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2010: Is it Dragonlance? (hint)


First Post
Novem5er, I don't mean this in a rude way, but you're kinda coming off as someone who's never even heard of Dark Sun aside from...well, this thread.

Bringing new races into Dark Sun wouldn't be too difficult - save one, but I'll get to that - so long as you downplay their numbers. So you can have x new race in Dark Sun, but just very few of them - they could be a mutation, or simply a rarely seen x race from the wastelands.

The only problematic one I see is the Wilden, which I really cannot comprehend fitting in well.

As for downplaying 2e stuff, no. They tried downplaying previous setting lore with FR, and that didn't go very well.

That said, I think Dark Sun is not going to happen in 4e. 4e is all about letting you use all the materials everywhere - see the "EVERYTHING IS CORE!" clause. Dark Sun, on the other hand, does not, to put it nicely. Races and classes can kinda fit, but you need to do some work with them, and while four or five races can be done, when everything is core, doing it with fourteen or fifteen races is where it becomes hard. Then there's the problem with deities, and the problems with items, and so on, and so on.

I think Dark Sun just deviates in too many ways for it to be considered.

No offense taken. Trust me, my Dark Sun knowledge is not extensive. I flipped through the 2e boxed set, played a few sessions, and that was about it. I'm willing to bet that my experience with Dark Sun is more common to D&D players than those who can name cities, NPCs, or cite an extensive history of the land.

But your post confuses me b/c I agree with you completely! Yes, Dark Sun could be retrofitted just fine for 4e.... BUT as you pointed out, there is just TOO MUCH 4e stuff to smash it into Dark Sun easily. Thus, if they DO release Dark Sun, my opinion is that they will abandon much of the old lore, or simply write over it (as they have already proven willing to do, i.e. 4e Realms). If WotC is willing to do this, then Dark Sun would also work just fine as a drop-in area to existing campaign settings.

Heck, it could be a Super Adventure like the Giants set they are releasing this year. The adventure has one meta plot: destroy the Dragon King(s) and end the curse on the land, however, there are 10-20-30 levels worth of material to create adventures around.

But I think I'm done in this thread. I'm not trying to convince anyone... I'm just throwing out a possibility. With this mindset, I think Dragonlance is a more realistic release as a 2010 campaign setting.

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First Post
But your post confuses me b/c I agree with you completely! Yes, Dark Sun could be retrofitted just fine for 4e.... BUT as you pointed out, there is just TOO MUCH 4e stuff to smash it into Dark Sun easily. Thus, if they DO release Dark Sun, my opinion is that they will abandon much of the old lore, or simply write over it (as they have already proven willing to do, i.e. 4e Realms). If WotC is willing to do this, then Dark Sun would also work just fine as a drop-in area to existing campaign settings.

It's probably worth noting that we also have 4e Eberron to look at now (Player's Guide is out; Campaign Guide is next month and several previews have appeared in D&Di), and it was very much not a reboot.

Devas, Goliaths, Tieflings, and Genasi are extroadinarily rare. Dragonborn mostly live on a continent PCs will never see. Eladrin are a small number of refugees from another plane. Drow don't even get a paragrpah in the races section of the player's guide (and Gnolls, Goblins, Kobolds, Minotaurs, and Orcs do). And this is in a setting where 'if it's in D&D, it's in Eberron'. A 4e Dark Sun could easily say some races just aren't there (or avoid mentioning them).


I'm of the opinion that Draconomicon 2 is gonna have the draconians.

I could see that, but then from a WotC business PoV... wouldn't it be great to have a setting that practically forces, or at least strongly nudges you, to buy the two Draconomicons if you want to get the most out of it? I don't see Dark Sun as promoting the type of cross purchasing WotC is trying to push with it's products compatibility... Dragonlance however very much would.

Just for your info, macuahuitls were not south american, but rather north and central american. They were commonly broadsword-sized but there were a few that were two-handers (as tall as a man).

As a matter of fact, we can look into Mesoamerican cultures -- Mexica, Toltec, Maya, etc. for clues on how a culture without bronze, iron or steel would create diverse tools and weapons that would not necessarily require a penalty vs their metal equivalents.

Obsidian use in Mesoamerica - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I stand corrected! :)

But such wepaons *do* break a lot more than steel weapons it's the inherent nature of obsidian, which is a glass, glass = too many fractures even though it's far far harder than steel, and it's fitted into wood with glues etc.
Though if the weapon has many "chips" and some break it's not such a big deal. You'd just repair it after each fight form a bag of chips and glue!

I'm sure you could come up with simple rules for poor quality wepoans breaking or attack penalties.

But as I noted, using psionics or magic, you could remove the flaws, sort of like real life glass hardened steel, so you'd end up with an awesome weapon material, it's only flaws being that it would be light (1/3rd? the weight of steel so less mass for crushing but we cna ignore that for 4th ed as it's nt meant to be simulationist) and some beasties in Athas have damage reduction - iron, liek the braxat (which is one reason why they are such nasty SOBs).
Obsidian is still used as a surgial scalpel material, which is amazing :)

Aye the level of skills of such people show what I mean about Athas, if those folks in our past could make fortresses who's stone blocks really do have such fine jointing you can barely slip a knife between even today....carved out without metal tools...and very intricate irrigation systems, advanced mathematics...hey, I'm pretty sure Athasians would be interesting folk indeed, too!

Personally, I am absolutely amazed at the skill of our ancestors. they didn't need bloody UFOs to build the pyramids, lol, just a hell of alot of brains, skill and incredible toil and trial and error.
Using water channels to get a perfectly level base for building, such a simple but astounding thing, I am gobsmacked by that genius! :)

If you add in what psionics and magic could bring, or cultures and info that maybe tens, hundreds of thousands of years old...what they might achieve!!!
hard thing to grasp but we look at things from a *21st century Earth Human perspective*, our knowledge maybe be absolutely woeful in ways compared to other people who quite literally think differently and have had vast times to learn.
The vast bulk of our science is only 2 centuries old. What could a psionic people learn in 100,000?!!

But as said, because the Sorceror Kings have made writing a death penalty for any non-templar or noble, (so the evil SOBs can keep power and wipe out preservers), there's a lot of ignorance in Dark Sun, with knowledge highly prized and covetted.
You can iamgine folk using Athasian "bards" (assassins/spies etc) to get info on their crafting techniques. An adventure might be around the PCs stealing an alchemical formulae from a dwarven craftsman for the elves of the Elven Market, who sell it to House Shom, etc.

In Dark Sun, it's noted that alchemcy is well known (potion fruit, greek fire etc) but we didn't have to much of an "alchemical" system in 2nd ed, that we do now.
So adding the alchemical items from the Adventurer's Vault makes perfect sense, and you can imagine some of the Merchant Houses specializing in some specific things.
Trade was important, I love the trade map that came with "Dune Trader", showing how it flowed. Also, trade = caravans, great adventure points as on Athas they have the huge "Argossies", so you have a mobile fort to defend or attack.

Minotaurs were being presented as something WotC wanted to do cool things with even in the MM. They had never really had civilized minotaurs before, and yet that's what they included in the MM, and I think this has just as much to do with the fans of WoW's taurens as it does any imminent DL campaign.

So, given this year is the 25th anniversary of DL, anything that gets presented as evidence is by necessity going to have to be seen in that light.


Well, we've had civilized minotaurs in D&D since Dragonlance, so not sure what yer getting at? :) And lots of folk homebrewed "civilized" minotaurs before or after that.
3rd ed screwed up minotaurs and some other races with the horrible racial hit dice and ECL stuff, ick. (The racial hit dice in particular was bad.)

Mutation and weird beasties go hand-in-hand with Dark Sun, so there's no real issue, provided you can fit it in with what's come before.

-Devas, ancient reborn spirits of preservers forever fighting the soercor kings?
-Goliaths, plenty or barren strange areas they cna come form and fit right in.
-Gnomes were supposed ot have been wiped out in the "official history in the novels* (which I detest). The more-fey, unworldly way of gnomes now fits in ok rather than the cheeryful tinkerers of before. While links with the feywild are likely almost non-existant, the ethos of the sneaky non-human gnome is ok.
-Eladrin, the original elves of old? Very rare indeed.
-Dragonborn, well folk say they can be dray, but dray are a bit different (design and looks as athasian dragons are lithe and almost serpentine) and and are the madly devoted servants of their mad wanna-be-god sorceror-king-part-dragon-undead, Dregoth. Ordinary folk fear dragonic things with damn good reason, the Dragon of Tyr could eat the tarrasque for breakfast! So something good would need ot be created for them. Maybe a re-working of the first dray, who Dregoth found repulsive and abandoned? That could work as they are less zealous and more normal in power.

You can fit in almost anything you want by saying it's a "Mutation" created by the effects of the Dark Sun, defiling magic or psionics, or the Pritine Tower (if you follow the offiicial history, a structure that warps any creature that comes near it into new forms). So I really don't see mcuh problemwith almost any race.

There are ntoed extrapalanr gates on Athas, they are jsut extremely rare except tot he Elemental Planes, the Ethereal was very hard ot get into due ot the "Grey", and the Astral is blocked totally (except for one ancient gate the Githyanki opened again in a module). Wish I coudl recall where but I think ther'es mention of some gates to the Abyss and demons, so I used that in some of my adbentures, so tieflings arne't so impossible.
Also, since tieflings have fire resistance, that makes them VERY good characters for the fiery wastes of Athas!

Another issue is that the "Tyr Region" is only one very small part of Athas, who knows what else is out there...

Dark Sun also had two avian races, the aarackocra and the pterrans.

But then again....despite all what we think....they designers could still surprise us and give us Spelljammer!! :devil:


I know folk love Draognlance, but I honestly jsut can't see it as that big a need for a setting, as it's got no "oomph", to me, as a D&D setting. It's another alternate Prime Plane world, not so different form the Realms or Greyhawk or Eberron or Kalamar etc....though a diversity of worlds is great for Spelljammer or Planescape adventures of course, as you need places ot go too!


Knight of Solamnia
I could see that, but then from a WotC business PoV... wouldn't it be great to have a setting that practically forces, or at least strongly nudges you, to buy the two Draconomicons if you want to get the most out of it? I don't see Dark Sun as promoting the type of cross purchasing WotC is trying to push with it's products compatibility... Dragonlance however very much would.

Dark Sun may not cross-promote with the Draconomicon 2, but it most certainly would with the PHB 3 due to the psionics content. If I was intent on releasing Dark Sun, it would be around the introduction of psionics to 4e. Likewise, I'd put more effort into supporting PHB 3, which should sell better than Draconomicon 2 anyway.

That being said, we could all be surprised.


Dark Sun may not cross-promote with the Draconomicon 2, but it most certainly would with the PHB 3 due to the psionics content. If I was intent on releasing Dark Sun, it would be around the introduction of psionics to 4e. Likewise, I'd put more effort into supporting PHB 3, which should sell better than Draconomicon 2 anyway.

That being said, we could all be surprised.

Again I could be wrong but I'm gonna bet the PHB's are WotC's bestsellers next to (perhaps even moreso) than the core rulebooks. In other words I think there's less reason to try to push PHB 3 sales specifically (as they have already stated anything in a PHB will be in the campaign settings they release). I think they have more interest in promoting books like Draconomicon 1 and Draconomicon 2, since they probably sell magnitudes less than a new PHB... but then again who knows.


First Post
Again I could be wrong but I'm gonna bet the PHB's are WotC's bestsellers next to (perhaps even moreso) than the core rulebooks. In other words I think there's less reason to try to push PHB 3 sales specifically (as they have already stated anything in a PHB will be in the campaign settings they release). I think they have more interest in promoting books like Draconomicon 1 and Draconomicon 2, since they probably sell magnitudes less than a new PHB... but then again who knows.

You would think that, but it's pretty rare. A lot of media industries focus more on the stuff they know will sell, than the stuff that actually needs help - for example Marvel and DC comics spend way more advertising on their big name series than on the little fries (which often inevitably leads to the little fries getting canceled ... oops).


I could see that, but then from a WotC business PoV... wouldn't it be great to have a setting that practically forces, or at least strongly nudges you, to buy the two Draconomicons if you want to get the most out of it? I don't see Dark Sun as promoting the type of cross purchasing WotC is trying to push with it's products compatibility... Dragonlance however very much would.

Pushing the PHB3 is much better business than pushing the Draconomicons IMO. Only one person at the table is likely to buy a Draconomicon (the DM), but everybody buys PHBs.

If we break down darksun here is what matters:

1)Post apocolptic dessert/Survival setting with harsh enviorments...

2) Dragon king/tryants ruleing over small city states

I bet 1 paragraph per race would be all the modfiers needed...and plat is not a no go, it is just rare as heck...

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