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The Star Wars Iconic Characters and the Lords of the Expanse: Hunting Grounds (cont.)

Vor'en Kurn

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Pbartender said:
At the firing range...

Two figures appear at each end of the street, both about twenty meters away. They are elegantly dressed, in he manner common to minor Tapani sector nobles and saber-rakes. They each draw elaborately designed pistols, and stand at the ready with near perfect poise.

Vor'en notices Saeed take up a gunslinger's stance, hands hovering millimeters from the butts of his holstered pistols.

[Any particular plan, Vor'en?]

A duel. A frelling duel. If there any single form of combat Vor'en hated (and he liked most of them), it was duels. A pair of nobels who wouldn't know a blaster carbine if it hit them in the face think they're manly, honorable, and skillful because they stand ten feet from each other and shoot each other with pistols so low charge you could warm your feet with them. Combat, real combat, was you and your buddies crawling through mud in the rain, slitting throats and praying the next frag grenade didn't end up in your trench.

ooc: And when you put your hands in a pile of goo.... :p

Vor'en narrows his eyes, and racks his brain as to what he read in the rules of the game. If there's nothing in it about following any rules of dueling, he'll play it on his terms. Blast the fop in front of him three times without warning and dodge behind the nearest cover- Saeed. If anybody pulled this sithspit on him in real life, they can have their fancy forms and rituals, and he'll be standing when the smoke clears. Seems like a fair trade to him.

If, unforunately, he has to participate in this farce, he'll growl and tense, ready to dodge and shoot the moment he won't lose points for doing so.

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Arani Korden

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Pbartender said:
"M-my p-programming includes r-recipes for over f-fifteen th-thousand cocktails p-popular th-throughout the known galaxy," the familiar droid replies almost proudly.

Arani scans Rory's drinks list for a good thirty seconds before giving up. (Arani's not a big drinker.) She hands the list back to the Wookiee.

"Could you pick out something nice and wussy for me? I've got to be brilliant in a few hours, and I'll need a clear head."

Noticing the semi-transparent cranium of one of the lounge patrons, she frowns and adds "Metaphorically speaking, of course."

edited to remove the word "frinker."
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First Post
Up in the Target range...

Somewhere, off in the distance, a bell tower tolls the hour. The two holographic duelists swinginto action, aiming for Vor'en and Saeed. Before either of them has a chance to shoot, Vor'en lowers his blaster rifle and punches a virtual hole through his opponent's chest. In the blink of an eye, Saeed draws both his pistols and neatly places a pair of blaster bolt into his opponent's gut. Both holographic targets double over and slump to the ground.

The two shooters get only a moment to gather their thoughts, before more holographic targets appear. These fellows have a distinct thuggish look about them, though they're dressed in the same ornate clothing. Armed with a wide assortment of blasters, they form looses clumps at either end of the street.

Sorry for the delay... Got sick. Next level, Vor'en.

Sia-Lan Wezz

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Pbartender said:
"If you w-wish, I c-can p-place an order w-with the k-kitchen, M-m'dame," Essee Tufore offers Sia-Lan, "I am certain they w-would only b-be t-too happy to d-deliver a l-light l-luncheon."

Sia-Lan bit her lip, thinking quite heavily on what she wanted to fill her stomach. Finally she clapped her hands and smiled at Essee. "I'd like a large fruit bowl with a the finest selection of the fruits you have available, a container of your sweetest wine, and a nice slab of Gnort cheese!"

Vor'en Kurn

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Feh. Amateurs. Vor'en sneers at his imaginary opponents, but the moment he sees his new opponents appear, he'll hit the deck and take aim, reasonably confident that his opponent's numbers will decrease the effect of innaccuracy brought on by high-volume blaster fire. He'll fire as fast as he can pull the trigger until all that's left is him and Saeed.

Arani Korden

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After ordering a light Alderaanian wine with Rory's help, Arani takes a cautious sip.

"So," she says, "If I suddenly turned into a bossy cow* and began behaving like you really were my retinue rather than my friends, you two would tell me, right? I mean, we've been friends for years, and I'm closer to you than nearly - than anyone. So you'd tell me if I crossed the line, right?"

*This should probably be Bantha, but "bossy Bantha" doesn't have the same ring to it.


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OOC: Man, sometimes I hate the holidays.

Up in the game room...

Essee serves up drinks all around, and signals down to the kitchen for Sia-Lan's order.

Meanwhile, kelko joins in the game. He plays a good first hand, winning by a slim margin and gaining a handful of credits. "Beginners' Luck," the Baron explains.


Down in the target range...

Vor'en drops to the ground and blazes away with his rifle, while Assadi stands his ground pumping out shots with his two-fisted pistols. Had any spectators been present, they would have been reminded of scenes out of the old gunslinging Wildspace holodramas.

For over half a minute, the air is laced with the incandescent trails of ionized gas. When the program ends, Vor'en has shot down ten of the bandits, though he also sustained three solid hits from his enemy's illusionary blaster bolts. Saeed, dropped three twelve of his targets, and though he was hit four times himself, he was better able to dodge the blasts, and only received glancing blows.

Again, the control console pings...

VOR'EN KURN: Targets eliminated: 10, Wounds dealt: 140, Wounds received: 49. Total Score: 101
SAEED ASSADI: Targets eliminated: 12, Wounds dealt: 126, Wounds received: 28. Total Score: 110

"You are pretty good," Saeed seems to compliment, "but not quite good enough... Keep practicing."

The Barnaban collects his droids, "These games have been fun... Vor'en, was it? ...but I have to prepare for the feast. Perhaps we can continue another time?"

Sia-Lan Wezz

First Post
Arani Korden said:
"So," she says, "If I suddenly turned into a bossy cow* and began behaving like you really were my retinue rather than my friends, you two would tell me, right? I mean, we've been friends for years, and I'm closer to you than nearly - than anyone. So you'd tell me if I crossed the line, right?"

Sia grinned at Arani. "I wouldn't just tell you, I'd make sure you never forgot it!" The Jedi Padawan giggled and then sprawled her long frame over a seat. "Are you planning on getting all uppity?"

Vor'en Kurn

First Post
Pbartender said:
VOR'EN KURN: Targets eliminated: 10, Wounds dealt: 140, Wounds received: 49. Total Score: 101
SAEED ASSADI: Targets eliminated: 12, Wounds dealt: 126, Wounds received: 28. Total Score: 110

Vor'en cursed mentally and pulled a face under his mask. Well, he'd just have to work harder next time....

The Barnaban collects his droids, "These games have been fun... Vor'en, was it? ...but I have to prepare for the feast. Perhaps we can continue another time?"

"Count on it," Vor'en shoots back, impulsively. "Whenever you're ready." He recovers slightly from his annoyance, and bows from the neck out of respect for his prowess. "You're quite skillfull. They chose a good hunter." Vor'en will head down after the others when he leaves; he may not be hungry or feel the need to socialize, but he proboably shouldn't leave Ariani alone for too long.


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"Oh yeah, you can count on us to burst the bubbles of any delusions of grandeur you get. No worries there." Rorworr says mildly to Arani, before winking at Sia. He sips his lum, watching the game of trin sticks with interest.

"They're really going to fleece him, aren't they?" He observes. "That or he's got a lot better since the last time I saw him play."
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