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[Adventure] New Cyre Borderlands (Judge: )

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Mythra open the pocket of his robes, the white cat materializes as she jumps out. Find a path through these rocks; he commands pointing at the rocks in the way. The cat than hurrys off at a quick pace.

[sblock=rolls]Perception 15 [/sblock]

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Listening to Mythra, Grys thinks that it's a good idea to use Keke. He pulls out Keke, turns it invisible, and sends it up into the sky.

"See if you can find a way around this rockslide Keke. And while you are at it, keep a sharp eye out for other creatures.*"

*spoken in Keke language

[sblock=Perception]Perception 9 for Keke

Great, two failures already and we haven't even started yet. We be blind. :lol:

Next time, I'll have Keke Take 10 and I'll ask RR for a +2 circumstance bonus for him flying above the rockslide. ;)


[sblock=ooc]Well, 2 failures, 1 success, and one possibly-failure. :)

But the way Stalker0's rules work, you fail a lot more than in a normal skill challenge. You also get more failures before you fail the whole thing, but overall I'd call it much harder than the updated DMG. (Of course, I can barely understand those rules, either.)[/sblock]


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While the rest of the group begins examining the surroundings for paths around the rockslide, Ryda takes a moment to examine the rockslide itself, and the various foliage on the mountainside. As she slowly walks around, taking it in from various angles, she notices some thistleshrubs on the northern face.

When you can Ryda, always try and cut a path between these shrubs. Yes, yes, the thorns may sting a bit if you aren't careful, but their roots are long and strong, and help bind the rocks together. You will have much surer footing there, and less risk of an avalanche.Her teachers words echo through her head, and a smile forms on her lips.

Hey guys, focus your search on the northern face of the mountain, there will be must better footing and less chance for something bad to happen. she calls out, trying to help the group navigate this treacherous area.

[sblock=Mechanics]Nature check: 1d20+9=24[/sblock]


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[sblock=skill challenge]Ok, so I'm not quite sure I follow all of Stalker0's rules of skill challenges, but I'll give it a whirl. I'll start by doing an Athletics check, which I think means I get an extra bonus for spending a healing surge when I do it, and since I have a million healing surges I will certainly spend one. So I think this means I add a +3 to my check, giving me a +14. I envision 16 climbing up the rockslide to get a better vantage point, so I'm not sure if throwing a +2 for having a climbing kit in there is appropriate or not. I'll let RickRoll make the call on that one (or it might be a moot point).

Ok, I got a 19, so uh, that climber's kit thing will definitely either make or break it. Have I mentioned that 16 tends to roll under 6 a lot? :)

I'll wait to RP the result until RickRoll makes a call on the climber's kit. It's totally cool either way.[/sblock]

sure, go for it, might as well get some use out of it :) [/sblock]

In the normal skill challenge rules, yes. Familiars can use the skills of their masters and might even get bonuses. The master uses the action, the familiar uses the skill. For example, KeKe can fly, so KeKe might get bonuses from RR to spot an alternative route from the air. This might make the skill challenge easier, but then again, you and I did take the feat, so we should get the benefit from doing so.

You can use the familiars with no problem. As KarinsDad said, you should get some benefit from spending one of your feats. [/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]Well, 2 failures, 1 success, and one possibly-failure. :)

But the way Stalker0's rules work, you fail a lot more than in a normal skill challenge. You also get more failures before you fail the whole thing, but overall I'd call it much harder than the updated DMG. (Of course, I can barely understand those rules, either.)[/sblock]

I think it's a little more challenging than the DMG one, but it has some mechanisms to aid the group during the we are on our last failure, where the DMG one doesn't. Besides, most PC's are more optimized than WOTC accounts for, look at the LFR, I've played it and the encounters are cake-walks by an even moderately decently built PC.

I'll work on the full update shortly [/sblock]


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Jarren's keen eyes are able to find what may be a path around, but Keke and Mythra's familiar end up just distracting each other and they can't find anything further.

Susan begins climbing up the treacherous terrain, planting in pitons and rope as the warforged climbs to aid it. Unfortunately, the rocks are not stable and as Susan reaches for a seeming handhold, it causes a minor rockslide but thankfully her climber's kit keeps the warforged from crashing below

After the fall Ryda looks around and spots a potentially alternative way for the group to go.

So far 3 successes, 2 failures.

Unit 16 has used 1 surge

We'll run this as a skill challenge using the Stalker0 rules:


So the DC's will be 20, 7 successes before 5 failures (Level 4, normal DC, complexity 3). There are a lot of things that you can do so please read the rules before posting. Just a reminder about the Guiding Light person, it is there to help the more difficult challenge

Skills: Any, as long as you can come up with a valid reason for it.

Skill Tags:
Helpful: Perception - if used by "the guiding light" gain +3 on the aid check instead of the +2
Bold: Athletics - if you use a Healing Surge with this skill you gain +1 on the roll. Not +3, until the time of trials (which may be soon with the low rolls so far).
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[Sblock=Unit 16's action/Rickroll] Rickroll, His action was a 19 without the use of the climbers kit. Since you allowed him to use it, that would bump it up and make it a success correct? [/Sblock]


[sblock=what Mezegis said]Right, so just to spell it out more clearly: if Unit 16 can use the climber's kit to add a +2 (or even a +1) to his skill check as a bonus on top of the other bonuses then he climbs the rocks, doesn't get hurt, and our successes / failures are 3 / 2. If he can't, then he falls like you said and we're 2 and 3.

Side discussion:

As for Stalker0 vs. DMG, the Stalker0 "medium" DC for level 4 is a 20 while the DMG "hard" DC is a 17 ("medium" is a 12). To assist someone in the DMG challenge you need to beat a 10 regardless of your level. In Stalker0's rules you need to be an "easy" DC, which for level 4 is 16... 1 less than a "hard" DMG roll.

Yes, you are allowed more failures and there are more rules to allow bonuses in Stalker0's rules. But I think Stalker0 overestimated how optimized people would be, and how often his rules would lead to success. The thing is, just because you have a 50% chance to pass a test doesn't mean you have a 50% chance to pass several tests before you fail several others. Ultimately, tho, skill challenges are always tricky because unlike combat, it all comes down to a couple of dice rolls: two or three bad rolls and that's it.

All this is fine, mind you - I'm not complaining or saying we should change anything, just pointing out that in my opinion it is definitely more difficult.

ps. Also Stalker0's rules were last updated in 2008 so they seem to be a reaction to the original DMG guidelines, which were more problematic.[/sblock]
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Mythra lets the cat further explore the rocks and tries to recall treks of famous explorers, trying to recall how he or she handled rock slides.

I recall Mathos the half-human traveled difficult terrain like this in the past. He would look for the path with the least amount of rocks on it to climb over or some big stepping stones to jump on; always being careful not to dislodge rocks further. It would wise to emulate his teachings... as he died not listening to them himself Mythra says with a smirk.
[sblock=ooc]History 21
I hope I gave a good enough reason to use the history check ;)[/sblock]
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As Ryda slowly traverses across the this mountain pass, curiousity gets the better of her. I wonder if this slide was natural, or man-made... She begins to slowly accend the rockslide, daintily stepping from rock to rock. Unfortunately for her, she misjudges a step and the stone slips out from beneath her. She barely has time to mutter a profanity before she flops face first into a larger stone, splitting her chin.

Rising quickly, she returns to the group, her cheaks darkened as she mentality berates hearself.

[sblock=Mechanics]Acrobatics check: 1d20+11=12 1 is the loneliest number...[/sblock]

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