The Abyssal Campaign (~260pg).


The .DOC is updated, with a good juicy search-for-the-succubus subquest. I've also added some sidebars on how to turn some NPCs into PCs in case the need arises.

You can also get my other adventure, Matter of Opinion, here.

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Updated with chapter III completed. Lots of new stuff since the last one! We've already played through all of it up to now, so I'll have to keep writing before the next session. ;)

the Jester

Zappo, I downloaded the pdf but I kept getting errors with the doc file. It looked (upthread) like someone else had a similar problem. Can you check to make sure your file's ok?

Thanks- I'm checking out the pdf presently!


I've tried downloading it and it works for me. Most of the other replies were about the old host, and I thought everything was fixed. It is pretty strange that you can download the PDF but not the DOC; they are on the same server and the links are right.

Anyway, the PDF is presently up to date. The only thing is that I was in a hurry and didn't check for the formatting to be right in the whole document. I hope it's ok.

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