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[Adventure] Rift in a Bag (DM: treex, Judge ???)


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Artemis reaches down and picks up the ring gingerly, holding it between the first finger and thumb. Malakai's head is encircled across from Artemis as he studies the ring.

"Nay, fair lady, the errors imply a confident and curious mind. The student was well trained, but inexperienced. Eager to prove to his Master that the studies were well learned. Are there errors in their application? No. Merely an error in judgement. In the aspect of skill, Master Niks should be proud of his students accomplishments. The lack of judgement... I challenge we all have been guilty of that sin at one time."

Artemis winks at Lilli.

"Now, who wants their thoughts on display?"

OOC: Artemis has loads of charisma ;), just trying to smooth over the insult.

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[sblock=Dina] You examine the patches and the ring: it's workmanship is flawless. In fact, you discover that the rings expand and contract to fit the bearer's finger. Comparing the patches with the parchment on the table, it appears that the corrections made by Niks are ingenious: if you were told to fix it yourself, you would have need at least around seven patches.[/sblock]

Malakai shifts around, looking a little ...uncomfortable...at the prospect of having his thoughts on display.

"Trust me when I say, Niks, that you do not want to hear my thoughts. Let's let our more...esteemed fellows wear the rings. On a side note, while I know it is custom for all of us...adventurers to announce ourselves when we enter the Hanged Man Inn, I don't know any of you from Lauto himself. I think it would be wise for us to spend a few moments getting to know each other if for no other reason than to learn what each of us is capable of."

"You," he says, pointing to Dina, " are obviously knowledgeable in many fields, but when we're being swarmed by a horde of demons, can you handle your own, or are you delivering yourself as a ready-made meal?"

"And you... spider mage," he says, obviously referring to Lilli, " you look about the same as our book worm over here. What do you have to contribute to this fight? I hope you don't have your pet doing all of your fighting for you!" Malakai half-chuckles at his own joke.

Looking at Nathantiel, the Tiefling snorts. "If the rumors about you tree-hugging forest elves turning into bears and wolves is true, then I'm not worried about you. Just don't get in my way and we'll be fine."

Malakai considers Lerrick for a few moments, not quite sure what to make of her. "I'll admit, you have me confused little girl. You signed up for an obviously dangerous task, but you don't have the walk, posture, or demeanor of someone who has seen their share of battles. Are you a book worm like our Deva friend here? I can see that mace you have hanging on your belt, but have you ever had to use it?"

"And what about you?" he asks of Artemis. "You smell of something...familiar. A most pleasant whiff of darkness and brimstone..." he lets that hang for a moment, grinning wickedly beneath his hood. "What secrets are you hiding my friend? No, really, I'd like to know. When we're done here, let me buy you a few rounds at the inn. I'd love to pick your brain about a few things."

"Last, and certainly not least, there's me. You may call me Malakai. To keep things simple, let's just say that I can bring an unmatched offense to the team, but do try to keep the demons off of me. It's somewhat difficult to channel the energies of Chaos when your innards are now your outards... "

"Oh... and don't stand too near the demons if they decide to bunch up... I might get twitchy and blast the entire area. And apparently my skills will be...a little unpredictable in the bag. I normally channel elemental fire...but our good friend Niks here has said that my magic may be changed into ice. So make sure you stay out of my way if you are in any way vulnerable to fire or cold... just in case."



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Artemis winks at Lilli.

"Now, who wants their thoughts on display?"

Lilli smirks in spite of herself, both at Artemis' comment and the interchange of ideas floating around the room.

She was examining the patches herself, in spite of distracting presence of the shiny red gem, until they got snatched away. She was beginning to feel a little bit in awe of Dina, so she let it slide. The idea of a looking inside that head (or could it be heads?) scared her and at the same time had a certain appeal.

Still, she forced her eyes back to the parchment; as someone who'd recently crafted a dimensional item of her own, she was interested to see how her own work stood up. A feeling of smugness came over her; yes it was an elegant a piece of work as there could be for a simple little book, beautiful even and the use of Lotte's silk for the stitching was their mastertouch. What she was looking at thoroughly impressed her, though, flaws and all. She could learn something here too from the master and his apprentice, though the threat of Demons or Devils ripping at her again still very much frightened her.

She looked upwards at the ring held up by Artemis. However, the light in the room at that moment changed slightly and the facets of the gem behind Artemis suddenly reflected their light into Lilli's eyeline.

"Oh, what a beautiful thing!"
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Walking Dad

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Nathantiel Xiloscient (Protector Druid 6)

"Actually, Tiefling, I'm summoning the elements and natural creatures to my aid, not turning into them...
Back to the point, why has one of us placing a ring on his finger now. We can do it as needed. Or do you have be able to contact us all the time, Niks?
Nate clarifies and asks. He dislikes the idea of reading thoughts. Sounds to much like the things certain aberrations do.

all his dailies are summonings. I assume they work normally in this adventure, right? If not, I would have to level up to 7 after all to compensate for my lack of daily powers...
I also assume teleports and other powers work normally, too?

[sblock=Quick Sheet]
Nathantiel Xiloscient
Perception: 27 Insight: 18 Low-light Vision
AC 23 Fortitude 17 Reflex 21 Will 21
Initiative: +17 (sense threat)
Hit Points: 56 / 56 Bloodied: 28
Temporary Hit Points: -
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Milestones: 0.0
Healing Surge: 14 Surges per day: 9 / 9
At-Will Powers: Fire Hawk, Magic Stone
Encounter Powers: Nature's Growth, Thorn Spray, Wind Wall, Camouflage Cloak, Amulet of Life
Daily Powers: Summon Natural Ally 2/2, Seed of Healing (seed), (Summoner's Staff - not in hand)


[sblock=Berry Sheet]
Perception: 29 Low-light Vision
AC 22 Fortitude 20 Reflex 20 Will 20
Initiative: +7
Hit Points: 30 / 30 Bloodied: 15
Temporary Hit Points: -



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Lerrick looks on observing the parchment and ring. She listens to the plan and nods in agreement. Well then, we've got some work to do. Her voice is more upbeat now that she has something that will devote all of her attention, thus keeping her attention away from other things currently going on in her life at the moment. Uh...we're not going to run into any dragons are we?


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OOC: Oh I wish I could give Lerrick experience for the dragons comment :lol:

After listening to the sorcerer's long vernacular, Artemis shares him a serious look.

"Well my fiery friend, we may compliment each other well. I have a sordid past, bound my soul to demons and what not, but now I follow the truth of the stars. Their silent teachings and inevitable path are there for us to just... understand. They allow me to focus the energy of the stars and control it to defeat my foes for the... greater purpose."

Artemis lifts his heavy iron rod in his left hand and extends his right hand in a grip, as if holding a blade. Eldritch energy sparkles around his hand as a hilt forms there and a blade extends from there. The blade shifts sporadically from white with a black halo to a black blade with white halo, always with motes of stars circling the blade.

"To be most effective, I need to be up close to the action."

OOC: Loving Malakai CFW. :)

OOC: Oh I wish I could give Lerrick experience for the dragons comment :lol:

After listening to the sorcerer's long vernacular, Artemis shares him a serious look.

"Well my fiery friend, we may compliment each other well. I have a sordid past, bound my soul to demons and what not, but now I follow the truth of the stars. Their silent teachings and inevitable path are there for us to just... understand. They allow me to focus the energy of the stars and control it to defeat my foes for the... greater purpose."

Artemis lifts his heavy iron rod in his left hand and extends his right hand in a grip, as if holding a blade. Eldritch energy sparkles around his hand as a hilt forms there and a blade extends from there. The blade shifts sporadically from white with a black halo to a black blade with white halo, always with motes of stars circling the blade.

"To be most effective, I need to be up close to the action."

OOC: Loving Malakai CFW. :)

"The part about binding your soul to demons is what I'm most interested in discussing and learning more about. So just consider drinks to be on me when we're done here and we'll see if there isn't more I can learn from you about that."

OOC: Heh! Glad to hear you're liking Malakai, FM. I can't wait to see what Artemis can do up close with that awesome blade of his!



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[MENTION=88601]FourMonos[/MENTION] Lerrick had to make a dragon comment sooner or later :)

[MENTION=78756]Son of Meepo[/MENTION] Lerrick's CSis done I think. It took longer than I thought. Sorry for the delay.

"The part about binding your soul to demons is what I'm most interested in discussing and learning more about. So just consider drinks to be on me when we're done here and we'll see if there isn't more I can learn from you about that."

Lerrick turns her head at the comment Drinks? I'll have one too...a fruit drink without the alcohol. She smiles innocently at Artemis and Malakai.

Voidrunner's Codex

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