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CONAN Is Finally Here!

After appearing three years running in the 10 Most Anticipated RPGs of the Year list, it seems that Conan's streak has come to and end - because Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of has been released! You can get it right now from Modiphius' web store, and will be able to get it elsewhere from tomorrow. PDF only, for the moment. You can also grab a book of six adventures, Jewelled Thrones of the Earth. Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed of is based on Modiphius' own 2d20 system (which also powers their upcoming Star Trek Adventures game). The book is now available for review in the reviews area.

After appearing three years running in the 10 Most Anticipated RPGs of the Year list, it seems that Conan's streak has come to and end - because Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of has been released! You can get it right now from Modiphius' web store, and will be able to get it elsewhere from tomorrow. PDF only, for the moment. You can also grab a book of six adventures, Jewelled Thrones of the Earth. Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed of is based on Modiphius' own 2d20 system (which also powers their upcoming Star Trek Adventures game). The book is now available for review in the reviews area.




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Because it is a trope that the source material embraces?
I think the point is, that to be palatable to the modern gamer, the system needs to present heroes of both sexes and persons in distress of both sexes.

This way, if you or I happen to run 80% male barbarians and 99% female persons in need of saving, that is our business. The game does not assume or dictate this. Sure, most pictures of heroes might be mountains of manly muscles, but the game itself does not say anything actively against a female hero rescuing a male Distressed One.

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You're stating a preference, being asked to analyze it and explain it, and just repeating the preference without explanation.
But why do you assume he needs to even explain himself?

Let's just accept that Conan the Game contains pineapple (to mix the metaphors), and that is enough for many people to decry it completely, no matter whatever strengths it may possess elsewhere.


First Post
You presume wrongly. I saw the title of this thread, and it interested me. I love Conan. I'm interested to see if there's anything I may want from the Modiphius game that would enhance my Mongoose game. I'm interested to see what others dislike about the game. I'm also interested to see what people like in the game.

With that in mind... the character creation system I think is interesting. Traveller-esque, but still kinda limiting IMO for what it was. If anything from it, other than purloining adventures to use, that might be what I'd consider.


First Post
I hope this thread will eventually past the Doom Pool and discuss the remaining 95% of the RPG. :)

I have no issue with the doom pool :)

Here is my crib of my house rules thus far...

Attributes. OMG... let's roll Strength and Health into one blob. But lets split out Agility and Coordination. Yeah, makes sense... really, yeah. I get it, there is a fine line between too many attributes or too few. But I'll have to seriously consider a house rule to break out one stat into two.
Homeland Traits. Wow only one in each homeland? Really? Everyone is the same in these countries?!?! Yeah, uhuh.
First House Rule... assign multiple traits to each Homeland. Maybe create more traits if there are not enough variety.
Caste Traits. Mmmms. So pick a caste (or roll) and then be assigned a flat set of 2 traits. Again, no thanks. And only one skill?! So every member a certain caste always has that ability? Are you kidding me!
Second House Rule... assign more traits to each caste so there are options... pick 2.
Third House Rule... assign multiple skills to each caste so there are options... pick 1.
Story. I like how traits are now defined here, but mentioned way back at the beginning.
Guess these are ok. Since it doesn't say in the explanation about story, just to roll, I'm assuming you get one story origin (editing?!).
I'd actually leave this section alone. It'd be nice to have more than 6 story points per each background, but I'd encourage people to make up their own if none fit and pick up a trait.
Archetypes... This is just terrible, terrible, terrible. Its like class-lite with none of the benefits and all the lock you into things with certain skills, traits, equipment. Oh, and so very very very unbalanced. Bleah. Ex: Scroundel has mandatory a set of Athletics, Parry, Persuade, and Society. Yeah right.... every scroundel will have those, NOT. Fences? Persuade and Society. Cutpurses? Atheletics for sure, maybe Parry. Spies? At least Society. And so forth. Could do that for every bleeping archetype.
Fourth House Rule.... Totally ignore Archetypes. Select a Career Skill and Talent. Select 4 Elective Skills (yes, this is less.. often you may have combination of case, archetypes, nature, education, etc, etc. that have the same skill so thats ok)
Btw, HONORIFICS & DUTIES should have been wrapped into Traits. A trade off.... you get a honorific, but it comes with duties. But getting one isn't "free".
Not sure what I'll do with Equipment until I get to that section.
Nature - I rather like this section. Often times the 'personality' gets no real in-game mechanical benefit, this lends it some.
However, mandatory has got to go.
Fifth House Rule... ignore mandatory, select 3 skills from the set of Mandatory+Elective (see Fourth House Rule).
Education - I seem to be repeating myself. Although I am ok with the equipment item; might be nice to have a set per each so there is some choice though.
Sixth House Rule... ignore mandatory, select 3 skills from the set of Mandatory+Elective (see Fourth House Rule).
War Story - ok, cool. Although 10 was all that could be thought of?! :/
I like the Personal Belongings and Garments, and Weapon ones... starts the character out with stuff like they've actually lived through some of the above, and not just whatever.
Seventh House Rule... well, take equipment from archetypes and expand it here. Not quite sure how yet, but...
Starting Gold - I just do not understand this one at all.
Eight House Rule... base it on caste, homeland in addition... but drop personality.
Personally I think the above allows characters to be quite varied...even within a trope (i.e. fighter or scoundrel).
Character creation was one area I'd hope to have some relief from d20 classes in the Mongoose version I like.

Eh, shrug... who knows. :) I gotta drag away some people from PF to play it. :/

Water Bob

I hope this thread will eventually past the Doom Pool and discuss the remaining 95% of the RPG. :)

Post away! I'll read it.


With that in mind... the character creation system I think is interesting. Traveller-esque, but still kinda limiting IMO for what it was. If anything from it, other than purloining adventures to use, that might be what I'd consider.

I'd read more of this, if you like to be more detailed.


First Post
Post away! I'll read it.


I'd read more of this, if you like to be more detailed.

Not really given it a lot of though. But Mongoose uses the old 3.X x4 skill points at first level. I'd think about either removing that and replacing it with a system in this game to make up make background, where you are from, caste, etc. have some input into the character instead of just on a whim for purer 'power gaming'. Maybe toss in a bonus feat? If getting rid of x4, some of the skills need to be merged (they need to be merged anyways, i.e. Listen/Spot, OpenLock/Disable Device, etc ala PF).


This game seems very interesting, just downloaded the free quickstart rules to check it out.

For people with the whole game, how easy does it seem to DM, meaning encounter creation and balance, and ease of hacking rules or modifying creatures without screwing everything up.

aramis erak

But why do you assume he needs to even explain himself?

Let's just accept that Conan the Game contains pineapple (to mix the metaphors), and that is enough for many people to decry it completely, no matter whatever strengths it may possess elsewhere.

He was asked to by others (including the board's admin) to explain why; he then didn't explain, instead simply restating his (to me illogical based upon the evidence he's given) hate...


There is also a difference with "indie" games that doesn't even make a blip on conservative D&D gamers' radars having meta, and a game like Conan, which is squarely in the center of many such gamers' zone of interest.

This too explains why there can be "controversy" regarding a type of mechanic that sometimes has not generated any controversy in the past.

All this GNS and Forge and Fate and Apocalypse World (and [insert your favorite meta mechanic game here]) is simply something that lots of D&D gamers doesn't even know exist.

D&D is simply the last bastion of pure unadulterated simulationism where mechanisms that control story are wholly unwanted.

Even Lord of the Rings gets a pass: everybody knows instinctively its a "special" brand of fantasy, and that older games such as Rolemaster (MERP) failed to evoke any distinct Middle-Earth atmosphere. By this I only mean to say that I understand why a game like The One Ring caused less controversy - it's specifically not meant for the hardcore sandbox "let the dice fall where they may" gamers.

There is much less acceptance for the notion that regular sword & sorcery "needs" such "intrusions".

Not saying anyone is in the wrong here. Not making any judgement (except on those making judgements ;) Just trying to explore why this is causing a controversy :)

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