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The Four Lands - Divine Avengers


Carvin Wray - Battle Sorcerer of Pelor

Carvin surveys the growing battle, with the bat-like creatures dropping dark magic egg bombs, the prelate's assassin battling warriors of the Light, and the acolyte with his new defenders. Carvin moves 5 feet towards the fallen Redford and unleases his magic darts again at the nearest bat-like creature.

[sblock=For the DM]
How far away is Carvin from Redford?

Magic Missile damage
1d4+1 → [1,1] = (2)
1d4+1 → [3,1] = (4)

What is Carvin's preceptor doing? The other preceptors?

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC Whining

Douane said:
The one thing I see that could have prevented a bit of damage is that Redford could have afforded a MW Chainshirt.

(You didn't apply the "nonmagical equipment costs 1/10" factor.)
Didn't know about 1/10 factor. My belief is that prices rise 10 times after we start not that initial prices are smaller...

As i understand it you moved to attack the dark clad feature thus putting yourself in close quarters...so the reach would not have an effect on his ability to attack....
Duh, my D&D inexperience shows itself. Attacking from 10' feet would prevent the defender from returning attacks, provided that I could maintain distance, but that would require Spring attack, right? In my old system, having reach is greater advantage (think modern boxing)

No no retroactive equipment changes..sorry but there was almost a month to tweak the characters....
I wouldn't change equipment, I left him light armored as initially he had DEX as his highest stat. What I WOULD change is halberd for guisarme (for some reason halberd indeed isn't reach weapon) :confused:

Month with project deadlines and new year shuffle, along with losing an employee. Sorry, I'll take what I created, but there wasn't really a month for me.

I'm fully confident that others will finish what I started. And yes, I did expect more aggressive approach from others, didn't think I'll go alone on main threat. Once everyone is alerted and there is no direct threat to any higher-ups, main threat is still running around and casting...
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J. Alexander

First Post
The Cathedral

Responding to Redford's attack the dark figure attacks and leaves a bleeding and severly wounded Redford at his feat. Harstards gains promixity to the acolyote and set himself to defend him from any attacks. Goric raises his voice and in response to his orders many of the guards begin moving their charges to the various exits and the room slowly begins to clear somewhat with a great press of people at the entrances. Seeing the fall of Redford, Gregory moves to attack the black figure scofring a glancing blow that pinks his foe's skin. Jessica moves to attend the fallen prelate and finds him still breathing if very shallow and calls upon her healing powers to stabilize him (I need a spellcraft roll from Jessica dc 15) Bestor also moves to attack the dark figure and lashes out scoring a good hit on the man. Carivin once again unleashes his powers against one of the bat like creatures but fails to drop it.

In repose to the pressing forces, the bat like creatures once again drop their dark eggs and waves of negative energy roll thru the naive of the cathederal. The acoloyte now shielded from physical attack continues his prayer and the altar appears to be responding as a great glow of light begins to gather itself around the altar and climb towards the ceiling. The dak figure lashes out with his sword twice at Gregory hitting twice for 20 points of damage (Roll twice a fort save at dc 14 or lose 1 point of con) and hitting Bestor once for 12 points (Roll once a fort save at dc 14 or lose 1 point of con)

ACtions for Round 3


OOC: Has Thurien reached the prelate as well? If so he'll drop Gentle Repose for Cure Moderate Wounds cast on the Prelate. If not, he'll be heading to the prelate still.


First Post
Sir Harstard watches the evolution of the combat, but he still believes that right now, protecting the acolite is the highest priority. He has heard that even an acolite with access to an ancient altar has powers equivalent to the mightiest clerics, and this is supposed to be the most ancient altar of the light, after all.

same action of the last round. I'm keeping those rolls, if possible.


First Post
Bestor growls away the pain of his wound, and takes a deep breath, entering an almost meditative state. The warrior moves to step around the enemy to flank with his barbarian ally, and strikes our again at the dark form, hoping to strike the thing down with his bastard sword.

Fort Save: 15 (SUCCESS)

AC: 23, Hit Points: 24/36

Combat Focus engaged: Round 1 of 12, provides +4 on will saves, +8 vrs (bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun and trip), an additional +1 dodge bonus and the ability to change dodge target as an immediate action

Attack: 9 (or 11 with flanking)

J. Alexander

First Post

Thruien has reached the prelate, sorry i meant to make it clear that everyone reached their goal last round.

Nightbreeze - the rolls may stand.
For Nightbreeze
[sblock]very good sir, very good indeed glad someone pays attention to those little details i put in the background[/sblock]

OCC: Is the party to big? or is it just slow to get the feel of the characters in such a large group by going almost right into a combat......


First Post
Goric moves forward and falls to one knee next to the fallen Redford, ostensibly touching him to check up for life signs. Actually he just tries to hide the bluish glow forming in his left palm as he reaches out to heal the man.

OoC: Move action to move adjacent to Redford; Standard Action to cast Cure Light Wounds (1d8+2=10) on him. Special: He uses his skills trick "Conceal Spellcasting" to try to hide that he's healing him (Sleight of Hand (1d20+4=16) vs. Spot)



Carvin decides to test his theory about the flying monsters. He calls upon the Light to strike down the undead, releasing a ray from his hands at the nearest bat-like creature.

[sblock=For the DM]
Cast Disrupt Undead as a cantrip, ranged touch attack of 8
damage if successful is a 4

4 0th level spells and 3 1st level spells remain[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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