The WarCraft RPG

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Ganarsh shakes slightly at the trolls words. He looks at his companions and wonders if he is up to it. If I die tomorrow, so be it...


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Eldin frantically motions for the others to come close. "Damn it..." he whispers to the group, "...looks like we're going to have to step up our escape a little bit, unless all of you want to become demon food."
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In the cells

Nothing happens the rest of the day, and the night comes... Whispers of freightened cellmates fills the air, and the general agreement is that an escape is of importance now. No one is sure how or when though.


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Rayex said:
A group of trolls take your weapons and lead you to the cells. When you get there, you see Parla talking to a guard. "Ya, the demon is not far. Tomorrow you fight it. It fun, ya?" Parla makes a sour grimace and sits down besides Naith and they start to whisper.

(OOC-Well, it doesn't look like we had any opportunity to do anything proactive. Perhaps if things were worded differently, we'd have some momentum. Is the game still on?)

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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