The Four Lands - Divine Avengers


Carvyn Wray - Battle Sorcerer of Pelor

Carvyn hears the acolyte call upon the power of the Light and feels the Light wash over him.

[sblock=For the DM]
Fort Save 1d20+3 → [14,3] = (17)

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J. Alexander

First Post
The Naive

For those making the save
[sblock]while stunned by the blast of light you remain on your feet and feel an almost diivne like presence surrond you. A glowing figure wield a firey sword stands forth and approaches the dark figure "Demon you have no power in this time and place, flee before the light before i consing your sould back to nothingless it says at which point the figure and the bat like creatures flee in terror. The bright figure reaches forth a hand to the prelate and you hear "Come to me my faithful son, your task is complete, others shall take up the charge" then the figure slowly walks towards the young priest "You have rembered when those above you have fled in terror from the dark..know this day the light blesses you our son" and streches forth his hand and toches the forehead of the young man" he then disappears[/sblock]

For those you fail the save
[sblock]you are knocked unconcious for two rounds.[/sblock]

As the light dissapted the party is stunned to see Gregory, Jessica and Harstead crumple tot he ground.


Carvyn Wray, Battle Sorcerer of Pelor

Upon seeing the evil ones flee, Carvyn will rush to aid the nearest down person, whether Gregory, Jessica, Harstead or another.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Redford Thornrose

Still awed by the experience, Redford slowly lowers his halberd. Shaking his head, he bends down to pick up Gregory and carries him to prelate Julius outside of the church.

This man saved my life, father, please help him.


First Post
Bestor remains where he stands, slowly turning about in place, his eyes searching the cathedral for any more signs of danger. Finally, he lowers his blade and moves to check those laying crumpled on the ground.


First Post
When Harstard gets up, he takes his horrible weapon and strides towards the young acolyte. He stands in front of him like an angry thundercloud for some moments, his hand caressing the reddish blade, then suddenly smiles, picks up the young man as if he was a doll and says: "Har har, good work, lass, good work, whatever in the name of Korr you have done. Let's go and get some beer, it will relax your nerves. My nerves as well." - and drags him out of sight before any of the higher tight-assed people can react.


First Post
Gregory comes to as Redford is working to carry him.

"If you could set me down, I believe I will be all right. Just a little overwhelmed by the Power unleashed. No need to disturb our superiors for my sake. There are others in more need than I, I believe. Thank you for the thought though."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Redford Thornrose

Oh. OK.

Glad you are alright. Let's see what we can do about the others.

Redford lowers Gregory on his feet and claps him on the shoulder.

OOC: I just realized JA, you said:
at which point the figure and the bat like creatures flee in terror
That implies that they are on the loose in the city, they weren't destroyed by the power or the angel.


Thurien sits back on his heels at the sight he has beheld, as he watched the man he tried to heal be taken from him. This time at least he could rest easy know that his effort were not in vain. Slowly he stands and as if a fog is lifted sees the chaos left in the wake. He approaches Jessica, being the nearest fallen and sees if she has merely fainted or is wounded.


Jessica continues to dwell happily in the light
all: [sblock]
Sorry folks, Im not keeping up with this game very well, and am going to bow out.
apparently its just one online game too many for me. good luck. [/sblock]

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