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D&D 5E The Final Announcement from The Descent Live Stream: Eberron Hardcover

The final announcement at the end of The Descent stream is a hardcover book for the Eberron setting!

The final announcement at the end of The Descent stream is a hardcover book for the Eberron setting!
No details have been announced, but Nathan Stewart closed out the live stream event for The Descent by proclaiming the final book out this year would be a hardcover setting book for Eberron.

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Darryl Mott

Darryl Mott

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Chaotic Looseleaf
Um, what? Releasing a mini version of the setting last year that they even said was the precursor of a hardcover, having Adventure League games based in the setting, and in just the past few months multiple playtest versions of a class deeply tied to the setting isn’t really blatantly broadcasting their intentions? I’m not sure any way to be more obvious until they actually announced the product!

And yet, until yesterday morning, it was going to be either Planescape or Greyhawk. I even heard some Spelljammer expectations, because of the "clear link" from Saltmarsh's nautical content.

I guess I could have been clearer with my criticism, but I thought the tinfoil hat reference was plain enough.
What I was trying to say is that despite what a large portion of the community seems to believe, WotC doesn't drop hints. They tell us what they are going to do, and then they do it, while certain employees muddy the water to keep the hype level high.

Huh? Where do you get that WotC misleads fans? News to me.

I realize this is contentious (for some insane reason), but Ravnica is original to D&D, no matter what their spin engine claims (or what the fans are willing to white knight).


They slapped us in the face with the revised ranger, essentially telling us we're loving a turd so there's no reason to revise it.

So you get done complaining about them reselling you the same material over and over again, then beg then to resell you classes in the PHB.

Still no archmage expansions of high level wizards.

Thank God. I'm quite happy of the limits high level spellcasters have, and see no desire to return to Godling mages.

Still no magic item economy based on utility.

Another thankful moment. I like my group buy ships, taverns and such rather than seek out and buy stat-boosting treadmill crap and bags of holding en masse.

Still no Dark Sun. Etc etc.

So you're complaint about them brining back a setting they recently reprinted in 4e is to demand they reprint the OTHER setting they reprinted in 4e. :Ehm:


Also: I was happy about this until I checked out the thread. I won't lie--the negativity here is bringing me down somewhat. I'm sure I'll recover, but reading this thread wasn't good for me.

Enjoy the things you want to enjoy! Don't let the negative attitudes of randos on the internet affect your enjoyment of things you like! Because the dirty secret of the internet is that there will always be someone on it that hates the things you like and who will go on at length about how and why what you like is badwrong and why you should feel bad for liking it.

And keep in mind that this site especially is full of grumpy people who like to complain and are positive that Wizards is always screwing up D&D. If the announcement had been something else a different subset of people on these boards would be complaining that whatever Wizards had announced it was terrible because it wasn't what they wanted. In fact there would even be some overlap because there are some posters on this board who have ideas about what Wizards should be doing that is 180 degrees different from any direction that Wizards is going to take with the property until their current direction starts to fail.

I for one am happy to see that Wizards is going to be publishing their second most popular setting as an actual book. It means that they think that the setting can have broad appeal among the new audience that 5e has brought in, and I think they're right about that. I'm hopeful that means that we'll see some more branching out on "acceptable" fantasy settings to sell to the mainstream audience in the future. But even if I wasn't it's no skin off my nose that Wizards doesn't think that I'm the target audience for their books - there are plenty of other places where I can spend my money if Wizards isn't doing it for me and my group - lord knows I have enough 5e D&D on my shelf to play the game forever even if I never buy another book from Wizards again, and there are a lot more games out there than just 5e.


Eberron wouldn't have been my first choice. My first choice would've been either Planescape or Spelljammer (or a new hybrid of the two). Technically, my first choice would've been Ravenloft, but I doubt they're going back to that after CoS.

However, with Ravenloft presumably off the table, and with the announcement that it wouldn't be Spelljammer, Eberron is definitely my #2 pick (rick behind Planescape).

I can't really say I'm excited for it (then again, I'm also just not a happy person), but I may buy it just on general principal since it's not more FR stuff.


I mean, I spent $20 for a PDF a year ago as well. I bought it because I like Eberron and wanted to tell WotC "More of this, please!" And now, I'm getting more of it.

The information that we were getting a hardcover at some point was out there, it's not a surprise, we just didn't know when it was happening.

Quoted for truth.



Still no psionics.

That's probably for the best. Based on their history, psionics will probably be a watered down version of magic. Which is a shame. AD&D 2e had a great (albeit a little complicated) psionics system that had a unique feel to it, whereas 3e's psionic system let you do a psionic fireball, but it had to do all d4s of damage instead of d6s, because magic must still always be the superior option.


Or fraud. Or deceptive advertising. For example, spending $20 on a PDF you were told would continue to be updated only to later be told you'd have to spend $50-60 for a hardcover book...

But they might still be updating it....so people who bought it early (i.e. eberron fans) would be happy, and all the new folks that see it on the shelf could be happy.

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