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I'll admit: I own the WFRP 2 book and I play in the World, but I've never played the actual game. How is the system, campaign, and future of this game?

Jay H
P.s. I have only played in "the old world" using D&D rules strangely :)
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The System
Well, the system is really pretty simple. After coming off five years of playing D&D 3.5, we were refreshed at the system's simplicity and how easy it was to challenge the characters without completely overwhelming them. I found as a GM that I was able to just naturally gauge my encounters without any form of encounter rating or challenge system. You get a really good feel for what the player characters can handle, more so I think than even with 4E, which we've also tried.

I'm not currently running it right now, as we have a player that's on hiatus, but I was recently asked if I'd run WFRP over 4E Forgotten Realms. That's a tough choice. 4E and FR are both new and that is that allure, but I have to say, WFRP sunk it's teeth into me and I'm hooked.

In two years of running it, we've had one character death, and this was because they party made the mistake of attacking two very powerful spellcasters out in the open, with little or no planning.

The Campaign
As far as I'm concerned you just can't beat the Old World as a setting. Its dark and grim, but also accessible in that it "feels" like a real medieval setting.

The world can seem a little daunting at first, even the Empire itself can. Sigmar's Heirs was a good book, but it was more of an overview. This can be good though, in that it gives you a lot of room to work.

The Future
Fantasy Flight Games recently inherited the game system and we already have a new book coming out soon, Shades of Empire. It deals with the underworld of the Empire and it's organizations. I know more books are slated for future release as well.

If you have some more specific questions, feel free to ask. I'll check back and see if I can help.



First Post
Great system. Most of my group loves it.

>Most books use adventures to pad out the page count.
>The Empire sourcebook is not complete. The 4 great Imperial cities have their real chapter sized entries spread across 4 "Big adventure" books.
> Monsters are killed too easily since the main defense in the system is to "Parry", which cannot generally be done without a manufactured weapon.


First Post
> Monsters are killed too easily since the main defense in the system is to "Parry", which cannot generally be done without a manufactured weapon.

My players might disagree with that ;)

That is only really an issue if you use a lot of monsters. My campaign tends more to human threats, cultists, brigands and the like. When it comes to monsters I use Orcs and Goblins. You will find a lot of debate on the use of sword and shield and parry rules, I've just never run into any issues with my players. Lucky I guess.

But, even a monster has no need to rely on Parry. The Dodge Blow skill can be used by monsters, assuming that they have it.


First Post
> Monsters are killed too easily since the main defense in the system is to "Parry", which cannot generally be done without a manufactured weapon.

My players might disagree with that ;)

That is only really an issue if you use a lot of monsters. My campaign tends more to human threats, cultists, brigands and the like. When it comes to monsters I use Orcs and Goblins. You will find a lot of debate on the use of sword and shield and parry rules, I've just never run into any issues with my players. Lucky I guess.

But, even a monster has no need to rely on Parry. The Dodge Blow skill can be used by monsters, assuming that they have it.
Yes, but Dodge and parry can both be used by anything that relies on weapons.

Also dodge is not that common, nor is a decent agility % score common to make use of it. While non bipedal monsters do often have high levels of wounds to compensate for for their lack of defenses, most of the time a more lasting battle will come from a few sword and board grunts.


I dig it. Seriously. It's a great world, the adventures for it are AMAZING (more fond of the original Enemy Within campaign. The one put out most recently is a little too railroady, but still good.) The system is just the right amount of crunch v. flavor (of which it has both in vast quantities). My only issues with it are twofold, and one of them isn't really a legitimate grievance IMHO.
1. they changed the magic system and the new one is seriously restrictive. As this $&#@s one of my characters ..... no bueno. However, the magic system is FAR and away better than the original, so overall net win.
2. I grow tired of Games Workshop constantly pulling the license and bringing it out of publication only to give it to a new group of people every few bloody years.


I love it. It's one of my go-to games for fantasy (the other being whatever flavor of D&D we're currently into.)

It's fairly simple, a lot of fun, and provides a lot of stuff for players to do. Mine love the advancement after every session.



First Post
It's been a favourite of mine for decades, offering a grimmer, more bloodthirsty alternative to traditional high fantasy gaming. Warhammer Fantasy Greyhawk is a project I've had on the back burner for a few months now, being a darker interpretation of the Oerth depicted in the U series of modules and the original boxed set. I think the WFRP 2E ruleset - and the career system in particular - would be a great fit for EGG's setting.


It's been a favourite of mine for decades, offering a grimmer, more bloodthirsty alternative to traditional high fantasy gaming. Warhammer Fantasy Greyhawk is a project I've had on the back burner for a few months now, being a darker interpretation of the Oerth depicted in the U series of modules and the original boxed set. I think the WFRP 2E ruleset - and the career system in particular - would be a great fit for EGG's setting.
You know, I never thought about this, but I completely agree.

I think WFRP2 mechanics + Greyhawk setting has a certain degree - heck, a huge degree - of brilliance.

I also like the Empire and the surrounding environs, though. :)


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