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The misbegotten waif thread a/k/a The Fray V2

Relique du Madde

Managed to get a virus on an USB stick while visiting my parents. Hope it didn't affected my RPG files :(


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Viruses suck, I should make more back ups of my computer files, but most of my important stuff was handwritten in physics and history when inspiration hit me.

In explanation of my recent absence: I have been rather busy lately, first off I was in DC for most of last week, then I did something that was probably really stupid that got the gang that was giving me issues arrested!

[sblock=that story]There's a gang of people, about high school aged kids (my age) that like to hang out in the woods near my house, and they also like to take pot shots at me with their pistols when they see me, so I've taken to taking my uber-modded nerf gun with me when I go, as it hurts a lot when you get hit by it, regardless of where you get hit, and it's usually enough of a discouragement to them to bug off, especially when I'm using my homemade ammo, with a metal BB covered in hot glue on the front of it, and will usually leave an inch wide welt on a glancing blow, so they were shooting at me the other day, so I dove off the path as usual, then, instead of getting the heck out of there as I usually do in that situation, I took out my nerf gun and started shooting back, which is the stupid part of things, it might seem, but it actually gets stupider later, but I shot the leader of the group in the nether regions, bringing him to his knees before hightailing it out as usual, and apparently I screwed him up in that respect because as I found out later, he will now attack me on sight, so I was downtown the next day when he started shooting and running at me, so I at first bolted, then realized that I could possibly get rid of him more or less permanently, so I led him around for a bit, then ran by the police station, and around that block twice to get him off my tail before going IN the police station, who were already on alert after hearing the shots downtown, so now he and the other 4 goons in his gang got tased, arrested, the whole bit.

I love it when a plan comes together :)[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
I love your stories, GM. We here in the old countries never experience something like that... ok, one of my chemistry classmates went to jail during summer break for dealing arms...
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I'll babble about a couple of things, which I will put in sblocks since I have a tendency to ramble.

[sblock=item 1, the nerf gun]The nerf gun I used in the above story is not stock, I know a guy who knows a guy that can make molds for aluminum and such, as well as another guy that makes super springs and such, so I talked to the guy I know, and he had his guy make aluminum versions of the parts of a nerf recon that would be part of the firing (outside case, plunger system, chamber and trigger mechanism) and I also got the barrel made to fit exactly the diameter of the darts I use, and the chamber was sealed from the outside (except the barrel) as opposed to having little cracks all over, but anyway, so this thing can shoot really, really powerfully at short ranges, and is very accurate when I use my homemade darts (pure cylinder of cone with a metal BB on the top with hot glue covering it as well as a dent in the bottom made by pressing the tip of the hot glue gun on the bottom) but anyway, I digress, this thing is very powerful, but the only problem is, because the spring is so amazingly tough, I have to keep it disassembled when I store it, so the spring doesn't lose its awesomeness, and also it is very difficult to recamber ammo, so I usually have to set it on the ground and kick the bolt down with my foot to open the chamber, and then pick it up by the bolt to close the chamber with a new dart.

Because this thing can cause considerable pain on the person on the receiving end (as demonstrated before) I don't like to use it in nerf battles, and I could probably go duck hunting with it if I wanted, but I don't like to go duck hunting, as hitting a duck is difficult to do if you don't have a shotgun.[/sblock]

[sblock=item 2, a friend at school]I have a friend at school who is a very bad example, I'll make this story short to skip the innapropriate parts of this story, but at one point he came to school with a brown root beer bottle, a bag of ice and a glass, being unfamiliar with alcohol containing glasses, I'm not sure exactly what kind it was, it didn't have a neck but it was bigger than a shot glass, smaller than a mug, anyway, he takes the ice, pours some into it, then opens the root beer bottle, pours some of that in, then kicks his feet up on the tabel across from him and says "I love root beer on the rocks!"

I love that kid, he graduated this year and I will miss him.[/sblock]

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