Adventure: The Undead Hunter DM: FourMonos Judge: ??


First Post
GM: [MENTION=84680]treex[/MENTION] I did not see that Vampire Slam could be used as a MBA. You did hit (so I guess not all of my rolls were bad) for 11 more damage Roll Lookup

Also, as a reminder, please include a stat block in all your posts. Thanks

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First Post
Eloan move on teh opposite side of the monster. He taunt the onster with his sword and hide behind his shield. The creature suddenly try to overwhealm Eloan who starts to scream "Kamotz!"

Kamotz try to attract the monster attention by swing his flail at the creature. A first blow miss, but his second hit.

OOC: [MENTION=88601]FourMonos[/MENTION]: Look at the new condition of triggering Overwhelming Force Trap. I added it because it would have been a good occasion to use it on the AoO drawn by the monster.

Move: Move to K10
Standard: Kamotz's MBA vs AC on Monster (1d20+14=16, 1d10+11=19) Miss.
Action Point: Kamotz's MBA vs AC on Monster (1d20+14=31, 1d10+11=12) Hit for 12 damage.

[SBLOCK=To Players and DM]@.Players: When you use an Action Point:

Insigthful Presence: When any ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action, that ally gains +2 to all defenses until the start of his or her next turn.

@.Players: Anyone who want can use this power on initiative.

Battlefront Shift
(No Action * Close Burst 3)
Target: You or one ally in the burst
Effect: The target shifts half his or her speed.

@.Players: Anyone who make a basic attack can declare he use this power. It can be use only once per encounter. First come first serve.

Overwhelming Force Trap
(Immediate Interrupt * Close Burst 3)
Target: The triggering ally
1) An ally do a MBA and the player delare he use this power
2.1) An ally do a MBA as an AoO
2.2) That ally has an at-Will melee power.
2.3) That ally is attacking a non minion creature.
2.4) If more than an ally fill these 3 condtions, use it on the character with teh best bonus to attack roll.
Effect: The target uses one of his or her melee at-will attack powers instead of making a melee basic attack. If the attack hits, the subject of the target’s attack is also dazed until the end of the target’s next turn.

@.DM: Also, during the monster turn, Eloan might use these powers. Please note I might change the Triggering conditions.

Powerful Warning
(Immediate Interrupt * Close Burst 5)
Target: The triggering ally in the burst
1) An ally is hit by an attack within 5 squares.
2) The ally is hit by less than 5 over the attacked defense.
3) The enemy that hit is not a minion
4) The ally have a good melee basic attack and is within melee reach of the attacker
OR the ally is bloodied
OR the attack stun (assuming Eloan is aware of the effect).
Effect: The target gains a +5 power bonus to all defenses against the attack. The target can make a melee basic attack against the enemy as a free action. If the target of the melee basic attack is standing next to Eloan, the ally get +1 to hit and +2 to damage.

Longsword of Defense (Immediate Interrupt)
1) Eloan takes damage from a melee attack that hits him.
2) Eloan takes over 20 damages.
Effect: You take only half of the damage.

[SBLOCK=Eloan's Stats]Eloan
Initiative +4
Passive Insight 13 Passive Perception 20; Low-light Vision
HP 51/51; 0 THP; Bloodied 25; Surge Value 12; Surges Per-Day 9/10
AC 25 Fortitude 17 Reflex 20 Will 20
Defenses: +2 defenses vs AoO
Saving Throw Bonuses: +5 vs. Charm
Resitance: Resist All 1
Speed 5
Action Point: 0

Current Effects: None

Basic Attack Longsword of Defense +7 vs AC 1d8 damage

Skills Arcana +9, Bluff +9, Diplomacy +14, Heal +8, History +14, Intimidate +12, Perception +10
Languages Common, Elven


[ ]Commander's Strike
[ ]Direct the Strike

[ ]Second Wind
[ ]Fey Step
[ ]Noble Presence
[X]Battlefront Shift
[2]Inspring Word
[ ]Powerful Warning
[ ]Overwhelming Force Trap

[ ]Bastion of Defense
[ ]Destructive Surprise
[ ]Heroic Effort (Warlord)
[ ]Stand Tough

[ ]Bracers of Mental Might [E]
[ ]Amulet of Seduction [D]
[ ]Battleforged Shield [D]
[ ]Longsword of Defense [D]


First Post
Becoming overexcited by the others of his group howling, and the sudden presence of another wolf, Kamotz zealously swings at Frank's Monster at Eloan's request. He joins in on the howl as he moves away from the Monster, the sound is a physical threat, the packs intent manifest. Another overhead swing from the shifter, this time against Frank, a mighty force behind the the heads on his holy flail. Stand strong Eloan! We shall pincer the monster between our shields!

Velmont, Kamotz will be using Overwhelming Force Trap next round to keep the dazed going if Frank's Monster is still up.

Move to N11-O12 (Doesn't provoke as Frank's Monster is dazed TE Krour's NT)

Minor Call of Challenge Close burst 3 (Centered N11)
Each enemy in burst
Effect: Each target is subject to Kamotz' divine sanction TENT.

[sblock=Divine Sanction]
Divine Sanction
Target: specified by power
Effect: Kamotz marks the target for the duration specified by the power, this mark can be superseded. Until the mark ends, the first time each round the target makes an attack that doesn't include Kamotz, it takes 5 radiant damage.

Standard Holy Strike on Frank
23 vs. AC Frank
Hit: 14 radiant damage. Frank also takes an additional 4 radiant damage for being marked by Kamotz. Total of 18 Radiant damage (NOT YET APPLIED, NOT SURE OF AC.)


[sblock=Readied Immediate]

Death Surge

Trigger: a creature w/in 3 of Kamotz is reduced to 0 HP.



Kamotz (Cleric|Paladin)
Initiative +2 Passive Insight 23 Passive Perception 21 Senses Low-Light
HP 45/45; TempHP 0; Bloodied 20; Surge Value 10; Surges Per-Day 7/9
AC 23 Fortitude 17 Reflex 16 Will 18
Second wind; Not Used
Action point; 0 (if not yet at a milestone)
Speed 5
At-will: Holy Strike, Lance of Faith, Divine Challenge
Encounter: Longtooth Shifting, Healing Word, Heedless Fury, Call of Challenge, Death Surge, Shining Symbol
Daily: Blood of the Mighty, Avenging Flame
Consumable; Fey Step Potion, Unguent of Darkvision, Vial of Darkness

Whiggins (Dire Wolf)
Initiative +7; Passive Perception +19, Insight +14; low-light vision
Resist 5 all damage while ridden (Impenetrable Barding)
HP 64/67; TempHP 0; Bloodied 33; Surge Value 16; Surges Per-Day 1/1
AC 19; Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 16
Speed 8 (9 while ridden, riding boots)
Bite (standard, at-will) melee 1
+10 vs AC; 2d8+4 damage, 3d8+4 damage vs a prone target, target falls prone if Whiggins has CA.
Pack Harrier; Whiggins gains CA against any enemy that has two or more allies adjacent to it.
Pack Hunter; (while mounted by a friendly rider with the mounted combat feat; at-will) Mount
Whiggins rider gains CA vs any enemy that is adjacent to an ally other than Whiggins.
Alignment Unaligned Languages -
Str 21 (+6) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 18 (+5) Int 2 (-3) Cha 10 (+1)

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First Post
As Kruor slams into the beast, it flicks it's arm out, punishing the vampire with a savage blow.

GM: Immediate Interrupt: Hit while bloodied, Frank's monster makes a Slam attack at target within range: 1d20+11, 2d8+5 → ([15, 11], [8, 8, 5]) Roll Lookup Kruor is hit for 21 damage and pushed 2 squares. The monster is bloodied and takes 5 damage from Divine Challenge.

Edit: yes, it has reach (in case you were wondering).
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First Post
OOC: Instant bloodied in one hit?! 2d8 and he rolls two eights D:
Kruor is down to 11/27, 2 points below bloodied and now has regen 2. (5 THP from Apoli's Boon)

Next turn Kruor will use Warforged Resolve, along with Enduring Soul will gimme 5HP+3THP. If possible, only heal with surgeless healing, if any.


First Post
OOC: Instant bloodied in one hit?! 2d8 and he rolls two eights D:
Kruor is down to 11/27, 2 points below bloodied and now has regen 2. (5 THP from Apoli's Boon)

Next turn Kruor will use Warforged Resolve, along with Enduring Soul will gimme 5HP+3THP. If possible, only heal with surgeless healing, if any.

OOC: My only surgeless healing is a group heal, so I won't use it for a single player. But next turn, you can have an Inspiring Word (HSV + 1d6 + 4)

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