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Is a more OD&D feel game the natural evolutionary endpoint? Is OD&D actually AD&D?


I’ve been getting into OD&D lately. By that I mean reading the older rule sets, as well as the new “clone” rules—OSRIC, Swords and Wizardry, etc. I’ve also been spending a lot of time reading old school- oriented forums and blogs. I think I’ve caught the flavor of what it means to run an old school style campaign.

My old school immersion begins as our 3.0 campaign comes to an end, and a new campaign is about to commence—a campaign which is going to have a swords and sorcery feel. Meaning, no heroic quests for the greater good, and no save the world crap. Just a bunch of bards in a band who want to kick ass, get rich, and get laid, not necessarily in that order. I thought to myself, finally I can get into the style of game I’ve wanted to do for 10 years. Since it was more old school in feel, and I’m DM’ing, I decided to go back to the game’s roots, pre-second-edition, and see what I could use as inspiration to help me re-create that feel, even though we are using Pathfinder rules (another story, not for this thread).

By way of brief background, I began playing D&D in 1984 at age 14 with the red Basic boxed set. We moved to AD&D soon after. The people I first played with, and learned from, had as their model the slaughter and plunder players vs. the killer DM. So of course, not knowing anything else, that’s the style I played with my group. I didn’t know any other way. We never did the OD&D game, nor had the old school feel in our games. We were rules based, and I became a stellar rules lawyer player. (Funny how now I’m a lawyer in RL.)

Most of the books I read back then were like Dragonlance or Ray Feist’s books, which are basically D&D stories novelized. I never read the older Swords and Sorcery style books which inspired Gygax until much later in life. Vance, Leiber, Moorcock, Howard were authors whose books I grew to love in my late 20’s and early 30’s. I credit D&D for getting me to read more history, and some military history, especially biographies, but I was never into military wargames.

I don’t think there is any way I could have done OD&D back in 1984, or even 1994. I doubt I could have done it in 2000, at age 30. I didn’t have the depth and breadth of knowledge, skill, and experience in life that would have made it anything other than a confused hack-and-slash mess. The players would have hated me. Much like my AD&D games were like at age 14-18. :)

Now, as I approach the older style of game as an adult, almost 40 years old, I know I can handle the looser rules, and be sharper on my feet. What I make up on the fly would be consistent, have a real historical background, would be interesting, and would be a game which gave the players lots of challenges and fun, without railroading them into a certain story which I wanted to tell.

I just finished reading an article which Gygax wrote in Dragon #26 which made me think about OD&D and AD&D, as well as the history of the game and my playing of it, in a whole different way. In it, Gygax talks in depth about the history of the game, where it came from, and where it was headed with AD&D. He says:

“Where D&D is a very loose, open framework
around which highly imaginative Dungeon Masters can construct what
amounts to a set of rules and game of their own choosing, AD&D is a
much tighter and more structured game system. The target audience to
which we thought D&D would appeal was principally the same as that of
historical wargames in general and military miniatures in particular.
D&D was hurriedly compiled, assuming that readers would be familiar
with medieval and ancient history, wargaming, military miniatures, etc.
It was aimed at males. Within a few months it became apparent to us that
our basic assumptions might be a bit off target. In another year it became
abundantly clear to us that we were so far off as to be laughable.”

He later says:

“Because D&D allowed such freedom, because the work itself said
so, because the initial batch of DMs were so imaginative and creative,
because the rules were incomplete, vague and often ambiguous, D&D
has turned into a non-game. That is, there is so much variation between
the way the game is played from region to region, state to state, area to
area, and even from group to group within a metropolitan district, there
is no continuity and little agreement as to just what the game is and how
best to play it. Without destroying the imagination and individual creati-
vity which go into a campaign, AD&D rectifies the shortcomings of
D&D. There are few grey areas in AD&D, and there will be no question
in the mind of participants as to what the game is and is all about. There
is form and structure to AD&D, and any variation of these integral
portions of the game will obviously make it something else. The work
addresses itself to a broad audience of hundreds of thousands of
people—wargamers, game hobbyists, science fiction and fantasy fans,
those who have never read fantasy fiction or played strategy games,
young and old, male and female.”

He then goes on to talk about the advantages of a clear and consistent ruleset, mostly stressing portability of characters, items and rules assumptions from one game to another, as well as the benefits for tournaments and organized play.

This further solidifies my opinion that I could never have played OD&D as it was meant to be played until now. Only now, at age 38, do I attempt it with any confidence of success. That confidence comes from having played D&D for the past 25 years, with all the various rulesets, and after having read widely on many subjects related to D&D, and many not related in the slightest. Most importantly, I think I have a certain amount of life’s experiences under my belt to be able to DM an old school campaign that will actually be enjoyable for adult players. Something with life, with realism, and with depth, which I could never have done at age 14.

I think OD&D for a 14 yr. old will eventually always turn into hack and slash. It has to. It’s a rare kid who has the knowledge ad experience to make it anything but. The natural outcome of that is more rules, welcomed by players to protect themselves against killer dm’s. I believe the more heavily ruled the system is, the less trust the players have in the DM. And I think that was rightly so back then, due to most DMs’ and players’ age, experience, knowledge, and level of depth they could bring to bear on their creative efforts back then. Likewise, since there weren’t many people with the background and depth of experience which those early older wargamer DM’s had, those whom Gygax was praising above, it was hard to make OD&D work for the masses, being mostly a young person’s game. Hence, AD&D’s rules and the evolution of a rules-heavy game all the way through to Pathfinder.

I don’t play 4e, don’t know much about it other than what I gleaned from these boards, and a quick reading of the books, so I feel I have no right to apply any of my comments to that game system. However, from what I’ve heard, 4e puts more power/control back into the hands of the DM. I think this appeals to veteran players because we’re all maturing. There is a certain amount of respect and trust that gamers have for each other when we’ve been playing for 25 years, that just wasn’t present when we began the hobby. It’s part of the same evolution which brought me to a point of playing a houseruled Pathfinder with as much of an OD&D feel as possible.

Plus, we're all older now, many of us have spouses and families, and bigger issues to worry about than who we can screw over or beat in a D&D game. Aftr a long week, I for one just want to kick back, drink beer, roll dice, and have a good time. I don't have the time to invest reading D&D books be a rules lawyer anymore. I'm too busy being one in real life.

Without getting all zen-like, I am really amazed that the evolution of my gaming experience has put me back at the beginning, where it all started. A place I could never have been when I began. I had a teacher who used to tell us “Never let school get in the way of your education.” Applying that to D&D, “Never let the rules get in the way of having fun playing D&D.” That to me is a key part of the essence of the old school feel. That’s what I am going to strive for in the new campaign.

EDIT: There's an old school smell in the air these days, isn't there? With Monte Cook doing his mega dungeon thing, with Erik Mona doing Planet Stories, with the growing membership in old school boards and the popularity of sites like Grognardia, it seems there's something going on. I think the edition change gave many an opportunity to look up, look around, and decide what sort of game they were really looking for. And play it.
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First Post
Well said. I, too, after 20 years of playing feel a "pull" toward D&D's roots and can understand where you're coming from. What I find elegant about OD&D is that you can just play it with minimal knowledge of the rules (simply because there were few rules).
Its a simple game, but its players can make it as complex as they want to be. DMs can make it their own.


I think it really has to do with the fact that Gary's assumptions about D&D in the early days were wrong when the game started to sell. He thought people would play it as an add-on to wargames, and what happened is that there were lots of non-wargamers who had to work with a loose set of rules that were to them incomplete. So everyone made up their own work arounds, which might have been simple, and people were playing radically different games, which led to the creation AD&D (though many of Gary's motives were probably based on tournament play too).

I've read .pdfs of the original three booklets, and I'd never be able to run them out of the box, since I'd need the Chainmail rules for combat. I'd end up turning to my experience with later editions for guidance, and I figure it would just be easier for me to run a game under 2e or 3e rules anyway. Anyway, I'm kind of setting up a world that's meant for more open, sandbox play these days. Instead of focusing on the big epic storyline, that can so easily get derailed with an untimely villain death or unexpected TPK, I'm just setting up a setting for the PCs to do as they wish. I think that sort of world-building lends itself better to a sword and sorcery feel, and I don't think it really matters if one's running the game with OD&D, 4e, or anything inbetween.


Nice post. I enjoy reading biographical material about other gamers--it is interesting to get a sense of everyone's "gaming career".

As I see it, "old school" is a feel, a vibe, an approach to playing. The essence of this "old school vibe" is not dependent upon what rules set one plays with but has more to do with how one uses the rules. This can be illustrated with a very simple example: Let's say the players try to do something that they and the DM don't readily know the proper rule for; the old school approach would be for the DM to just make up a rule on the fly; the new(er) school approach would be to scour through the rule books until the "right" rule is found. It could be argued that 3E took a big step back to old school when it formulated the core mechanic, with a Difficulty Class that could be assigned on the fly (although, again, it is more a matter of how you approach the rules).

So it is an approach to the rules and not the rules themselves; therefore, I would argue, any edition of Dungeons & Dragons can be "old school" in feel.

As for whether this represents an "evolutionary endpoint," I'm not so sure...in one sense I think there is truth to this in that the old school approach is more free-form and improvisational; it is less dependent upon rules and structure. On the other hand, it could be more a matter of typology, even personality type. The interesting implication of calling it an evolutionary endpoint is that we come full circle, an Eternal Return if you will.

I'd take a slightly different view, that old school is the acorn and D&D is a tree. The tree will continue to grow and change, with infinite possible variations of form. Yet "within" it is the acorn, the primal seed of life and possibility; the degree to which the "branches" hold that life-force is the degree to which it remains healthy; when it loses it, it dies.

I would think that this "old school renaissance" is less a matter of harking back to older rules sets and iterations of D&D (that may be happening but is secondary or rather, symptomatic of something deeper) but more having to do with rediscovering or reconnecting with the primal creativity of roleplaying: the free play of the imagination. This is the big difference between RPGs and computer games and why, I think, many of us that play RPGs don't find the same kind of deep satisfaction from computer games: there is no imagination, no inner exploration. But that's another, if related, subject.

So yeah, the rediscovery of the free play of imagination. That's what its all about, no?


First Post
So yeah, the rediscovery of the free play of imagination. That's what its all about, no?
No. Well not just that.

I honestly think - and believe that I have encountered many others also thinking so - that a big part of the whole 'old school renaissance' thing (which is undeniably happening, and has been for a while now) is the belief/discovery that 'rules-lite' - along with other things* - makes for a better tool, for enabling that 'free play of imagination', and other pros of old school gaming.

So yes, this is why Swords & Wizardry, Labyrinth Lord, OSRIC, Basic Fantasy, and all the others of that kind I've missed, and - to some extent - Microlite20 and the like, are so damn popular nowadays. It's not just (or very much at all, that I've seen) gamers using, for instance, 3e or 4e in an 'old-school' way, but very much a noticeable return to (or fresh discovery of) older-style systems.

I mean, yes, you're right in that free play of imagination is (more or less) one of the perceived benefits, but. . . yeah, there's more to it than that, evidently.

* Like discrete subsystems, and so on.
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I share a lot of these feelings - I even teach Law, and I'm running old modules in 3.5 rules with a lot of old-school input (B/X mostly).

Something I've taken from Grognardia though is that a module-based campaign is part of a paradigm that originated with 1e AD&D (and B/X to a lesser extent) - true OD&D play as originally envisioned did not involve modules at all, and was much more freeform environment exploration. I would like to do something like that, but I'm not sure if it's possible in the twice-monthly open-access games club setting I currently GM in. Conversing with some of my players yesterday did get me wanting to run stuff with (a) looser rules and (b) more of a role-play/character interaction element. The latter emphatically does not mean story-based gaming though - no 'scenes' and pre-scripted plots.

My current module-based campaign is very easy to run - I essentially read the module then run it. I think for my next campaign I need to put in a good deal more effort in advance to create an interesting 'sand box', big enough not to be constraining, with tons of different threads of adventure. And the rule set needs to be simple enough to allow for easy improvisation; currently I'm thinking Castles & Crusades.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
I find it interesting to see that Gygax was apparently happy to rubbish older editions when he had a sparkling new edition to sell :)

I don't know whether you might be being too hard on the earlier you - I started playing OD&D when I was 16, and we had a blast. (To clarify - to us OD&D means 3 booklets + greyhawk, thus including thief, paladin, differing HD, 9th level wizard spells etc. etc). We were all readers of Conan, Fafherd and similar books before playing D&D though, and that certainly coloured our expectations of what we were going to get out of the game (very positively, I might add!)



Victoria Rules
Something I've taken from Grognardia though is that a module-based campaign is part of a paradigm that originated with 1e AD&D (and B/X to a lesser extent) - true OD&D play as originally envisioned did not involve modules at all, and was much more freeform environment exploration. I would like to do something like that, but I'm not sure if it's possible in the twice-monthly open-access games club setting I currently GM in. Conversing with some of my players yesterday did get me wanting to run stuff with (a) looser rules and (b) more of a role-play/character interaction element. The latter emphatically does not mean story-based gaming though - no 'scenes' and pre-scripted plots.
You've certainly got control over (a). You'll need player buy-in to achieve (b), and also to not intentionally try to abuse the loosening of the rules. Your current open-access gaming setting may not lend itself to such; it's way better if you're in a situation where you get to choose who plays. I wish you well.
My current module-based campaign is very easy to run - I essentially read the module then run it. I think for my next campaign I need to put in a good deal more effort in advance to create an interesting 'sand box', big enough not to be constraining, with tons of different threads of adventure. And the rule set needs to be simple enough to allow for easy improvisation; currently I'm thinking Castles & Crusades.
It's very possible, and not at all difficult, to do both at once - run what amounts to a quasi-sandbox, but have the hooks and threads mostly lead to modules. Then, all you have to do is find a way to tie things together behind the scenes...have something from module A become relevant in module F, for example...and when you look back on the campaign afterwards you'll see it had a story all along. :)

Lan-"never met a rule I couldn't change"-efan



The OP's observations are very interesting, as even in our local group in the UK, people in the past few months have started digging up older editions of D&D (and other games) to play.

Our own die hard 3rd edition D&Der (owns it by the yard) started running a 2e "Night Below" campaign a few weeks ago. So there's definitely something going on...


No. Well not just that.

To be clear, when I wrote "that's what its all about" I wasn't specifically talking about the old school renaissance but roleplaying itself. And of course I know that statement isn't, technically, true in an absolute sense but expressing a sentiment about the importance of imagination to the RPG experience and how it differs from, say, computer games--and specifically the (or a major) reason why RPGers play RPGs and not computer games. The biggest difference between the two is the use of imagination.

I honestly think - and believe that I have encountered many others also thinking so - that a big part of the whole 'old school renaissance' thing (which is undeniably happening, and has been for a while now) is the belief/discovery that 'rules-lite' - along with other things* - makes for a better tool, for enabling that 'free play of imagination', and other pros of old school gaming.

Yes, agreed.

So yes, this is why Swords & Wizardry, Labyrinth Lord, OSRIC, Basic Fantasy, and all the others of that kind I've missed, and - to some extent - Microlite20 and the like, are so damn popular nowadays. It's not just (or very much at all, that I've seen) gamers using, for instance, 3e or 4e in an 'old-school' way, but very much a noticeable return to (or fresh discovery of) older-style systems.

I mean, yes, you're right in that free play of imagination is (more or less) one of the perceived benefits, but. . . yeah, there's more to it than that, evidently.

* Like discrete subsystems, and so on.

Yes, and I understand and agree with this as a general trend. Yet what I'm trying to point out is that the old school vibe does not require a return to OD&D or one of its clones--or any rules lite system or specific system at all. I mean, AD&D is often equated with the old school vibe and I wouldn't call it rules lite (rather, rules clunky ;)). But to say that the old school vibe requires a return to rules lite would be misleading, in my opinion. To put it another way, the two--rules complexity and old school free play--are not dependent upon each other; yes, they do influence each other, but one doesn't require, necessitate or cause the other. However it could be argued, I think, that a "rules medium" or less may be needed for the free form aspect of old school; or at least "rules flexibility" or "rules non-attachment."

It is also worth mentioning that "old school" has at least a few different connotations, one of them being free-form/ad hoc style DMing, another being the early TSR style adventure (think Tomb of Horrors, White Plume Mountain, etc). Obviously one can embrace the second mentioned aspect with any rules system. But I think this has more to do with the "fluff" of a game than the "crunch."

I'm currently running a 4E game. One of the things I don't like about the 4E system is the supposed requirement of miniature use. I don't mind, and often enjoy, using miniatures but I just don't like using them for every single encounter and find that they can take away from imagination if overly used. I have started to run minor encounters--ones that require very little tactical maneuvering--without miniatures and so far so good. But it does require a lot of DM discretion and player trust; seeing that all of the players are in their 30s+ and have mainly played back in the 80s and are used to this style of play, this isn't a problem. I've always played D&D with the understanding that the DM is not the opponent but the facilitator, the storyteller, and the referee. So there is a certain degree of trust that must exist for a successful game to occur, especially if the DM takes an on-the-fly approach.

There may be another aspect at play which the OP touched upon, which is the maturation of the D&D community and how that relates to what sort of game style we want to play. The "sense of entitlement" style of play where the players lawyer the rules and view the DM as an opponent may not appeal to folks in their 30s+. I personally have never found that approach appealing but I certainly have played with people who do. I would say that this creates an obstacle for what we are talking about in terms of "free play" and further points to my contention that a large degree of trust in the DM must exist for a non DM-vs-players game to occur.

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