D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator


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Another Nice to have idea - Can we get an override for carrying capacity? The form automation sets everything to encumbered w/disadvantage. There is currently no way i can see to edit "Current" with the presence of a Haversack or BOH.

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First Post
Another Nice to have idea - Can we get an override for carrying capacity? The form automation sets everything to encumbered w/disadvantage. There is currently no way i can see to edit "Current" with the presence of a Haversack or BOH.

when you enter the items on CS II - enter the location as the haversack or bag of holding. it will automatically adjust the carried weight.


This code will show the Superior Critical as "...a roll of 18 or 20"
It should show '...a roll of 18-20" to be in accordance with the Player's Handbook.

="• Martial Archetype Feature ("&IF(FighterChampionLevel>=15,"Superior","Improved")&" Critical)
Weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of "&IF(FighterChampionLevel>=15,"18-","19 or ")&"20"

Corrected in next build


So things don't get complicated I would suggest just 4 customizable sections (There are a few from the "Unearthed Arcana - Warlock & Wizard" that I would like to use).

Additionally, I noticed that when I was creating a custom subclass for a warlock, you have the spell selection area listed as "patron" instead of "expanded". The spells that are added to this area are acting like a cleric's "domain spells" on the "spellcasting" tab instead of warlock "patron expanded" spells.

The first picture shows a Warlock with the Archfey "patron" spells and the second shows a custom subclass warlock with their "patron" spell

Next build has opinion to choose Extended spell list, so should fix this issue :)


Version 2.00 Beta Build 11 Released!

Download here >> ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

Bunch of fixes over the 8-10 weeks. I know I may have missed a few requests here and there but been busy with work and a lot of overseas travel on a monthly basis. There are obviously some elements that are incomplete and work in progress but its been awhile between releases so thought I'd get this out for everyone to transfer their character to and provide feedback on the work so far.

There are a few new features which you will find around the worksheets that might be useful to some players ;)

Thank you to everyone who provides feedback to refine and improve this character generator, keep the bug fixes and awesome ideas coming

As always have fun!


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Download the community FAQ here >>ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 FAQ / Instructions for Use. Thanks to flwad
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And what would you suggest for the weight being carried in the form of coinage? There is no "location" to choose and gets very heavy very quickly.

Carry fewer coins, put them on the total but not carried.

Edit: Implemented a way to select Coins Carried as a line item in gear, if location is Handy Haversack, Portable Hole, BoH, or Quiver of Ehlonna then it removes from the carried total.
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First Post
My players are a little confused [they are also current 3.5 players too] with the fly speed and swim speed on csi. It might be terminology a bit, but they think they have a actual climb and swim speed, however the sheet is showing the normal rate of movement to swim or climb. The phb does reference a climbing and swimming speed under special types of movement

I thought the 10 auperscript on the jumps was a footnote. You might add a ft to the 10

Character summary as the 3 footnote on push drag lift, that is on csii, but the note is not on char summary
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Imported two characters that I am currently playing (from Beta 10 to Beta 11), a 1 Fighter / 5 Ranger and a 1 Fighter / 5 Warlock, and saw the same error in both. In Character Sheet III the class for the spellcaster class is FALSERanger and FALSEWarlock.

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