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The Star Wars Iconic Characters and the Lords of the Expanse: Hunting Grounds (cont.)

Vor'en Kurn

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Truth be told, Vor'en was going a little stir-crazy, trapped on that ship with Jedi, people who wanted him to dance, and Sia, who was a dangerous combination of the two. He has to work hard to resist the temptation to make a tumbling dive down the boarding ramp, come up on one knee and provide covering fire to the imaginary boarders behind him. Just to, y'know, relive some stress. As it is, he simply does his paranoid bodyguard routine, looking ready to open fire at the first sign of trouble and sticking close to Arani.

ooc: we seem to be missing a few key players here....

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Rorworr works with Bait, quickly putting the ship to bed. He fishes his blaster pistol from the locker next to the co-pilot's chair, strapping the holster to his leg. After glancing around the cockpit to check he's not forgotten anything, he strolls down the boarding ramp.

"Oh my, a protocol droid!" EmTee exclaims in delight. "We're back to civilisation at last."

Rorworr vaguely nods to EmTee's comment, more interested in the work of the maintenance droids. After a moment, he drags his attention back to the matter in hand, and bellows back into the ship.

"'Rani? We've got someone here who I think wants to talk to you." He smiles back at the startled looking silver droid, and waits for someone with slightly more diplomatic skills than him or his present company to arrive.

Arani Korden

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Rorworr said:
"'Rani? We've got someone here who I think wants to talk to you." He smiles back at the startled looking silver droid, and waits for someone with slightly more diplomatic skills than him or his present company to arrive.
What? I though Vor'en would be handling all the diplomacy stuff. ;)

Arani recovers from her moment of disorientation, and approaches the droid.

"Hi! We're House Cadriaan. Not the entire House, of course, but we're the . . . I'm the representative of House Cadriaan. Arani Korden, specifically. And you are?"

ooc: I was going to play this part all snooty, but it didn't feel right.


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Kelko sized up the droid, massaging the back of his neck idly as he watched Arani converse with it. "Probably someone's assassin droid, sent to silence us before we even make it to the hunt," he mutters, mostly to himself. "Of course, whether we're important enough to even rate an assassination is another matter entirely."


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Arani Korden said:
Arani recovers from her moment of disorientation, and approaches the droid.

"Hi! We're House Cadriaan. Not the entire House, of course, but we're the . . . I'm the representative of House Cadriaan. Arani Korden, specifically. And you are?"

"We've b-been expecting you, M-madam Korden," the droid bows timidly, addressing you by the traditional prefix of a House knight of the Expanse, "I am Essee Tufore, p-personal servant to Lord Appolinari. If you would f-follow m-me, I will show to your rooms, where you can f-freshen yourselves f-from your journey."

The droid gestures toward an open turbolift waiting nearby.

Vor'en Kurn

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Vor'en didn't actually think the droid was an assasin, but he sort of hoped it was one. It would leap at Arani, it's vibroblade hissing through the air, he would blast it to pieces, along with half-a-dozen other odd attackers, and life would be good.

Oh, how he wanted to shoot something. Maybe this Appolinari fellow had a target range, or something. If he didn't empty a power pack soon, his imagination would get the best of him and the poor Protocol droid would be nothing but scrap.


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Rorworr comes staggering down the gangway, laden with the group's luggage. Puffing, he grumbles as he goes past Vor'en.

"I thought Jedi were supposed to travel light. There are enough clothes here for half a system. And I'm pretty sure that Arani and Sia don't own largest portion of these outfits."


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Essee ushers you into the turbolift, which he directs to a lavishly elegant level of the station. The floor are covered in plush carepts and walls paneled in rich elacca wood. Delicate crystaline chandeliers and wall sconces illuminate the passages with dim light.

He shows you to a rickly comfortable suite of rooms. No doubt the least extravagant of the available guest rooms, due to Arani's humbly assumed status of a mere House Knight. And yet still, it rivals any accomidations you've encountered personally.

"You and your entourage will b-be staying in these rooms, M-madame Korden," the droid informs you, "I trust that they are comfortable enough. The current local time is p-precisely two hours b-before n-noon. The reception for the V-vor-cal f-feast b-begins in six hours. In the m-meatime, you m-may w-wish to enjoy some of the entertainments the lodge has to offer. The g-game room, l-lounge and f-firing range are one level up and adjacent to the g-great hall and reception area.

"If you have any n-needs or requests, do n-not hesitate to call upon m-me or any of the the l-lodge's staff.

"A g-good m-morning to you, M-madame." The droid excuses himself, as he again bows stiffy and lets himself out of the room.

Arani Korden

First Post
"We've got six hours before the reception. Relax, have fun, just be back here in four hours to get ready for the reception."

Arani throws herself on a convenient couch.

"And if you meet any of the other guests, take notes. mental notes, because taking actual notes might seem a bit weird. But take notes."

Voidrunner's Codex

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