came back once before. He uses a +3 great axe with a 1xD6 flame burst to fight with. A very kool weapon. Thanks Keith, Tom


Episode 43

“Zerstorung my friend, we have a hunt,” Thoren said to the half-orc barbarian. Mercutio watched carefully, studying the Norsican outlaw tribal chieftain’s movements. Thoren had asked him to teleport a half mile outside the tribe’s camp out of respect for their shaman. Thoren went through a complicated ritual involving dust, spitting, and clapping of hands as they reached the tribe’s wolf totem pole guarding the camp entrance. Mercutio had thought it refreshing to see Thoren so reverent toward this barbaric culture.

“What prey?” the half-orc answered. A crooked tusk protruded from his lower lip where a scar cut across his lip and the rest of his face. A large bushy mustache covered his upper lip, crusty with food bits, mucous, and other unidentifiable matter decorated the facial hair. His arms were covered in blue tattoos and knotted muscles that spoke of his life as a warrior.


“Wizards and demons,” Thoren answered. “Blood of the cursed to stain your blade.”

“That is enough,” Zerstorung replied. “We shall hunt.”

Zerstorung fetched the nastiest looking weapon Mercutio had ever seen – a scythe sharpened to a jagged, razor-sharp edge. *1* Zerstorung donned a great helmet with immense stag-like antlers poking out of the top. His worldly possessions were carried in a small pack secured to his back.

The trio walked out of the tribal camp and then teleported back to Silcrass’s lair.


A quick trip to Zandyrium was made and preparations set for the assault on the Cult of the Flame’s stronghold.


The adventurers looked up from the edge of the woods at the dilapidated fortress. The gatehouse was relatively intact, but the rest of the walls appeared ready to crumble at any time. A road snaked up the steep hillside in the open; virtually guaranteeing an approach from this direction would be quickly detected.

“I could climb up the side and scout around first,” Ginny suggested.

“I think scouting is a good idea,” Mercutio agreed. “However, I have a different idea. Githraldul is skilled in hunting giants. Let’s send him up there.”

“I would struggle to climb up there unseen, it must be a half mile,” Githraldul objected.

“I have that covered,” Mercutio reassured the ranger. Mercutio cast fly and invisibility on Githraldul. “Remember, scouting only!”

“Got it,” Githraldul replied and flew off toward the structure. The elven ranger quickly took note of the fortress’s size. Inside the walls there was a courtyard and the rest of the building was covered. It was immediately apparent the structure had been taller at one time and many of the upper stories had collapsed. He saw no giants, but there was some evidence of their presence. A large hut was sitting in the courtyard, constructed of fieldstone and other scrap.

”Probably their lair,” Githraldul thought.

He decided to swoop down and take a closer look at the tower. He crept closely to one of the large arrow slots of the gatehouse’s upper stories – the tallest remaining structure on the fortress. He saw a giant sitting there with enormous crossbow. ”Probably an old ballista,” Githraldul thought.

Suddenly, the giant reached for an object.

Githraldul recognized what it was at once – an aurochs’ horn! ”The giant is going to sound an alarm,” Githraldul’s mind told him. The ranger cursed quietly to himself and considered what he should do in the next second before the Giant managed to blow the horn.

Githraldul clutched at his bow.

To be continued…

*1* Zerstorung is a guest PC and is based on the famous all power attack all the time character archetype – perhaps better known as the Crippler. It should be noted that this character archetype has never lived past 6th level in regular play. We were interested to see how truly ineffective the build would be at 12th level. However, the prospect of facing giants did warm the player’s heart ;)
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Episode 44

Githrldul reached for an arrow with accustomed expertness, and then, thought better of it. He began flying back down to his comrades as the blast of the Aurochs’ horn sounded through the complex.

“What happened?” Wassabe asked. “I thought you knew how to handle giants?”

“One of them caught my scent who was hidden in the gate tower,” the ranger was clearly vexed.

“I’ll go get them,” Zerstorung volunteered. The mighty Norsican half-orc heaved his scythe over his shoulder and headed for the road.

“Hold!” Wassabe called out, “I have a better idea. Let us retire to the woods and make camp. Tonight we will make a fire, a really large fire, and I bet someone will come investigate.”

“Oddly enough, I like it,” Mercutio smirked.

“I will set a trap for them,” Githraldul volunteered. The ranger set off to the edge of the woods trying to discover the most likely path investigators might take to the camp. He carefully constructed an arrangement of concealed branches, vines, and shallow holes for his trap. He returned to help the others construct the bonfire.

“Will your trap kill them?” Zerstorung asked.

“No, hopefully it just trips them to give us an advantage,” Githraldul answered.

“Good,” Zerstorung replied grimly. A dark smile crept crossed his scar-creased face.


Wassabe piled wood on a tremendous fire as the rest of the party took up positions near Githraldul’s carefully constructed trap. Like moths to a flame the Giants came out of the fortress and walked down the ramp towards the woods.

“What’s floating next to the front two?” Ginny asked Mercutio in hushed tones.

“Scry sensers,” Mercutio answered.

The giants lumbered forward and Githraldul’s trap worked perfectly as the front two fell flat on their faces. The party leapt upon the floundering giants. Mercutio unleashed fireballs, Ginny and Githraldul shot a hail of arrows at them, and Thoren and Zerstorung smote them with mighty swings. In less than ten seconds all three giants were dead.

“Well someone got a good show,” Mercutio commented.

“What do you mean?” Wassabe asked.

“Yes, I saw them too,” Justinius said. “Scry sensers.”

“Scry this!” Wassabe gave an obscene gesture towards the dead giants.

“It’s gone Wassabe,” Mercutio said.

“What now?” Ginny asked.

“Let’s head for the door before they recruit some new guardians,” Heinrich suggested.

“Who are they?” Thoren asked.

“We’re going to find out,” Wassabe answered.

To be continued…


Hey Pogre! I am finally getting a few minutes to catch up and comment. A scythe wielding , half-orc, barbarian? Oh my, that is just kind of messed up. I like it. :D

So they made short work of three giants, but they gave information to the enemy. I can't hardly see how that is a good thing. It is definitely one of those difficult choices to make as a player. But it seems they are planning to follow it up with an assault. Hopefully before the enemy has time to really prepare.

The next 'show' should be a good one. :)


Episode 45

“Make haste now,” Mercutio commanded. “They know we’re coming and we shan’t give them more time to prepare.”

Zerstorung and Thoren loped easily ahead of the rest of the party. The pair had been accustomed to hunting with one another in recent months as they looked like a pair of wolves trailing a wounded deer. Entering the outer keep courtyard they spotted a recently thrown together hut created from detritus and other debris.

“The giants made their lair in that,” Githraldul announced. The ranger moved over to the giant hut, “I can smell them. This is where they rested.”

“Just wait a week, everyone within three miles will be smelling those three giants,” Wassabe quipped.

Ginny found three sizable chests and after a cursory search she was satisfied they were not trapped. She opened the three coffers and a treasure of gold and gems spilled forth.

“Quickly gather it, we must press on,” Mercutio said.

The group moved into the inner keep. Two ghosts watched over a chamber containing some stairs leading down.

With the strength of the clerics behind them, the adventurers were able to defeat the otherworldly foes.

Traveling down the stairs the adventurers found a number of abandoned chambers. Githraldul was able to pick up a strange trail in the passages that led to a secret door.

“Something is waiting for us,” Mercutio stated flatly.

“Hunting requires a strong spirit or you become the hunted,” Zerstorung warned.

“Indeed, that is what I fear is happening,” Mercutio replied.

“Only your fear can let that happen,” Zerstorung countered. “Stay strong Saracen, the day belongs to us.”


The secret door led to a stairwell down. The stairs opened to an ancient dwarven hold lit with everburning torches. The adventurers found a chamber containing a number of iron grates in even rows along the floor. One of the grate holes was apparently covered with canvas.

A shrill voice called out in the shadowy darkness, “Is someone there? Please god help me!”

Another voice joined in with the first, “Help me! Heh heh. Help me! Get you in! You need chastisement! Get you in!”

“Who’s there?” Thoren called back.

“Who’s there?” the second voice answered mockingly. “You’re here. We’re here. Get you in. Chastisement for all. Enough for one!”

“Let’s leave them,” Zerstorung suggested. “They’re mad.”

Heinrich moved into the room and found the source of one of the voices. A quivering human in robes was huddled against a corner of his cell below the floor. “Who are you friend?” Heinrich asked as he shone a light down into the cell.

“Philosten,” the man answered. “Please help me!”

“Help me!” came the second mocking voice. “We are all in need of chastisement!”

“Who’s the whacko in cell two?” Justinius asked the human.

“I don’t know, but he torments me constantly. I can never sleep, never think, he is constantly mocking me,” Philosten began to weep softly.

“Oh boo hoo hoo! Help me! Help me! I’m all alone – please god someone save me!” the mocking voice called out dissolving into sinister laughter.

“I have had enough of this,” Zerstorung announced and whipped the canvas off the top of the cell.

A creature of utter darkness burst forth from the cell. Born of ancient hatred and malevolence, it’s mere gaze threatened to steal the life force from the adventurers.

Ginny nearly feel to the dark creature’s deathly eyes, but held on.

“By the power of the true God of Death, Gravitas Morte commands you away!” Justinius yelled.

The creature leapt back into the cell as though a tidal wave of righteousness had knocked him backwards.

“Cover the cell back up!” Wassabe commanded.

“No don’t,” Zerstorung countered and threw himself down into the pit.

The adventurers above held their collective breaths as they heard the sounds of combat from the pit. They dared not interfere, lest the deathly gaze of the creature fall on them. Then suddenly, there was silence.

A moment later Zerstorung emerged with his terrible scythe. “What are we going to do with him?” the half-orc asked nonchalantly pointing to Philosten.

“His time here has made him mad,” Justinius replied. “They were apparently trying to force him to perform some sort of releasing ritual. His nerves are too far shot to be of use to us, we must escort him to the surface and continue on our way.”


The adventurers eventually found there way to a chamber divided by water. The place was occupied by a fearsome troll barbarian and a Death Slaad. The ensuing struggle was desperate in the extreme, but several well-placed blows ended the encounter. The adventurers fairly well spent rested in the room, contemplating their next move.*

To be continued…

* This was really an epic struggle worthy of more, but I ran out of time as we game tonight and I wanted to post a reminder to the players ;)


First Post
Hey! I'm enjoying an illustrated story hour. But I notice the number of images has been decreasing considerably. Believe me, I understand what a pain it can be to photograph your minis with a digicam, but I'd still love to see more images! :)


sniffles said:
Hey! I'm enjoying an illustrated story hour. But I notice the number of images has been decreasing considerably. Believe me, I understand what a pain it can be to photograph your minis with a digicam, but I'd still love to see more images! :)

Guilty as charged. It is not going to improve over the next couple of episode write-ups either. My story hour the last few months has sucked, but mostly because of time issues. Now that Summer is here I will have more time and a few more pictures will make there way on here.

Thanks for reading!

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