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D&D 5E Mearls' "Firing" tweet

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Guest 6801328

I went to school in New England, that counts right

Only if it was the University of Maine at Orono. (Ok, bonus points if it was UM Presque Isle.)

Otherwise you were just another stinkin' tourist.

Favorite bumper sticker: "It's called TOURIST SEASON so why can't I shoot them?"

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Staff member
"OK"? I think you mean "okay".



I got tired of linguistics discussions so I jumped 5 pages ahead to find...the same linguistic discussion with the same arguments being made.

Is this discussion going anywhere other than people just repeating their same points hoping the other person just lets them have the last word?

Can't speak for anyone else, but it definitely went somewhere for me. Specifically, it went away, once it became clear that the proponents of singular use of plural pronouns weren't actually talking about grammar but were instead talking about ideology. I can go around and around on grammar, but faith and politics? No thanks.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
As one example, I am specifically thinking about a friend of mine, born and raised in Georgia, came north only after college. He will walk into a room in which there's only one person, and ask, "How y'all doin'?"
"Y'all" is contagious.
My HS German teacher told us students about a friend of his, came from Germany to the US (Tennessee IIRC) after WW2, went back home for his HS class' 25th reunion. He walked into the room full of native German-speakers and in a thick Southern accent said "Guten tag, y'all …"


First Post
Can't speak for anyone else, but it definitely went somewhere for me. Specifically, it went away, once it became clear that the proponents of singular use of plural pronouns weren't actually talking about grammar but were instead talking about ideology. I can go around and around on grammar, but faith and politics? No thanks.
I mean, for some of us, challenging the assumed objectivity of dominant worldviews isn't a matter of the politics bugbear, but of basic human decency, but whatever. Us humanities students get undue crap flung at us.

Anyhow, I'm home. I have the brick on my desk that's giving me nightmares. The brick with the giant number 17 on the cover.

Section 5.48 of the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style discourages use of the singular "they" in formal writing except when used in reference to a person who does not identify with a gender specific pronoun.

Section 5.252: "Either approach [use of generic he vs. use of he/she and/or singular they] sacrifices credibility with some readers."

Section 5.255 gives a nine item list of techniques to achieve gender neutrality in generic reference. The abridged list:
1. Omit the pronoun.
2. Repeat the noun.
3. Use a plural antecedent.
4. Use an article instead of a pronoun.
5. Use the singular pronoun one.
6. Use the relative pronoun who.
7. Use the imperative mood.
8. In moderation, use he or she.
9. Revise the sentence

Do you have the latest edition of APA or MLA for comparison and contrast as to their approach?


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Can't speak for anyone else, but it definitely went somewhere for me. Specifically, it went away, once it became clear that the proponents of singular use of plural pronouns weren't actually talking about grammar but were instead talking about ideology. I can go around and around on grammar, but faith and politics? No thanks.
Hey, look - leftovers !

I have taken the singular 'they' to be inspired by the Royal 'We', but referring to somebody who is not member of a house of royalty.
Because in English, 'it' implies an inanimate object.


I think what actually happened is that some of us were discussing "y'all" and how Texas wasn't part of the South ...

and then OF COURSE someone from New England had to come in and ruin everything because we weren't talking about New England and something something the Patriots are all just misunderstood something something GOODELL IS THE REAL CHEATER AND BRADY IS THE GOAT something something IM NOT A BANDWAGON FAN, IMA WEAR MY PINK RED SAWKS HAT SINCE 2014 something something yeah, I went to school in New England, that counts right something something you just don't get it, we really are long suffering, I mean, the Celtics didn't even make it to the finals this year blah blah blah LOOK AT ME, DID YOU KNOW WE PLAY SPORTS AND STUFF? YANKEES SUCK. GRONK 4-EVAH!

How you like dem apples?

You forgot to mention the "BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOONS!"

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