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Beyond the Rerisen Tower(DM Iron Sky, Judge: renau1g)

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First Post
Scarmiglione once again separates from the group, vanishing into the shadows. If any dead seem to be approaching the group, he will try to lead them off with distractions.

[sblock=ooc]Does Scarm get any extra benefit when aiding another? His racial ability would normally give him an extra +1.[/sblock]

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Does Scarm get any extra benefit when aiding another? His racial ability would normally give him an extra +1.

GM: Sure, we'll say if he does the Aid Another, the reroll he grants has a +1 bonus.

I think we're just waiting for H.M.'s post.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Scarm sneaks ahead in the mist with Kaz, alerting the group when they are about to encounter the dead and leading them away.

Yishim uses whispered guidance from the statue to avoid the sunken pits that passed as temples for the Hungerers while Fredrock keeps a flagging Eithal moving.

Toeto meanwhile finds that this place is unnatural and her understandings of the wilds helps but little in this desolate place.

The group has made it almost a third of the way across the plateau, somehow avoiding notice from the nearly-omnipresent ravens and the mobs of the dead roaming the ruins. The group is in the midst of the ruins now and the slightest sounds could bring a whole dead city down upon you.

[sblock=Skill Challenge]Objective: Make your way across the city as quickly and quietly as you can. The dead are everywhere, but if you are careful, you might avoid notice until you reach the Hungerer's Warrens. If not, the whole city could be on top of you.

Rounds: 3

Round 1 Results:
Fredrock: Endurance 26 - 3 Points, +2 to next round's skill check
Yishim: Religion 29 - 3 Points, +2 to next round's skill check
Kaz: Perception 32 - 3 Points, +2 to next round's skill check
Eithal: Athletics 17 - 1 Point, -1 to next round's skill check
Toeto: Nature 19 - 1 Point, -1 to next round's skill check
Scarn: Stealth 22 - 2 Points, +1 to next round's skill check

Note: Repeating the same skill check imposes a cumulative -2 penalty to the check

Round Total: 13 Points - 2 Victory Points and Advantage: +1 to all future checks in the skill challenge, one member of the group may reroll any one check in the next round, taking the second result.

Individual Skill DCs:
15-: 0 points, -2 to next round's skill check
16-20: 1 point, -1 to next round's skill check
21-25: 2 points, +1 to next round's skill check
26+: 3 points, +2 to the next round's skill check
Natural 1: -1 point, lose a healing surge to the mists
Natural 20: +1 point, find treasure in the ruins

Required Check: Before you make your primary check, this round you must make either a Stealth(avoid notice) or Religion(using the power of the goddess to mask you) check, applying the roll result against the Required Skill Chart in sblocks below as a modifier to your primary roll. If your primary check is also Stealth or Religion, it is not penalized by this required roll.

[sblock=Required Stealth/Religion roll result]
15-: 0 points, -4 to the following skill check
16-20: 1 point, -2 to the following skill check
21-25: 2 points, +1 to the following skill check
26+: 3 points, +2 to the following skill check
Natural 1: lose a healing surge to the mists
Natural 20: gain an additional +2 to this round's skill check[/sblock]

Round Totals(6 PCs):
0-5 total points: 0 victory points and Disaster
6-11 total points: 1 victory point and Complication
12-17 total points: 2 victory points and Advantage
18+ total points: 3 victory points and Miracle

Victory Points: Individual round totals will determine progress and impediments to crossing the city. Final totals will determine the final result of the skill challenge.

Final Victory Point Totals
0-1 total points: Disaster
2-4 total points: Complication
5-7 total points: Advantage
8+ total points: Miracle

[sblock=Roll Options]Action Points: An action point may be used to roll an additional skill check in a round, though it must be different than the original check.
Aid Another: You may take -4 on a skill check to grant someone else a reroll.
Heroic Effort: You may spend a healing surge before a roll to gain +3 on the roll or after the roll to gain a +1.[/sblock][/sblock]


OOC: does the +2 (for Fredrock getting 3 points) and the +1 (for getting 2 Victory points overall) apply to both checks this round, just one (my pick) or to just the primary skill check?

Fredrock uses the power of the goddess to mask his location as well as he can, but it does take much effort. He continues the fast pace he has set. Come on, quickly now, we should be able to avoid any major concentrations of undead if we go quickly enough.
[sblock=skill check]
Religion check, using a Healing Surge to gain a +3 to the roll, Plus 3 more (I think) from the previous round, makes it a +10 roll (religion is a 4). 18 result, -2 to primary skill check (might be a 16 if I don't get the +2 to this one..should get the +1 tho, making it a wash.16/18 is effectively the same)
Endurance check, 15(base) -2 (same skill) +2 (previous round) +1 (round bonus) -2 ) religion check result) 32 result.

Fredrock Hammersmith - Male Dwarf Battlemind, level 5
Passive Perception: +16, Passive Insight: +21 Senses: Low-Light
Init +1, Speed:5
AC:22, Fort:17, Reflex:17, Will:19
HP 58/58, Bloodied:29, Surge Value:14, Surges left:11/13
Action Points: 1/1, Power points 4/4
Blurred Step link
:close:Battlemind Demand link
:melee:Mind Spike link
:melee:Bull's Strength link
:melee:Iron Fist link
:melee:Mist Weapon link
Second Wind link
Battle Resilience link
:close:Telepathic Challenge link
:melee:Aspect of Elevated Harmony link
:melee:Beckoning Strike link
:melee:Beckoning Strike attack

Item powers
Dwarven Scale armor link

:melee:MBA +11 vs AC, 1d10+6 (brutal 2)
:ranged:RBA +1 vs AC, 1d4-1 (improvised..would have to pick up a rock or something)
Last edited:


Toeto is not accustomed to stealth; her tribe's warriors always kept harm far away from her and the other healers. However, she gives it a valiant effort and is somewhat successful in masking her profile behind larger chunks of ruined stone. She watches the undead closely as she moves, careful to always stay out of their line of vision.

[sblock=rolls]Toeto's -1 and the +1 from the last round cancel out.
Stealth: 19. Since she only has +3 to stealth, I consider that a good result.
Perception: 23. Includes -2 from above check and +1 from Kaz's racial.[/sblock]


First Post
Kaz stealthy sneaks through the battlefield, making sure the party is extra careful to sneak past all the undead. Not only he make his footsteps quiet and as a summer breeze, but the party's as well by pointing out the best path.

[sblock=skill checks]
Stealth Check = 23+2 (last round bonus)=25
Stealth Check = 19+2 = 23

Taking reroll if nobody used it

Stealth Check = 27+2 = 29


First Post
Scarmiglione, scouting off to the side, makes a small noise, attracting some attention from the ravens. He takes advantage of this mistake to lead them away by doing an uncanny imitation of the sound of the entire group going in a different direction.

"It's this way," says Fredrock's voice, gruffly. "We're getting close. Best be prepared." This is followed by the remarkably realistic sound of a warhammer sliding out of its sheath.

"This one is with you, Fredrock-san," murmurs Kaz's voice.

"Ah declayah--" starts Eithal's voice in a heavy whisper, but "she" is interrupted by Scarmiglione's own voice: "Careful! I hear some passing by."

There is a brief, tense pause. "I don't hear them now," whispers Yishim's voice. The sound of careful footsteps starts up again.

"We must press on," Toeto's voice says very softly; and the same voice continues to speak in a gentle murmur, but the words quickly become indistinct as the sounds seem to get further away.

[sblock=checks]Required Stealth check: 1d20+13+1=20

Bluff check (primary): 1d20+16+1-2=33[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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