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Neat, Add-On, d20 Rules???


Rotten DM
“This is a realism rule for female characters. The book suggests that the females take a -3 to STR (minimum STR score of 3) but raise their CON by +1 and raise their DEX by +1.”

And guys should take a -3 to cha. – 1 dex, int in front of any female.(because after all studies have shown in front of a cute woman men suffer a reduction on higher level thinking)..
I thought 3E shot and killed and torn into little pieces and buried alive; the stupid rule of females are weaker.
This $%^& reminds of gaming with guys who had never kissed a girl. And still had lower PT scores than most of women in the unit. Yes I was in the Army. I lived in the barracks. And the floor was coed.

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Water Bob

So, just to make this perfectly clear...

You can believe that in a fantasy world:
- a person can change into a buffalo and trample people
- a person can call fire from his fingers
- a person can summon demons to do his bidding
- there are hundreds of gawds granting magical powers to people around the world
- people can long jump 100' if they pump their "jump skill"
- gelatinous cubes roam the earth sucking in garbage and living matter indiscriminately
- jiminy, I better stop before I use up the entire server

But you cannot bring yourself to believe that in a fantasy world women are as strong as men?

That's exactly right. Again, the concept is called Suspension of Disbelief.

When you read a book or watch a movie, you accept certain rules about that universe you're investing in. When you see something that breaks a rule you use to define the universe you're watching, your suspension of disbelief is broken.

For example, you're watching the next Star Wars film, Episode VII. In it, there's an alien that can teleport through time, and in the big battles, you see him teleporting all over the place, behind the Jedi, and he even pops back in time to Episode II and Episode V.

This breaks your suspension of disbelief because, even though you've bought into the existence of strange aliens, blasters, FTL transports, and The Force, this teleporting alien has gone too far within the boundaries set-up for the universe. You just can't buy that an alien can so easily transport like that. I mean, why has his race taken over the entire Galaxy?

Dude, you need a girlfriend, bad.

I'd bet money that you're only this snarky because you're safe behind a computer screen. If we were sitting across a gaming table, I'd get up and pop you in the mouth, then try to see what kind of snark you could make.


{stuff about how aliens with blasters are more believable than strong women}

Well, I think that about says it all about your perspective. I guess if this is your perspective, then find a group that shares it (I bet there are no women) and game on.

I'd bet money that you're only this snarky because you're safe behind a computer screen. If we were sitting across a gaming table, I'd get up and pop you in the mouth, then try to see what kind of snark you could make.

In real life, my wife would have kicked your a$$ days ago.
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Remember that the rule was written for a pseudo-realstic univers of medieval Greenland. No demi-humans.

And yet, the comparison still holds.

I've heard this before can call bullocks on it.

I'm going to be really up-front and honest with you.

You are new to this whole d20 thing.

Ability modifiers that come in even increments is a d20 thing. It means that, given the same set of base stats, any set of ability modifiers you add to it will have a meaningful impact. [Additionally, when applied to different sets of stats, any bonus to an ability score will always result in positive change in the modifier, and any penalty to an ability score will always result in a negative change in the modifier.] [Thus, bonuses are always "real bonuses," and penalties are always "real penalties."

Your -3 Str / +1 Dex / +1 Int / +1 Con thing (or whatever stats you're arguing for women to get "bonuses" in)?

When applied to a 16 Str, 12 Dex, 12 Int, 14 Con character, it results in a -2 change in Str bonus, and no change at all in Dex, Int, or Con bonuses.

When applied to a 15 Str, 13 Dex, 13 Int, 13 Con character, it results in a -1 change in Str bonus, and a +1 change in Dex, Int, and Con bonuses.

These are not balanced.

This is why ability score modifers are always even numbers in d20 systems. Anyone who says that they can be odd numbers and it "works fine" betrays a lack of understanding of the rules and logic underlying them.

That fact that you think these sorts of modifiers are fine or even a good idea says you need to spend more time learning the system before mucking around with it.

This is completely apart from the fact that men's tendency towards being able to lift heavier objects is far better modeled as an effective boost to Strength for purposes of calculating encumbrance penalties, rather than combat bonuses.

And you have to go through and figure out how all of this applies to non-human races. Is a female Half-Orc as weak vs. a male Half-Orc as a female human is vs. a male human?

And you have to deal with the fact that, essentially, all you're really doing is saying "Women can't even be warrior-types." I mean, if your group is cool with this, then bully for you, but that would never fly in my group, where the female players like to play ass-kicking barbarians, not just staff chicks.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
I'd bet money that you're only this snarky because you're safe behind a computer screen. If we were sitting across a gaming table, I'd get up and pop you in the mouth, then try to see what kind of snark you could make.

In real life, my wife would have kicked your a$$ days ago.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A couple of you seem to have forgotten that EN World's rule #1 is Keep it civil. The above isn't civil. If you're hot enough under the collar to speak of violence against another poster, it is time to walk away from the keyboard. If you can't control yourself, the moderation staff will.

These two have earned a few days off from the site for this - please don't join them


And you have to deal with the fact that, essentially, all you're really doing is saying "Women can't even be warrior-types." I mean, if your group is cool with this, then bully for you, but that would never fly in my group, where the female players like to play ass-kicking barbarians, not just staff chicks.

If one goes with the Rage Mage PrC, then a Barb with a staff can do both. Heck, there are plenty of ways for a Barb to use a staff even without magic. Gotta love how many possibilities 3.5 has.

Voidrunner's Codex

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