How are melee characters expected to deal with flying creatures?


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There are a lot of flying creatures out there. Most epic (and heck, even a lot of paragon) monsters have flight. The problem is that more than half of the PC classes are solely melee-rangers. A lot don't even have any powers that reach beyond a square, or at most two. Even most ranged characters have a max range of 5 on most of their powers (Cleric, I'm looking at you). About the only characters that can attack at range 11+ are the Wizard and Ranger (longbow).

Well, ok, but surely the melee rangers aren't expected to sit back chucking javelins for the majority of their Epic levels, right? I mean, they have higher level powers, surely they're expected to use them sometimes, right? So I started a search for powers/rituals/potions/magic items that granted flight. And I found, to my dismay, about 4. One Wizard power (mass fly), one cleric power, one Angelic Avenger power, and a flying mount. Not a single magic item gives you flight for more than a round or 2, and even those are stingy.

So, what's the deal? Is it expected that if melee-rangers want to contribute at epic levels, they NEED to have a ranged mount? (And the only one I found was the rimfire griffon). It seems to be an odd paradigm. WotC put in all these beautiful flying creatures, but no way for the 50%+ melee classes to contribute except to spam ranged basic attacks.

Now, there are a few counter-measures. All parties should have at least one dedicated ranged character, and in theory that character should have a power or two that is capable of bringing that creature to the ground (via prone or stun). But as there are no at-will attacks that will achieve this, you are stuck with encounter powers. If you're fighting 4 flying creatures, you almost certainly don't have 4 powers that will do that (and you'd still need to hit, which is only 50% or so). And even if you get them on the ground, they will be back in the air after a round or 2.

But short of that, I don't see what my fighter is expected to do when we fight flying characters. I have a magic javelin, but because I have no Expertise feats and Dex isn't my main stat, my chances of hitting are about 15%. If you're a class that has no reason to have Dex, you're basically praying for a natural 20.

Am I missing something here? Or did WotC just not give adequate ways for melee-characters to be useful against flying creatures? Which is to say, almost all of Epic tier.

Does anyone who has played extensively at high paragon/epic tiers have any input?

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First Post
i see your point but a javelin is a heavy thrown weapon and works off str not dex. i know still not that helpful

Oops, my bad. Still, once you factor in lower enchantment (as it's a back up weapon), no weapon expertise, and ranged penalties, you still have a bad chance of hitting. Also, there are quite a few melee characters who don't have very good Str or Dex.


First Post
which ones that dont have ranged attacks?

melee character classes without ranged abilities (from memory so might be wrong on a few)
Fighter, Barbarian, Warden, Warlord (dont count hammer formation) All work off str
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First Post
There's also the tried-and-true readied action, for Flyby Attack style melee fliers. "Ready [melee attack power that knocks prone] against the griffon when it enters melee range" or what have you.


First Post
Also, don't forget that a fighter can stop movement by connecting with an opportunity attack. That's always been my favorite way of earthbinding a flying baddie.

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