2024 D&D Character Sheets Available to Download

dnd character sheets.jpg

The newly designed character sheets for Dungeons & Dragons are now available on D&D Beyond's website. The new sheets were created for use with the new 2024 revised 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons and were released as part of the early release launch of the 2024 Player's Handbook on D&D Beyond. Notably, the new character sheets are condensed from 3 pages to 2, contain attunement slots for magic items, and place various skill proficiency stats under their corresponding core ability score. Also, the new character sheet contains various technical updates, such as "Heroic Inspiration" replacing inspiration and "Species" replacing "Races." Please note that this is not a fillable PDF, so you'll have to print it and fill it out on your own.

This marks the first time since 2014 that D&D has updated its official character sheets, with print copies eventually going on sale in a couple of weeks. Also to come are several campaign tracker sheets that will be available as part of the to-be-released Dungeon Master's Guide.

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Christian Hoffer

Christian Hoffer

Oof! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. We just began converting our 2014 characters to 2024 this weekend because my daughter's friends hadn't been over in a while. I'll blame them (they're not here to defend themselves ;) ).
No worries, better to catch it now before I finished and uploaded them all with this mistake...

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@Gorck @Charlaquin @Ondath @Horwath @evilbob @Reef @Azzy @thesevenswords @abazaba @mikeburke @Mannahnin @darjr @Quickleaf @Argyle King @tetrasodium @DEFCON 1 @AkeishaRoberts @shmoopty and whoever else I forgot LOL.

So, had the time this weekend to update some things on the 2024 Revised Character sheet. I've attached two zip files. One is for the character sheets with scrolling text boxes and the other with shrinking text boxes.

In both, you'll find eight variations.
Four variations include the full-caster spellsheet as page 2 (shown below). The other four do not include it.
There are four possible last pages:
1. No spells, no creature
2. Half-caster spells, no creature
3. No spells, with creature
4. Half-caster spells, with creature

@Charlaquin you will find an "empty space" next to the Saving Throw, on the right of the text. There is a form field there for you to enter your Save DCs if you want to, or write them in if you print it out. However, I did not put the "DC" text on the sheet since others don't use it and I didn't want to make another eight variants to add it. :)

2024 5E DND CS WS-WH-WC_Page_1.png
2024 5E DND CS WS-WH-WC_Page_2.png
2024 5E DND CS WS-WH-WC_Page_3.png

  • I know some of you want speed and size above with initiative, etc. however these are species traits by default so I put them there. If you have a special speed, which often impacts combat more than anything, I advice adding a note for the under the Combat Features & Defenses section.
  • Some fields might not overflow and/or shrink when you might want them to, but I set the fields I thought would most likely do this--please just abbreviate in the ones that don't.
  • For those who like TWO sepearate spell lists, this is why I have a version that has the Full Spellcaster Sheet and also a last page with Half Caster information. If you want two separate lists, I found this works well myself.
  • While these should print well enough (at 200 dpi), they are more meant for digital use.
I guess that's it for now. I know at one time there was a place to download such files on EnWorld, but I don't know if they still have anything like that.

Cheers. And special thanks to @Gorck for catching the Perception (CHA) issue... no idea how I missed that LOL!


The fact that this is not a form fillable pdf is insane. But I guess the reason for that, is that they want to push people to DND Beyond. Oh, well.
The character sheet that was available during the DMG free rules debacle last Tuesday was form fillable, I downloaded it that night before everything was taken down the next day.

@Gorck @Charlaquin @Ondath @Horwath @evilbob @Reef @Azzy @thesevenswords @abazaba @mikeburke @Mannahnin @darjr @Quickleaf @Argyle King @tetrasodium @DEFCON 1 @AkeishaRoberts @shmoopty and whoever else I forgot LOL.

So, had the time this weekend to update some things on the 2024 Revised Character sheet. I've attached two zip files. One is for the character sheets with scrolling text boxes and the other with shrinking text boxes.

In both, you'll find eight variations.
Four variations include the full-caster spellsheet as page 2 (shown below). The other four do not include it.
There are four possible last pages:
1. No spells, no creature
2. Half-caster spells, no creature
3. No spells, with creature
4. Half-caster spells, with creature

@Charlaquin you will find an "empty space" next to the Saving Throw, on the right of the text. There is a form field there for you to enter your Save DCs if you want to, or write them in if you print it out. However, I did not put the "DC" text on the sheet since others don't use it and I didn't want to make another eight variants to add it. :)

View attachment 385037View attachment 385038View attachment 385039

  • I know some of you want speed and size above with initiative, etc. however these are species traits by default so I put them there. If you have a special speed, which often impacts combat more than anything, I advice adding a note for the under the Combat Features & Defenses section.
  • Some fields might not overflow and/or shrink when you might want them to, but I set the fields I thought would most likely do this--please just abbreviate in the ones that don't.
  • For those who like TWO sepearate spell lists, this is why I have a version that has the Full Spellcaster Sheet and also a last page with Half Caster information. If you want two separate lists, I found this works well myself.
  • While these should print well enough (at 200 dpi), they are more meant for digital use.
I guess that's it for now. I know at one time there was a place to download such files on EnWorld, but I don't know if they still have anything like that.

Cheers. And special thanks to @Gorck for catching the Perception (CHA) issue... no idea how I missed that LOL!
Thank you SO much for the ping about the updated character sheets, and for all the work you have put into creating them!! 🥰

The character sheet that was available during the DMG free rules debacle last Tuesday was form fillable, I downloaded it that night before everything was taken down the next day.
The current version available on DND Beyond in the section 'D&D Free Rules (2024)' is also form-fillable, but the initial one was not. Perhaps they read the forums over here. ;)

@Gorck @Charlaquin @Ondath @Horwath @evilbob @Reef @Azzy @thesevenswords @abazaba @mikeburke @Mannahnin @darjr @Quickleaf @Argyle King @tetrasodium @DEFCON 1 @AkeishaRoberts @shmoopty and whoever else I forgot LOL.

So, had the time this weekend to update some things on the 2024 Revised Character sheet. I've attached two zip files. One is for the character sheets with scrolling text boxes and the other with shrinking text boxes.

In both, you'll find eight variations.
Four variations include the full-caster spellsheet as page 2 (shown below). The other four do not include it.
There are four possible last pages:
1. No spells, no creature
2. Half-caster spells, no creature
3. No spells, with creature
4. Half-caster spells, with creature

@Charlaquin you will find an "empty space" next to the Saving Throw, on the right of the text. There is a form field there for you to enter your Save DCs if you want to, or write them in if you print it out. However, I did not put the "DC" text on the sheet since others don't use it and I didn't want to make another eight variants to add it. :)

View attachment 385037View attachment 385038View attachment 385039

  • I know some of you want speed and size above with initiative, etc. however these are species traits by default so I put them there. If you have a special speed, which often impacts combat more than anything, I advice adding a note for the under the Combat Features & Defenses section.
  • Some fields might not overflow and/or shrink when you might want them to, but I set the fields I thought would most likely do this--please just abbreviate in the ones that don't.
  • For those who like TWO sepearate spell lists, this is why I have a version that has the Full Spellcaster Sheet and also a last page with Half Caster information. If you want two separate lists, I found this works well myself.
  • While these should print well enough (at 200 dpi), they are more meant for digital use.
I guess that's it for now. I know at one time there was a place to download such files on EnWorld, but I don't know if they still have anything like that.

Cheers. And special thanks to @Gorck for catching the Perception (CHA) issue... no idea how I missed that LOL!
Love this pack! I was using your revised version then I came across this "Final" version, I love this one even more. I like the various options you give with the spell casting sheets. I am going to have to print these off tomorrow. I like to print them off and write on them myself.

I like the size and speed being in the Species Traits. I really like the spell sheet and have the cantrips and levels have their own areas. Also I like where you put Other Proficiencies, right above Equipment. This allows quick check of which weapons I have in my Equipment and which I am Proficient in.

Thanks for the final version and your character sheets!

Love this pack! I was using your revised version then I came across this "Final" version, I love this one even more. I like the various options you give with the spell casting sheets. I am going to have to print these off tomorrow. I like to print them off and write on them myself.

I like the size and speed being in the Species Traits. I really like the spell sheet and have the cantrips and levels have their own areas. Also I like where you put Other Proficiencies, right above Equipment. This allows quick check of which weapons I have in my Equipment and which I am Proficient in.

Thanks for the final version and your character sheets!
Ah... go on! I'm blushing LOL! :blush:

I'm glad you like them and appreciate them --- even though I had the free time to do them then it was a lot of work since I have to manipulate and make graphics instead of just working with the original file.

Anyway, enjoy them and if you do have any suggestions for improvement, let me know and when I have free time again I might be able to make updates then.


Ah... go on! I'm blushing LOL! :blush:

I'm glad you like them and appreciate them --- even though I had the free time to do them then it was a lot of work since I have to manipulate and make graphics instead of just working with the original file.

Anyway, enjoy them and if you do have any suggestions for improvement, let me know and when I have free time again I might be able to make updates then.

Yeah they seem fine. I still like to use the Revised version. Thing I noticed with them last night, on the spell sheet, the prep diamonds on left side were all bubbled in. I was wondering why they were all bubbled in. I had to un-bubble them in my PDF reader and save it.

I also like in the Skill & Tool Proficiencies you made the stuff in parentheses darker, like (Dex), very useful for players like me who print them out.

I just need to figure out what I am going to put in Combat Features & Defenses. I am sure once my one Fighter levels up.

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