Delta Green d20

Remus Lupin

Someone mentioned it in passing in the Cthulhu d20 thread, but I hadn't seen a dedicated discussion of it, so I thought I'd start one: Apparently, after the long wait, Delta Green d20 has finally arrived!

I just ordered my copy yesterday, which may put me behind the curve, but since I'm planning to run a Nocturnum d20 campaign starting next month, I thought I'd try to find a way to bring Delta Green in as a faction in the Nocturnum plot. Having some d20 versions of DG adventures will make my life a lot easier.

So, those who have the book, what are your thoughts? Is it good, bad, buggy? Is it basically the old DG book, but with d20 stats thrown in? Does that make it less of a value? I already have the old BRP Delta Green book, so I have to admit that the pricetag on the new DG felt a bit high to me, but oh well. It will be worth it if it's good quality and adds to my campaign.


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Committed Hero

Aside from d20 stats, there is a handful of new information in the hardcover, but nothing to justify getting a new copy. It seems that the shipment of books to FRP Games is the one with bad bindings, but mine was solved with some Elmer's glue.

I would check for information about Nocturnum, there may be a file or thread there.


Committed Hero said:
It seems that the shipment of books to FRP Games is the one with bad bindings, but mine was solved with some Elmer's glue.
My copy did not come from FRP games.

I'd suggest getting a replacement via Tynes-Cowan or your retailer.

Remus Lupin

talien said:
Rather than ranting about it again, I'll just point to this thread:

Concepts = great. Editing = embarrassingly bad.

Ah, yes. I DO remember that thread. At any rate, I got my copy today, and editing problems aside, I'm happy to have it. I was a tad disappointed to realize that nothing really beyond the stats was updated, but it IS hardcover, and so far the binding looks good.

As I said, I'm hoping to work a couple of DG adventures into my upcoming Nocturnum campaign. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Committed Hero

The easiest one to integrate is the first, Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays, since it's loosely connected with the rest of the DG backstory. Save Convergence for when you want to introduce the conspiracy within the government.

Remus Lupin

The difficulty I'm finding is that by Part 2 of Nocturnum, the Investigators are on the run from the FBI, and it makes it difficult to use the FBI agent hooks to get them into the adventures. I'm planning to use Timothy Ekloff as the go-between, and figure that the agents that he puts the investigators in touch with are DG guys, and therefore woudln't turn them in to the "regular" FBI. But I'm still working on the details.

Remus Lupin

Not really, they're framed for a murder. But again, I think I can make it work if I have them, not as DG agents, but as "pawns" in the larger narrative, used by DG to achieve its own aims, but not actually gov't agents themselves. Then, when they stumble onto the McGuffin, I can have DG "help" them to stay out of the FBI's clutches by relying on sympathetic insiders, then, I figure I'll send the agents on the DG missions under assumed identities to those sympathetic agents.

As long as you don't scratch too hard, it should hold together.

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