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Early Versions of D&D Next Character Sheets


Given that the actual sheets have been shared and this contains no rules content, it should be ok to share my custom sheets for the Friends & family round of playtests.

I love making my own character sheets, and I've been making Goldenrod variants since the AD&D days (I used to cut parts with an exacto knife, then glue and xerox the final into a custom sheet). The Goldenrod AD&D sheets are some of my favorites, and much of what you see comes from those. As was shared publicly, the earlier playtest had some multiclass rules, which is why you see this as a Multiclass Bard (borrowing the Goldenrod method of having different front pages for different classes).

Custom PC sheet, shared for fun.

Wow, Alphastream, that's an awesome sheet! Would you be willing to share it as a PDF?

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The sheet was based on the first playtest. It needs changes based on the new open playtest. But, given the nature of this playtest with pregens, I don't think it makes sense to share this (and I'm not sure if the team would like that... I would hate to have a character sheet color playtest results that need to pick up on things like clarity).

I do think it could be cool once the playtest includes character generation. Bug me again when that time comes!


I do think it could be cool once the playtest includes character generation. Bug me again when that time comes!

Sounds good; thanks!

Like you, I love those old goldenrod character sheets. Unlike you, I've not been successful in reproducing them - layout is just not in my skill set.

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