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Help with some character ideas...


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Melf's Acid Arrow may be god awful, but its an arrow made of acid! Style over substance! Heh,that aside,what spells allow for multiple touch attacks? Each one would have SA applied,which equals to uber-epicness. Or something like that.

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Nope, SA is only once per Attack (not per Attack Roll).

So, if you cast Scorching Ray on three targets (or four with Split Ray) you still only get to apply your SA to one of those.



First Post
Hmm...still,SA with a ray seems nice. Does Impromptu Sneak Attack render them flatfooted? And wouldn't Sniper's Shot + True Strike be a virtually unmissable SA?
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True Strike wastes a round to cast, it's not worth it. With just Sniper's Shot you're firing at touch AC, and since it's a SA, probably also flatfooted. That Should be more than enough of a combo to hit 95% of the time. Only delfection, size, luck, and...insight (I think) bonuses would still apply. And monk AC.

That really is a bummer about once per action, though. Got a gestalt ninja//cleric/shadowcraft mage myself, and was looking for ray spells to get in several sneak attacks. I mean, you can full attack SA with two weapons; a warblade with SA could deliver it to several foes at once with mithral tornado far as I knew...Even if it had to be at different targets (one SA per target on any given action), that'd be better than nothing. :(

EDIT: You could call it that, yes. Impromptu sneak attack effectively leaves the foe flatfooted. Except, in a technical terminology sense, it's "better" than that. "The target of an impromptu sneak attack loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, but only against that attack." The difference? Uncanny Dodge protects people from becoming flatfooted, but not from the more generic condition of losing dex to AC. Believe me, that's nice. The biggest headache a rogue can have is fighting another rogue (or a barbarian, to a lesser extent).
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First Post
That really is a bummer about once per action, though.

That's how I recall it, anyways (once per attack, not once per action - a Full Attack is one action, but multiple attacks; a Scorching Ray is one action & one attack, but multiple attack rolls). There was a FAQ about that.



First Post
Hehe,this is too good. I forget if I already said this,but my DM has a nasty habit. Instead of increasing a monsters AC or HP,he deliberately makes it invulnrable to most of our attacks or skills. For instance,my marksman has a +18 to Hide and +15 to Move Silently. To counteract this,he gave everycreature blindsense. :eek:

He also has a monk with uncanny dodge. But now...


DM: You shoot the monk with your sniper rifle for 2d6,but snipe attack doesn't work.

Me: Dude,read this post...


Pwnd :cool:


Well, you can't use ISA very often. you should look for other ways to get SA with your spells. Grease or anything else that makes a person balance leaves them without dex to AC, unless they have 5+ ranks in the skill. With your DM, that might work a session or two before he gives everything balance ranks... O_O

Deadeye Shot from PH2 lets you ready to shoot someone after they are stuck inmelee, leaving them flatfooted to your attack.

If he allows the 3.0 Song and Silence book, Quicker than the Eye feat will be your best friend.

As to the blindsense example...did you mean blindsight? Blindsense only tells you what square a creature's in, it still leaves you with a 50% miss chance and the person is effectively invisible (can SA, gets a bonus to hit, foe is flatfooted, etc...). It also tends to be fairly short-ranged. I have a PC right now that got blindsense from draconicheritage feats and it only goes out to 20 ft. That's assuming your DM's even trying to play by the rules, of course. He might just be outright cheating. And yes, I think DMs can cheat. It's one thing to just give an NPC some things he probably could have gotten with the right build out of laziness/lack of time, just assigning those abilities. It's quite another to just start tossing on 733+ powerz that no legitimately built NPC of that level/CR could possibly have.


First Post
Those are some good ideas.

I THINK our DM cheats. And yes, I am mistaken, it was Blindsight,not Blindsense. We were in a forest,and due to some unexplainable twist of faith,we were attacked by 25 standard wolves. His wolves had:

Based on smell,
Range:However far away the Marksman is.

Then we got locked into a mansion. In a typical twist of railroading genius,the door locked itself and it seemed to have a DR(However much damage the damn Barbarian does.)

And we are constantly finding ourselves stalked by people,yet we are not entitled to Spot/Listen checks as long as it conveniences him.

Worse still,we have a strong suspicion he assigns our enemies skills as we play,as feinting has hardly helped our party Rogue at all this campaign, despite 16 Charisma and maxed Bluff.

We don't really say too much about this, but it IS pretty obvious he is kind of hacking the universe.

The railroading isn't even really necesarry,since he's too lazy to really design much of a map,so regardless of where we go, it's not like he's losing his well planned campaign.

But enough of my complaining,it ill becomes me :p

I think the reason we never adress him about it is that we ALWAYS find a way to overcome even his crazy logic. It's the look of "OMG,did he just hit my boss with a massive critical?" or "Oh,no,they're going to Coup de Grace the NPC I like". Hehe,totally worth it.

Well,with all the help I've gotten it seems that my build is as optimized as my anti-munchkin side can deal with. I do have one last question though. Does anyone think Tunnel Vision in the D&Dwiki is unbalanced?

Tunnel Vision (3.5e Trait) - D&D Wiki
After that I guess I'm about done here. Thanks for all of the help guys. The magic shall rain whimsical death!

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