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Special Conversion Thread: Moldvay's Undead



That's three less than the CR11 Sollux, and the Saraph isn't that different. One or the other must be miss-CR'd. I suspect the Sollux, but that's the fault of underpowered nature of pure fighter classes.

A saraph stands 7 feet tall and weighs about x pounds.

Well if it was built like an exceptionally tall (7') muscular human I figure they'd would weigh around 250 to 280 pounds.

Sarphs speak Celestial, Common, Draconic, and Ignan?


The languages are OK.

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Monster Junkie
That's three less than the CR11 Sollux, and the Saraph isn't that different. One or the other must be miss-CR'd. I suspect the Sollux, but that's the fault of underpowered nature of pure fighter classes.

I suspect so. I can't justify pushing the saraph over the efreet.

Well if it was built like an exceptionally tall (7') muscular human I figure they'd would weigh around 250 to 280 pounds.

That'll work!

Yes. That is the plural of saraph. Look it up! :p



Looks sound. Here's the version I came up with.

The CR looks too high, but it's based on the Enworld conversion of the Sollux which is CR10. I know not giving them the Fire subtype is a bit odd, but fire resistance and the Forged in Fire SQ seemed the best fit to the original.

Besides, I wanted them to be different.:lol:

Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)
Hit Dice:
10d8+30 (75 hp)
20 ft. (4 squares) in scale mail armor, base speed 30 ft.
Armor Class:
27 (+3 Dex, +4 natural, +7 armor, +3 shield), touch 13, flat-footed 24
Base Attack/Grapple:
+1 axiomatic fire outsider bane saraph metal longsword +18 melee (1d8+9 plus 1d6 fire/17-20) or mighty [+6] composite long bow with saraph metal arrows +15 ranged (1d8+7 plus 1d6 fire/x3)
Full Attack:
+1 axiomatic fire outsider bane saraph metal longsword +18/+13 melee (1d8+9 plus 1d6 fire/17-20) or mighty [+6] composite long bow with saraph metal arrows +15/+10 ranged (1d6+7 plus 1d6 fire/x3)
5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Master fighter, saraph metal, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities:
Darkvision 60 ft., fire resistance 10, forged in fire, immunity to illusions, immunity to non-magical fire, see invisibility
Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +12 [includes +2 cloak of resistance]
Str 23, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 14
Climb +19, Concentration +16, Diplomacy +17, Handle Animal +17, Intimidate +15, Listen +16, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Ride +19, Sense Motive +16, Spot +16, Survival +3 (+5 on other planes)
Cleave, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Critical (longsword), Improved Initiative , Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword), Whirlwind Attack
Any warm land or underground and the elemental plane of fire
Solitary, crusade (1 plus 1-5 sollux) or brotherhood (1-6 plus 10-50 sollux and 1 young adult or older gold dragon)
Challenge Rating:
Standard (plus see text)
Usually lawful neutral
11-15 HD (Medium); 16-30 HD (Large) or by character class
Level Adjustment:

The warrior standing before you looks like a muscular, crimson-skinned human standing over seven feet tall. His bright yellow hair hangs in braids from beneath his helm. His eyes glow a brilliant red-tinged yellow with intense pink irises. His well-polished weaponry hint at martial discipline. His red-gold scale armor and shield bears an emblem of a blazing sun.

Saraphs are distant relatives of the efreet. Saraphs are in a continuous state of war with the efreet, and occasionally visit the prime material plane to attack efreet interests there or defend their own prime material holdings from the efreet and their allies. They have a similar kinship to sollux as genies have to jann, but their relationship is far friendlier, with saraphs often acting as leaders to bands of sollux. A saraphs can live in climes as cool as those preferred by humanoids, but is more comfortable in areas of great heat, such as active volcanoes, thermal vents, and hot deserts.

The bulk of saraph society remains in their homes in the elemental planes of fire. Those saraphs encountered on the Material Plane invariably belong to the Brotherhood of the Sun, a knightly order dedicated to finding and eradicating efreet. Known as Brothers of the Sun (regardless of gender), these knights train constantly, becoming accomplished fighters. They carry armor and weapons made from an unknown red-gold metal that displays magical properties when used by a saraph, and usually carry equipment bearing additional enchantments. Brothers of the Sun are mostly lawful neutral, but some are lawful good.

The saraphs have an alliance with gold dragons. They may call upon a dragon to help them destroy a particularly strong efreeti plot, and in return they serve gold dragons who have aided the saraph race (guarding the dragon's lair, for example).

Saraphs enjoy a good meal, but only eat food that is piping hot.

Saraphs stand just over 7 feet tall and weigh 180 to 240 pounds. Males and females are almost identical in size.

Saraphs Sun Brothers are selected from the elite, the saraphs presented here had the following ability scores before racial adjustments: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8.

Saraphs speak Common, Draconic and Ignan.

The sample saraphs Sun Brother possesses the following equipment (factored into the statistics above): +3 light fortification saraph metal scale mail, heavy saraph metal shield, +1 axiomatic fire outsider bane saraph metal longsword, cloak of resistance +2, mighty [+6] composite longbow with 20 saraph metal arrows, and one saraph metal greater slaying arrow (fire outsiders).

Saraphs are generally even-tempered and have a somewhat friendly outlook toward other creatures. This does not extend to efreet, however, who they will attack on sight. Saraphs have a very martial culture, and fight with great skill and tactics.

Forged in Fire (Ex): A saraphs takes no damage from natural fire, including nonmagical fires or the flames and heat of the elemental plane of fire. A saraphs gains a +4 bonus on all saving throws against magical heat and fire. This bonus increases by +1 for every five additional hit dice the saraphs attains. Spells and powers which have a special effect upon creatures with the Fire subtype affect a saraphs as if it has the Fire subtype.

Master Fighter: Saraphs possess all of the abilities of a fighter of a level equal to their Hit Dice, including being treated as a fighter for meeting prerequisites for feats and any other purposes. This only applies to highly trained saraphs warrior lords, such as the Brotherhood of the Sun. Within their homeland on the Elemental Plane of Fire there are other castes of saraphs.

Saraph Metal: This metal looks like a mixture of copper and gold but is as strong as masterwork steel. All saraph metal items are masterwork and gain a +1 enhancement bonus when used by a saraphs. In addition, a saraph metal weapon gains the flaming property when used by a saraphs and a saraphs can cause a saraph metal item to emit light as a continual flame spell at will, the saraphs can switch this light on or off as a free action. These magical properties are due to the saraph metal channeling a saraphs' innate magical abilities, a saraph metal item is only a masterwork item in the hands of a non-saraphs.

See Invisibility (Su): As the see invisibility spell, always active, caster level 10th.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): At-will—produce flame, pyrotechnics (DC 14); 3/day—burning hands (DC 13), detect magic, 1/day—dispel magic, fireball (DC 15), fire shield (warm only), hypnotic pattern (DC 14). The caster level is 10th. Save DCs are Charisma-based.


Anything else Modvay-ian we may have missed? Even fragmentary stuff?

What about the Casurua from Dragon #210's Too Evil To Die and reissued in Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two as the Ghost, Casura? Didn't we decide there was already an official version of it?

There might be something else with his name on it, I'll have to go through my Dragons again.


Monster Junkie
What about the Casurua from Dragon #210's Too Evil To Die and reissued in Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two as the Ghost, Casura? Didn't we decide there was already an official version of it?

Indeed there is: Dragon Compendium Volume One (p. 181).


Indeed there is: Dragon Compendium Volume One (p. 181).

I vaguely recalled it was something like that.

Unless you want to break protocol and do a different version of the Casurua, that doesn't leave much.

Most of Moldvay's other Dragon writeups were Giants of the Earth NPCs.

We seem to be left with Dragon #60's Donald Duck (who I remember us talking about before) and Dragon#41's Silkie.

Either of those of any interest?


Monster Junkie
The silkie appears too similar to the selkie for a separate conversion.

Let's save Donald Duck for April and Send in the Clowns. ;)

So I suppose this thread has finally achieved eternal rest.

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